He Comes! He Comes! the Bridegroom Comes

 •  1 min. read
He comes! He comes! the Bridegroom comes!
The "Morning Star" appears;
The cloudless morning sweetly dawns;
Saints, quit this vale of tears;
Your absent Lord no longer mourn;
Reproach no longer bear;
He comes! He comes! rise, happy saints,
To meet Him in the air.
He comes! He comes! the Son of Man!
The final Adam now;
"The King of kings, and Lord of lords"!
All knees before Him bow.
He comes! His Israel in the land
Of promise to install;
He comes! He comes! to clear away
The ruins of the fall.
He comes! He comes! the Bridegroom comes!
O sinner, hear the sound;
Accept Him now, if you among
His chosen would be found;
Still mercy's offered—costless—free—
No longer turn away;
He comes! He comes! oh, linger not,
Come while 'tis called "today."