" HE is not here!" I want Him every hour;
My soul would weary of His long delay,
Save that like perfume from a hidden flower,
The fragrance of His spices cheers the way;
Yet fills my heart with more desire to prove
The fullness of Thy presence, Lord, above!
"He is not here!" but where His steps have been
We tread. Our home's with Him our living Head,
In you bright realms, whose floods of glorious sheen
On lowliest path of faith their luster shed;
Tracing with golden threads our way below,
Till, in full blaze of light, as known we know.
" He is not here! " He's risen and soon shall call
His bride, His undefiled one, to the skies.
Then in full splendor reign as Lord of all,
Where now, alas He's hated._ and despised.
Swell, swell the strain I bow down the head! adore
The CRUCIFIED shall reign for evermore.