Hebrews 11:3-6

Duration: 1hr 16min
Hebrews 11:3‑6
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Hey bro, Doctor Lavin first thing.
For not saying it is impossible to please live for even Thomas to God, but believe that he is and that he is rewarded them the diligence to see him.
I made Noah, being warned of God a thing not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house, by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.
By faith, Abraham when he was called out.
To go out into a place which after receive or inheritance obey and we went out not knowing whether he went.
By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, heirs with him of the same province. For he looked for a city which has foundations with builder and Maker of God.
Through faith also, Sarah herself received strength from C&C.
And was delivered of a job when he was past age because she just get faithful who had problems, therefore trying to even US1. And came as good as dead. So many of the stars of the sky and multitude, and as a band which is by the shore innumerable. These all died in faith, not having received the process, but having deemed them a bar on. And were persuaded of them and embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and children on the earth.
The name that say such things declare plainly that making the countries and truly if they have been mindful of that country whence they came out, and they might have had opportunity to have returned, but now they desire a better country that is in heavenly. Wherefore God is not ashamed, because their God, for He has prepared for them to see.
And I was not being well.
Before going any further.
To call attention to the fact that.
These different ones that have been brought forward here were not brought forward in London.
Now the 5th chapter of Genesis lets us know there were more in the line of faith than we have here recorded.
Sentences mentioned. Quite a few others are not mentioned, and yet they're in the line of faith in Genesis 5.
But God has chosen certain ones to bring before us to present a general line of truth.
We have a statement of what faith does.
Not what faith is.
They believe God, then they believe God enables us to lay hold of that which is incomprehensible, except toothpaste.
Then we have faith in the God of creation.
We believe and we understand more about creation than the.
Best scientists are the wildest guests of any evolution.
And then we have faith is able.
Long that he was fallen on that he couldn't approach God without a substitute.
That he had to come in an appointed way to be accepted.
Then we have faith in Enoch that enables him to live and work evil worlds of God's glory. And in the end, this translation.
Taken out of it, without doubt.
And the last one in the series is Noah.
Who goes through the plot as a type of the Jewish remnant in the Tribulation?
So we have creation, we have a substitute.
And we have a godly walk and translation and then.
After the translation, a godly remnant left on earth that goes through the tribulation.
That's the order, yes.
Without faith, it is impossible to please him.
Praise His last that honors God and puts man in these proper place.
We believe it enough because we understand it, but because God says so.
The word to understanding the third verse, I believe, is apprehensive.
Comprehend means that you take it all in.
African means that you get your hand full but can't take it all in.
And so we asked him, but we never can really comfort him.
Say so would be to say that we have minds Co equal with God.
Man is a creature.
And he is finite. God is infinite.
We believe it because God says so, and that's why the enemy attacks Scripture today.
Andrews wooden, put into those thoughts, into the mind.
Just believe it, but your God says so.
And that is really safe.
Put God in His place and put you and I in our place. And if you have any difficulty about some special verse, don't try to solve it up here.
Not one right thought of God ever enters man through his intellect.
It never does.
It's the word of God is addressed to the conscience.
Man must judge of the Word of God in one sense, but his judgment reveals his state.
And what is his state?
Romans 8 and 9/1.
Very important statement.
I say this because I met her at the Lady and Doctor Dashwood in the Post in Atlanta.
She said the mind is the God enough. Oh, I said maybe. Where did you get that?
She said.
Why? The Bible says with the mind, I myself serve the law of God.
Oh, I said maybe why did you stop reading the Bible when you came to that verse? Why didn't you go on a level and let me the very next chapter, the 8th and the 9th verse it says?
Or rather the seventh verse, because the carnal mind is enmity against God.
Where it is not subject to the law of God.
That's the real mind of God. Neither indeed can be.
That's why this whole Bible ends with the statement, Behold, I make all things new.
This whole creation has been ruined and as children of God.
2nd Corinthians 5 answers the questions.
Let me first.
Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation. It should be.
All things are passed away. The whole all a double F All things have become new.
And all things are of God that carries you into the eternal states.
It's a new creation.
And to bring in new creation, you must bring in the power of God.
But think of what it cost God to bring us into new creation.
01 has sometimes put it this way, brother.
The blood of Christ puts our sins away.
The death of Christ puts me away.
The cross of faith separates us from the world.
If you'll watch as you read.
The course of Christ is always the same side of the sufferings of Christ.
And it is the cross of Christ that has separated me from the world, while the death of Christ.
Has ended our Adam's history and brought us into new creation.
The blood of Christ is the ground of it. But.
The blood of Christ is that which puts our sins away.
Now there are some people.
That they get there, nor didn't actually get out and preach.
But that's the way nor preach was when in building that arm.
Tells us here that he prepared an arm for the fading of his house.
By to which he condemned the world and behave heir of the righteousness, which is my faith. I can't say that I'm actually clear whether.
God actually got out and preached, but I'm sure some of the antediluvian came and asked N what he was doing. That tip for that he surely would have told him about the flesh.
Peter call him a preacher. Yeah, but you know his brother, He didn't like that idea, nor pretty, but but his thought was this, that the building of the Ark was the way North Creek. But we can say this.
That I suppose the greatest famine that was ever preached in this world was all building that are because no matter how much the people boil the floods mocks it north or building an immense hip on dry land.
There wasn't one that dispute the fact that nor believed what he was doing and what he was telling that there was a blood coming.
His work proved that he believed.
What he was telling others.
That's very important for us, isn't it? Our actions and our ways.
To prove that we believe.
What we're telling sinners about the Lord and about the fact that judgment is coming on this world.
Well I'm no doubt just nor I've been preaching to then the first Peter 3.
Verse 18.
For Christ also has once suffered for sin, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, was written by the Spirit, by which also He went and preached under the spirits in prison.
I have always held and taught that it was the Spirit of Christ in North that did the preaching.
Are repeated because the spirit of Christ in north. That is the preaching. Then in the 20th verse you get why.
They came under judgment, and when they come into under judgment, why was because they were disobedient and when was in the days of Noah?
And it's not Christ going down in person.
So these spirits in prison, which some have taught.
Why? Because it distinctly tells you right here that there was only 8 souls saved and that's all that were in the Ark.
But it is the Spirit of Christ. I judge brethren in north. What do you think, brother? Oh absolutely. I don't think for any question about it. And if we look at the first chapter of first Peter.
We can see how the key.
Solving of this question is troublesome. That is right here.
And they didn't work with salvation. The prophets have inquired in certain diligently, and prophesied with the graces will come unto you.
Dripping what or what matter of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them? The Spirit of Christ was in them, that Old Testament prophets. Now here in our verse we get Noah preaching.
But it's the spirit of Christ in law, preaching in his day, the people that were alive.
He didn't preach the dead people.
The people that were alive, he preached to them while they were on the earth, but it was the spirit of Christ in the dead. So you get in the.
In the next chapter, the 4th chapter of first Peter and the sixth verse.
For this cause also was the gospel also preached, and preached the Lamb that are dead.
It wasn't preached to them after they were dead, but they're dead now.
And why was it reached to them I when they were live on the earth, they were given the choice of two destinies.
One one that is, they rejected the gospel that restricts make me judged according to what they have done and reflect. On the other hand, if they accepted the message, they should live according to God in the Spirit. But the preaching was done while they were alive here on the earth, not after they were dead.
Among them, they've been in prison, Brother Brown.
And a defense of the Cincinnati, Pennsylvania.
1300 years approximately.
The margins were down and unlocked Mystical door and when he went back to heaven. Think a lot of loosened prisoners with it. Not a bit.
So I I don't know whether it's true now or not. I don't think it is, but.
I think it's one time even.
Here Mr. Schofield has a note like that, and he Scofield notes.
I think maybe later editions expunged it remembering you have that any notes at one time.
Two things are going to help to me.
In this strange passage is, as you say, troublesome man.
A lot has been written about the Greek.
Mr. Kelly has a whole book on on the Greek art.
And Mr. Tory wrote a book of answers.
He said. I'll have to admit Mr. Kelly's learning in Greek, but I don't think he made his point.
But two things would be necessary for the proper understanding of. One is.
That the epistles of James speak of the Spirit of Christ speaking in the Old Testament times, and by which all by the Spirit he went free, and the other would be not the customer. Peter, Peter accident. Thank you. That the epistles of Peter bold speak of the Spirit speaking in Old Testament times through service.
And nor was a preacher. Now the second epistle and the second chapter.
Fort Worth for a God spared not the angels of sin, but cast them down to hell and delivered them in the chains of darkness. And we reserved them to judgments. And spare not the old world that saved Noah, the 8th person or one of eight, a preacher of righteousness.
Now Peter states of faith of no preaching and it's based on the Spirit of Christ speaking through servants at that time. So you have it right in the scope of Peter statistics to answer the question.
How ridiculous would have been.
Breaking the big place?
Just the last group that were in prison at that time. And what about all the rest since that day? Millions of people.
Have gone into death. Millions of people have gone into the unseen world since that. Why the favoritism? No, Brennan is it's just a river.
It will. It will let scripture interpret itself.
Will not be LED away by these strange doctrines and generally.
Those who are associated with cops, with cops that sees on scriptures like this.
To substantiate their evil pieces. Pardon your brother Barry. Pardon raised. I want to interrupt you, but there's just one more scripture before we leave the subject I think we could call attention to in the 6th past year of Genesis.
Next chapter 10 over the 3rd 1St.
And the Lord passed my spirit.
Shall not always strive with man, for that he also is placed.
Yet his day shall be 120 years.
When we're at old 120 years.
The flutter after the flood, Well, it was before the flood.
And he says, My spirit, well, the Spirit of God, which is the spirit of Christ.
As we know from the New Testament, what's driving with old and alluvian during that 120 years?
When Noah was building the ark. So there's another.
Stroke of the.
The way that.
The gospel was breached, the Rose before the flood.
You were mentioning about Tokyo Bible, I know about the same three of those who were held captive, but well, the results are unknown in our margin reading in our authorized version in the course of Ephesians that would probably.
Give that thought. Where do they have captivity high or the marginal reading says or a mother who captivity. I think that's where Mr. Schofield has to know was on on that verse. But I believe the thought is he lent captivity. That's that's the thought in the past. He Lance captain he captain the first question, the longitude of captain when he led the captionivity captain.
That's your thoughts? Yeah, they all the race. I mentioned the clause that it's been our authorized word too. Oh yes, I I don't think that was a thought in the scripture elsewhere thought.
Certain that was held in camp Give way, Yes, let the jailer prison.
Walking off the gates of gate.
Supposedly he just walked off to the very gate that was supposed to hold.
So try this.
He broke the bars of death and six year old and walked off.
It is a principled brethren in the ways of God, running all through the bank.
God never brings judgment without warning at once.
The other is without providing a way of escaping. That's the other.
Until the finality of his ways and the eternal state, then all is fixed.
Another thing Mr. Potter used to bring the forth and remember Brother Hayhoe.
He says God doesn't wait until a thing begins to fizzle out and then judgment. He judges it at his height.
Yes, well, you get that principle in Genesis 15.
Would like to have the scripture for us.
Genesis 15 and verse 16 substantiate what was stated.
But in the 4th generation they shall come hit her again. For the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet both.
And there's two reasons for it. One is.
To show the righteousness of God's judgment and the other is to make apparent the evil that's in man's heart.
He doesn't realize.
The wickedness of his heart.
And when we are gone, when the rapture takes place, God is going to lift the lake.
And then iniquity will ripen.
That will show the righteousness of God's judgment, but Even so.
Until the finality.
Judgment is gradual. There's seven seals broken, 7 trumpets prone, 7 vile corridos. It's a principle in the ways of God. I gave her space to repentance.
At the principle in the ways of God.
And today man is abusing that now trender Hebrews and others passage.
The 10th of Hebrew.
And the 28th 1St.
He despised Moses. Law died out mercy under two of the witnesses.
That's the ways of God with these people in the Old Testament. Now the 29th verse.
Of how much sorrow punishment suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who had trodden under foot the Son of God, and has counted the brother the covenant wherewith he was sanctified an unholy thing?
Now notice the last clause, and have done despite unto the spirit of grace. Now the Old Testament was the government.
To substantiate that through the Hebrews too.
1St 2:00.
Things well, even for a gospel preacher to remember this Hebrews 2 verse 2. But if the word spoken by angels was set back, and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of rewards.
The government of God.
Was with Israel.
Now from the times of the Gentiles began.
There is not the open manifestation of His government. God is behind the scenes, moving all the scenes that He is behind.
But this is the point.
The coming judgment upon Christendom is going to be more severe.
Than ever occurred in the Old Testament of how much story judgment.
Well, for gospel preachers.
To remind the hearers of that of how much sorrow, judgment, supposing to these be counted worthy. We've done death fights under the spirit of grace now the general ways of God today.
The general ways to grace. I do not mean that he doesn't come in and judge in judgment, but.
If you'll turn to first Peter 4.
Verse 17. It will follow what one has said.
For the time has come that judgment must begin at the House of God.
You got children.
Well, I profess to be converted, and you are saved and breaking bread. Judgment must begin 1000.
House of God.
And He first begin with us.
What shall the end be of them that that they not the gospel of God?
There's going to be a more severe judgment take place upon christen them the world has ever recorded in history before.
Let's make some verses in the close of Second Chronicles right along this line.
Coming in in judgment. How loathe he is do it.
Second Chronicles, 36.
And 14.
Moreover, all the chief of the priests and the people.
Transgressed very much.
After all the abominations of the heathen.
And polluted the House of the Lord in Jerusalem.
How in spirit?
The same thing is taking place in Kristen today.
And spiritually applied.
And the Lord God of their Father, sent to them by his messengers, rising up behind and sending.
He had compassion on his people and on his dwelling place.
But they lost the messengers of God and despised his words and misused His promise.
Until the wrath of the Lord arose against his people.
Till there was no remedy.
On the last of the seven churches in the Book of Revelation, the Church of the Laodicea.
Just before the concern.
There the Lord stands and knocks.
At the door of the heart.
If any man open under me.
His last Bible God but.
There comes the times when grace is exercised no more until there was no remedy, and that is filling up takes place.
Courts of solemn day in which we live.
Just on the threshold of the Lord's coming, and ye are the salt of the earth.
What preserves this world about us from the prophesied judgments that are so severe is the presence of the Church of God on earth.
When we're gone, when that ship may come, while we're talking here, when we're gone, the salt of the earth will be gone.
The only thing that preserves the mind or any other place.
From the awful judgments of God is the fact that the Church of God, so dear to Him, is here.
I was told that in the in the war when they were using gas in the trenches.
Gas is a means of warfare that the soldiers took the Canary birds with them into the trenches.
And as long as they saw the birds hopping around and lively, they knew there was no gas.
But if they saw those birds roll over dead, they knew it was time to put on their gas masks and get ready.
Well, I've thought of that as an illustration.
As long as the Church is here on this earth.
The judgments can't break on the earth. You can. That's that's the world's guarantee that the judges are not here. But as soon as the church is taken out, the judgments begin to fall.
Isn't that important though, And talking about the awful judgments that are coming on the earth to remember that there's an arc of safety today.
Just as it was in the days of North.
And I say this basically for all the young people.
That the art is a type of the Lord Jesus Christ, and just as the ark was the only place of safety when the blood changed.
Christ is the only place of safety for any Sinner who is any sin. And if there's any unfaith here in this this room this afternoon, the sooner you'll get to Christ and accept Him as you're a spager, the better for you. Because should the Lord come and take the church away as we've been hearing these brothers things, they are at the door of the ark will close forever and you'll never have another opportunity to get paid.
You'll be doing for the the greater and more awful judgment that's coming on the earth.
For the unpaved, all those who were in the sight of the ark were saved. The Lord shut the door, and then the flood came. I think it's nice to observe Brother Mary too, that.
Noah was not only concerned for his own salvation, but for the salvation of his house. I say this as.
A little louder. Yes, I will. I will repeat, I think it's very nice to see that Noel was not only concerned for his own salvation.
But for the salvation of his house, I say this is having a responsibility myself as a head of that house. And I I would urge that here's a word for older ones. There's some that are moving into that place of responsibility. All lay hold of this that God has salvation not only for Noah, but for his house. Now I know that this is a non eternal salvation, but that's mentioned here. But certainly it is a picture.
Of that too, and would bring the same the same principle with applause. Certainly we want not only to be saved ourselves, but to see our houses saved. What a blessing thing to lay hold of and faith upon God. God would have household say he was an oppressive consolation that Noah had.
That they were all with him. Satan in the office.
So you might say good or always during the young people.
That while Noah built that ark for the failing of his house, yet they have their individual responsibility to get into the house.
Remember one time ruler Brown for their clothes speaking in Saint Louis.
He made this remark. He said that everyone that went into that arc went up that gang flank under his own speed. I remember trying to think.
They're very impressive because Noah built the heart. Heart becomes we're not saved in the classes because they took that place of faith before themselves. Oh, there's the two sides, isn't there?
I remember a man saying to me, you know, and said I wouldn't vote. And he said, what would I in the world of innocent? Don't take any politics or anything like that. I have a lot of good in this world and you only knew it. I said, God said this works like getting out of it. So you ought to remain thankful that I'm here.
Well, that's that's what we get in the second testimony.
And second chapter.
And 7th verse Second Thessalonians 27.
Oh, we read the six thirds and get the connection and now we know what's with all them.
And he might be revealed in his time for them necessarily.
That's already worked.
Only he who now left our tears, he who now hinders, will hinder until he be taken out of the way.
That's the Spirit of God running in the church. That's what's holding back the floodgates of the judgment of God. That's what you meant, wasn't Brother Hale.
Ask you a question. What's the mystery of iniquity?
You tell us about any of this.
The mystery of iniquity is just this in its prevalent and growing. It's the exaltation of man.
And anything that exalts, man is not absorbed, and it's going to end just as you have in Second Thessalonians.
Two. So in the fourth verse, that's the mystery of iniquity. That's working now.
Turn to the second of Isaiah.
And I'll say this, you that are Christians, if you look up, it's rather a large subject to take up.
If you look up the course of Batman from the tension of Genesis to the.
18th, 17th, and 18th of Revelation. You'll get some very.
Good and light from God.
The second of Isaiah.
The 12 first or the 11Th verse. The lofty looks of man should be humble, the haughtiness of men should be bowed down, and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day. For the day of the Lord of hosts shall be upon everyone that is proud and lucky, and upon everyone that is lifted up, and he shall Debra close, and upon all the Cedars of Lebanon.
That are high and lifted up and upon all the oaks of vision. That's of course figurative language. And upon all the high mountains, and upon all the hills. That are lifted up, and upon every high tower, and up in every fenced wall, And upon all the ships of tactics, And upon all present pictures. And the loftiness of man should be bowed down from the haughtiness of men should be made low, and the Lord.
Alone shall be exalted in that day.
All the schools and colleges.
Are doing that very same thing today.
Exalting man.
His progress, his inventions.
What he has achieved and what he has discovered.
But all the modern discoveries.
That have made life a little more pleasant for man.
Has only deceived him, that's all.
No amount of education, no achievement in science.
That ever improve the moral nature of man.
Often said the most brilliant professor in college may be a hard man for great to live with.
All his education doesn't make him thoughtful and kind and God fearing him. When man fell, he fell all the way down. Good. He didn't fall halfway and then gradually through the sentence, finished the design, but he went all the way down when he left. Well, now you've called my attention to that, I'll make this statement.
Man fell to the highest part of his created being. For instance, the temptation was you shall be as God, knowing good and evil. You can test a cow.
With its natural.
But you couldn't tempt an animal in that way.
He shall be as God's knowing good and evil, with a temptation thrust at the highest part of man's creative being. And as you have rightly said, he fell from the top story down.
And that runs all the way through Scripture until at the end man is going to sit in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.
And he, God, is going to allow him to even give.
Breath unto the beast at the end of the 13th of Revelation.
And the intentions of today?
Just deceiving man and to think of him that he could bring a paradise down here.
All teach your children and remember that the whole principle of the Word of God is.
As we should exalt Christ.
And praise his glorious and pleasant name, And anything that exalts man is not absorbed.
I'm sure of that present. I saw a statement by some prominent scientist.
Not not too long ago.
He's Speaking of.
The navigation of space, he says. Man has a right to go anywhere in this universe it wants to go.
Have to be close. And we learn from the Book of Revelation that the time is coming when man will be so bold that he'll actually step in a ray of battle against the returning Son of God. That's that's how old he's going to get. And I suppose it will be his inventions that after you.
With the supposed conquering his faith to put him in a position to do it.
No one, statement Brother Brown. That was made when they were shooting the missiles up into space, he said. They said we're going to open the gates of heaven.
Think of the defiance that there is in such statements as that.
Thinking of your marking about the soul of the earth.
Thinking of how that the world around us, they think that is this western type of civilization, that the soul of the earth.
But it's only what man has taken out of that which the grace of God has brought into this world, is what has given this Western type of civilization. But they left out the real substance.
That is faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and giving God the glory to Him. Oh man.
There are always secondary reflective benefits wherever the Word of God goes. It isn't only that people get saved.
But the very fact is the word of God being there, being read, and that they're being Christians.
And secondary effects.
And souls are brought into a manner of blessing through that. Now, that's always been so.
Even when Paul was shipwrecked on the island of Molina.
Well, we don't read about anybody getting converted.
But they got certain benefits from the fact that that man and his companions being there on that island, may they reap benefit from them. Second, Peter 2 Corroborates what you've said.
20th verse of Second Peter 2.
Just corroborate with our mother round the center.
Or it's after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein and overcome the matter in this worst with them than the beginning.
That's just what will take Mason prison.
And then just corroborate your things.
And there's a special judgment, and now we're Speaking of it.
In connection with those that teachers.
War in Second Peter 2.
The word hell in verse 4 is a word that's only used once in the Bible.
It's not babies, it's not Gehenna, which is patteras.
It is that place that speaks of our brother, Potter used to say of the mist of darkness.
A special judgment upon those.
That teach error.
They're not spared, not angels that pin, but cast them down to hell and delivered them under chains of darkness to be reserved under judgment.
And spared not the old world, but save nor thee.
The printer of righteousness, bringing in the blood upon the world of the ungodly.
There's a special judgment that will fall upon and Christendom who has.
Have had the light and the truth of God, and have turned aside from it into utter infidelity and atheism.
And this so followed next month that the Lord leads us here where to have an invasion in Des Moines.
Supposedly #12,000 people.
They're going to Kansas City from door to north.
To enlist people and the worst of all blasphemies that are on foot today.
I refer to the Jehovah Witnesses and the maintenance of their beliefs and doctrines is that Christ is a preacher.
And that he was not God manifested the place, and that he did not rise from the dead.
12,000 will be here in this city to propagate their wicked doctrine and the sad part about it is when they get through.
There are probably the hundreds added to their numbers.
A solemn Brother Brown, but that's what's coming. But we can rejoice in this way.
That there are five different marks of the imminence of the Lords coming in Scripture.
Shall I give the five?
Well, they give them money as rapidly as we can.
There are 10 similitudes of the Kingdom in Matthew.
Seven in historical and chronological orders and we're in the last half of the last similitude now. None to follow. That's number one.
There are 7 churches in Revelation 2 and three, and I'm sure all you brethren have agreed that we're in clear to see. And now the last stage of the church's history has the responsible Candlestick on the earth.
Then there is a the third one and that is the woman is to ride the beast.
And we see that woman increasing in power everywhere.
In the very lands that have leaked are called Protestants.
Woman has arrived the beast for 42 months, I judged. After we were gone, we see a rising. That's the third.
The 4th, 1:00.
Is that there's a coming apostrophe?
You'll find the Jewish apostasy in Matthew 12.
The Gentile one in Second Thessalonians 2.
Just turn to it for a moment.
Jewish apostasy is Matthew 12.
Versus 43?
44 and 45 I won't need it to save time.
But there's the Jewish apostrophe.
The Gentile apostasy is Second Thessalonians 2.
Give you the verse in a moment.
Rapid News.
From the seventh verse down to the end of the 12Th verse, that's Gentile apostasy. That's the 4th. And the fifth one is the national resurrection of Israel. That's the 18th of Isaiah.
And they're to be brought back into the man through a maritime power under the protection of the kingdoms of the West.
I'd really be that in progress right now.
There's you. You have your five months.
From Scripture that we're near the end in this second Thessalonians 2 might be well to call attention to the fact that into the third verse.
Except there shall come away. I believe it's the falling away. And the word for falling away is apostasy.
Have to work the apostles.
That's right.
What you say in connection with the statement you are making now you want us to go about the?
State of Des Moines by these representatives of the Jehovah's Witnesses.
Made the statement that they would be.
Numbers added to them.
Is not bad in fuel of what we have here.
It's not that the Lord judgment in connection with the address which is the binding of them in bundles for that day. I'm thinking as you were speaking.
Binding and bundles to burn.
Is there not something in this tenth verse of the 2nd Thessalonians 2?
Last clause there mother in the whole birth and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish because they receive not the love of the truth that they might be saved. It doesn't say they just tell the truth, but they never saw God acting in love in the truth. Well, there's we live in a so-called Christian land and these things are more or less common knowledge.
But the love of the truth is not commonality.
OK, there is.
An increasing profession. Christianity Professionals.
And after the church is gone.
There will be the honor turning away from even the professionals.
Again in Second Thessalonians.
We're going to try to obliterate from this thing every thought and every mention of God.
And it's going to be done to in Palestine, the man that makes the deal with the Western man that makes the deal with the Jewels to protect them for seven years.
In the middle of those seven years, he's going to break his contract, he's going to stop the worship of God. He's going to there's going to be an idol set up.
And they'll go back to worse than that ever before those verses. Your red brother ain't no one. Matthew 12.
And take up 7 spirits more wicked than himself. Better in as well. It'll be worse than Israel. Ever difficult. And the same thing is true of the Gentiles.
So that's the thing that the important for us to get onto our strangerships. You are what's coming on the earth.
Because we have to go on through this thing that's awful corruption and increasing evil and apostasy. Well, what is the pass for the believer through it? Would Abraham not give us that line of thing? And that was called out and became the 13 first and advanced that they were strangers and children's on the earth.
It's quite the difference is the difference, rather very between a stranger and a children. Well, I heard it broken Island this way that a stranger is one who is away from home. The Pilgrim is one who is on his way to his home.
And we're both, aren't we? We're away from home.
But there's that other side that's important to we have a homely forest, a home from all.
Imagine which the eternal love prepared our rest to be.
Abraham went out not knowing where he was going. No such thing with us. We're sometimes prompted by others with this line of things.
All you people, you don't have any, any program.
You're you're not just trying to accomplish a definite program in the world.
Well, beloved, we have a wonderful program. Don't really. Not yes. We're waiting for the planet from heaven.
We're seasoned by the grace of God with the embellishments of the mind of Christ and who's taking out of this world people for His name.
And we have his program before our souls, and we know what it's going to be. And we say Amen.
To every plant in his platform.
John, 1231.
Is the first time in the Bible.
That is true. That comes up.
Now is the judgment of this world.
Now shall the Prince of this world be cast as and I, as I've been lifted up from or out of the earth, will draw all men under me.
God is now by his Spirit gathering around a rejected Christ, not Christ in glorious. That will be a paraptis, not Christ on earth. That will be in the coming millennial days.
But now is the judgment of this world. The world's trial is over.
He has crucified as a malefactor the only Goodman that ever lived in it, whose garments were murdered. Aloes and captions.
The grace of God and all its loveliness shone out in Christ, and his world was in heaven. The world's trial is over. What he, God, is doing now is gathering out of this world.
He wants her heart out of it now.
When he comes, you take your body over it.
Watch your heart out of it.
And he's done everything that Grace can do to win your affections.
For every Christian message is an apex beyond which God could not go.
And all the promises of God in humor, yeah, and in him. Amen.
And brethren, we can walk in turning peace.
Our only exercise should be that our own personal walk is in godliness and that we do not contribute.
Moral character of the world about us.
That we manifest Christ in our ways, but take your circumstances from the Lord.
And your difficulties to the Lord? It may be more difficult in the middle assembly you come from.
Always remember what we have in first Peter, our first epistle of John.
This is the principle that will keep you, not keep me. I need it, Brethren, first John 4.
I read verse 13.
Hereby know we that we will or abide in Him and He and us.
Because He has given us all his spirit now. That's the only time in the Bible.
That's not the Spirit of God dwelling in you. That's not the thought He's given us all His Spirit means.
That the new life is characterized by the moral excellencies of faith. That's the only time it's put that way in the Bible.
Given us and we have seen them do testify that the Father, not God now, but the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world. Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God adviseth in him and he in God now. The next verse is a test as to whether that's true or not.
And we have known and believed the love that God had to us. God is love.
And he that abideth is the Word is in love, abideth in God, and God in him.
So many of our actions are the result of personal feelings. We like this brother. We like this sister.
But if we walk with God.
We love every member of the body of Christ.
Abiding in love.
Is the truth.
A manifestation of the true nature of God and will enable us to go on in faithfulness, happy in our souls to the end. We're going to say, brother, hail that.
Faith manifests itself in obedience.
Yes, you notice here it says I paid Abraham when he was called to go out into a place which he said after receipt for imperative, he obeyed. Well, there's the obedience of faith and small big problems.
That in the first enrollment of all nations.
And when there's vague well in the sets repeat in motion because if we have something.
Real before our souls. If we laid hold of that coming glory, well, it makes the strangers down here.
You have something better than the world's best. So we get in the 5th chapter of the First Epistle of John. This is the victory that overcometh the world.
Even faith that is give something better than the world so well.
You go on in the enjoyment what is so far more excellent than anything that the world could offer.
And in that sense, we're looked at as the children of Abraham and the epistles of the Galatians.
Because there's two heads in scripture.
I'm not speaking now of Christ, but that's a.
The definite fact. But Adam was the head of this Adamic race.
Abraham is looked at as the father of the household of faith.
And spoken of and in that way as being left father of that family.
And in that sense, we are the children of Abraham.
What? What impelled Abraham to start?
Is it not answered in the God of glory appeared unto our father Abraham?
Did you ever notice this?
First, God promised told him that he would join the land.
And afterwards he said he'd give him the land. And afterwards he said I'll give it to you forever.
You follow that and some of you are in the meeting after the meetings over you follow that in Genesis. The first thing he said he would show him the land. Then when he stepped out in faith, he says God says I'll give you the land and then when there was the energy of faith to lay hold of it. God says our guilty of prayer. That's something that a hair like in in first chapter Second Thessalonians.
The apostle says your faith groweth exceedingly.
Tomorrow one goes on in the class of faith, or the more faith can understand and lay hold of an enjoyment.
But there he would. He possessed the land, but not in the sense we have it here. That is the drug in it as a stranger and a children.
But God rewarded him by telling him, as he had in his celebrity drew.
We look for a city that have foundations whose builder and maker is God.
I believe that Jobs revealed that to Abraham, and don't say that he was thoroughly intelligent about it, but at least his faith rejoicing that had an effect on his son and his grandson was in there with that. The fact that he enjoyed it, that he really looked at it as something that was real. Like Caleb. Caleb went through the wilderness.
For 40 years he knew where he was going. He had seen.
But he patiently went through for 40 years. But it didn't, he didn't lose the same bias. He was just as strong when he got there. And besides that, he had a daughter that asked, she wasn't satisfied with just a portion, but she asked for some strings and he was able to give her the the free. Isn't it lovely when our children asked us for not only what we have, but how to enjoy it?
Natalie yes, the upper leather string speaks of of the naturally the heavenly of the earth intake.
The remarkable thing is that a man with all the wealth that Abraham possessed.
Cattle was heard servant that he never departed from the path of a stranger.
Well, in temple with Isaac and Jacob heirs with him.
Of the same prompt, we think a man with all those servants will have built a mansion down here in this world and settle down and make use of some of his possessions to have something he could show in this world. But he was willing to go on all through those years and years when he was there.
In the promised land.
Ever got away from his cat and his altar?
We don't read about a tent in an altar and an altar when he was down in Egypt though.
What does that mean?
Not to be sphere.
Hey, he gets attack of the world, isn't it, when we get in any way contaminated by the world?
We lose the we lose the enjoyment of those heavenly things, and then we cease to walk a stranger down here.
That right Brother McMillan and I supposed to speak of our strangers kept our telegram. Me and the author of the Union.
A happy fellowship with the Lord.
And we can enjoy that if we're living here at the level of its poor world going on like the world we get out of our tents. Then a day of our tent pegs we we gather up the big storm inside the big school house for the Pebble down.
It's the world.
Can understand the Christian, The world can understand him.
He's not walking with God.
The world will never understand the spiritual mighty Christian.
They can understand him that he talks their language.
And lives and associates as they did.
But they never can understand the man that's maintaining his pilgrimage and his strangerships in this world. That's First Corinthians 2.
The 15th 1St. But either is spiritual judgment. Now the Word should be designed that designed all things. Yet He himself is discerned, not judged. He himself is discerned of no man.
Now I thought here in connection what has been said?
Abraham went down into Egypt in a time of famine.
Now there will always be in every assembly.
A time of family when there isn't happy, precious elevating ministers.
God tests everything that he sets up in responsibility. Have you come to the Lords Table? Thank God for it. But as you go on, you'll find testing time to be a famine. In Abraham's day there was a famine in the land. He went down into Egypt. Don't go into the world when there's a famine in the assembly.
You'll find you've got no altar down there.
Naomi or Elimelech?
Later on.
We find that he went down into the land of moral.
And through the time of famine too, that he went down into religious corruption.
And what did the Naomi say? She said I went out full, full and came back empty. Oh, I said no man, you went down in a time of family and you talk about going out full.
Well, the poorest meeting I would ever have among my brethren is better than the than the world can offer. And when there's a famine in the little assembly where you are.
And the ministry isn't bright and happy and you're tested. Don't go down into the world that's Egypt. And don't go down into religious corruption, that's more.
Or afterwards you may not be restored, but if you are, you'll have to say, like Naomi, I went out full and I came back empty. The good thing is the Lord answered and she came back together to come back.
Or we might come back to like Abraham.
With the thorn bird many years in his house, Yeah. Bring Edgar with him, Yes.
What a trial she was.
Of course we know it's all that has its typical meaning.
But practically.
It's a fruit of getting away and going down the beach and business. Every act in your life and mine has its fruity.
We get away with nothing, be not deceived. God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man soweth that should be also reached is true.
Of saved and unsaved.
Immense blessing for you, dear young people.
To be saved when you're young. To be gathered when you're young.
And never take a step in your life without.
Consulting the Word of God for wisdom and getting down on your knees and asking the guidance of the Lord.
For a Christian may take a step in his life that will put him in trouble all the rest of his life.
And God doesn't take him out of the trouble.
He'll be with him in it, but he'll not take it. Often doesn't take him out of it, and many Christians have to reap years of sorrow.
Because they didn't consult the word of God and get down on their knees and ask for guidance.
Is there anybody in this company contemplating a step in your life?
Don't take that step.
Unless you have light from God about it and then get down on your knees and ask God's guidance for your path.
The light is sold for the righteous and gladness for the upright in heart.
You'll be with that brother. Yes, I do. I was thinking in the 126th stop, it speaks there of the children of Israel coming back from the bathroom and.
When the Lord turned captivity, his name was our mouth filled with laughter. Seen they had no song down there in that they couldn't sing the song design there. But when he's on the way back though, but then they're about to fill the glass and things.
I was thinking there was a good person last Christmas chapter.
Not having provided some better things.
And if we got it finished like Abraham did of the city?
The heavenly alone his blessings, the blessings of Israel were earthly, but he has been said that Abraham no doubt God's a little later to his being a heavenly horses. Well, it's it's so much better than anything that this world had to offer.
That it led Abraham to walk that path. The States and separation from the world, and I'm sure it would be the same with us if we got a little site and picture of the drawings as as it were. This world is not good enough for it in the state of God. We want something far better for us than the world's got to up and for return.
I've heard it said, Brother Hale, that you've been put over the whole book of People Better Things.
That's what the Spirit of God is occupying us, this.
Go on to this assistance. Better things something better than the Tabernacle, better than the priesthood, all the offerings giving, something better singing Brother Barry one verse in there we didn't touch on. If they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned.
The wicked longing after the things of the world, we may find an opportunity to return.
That they didn't, that they haven't forgotten the way back, is evidence from Genesis 24.
On that occasion, the servant was sent for the bride. They knew the way back.
There was something that kept them from going back.
That is the portion of the Gothic revealed himself to Abraham.
Now, as we get occupied with the world, we may find the opportunity to go back very easily.
If we lack those in our last day, it says, but now they desire a better country that is in heavenly. Therefore God is not a change because they're God, for he has prepared for them the city.
That's what held them there, and their path was strangerships. There was something better. They had that heavenly sitting out before them.
Mr. Garland makes a remark about Abrahams not knowing where he was going. He says there's nothing that so tries the spirit as uncertain. He says there's even a relief to the certainty of vagners.
He went out in uncertainty. He didn't know where he was going, but he knew with whom he was going to.