He Left the Brightness of His Home

 •  1 min. read
He left the brightness of His home
For sinners such as I;
Rejected and a stranger here,
He came to die!
Only begotten Son of God!
He left the courts on high
To tread the weary paths of earth;
He came to die!
And angel voices at His birth
His praises chanted high;
Heaven shone upon His lowly bed;
He came to die!
His life on earth was lowliness,
To God and sinners nigh;
He had nowhere to lay His head;
He came to die!
His was the voice that breathed o'er time,
The comfort of the sky!
"Come unto Me," for us He came;
He came to die!
He loved the ones for whom He died—
Not ours to question why;
But ours to know the love of Him
Who came to die!
His is the loving voice we hear
That leads us to the sky.
We bless Thee, Lord, who came to earth
For us to die!