Heart Prayers for December, 1923

Christians! pray for the Gospel. Pray for the Christless perishing millions around. Let earnest daily prayers ascend to God for those still upon the road to hell. Pray for the poor drunkard, reeling onward to the pit; for the blasphemer, cursing God and man, with the wrath of God upon him; for the infidel whose daring lips deny the Christ of God; for the self-righteous walking quietly and decently to hell; for the deluded thousands who are making a Saviour of forms and ceremonies and neglecting Jesus; for the careless and indifferent, for the anxious and the troubled. Oh, pray for these. And, above all, pray for the unsaved friends and relatives of those already saved; for the unsaved husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, and for parents still unsaved.
And pray for those who go forth to preach. Pray God to keep them humble and dependent, “Vessels meet for the Master’s use.”
May every Christian who reads this lift up the heart in loving and believing prayer. We shall feel the effect throughout every town and city in the land; yea, the waves of blessing shall break upon the far-off shores of other lands. Pray for the gospel, pray.