He Who the Earth and Heaven Made

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 8
HE who the earth and heaven made,
The sea and all therein,
Came to this world in human form,
To put away our sin.
He, as a babe in Bethlehem lay—
How wonderful the sight,
He came, our ruined souls to take
To scenes of purest light.
His feet this weary desert trod,
For three and thirty years,
He healed the sick, He raised the dead,
He dried the mourners' tears.
No place for Him in this sad world,
No place to lay His head!
Though rightful heir to David's throne,
He had a cross instead.
His blessed hands and feet were nailed
To Calvary's cruel tree,
His form was scarred, His visage marred,
For sinners such as we.
He broke the power of death, and rose
Triumphant o'er the grave,
And now He lives in glory bright,
The mighty One to save.
But soon He'll come and raise the dead,
His living saints will rise,
And in the twinkling of an eye
Will meet Him in the skies.
Then in that home of cloudless day,
Our one supreme delight
Will be to see His blessed face,
And in His love delight.