Heb. 2:1-8

Duration: 1hr 25min
Hebrews 2:1‑8
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Jesus, thy head was crowned with thorns, is crowned with glory now.
9/2 85285.
Heavens, royal diadem, the darn the mighty victors proud.
The Lord.
Act Chapter 10.
Acts, Chapter 10.
And the latter part.
Of verse 33.
Now, therefore.
Are we all here, present before God?
Hear all things that are commanded.
Beloved brethren with the tenor of what we've had before us.
To read and consider at least a portion of Hebrews Chapter 2.
Hebrews Chapter 2.
We might commence at the first verse.
We ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard.
Blessed at any time we should let them slip.
For if the words spoken by angels was steadfast.
And every transgression and disobedience.
Received a just recompense of reward.
How shall we escape?
If we neglect so great salvation.
Which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord.
And was confirmed unto us by them that heard him.
God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders.
With divers miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to his will.
For under the angels hath he not put in subjection the world to come whereof we speak.
But one in a certain place.
Testified saying. What is man?
That thou art mindful of him.
Or the son of man, the dog is it is him.
Thou made is him a little lower than the angels?
Thou crownest him with glory and honor.
And it set him over the works of thy hands.
Thou has put all things in subjection under his feet, and.
For him that he put all in subjection under him.
He left nothing that is not put under him.
But now we see not yet all things put under him, but we see Jesus.
Who has made a little lower than the angels?
For the suffering of death.
Crowned with glory and honor.
That he, by the grace of God, should taste death.
For every man.
It became him for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory to make the captain of their salvation perfect through suffering.
For both he that sanctifieth, and they who are sanctified are all at once.
For which 'cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren?
Saying, I will declare thy name unto my brethren.
In the midst of the church will I sing praise unto thee.
And again I will put my trust in him, and again behold, I and the children which God has given me.
For as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood.
He also himself likewise took part of the same.
That through death.
He might destroy him That had the power of death. That is the devil.
And deliver them who through fear of death.
Were all their lifetime subject to *******?
Preferably he took not on him the nature of angels, but he took on him the seed of Abraham.
Wherefore in all things it behooved him to be made like unto his brethren.
You might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God.
To make reconciliation for the sins of the people.
For in that he himself has suffered being tempted, he is able to sucker them that are tempted.
Let us repeat verse 9.
But we see Jesus.
Who has made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honor?
That he, by the grace of God, should taste death for every man.
What you would say?
For things that we should give more earnest ease.
Things that we find in the first chapter, which presents to us in a marvelous way the glories of Christ.
So when he says, how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?
It's because of the greatness of the person.
That the neglecting the salvation is so serious when God himself in his wondrous love has spared his only Son to make purgation, that is, purge away our sins.
And that is through his sufferings on the cross.
To neglect the salvation.
Such as God has in his infinite grace provided is a fatal thing. There is no escape fact. There's a question that has never, never been answered. How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?
And we need to remember, friends, that this epistle is addressed to the Hebrew profession. That is, there were some that were real, and there were some who were not real, some who had only made a lip proficient. And that's why he begins the epistle by saying we ought to give the more earnest heat, lest at any time we should let them slip this really slip away.
From these things.
What a solemn warning that is to any here who sit under the sound of the gospel such an address as we have just been hearing what is meant by being dead in their sins.
To slip away, go out into the world, and miss the opportunity that God is offering of this great salvation.
The honesty then it would, brother.
Are there are there various glories mentioned in the first chapter regarding the person of Christ?
You tell us. Well, I was wondering. You spoke of the.
The person being before us.
Would it be then that he's seen as the the son who has the inheritance in the first chapter? Because the subject of Hebrews is something like the picture we have in the Old Testament, the children of Israel going on to an inheritance.
But here it's the son himself who has the inheritance.
But also we learn in the.
Eighth verse that he is God and he has an eternal throne.
But do we not also learn in the?
The 10th verse that he's the creator himself.
But the Spirit of God, I believe, sets him before us here.
Particularly as the one who in the midst of all of that glory that he has, he stooped down, and He made purgation of sins, and this is what attracts our hearts.
As we think of that work that he accomplished the glory that surrounds his person, and then the work that he accomplished, for us now to give all of this up, to go back to the shadows which the Old Testament sets before us, would be a terrible thing. And the Jew is warned here that two things will happen if he gives up Christianity.
He'll either go back to the ordinances.
Which have no meaning at all now, because that that is passed or you'll go out into open sin, Probably both. We have that warning not only in the next chapter, but further on of the consequences of giving up.
Christianity after he's heard and so you'll get that verse in the 2nd or the 3rd chapter.
It's a very solemn verse.
The sixteen birds.
For someone, they had heard.
Did provoke. I believe that's the force of our first verse here.
Therefore we ought to give them more earnest heed to the things which we have heard less At anytime we should let them slip.
Marginal reading there is lest we should run out as leaking vessels.
It isn't the IT isn't the things that we ourselves slipping away, is it not? I think Mr. Darby's translation is lest we should slip away, isn't it? Isn't that the way it reads?
That is, to be awkwardly connected with the testimony, the Christian testimony, his brother Mundine has said, And then to slip away, turn away from it, and give it up in their case, go back to Judaism. And of course, for any here that are just outwardly connected with the testimony of being gathered to the Lord's name after having sat under the sound clear.
Forcible spirit, giving teaching that has is taught among us, and then to turn away and go back into the world and its follies or take up with some false religious system.
Is a more solemn, terrible thing to consider.
I think the Hebrews.
It's very important to see how that we might say that the full light of God has been brought out and Paul would impress us with the with the greatness of the blessing. Now in connection with the the coming of the Lord Jesus and his work on the cross of Calvary. He would impress us with the privileges and all that we have now that the full revelation of God is brought out. But here we have the principal found all the way through the word.
But where there is great blessing and privilege, it brings with it great responsibility. It's a great salvation which has been brought out now through the 1St and work of the Lord Jesus and I. I believe we can say that we're living in the most privileged time of man's history here upon earth. But there's a great responsibility connected with the life that is given, not only the light of the gospel.
But of the full revelation of the heart and mind of God, and so he says, how shall we escape? Because there is responsibility connected with it. And I believe that the apostle here would impress that upon us the greatness of the privilege, and connected with it the responsibility as well.
Very important for us to become acquainted with the general principles found in Hebrews, because we have before us in the book that which is contrasted with the ordinances and all that belonged to the system of the law that has been set aside. Now it's natural for our hearts to attach to something in a religious way that we can see something visible.
Something that appeals to the census.
And so one might take up with Christianity in an outward way.
Go on with the outward form of it.
They might even be gathered, as it were, in breaking bread, and still not know what it is to be born again, not know what it is to have Christ as the object. Now as we read through Hebrews, we discover that one thing after another disappears. In these first two chapters the angels disappear.
Christ replaces them. In the next chapter we find that Moses disappears, as it were, Then Aaron.
And then the sanctuary disappeared.
The altar everything disappears and we have nothing but Christ.
That's the beauty of reading Hebrews, because everything disappears that the natural heart would be attached to, and the spirit of God gradually replaces in our hearts a pure object that can fill our hearts and satisfy our hearts. These things cannot.
The order of those things, 2IN Hebrews, I think, is so very beautiful. It begins with an open heaven, does it not? And there is the Lord Jesus there presented to us in such marvelous language in the second and third verses. And then comes that which existed before even Adam was created, the angels, And then on downward, as our brother remarked, until, I think, we find in chapter 13.
Those that whose feet we may have heard the ministry of the Word, and they're gone now, and we're told to remember what we heard from them and saw in them. And then it seems to me that it even comes down to the present, to those who are still among us, who are still ministering the Word to us. And yet the whole thing is intended to present to us the exaltation of the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, who was introduced at the very beginning.
Yes, it seemed to me, in connection with what has been said, how the Blessed Lord Himself.
Replaces every person of importance and distinction in the Old Testament as Brother Lundin has been going over. Though he did admit Joshua in the 4th chapter as he never he didn't bring them into the true rest and replacing the Sanctuary two as he said.
Well then, it's lovely. When you get to the 13th chapter, it's just as though the apostle says Now you've seen how this glorious person has. The epistle begins with.
Who being the brightness of his glory, and express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power. Now he's replaced everything. Now he says, Let's go out unto him.
Aren't all these things that might claim the heart and affections are such inferior importance, although they have their importance, although they were given of God, like the prophets and like the teachers. But here's one that so surpasses everything. Now he has LED them up to this place. Now let's turn away from the whole thing, this whole camp, and let us go out unto him.
Bearing His reculture and beloved, let's not forget this that when we go out to Christ the center, we're going to find reproach in connection with that place.
The religious thing that we find in Christendom today.
Are are subtle because many will say, well, they point to Christ. They remind us of Christ.
Religious objects to look at. They remind us of Christ. Well, it's a subtle thing, and the enemy will use it to get us to slip away from Christ.
And this great salvation.
It makes me think of the time we were in the Congo.
Now those pagans, they acknowledge there was a God. They had a name for God.
They knew there was a God because they said we know there is because of creation. We see it all around us. We know there is a God. I asked them, well, why do you have these images then?
They had all kinds of idols, all kinds of images standing here and there, one for one thing and one for another.
Well, they said we can't see God, so we have these images to remind us of him. But what happened? They were bowing down to those images and it was Satan's religion.
Well, the devil can use anything like that.
Anything that can be seen with the eye and can use it to draw us away from Christ. He's a subtle enemy, and these things are subtle.
Late brother Walter Potter.
Once defined, so great salvation.
As God's complete revelation of himself in Christ.
Simply connects the Epistle to the Hebrews in this regard with the parable of the husbandman, when after repeated efforts to to gain fruit, why, he says finally I have one son.
And I'll send him, I thought him in this regard that in Hebrews we have, you might say, God's testimony and finality. And it's not connected with creation so much or with the law, but it's connected with the person. His only begotten Son is called in Timothy. The testimony of our Lord is connected with a person our Lord Jesus Christ. And I suppose that's why Hebrews is so full of the person of Christ. We've come to find ality now.
God has dealt with man in different ways and he's had different revelations, but now he has revealed himself in sun. It's all brought to finality and after this present time of testimony in connection with the Lord Jesus, judgment comes in.
This is the final day, as it were, in testimony. God has saved the best for last, and then we have a day of display in the world to come. But it's the time of testimony now in connection with his Son and following this, his judgment and then the display and the Millennium.
I was thinking in connection with what our brother Anderson said, that these many things that are made to represent God. Isn't it lovely that we have all those types and shadows in the Old Testament and their importance is only in the measure in which they bring Christ before us?
And so instead of having something that is made by man that God brings before us.
His servants Moses and Joshua, the Tabernacle, the altar, all these things we love to dwell upon, but they only have their importance in Christianity and the measure in which they set Christ before the soul. And then going on to the last chapter where it was mentioned, whether it's those that have gone before or those living today, they only have their importance in the measure in which they point to Christ and occupy with him.
And so, Speaking of John the Baptist, in his time the Lord could say, among those born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist. Why was he so great? Well, I believe it was because when he was asked who he was, he said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. So I believe this is a lesson for us in connection with all ministry, that only in the measure in which the types and shadows are used.
Or the individual whom God might use is hidden so that Christ would be exalted? Are they really in harmony with the mind of God who delights to honor his beloved Son?
Someone asked the question about Elijah and.
They wondered about that verse in Matthew. This is Elias, which was for to come of John the Baptist.
And I called her attention to the last verse of the third chapter of Acts. He shall send Jesus.
Because even there the Lord gives us the hint as to the meaning of that expression. This is Elias, which was for to come. It's moral.
Elijah is not coming back, but it's like Luke says in the first chapter of John the Baptist. He comes in the spirit and power of Elias. Now is the Lord Jesus and he alone who is going to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the children to their fathers.
And that will take place in the coming day. Then the restitution of all things will take place.
But not through a man like Elias, although Elijah was a picture of the Lord in certain respects, but even Moses, a prophet like unto me, shall God raise up, and so on. Well, all this pointed forward to Christ. And don't you think, brethren, if we get a hold of the first chapter?
Where the Spirit of God sets before us the person of Christ and our own connection through the work that was accomplished for us, that has brought us into blessing.
If our eyes are set upon that person, everything else will drop off and these questions will not arise. Now take, for instance, the first chapter of John.
Was it Nathaniel that? He says.
An Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile. Well, Nathaniel was full of questions until he met Jesus. And as soon as he met Jesus, all his questions were gone.
I believe that that helps a great deal, does it not, Rather than the understanding of truth? Because no matter whether we we read in Genesis or whether we read in Revelation, if we don't have Christ before us, we'll miss it. We'll miss the point entirely. Is that right?
Even in the Old Testament, the law they went on with all these things that God gave. The only value that they had was in the measure in which they pointed to Christ. And so God looked upon the heart, and it was the faith that He valued. So we know that they were so scrupulously careful to carry out the details of what God had given. Now they kept what was what the Lord called the Jews Passover and the Jews feast of Tabernacles.
They wouldn't even go into the judgment hall, lest they should be defiled so they could keep the Passover.
And yet rejected Christ. And I believe what is being brought before us here, that it's quite possible to accept the outward things even of Christianity without a living relationship with the Lord Jesus. And that is exactly what Christendom has done. And they haven't given up baptism, they haven't given up the Lord's Supper. They haven't given up much of the outward recognition of what you might say constitutes Christianity.
But they don't. They don't see their need of Christ. They're not occupied with him.
They make everything of the ordinance. And So what we see taking place today is seeing. It's all a lifeless thing. The whole thing gradually slips away. It's given up. And those who once professed these things, not having ever been born again, not having divine life, they're quite content to give up the deity of Christ, the work of Christ, his blood, his resurrection. Oh, how terrible what is taking place? And yet this is under the name of still professing Christianity.
Oh, it's a terrible apostasy that is going to come to its climax after the church is gone, when God has to judge that great system that professes Christ but is a lifeless dead thing.
We read here in the third verse.
Middle of the verse, which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him. That's the apostles who were with the Lord during his life and ministry. And then we read God also, bearing them witness both with signs and wonders, with divers miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to his own will.
That very definitely shows that.
These signed gifts, miracles and wonders, divers miracles, gifts of the Holy Ghost, were specially connected with the beginning of the testimony of Christ here on earth.
Shows that it was not intended that these miracles would continue on down through the Christian era.
I think this is one of the most important verses in that connection that you're Speaking of Brother Barry.
And I believe the Spirit of God can use it to help these souls that think that God continues with these signs and wonders and and miracles and so on.
They were used, evidently in the beginning to confirm the word of God that was spoken to others by the Apostles.
That was God's reason for giving these signs, to confirm the fact that these men were speaking the words of the Lord Jesus. And now it's been confirmed and we have the written word of God, and we don't need these signs and wonders and miracles to confirm the word of God. And I it seems to me that if anyone thinks that he needs these signs and wonders to confirm the word of God.
It's a sign that he's doubting the word of God. He doesn't believe that it's the word of God.
I believe the connection with the fifth verse helps to understand Understand this. Or under the angels hath he not put in subjection the world to come? Wherever we speak? Through the Old Testament times God spoke particularly through the angels.
Works of power were done by angels in a miraculous way. But the Lord Jesus came into this world. He was the Messiah. He is the one who is going to bring in that world or that age to come.
Upon Earth. I think this is somewhat clear from the new translation. It's the habitable world.
And who is going to set things right in this poor world that had been ruined by sin? Well, the Lord Jesus down here in this world showed now that he had power over all that had come in through sin. And so we see him superior to all of the misery and sorrow and sickness.
That sin had brought in well. He was rejected. He was crucified.
But he is risen again, and it was necessary. The testimony should be born.
That that one whom this world rejected as the Messiah, as the one to whom the habitable world will yet be brought into subjection, and that that one is now crowned with glory and honor, and that those works are done not through angels, but through men.
And so there was a testimony. I believe it's connected with what we have in the 6th chapter of Hebrews also, where it says about.
Well, just read it and I think it helps to make this thought clear.
Verse 4.
What is impossible for those who were once enlightened and have tasted of the heavenly gift and were made for takers of the Holy Ghost and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the world or the age to come. The healing that was done by the apostles and others in the early church was the powers of the age to come. It was the proof that the one who had been rejected was the one who was going to bring in that time of blessing to this habitable world.
When the inhabitant will not say I am sick, and when the 103rd Psalm will be fulfilled, who forgiveth all thine iniquities who healeth all thy diseases? But not only did the world reject the Lord Jesus as Messiah, but they send a messenger after him saying, we will not have this man to reign over us. And now if we realize what is taking place today, God is not attempting to set things right in this world now.
The Lord Jesus has been rejected, the gospel is being proclaimed, and God is gathering out of this world of people for heaven and our deliverance from sickness. And these things will take place when the Lord comes. And then what a blessed thing He'll change these bodies of humiliation that they may be fashioned like under his own glorious body. And now the work of the Spirit, as we have in Romans 8, is not to remove our infirmities, but to help our infirmities.
So that as we go through this world, we we belong to heaven, we look for our final deliverance. When the Lord comes, now is our salvation nearer than when we believe. But all those miracles that were wrought by Christ, and all those that were given to confirm the word in the beginning, and to show that the rejected one was the true Messiah, will be brought in all their fullness when He takes His place as Messiah, and when.
This whole world has the little hint, says he'll bid the whole creation smile.
And has it's grown. It's not understanding the true character of this period and the Church and its heavenly calling that leads to much of this misunderstanding. But also I wish to say that we must not limit the power of God. He does answer prayer even today. He does deliver His people in sickness. He does come in, and occasionally may work miracles.
Where there is perhaps a special testimony that needs to be rendered, I believe God works in a miraculous way, but it is not the general character of the present dispensation.
So then you would say that the world had come. It's really the age to come is the millennial age after this present day of grace is over and the Lord has come in the air and taken His redeemed ones to glory. And then the judgments that you have recorded in the Book of Revelation from the 4th chapter on.
Will cleanse the earth of the wicked.
And then the Lord will set up his Kingdom down here, and it will not be put in subjection to angels, as the Old Testament dispensation was in subjection. But we have man brought in in a very remarkable and special way. And the Son of Man will let Christ himself, but men who are redeemed associated with him.
In connection with his glorious Kingdom, when he shall reign from sea to sea, and from the rivers to the ends of the earth.
Would that be in connection with an expression which we find in the 9th chapter of this book?
Hebrews Chapter 9 and verse 11.
Christ being come and my praise of good things to come, just that expression particularly often used to refer to present things of Christianity. But it seems so in keeping with this epistle, that it's more of what you were just bringing before us for the barrier. Is that right? I would agree with that, brother.
Is very remarkable in the book of Hebrews.
The inspired writer keeps Israel's hopes in view along with the hopes of the church at the present time, so that sometimes it's a little difficult to decide just.
Off the mind of the Spirit is whether he is speaking about Israel's coming blessings in the Millennium or the blessing of the Church.
At the present time, I might just quote one passage in the 9th chapter of Hebrews to Prince this point.
We get in the 28th verse the last verse of Hebrews 9. So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many, and unto them that looked for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.
Now you could see Israel's hope and the hope of the Church both brought before us that right.
Yeah, in Psalm 8, the first verse. Of course. I suppose that Hebrews refers to that portion we are reading. Oh Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth? But then the rest of the verse, who has set thy glory above the heavens?
So I believe in Hebrews. We do have that part that the Jew.
Well, on the earth.
Will participate in and blessing when the Lord finally sets up that order in the millennial day.
But we also have that which goes way beyond it, do we not? So that in the first chapter we have an eternal throne, then we have eternal redemption, then we have eternal inheritance, and then the the solemn, the solemn thing for those who reject this testimony of the first verse.
Eternal judgment. So we have a permanent character to the blessing here in Hebrews, do we not?
Speaking about to them that look for him, the believer now who is taught through the Word is looking for the Lord to come in the air.
Where the ascending shout and Archangel voice to meet him in the clouds and to be taken to the Father's house. That's what we're looking for. We're looking for him to return now for Israel. It will be the time of the great tribulation. They will be looking for the Lord to come down to where it's.
Not to be caught up in the air to meet him, to go to the Father's house, but for the Lord to come in delivering mercy to them and their great trials and tribulations that they will be passing through. So I just call attention to that to show that there are two classes of people.
That are looked at as waiting for the Lord to see him and to be ready when he returns.
Well, it's the extent of the work of Christ, and so it not only reaches out for Israel, but through that glorious work there is going to be a new heavens and new earth where indwelleth righteousness. And just before what you read, we have that thought brought before us, don't we, in the 26th verse. For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world, but now once in the end of the world or the end of the age?
Hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself?
Now there it's not just sins. That's what is spoken of in the 28th verse, which you read. Our sins have been put away. But the one whom John the Baptist looked at was the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sin of the world. And through that glorious work every trace of sin and its results will be removed. And so therefore, to whom will Israel look? To whom will we look for a deliverance That's the same blessed person.
Because that one work that he accomplished is so blessed that it's going to bring in the whole final deliverance.
From sin and its results to both heaven and earth.
Rather striking, isn't it? There in the sixth verse, but one in a certain place testified, saying, What is man, that thou art mindful of him, or the son of man that thou visited him? Our brother Lundeen was reading the eighth Psalm, where from which this is quoted. But it seems to me that there are places where the spirit of God would not occupy so much with the inspired writer.
As with the person that he would have us occupied with, so it's one in a certain place. It isn't so important to get very straight about just what Sam or just at what time it was written. But get your thoughts, beloved, on the person.
That Son of man, that the Spirit of God is bringing before us.
The word Son of man.
Hears in contrast to angels. Perhaps there might have been some that thought. Well, the world to come is going to be brought into subjection to angels. No, it will be brought into subjection to a man, the man Christ Jesus, the Son of Man. Well, this ought to touch our hearts.
That is, that one who came down here into this world and took upon himself a form of a man. He's the one that's going to raise. He's the one that's going to have that high place. He's the one to whom every knee shall bow. He's the one that's going to be in control. And I'm thankful for the book of Hebrews, because it certainly does bring Christ before us.
And his glory and the high place that God has given him, even as a man.
Our brother was just remarking that.
And Hebrews, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Displaces everything.
And everybody.
Could have just asked or including that that the writer himself of the epistle.
Hides himself out. It's anonymous and the only apostle we have in Hebrews is the Apostle and High Priest of our confession, Christ Jesus, and so is our brother. Just remarked in chapter 2 and verse 6. The writer deliberately ignores the fact that David wrote.
8th Psalm, which he quote. I never noticed that until just now. So it's all consistent with this wonderful truth that the Lord Jesus Christ.
Is displacing everything and everybody and it ends up Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and for the ages.
So, so I understand too that there are two different words here for man. And the sixth verse. What is man? And then the Son of man, that thou visitest him? Now that is, that there is frail man, and then there is that which is referred to the Lord Jesus himself.
Now, that is, God has shown his interest in man in that he himself became a man and the person of Christ. Just like we might illustrate. Supposing there was a fly crawling across the paper here, How could I show my interest in that fly? I come near it. It would certainly fly away, but if it were possible for me to come down in the form of a family, then I could come close to it and marvel of marvels.
God himself passed angels by. He was made lower than the angels. And why?
Well, his delights were with the sons of men. He had an interest in men. So he came down and became a man, walked through this world as a man, died as a man. And Rosen has taken a place now above angels. And because he has taken a place above angels, therefore associated with him in that glory are going to be redeemed men. So that as we have here, it's not 2 angels. He has put in subjection the age to come.
But it's the Lord Jesus. But the Lord Jesus as man associates with him Those whom he speaks of. Here is his brethren.
And this is a wonderful truth that is brought before us. The exaltation of Christ is precious to our hearts because we're going to be associated with Him. He calls us His brethren.
We might notice a contrast in that Psalm that's quoted here. The whole creation is mentioned as as being subject and I'll just read what it says.
In Psalm 8, verse 7, starting with verse six, I made this case to have the million over the works of thine hands. Thou has put all things under his feet, all sheep and oxygen, oxygen, yeah, and the beast of the field.
The fowl of the air and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passes through the past of the sea.
Now if you read in the book of Daniel, you'll find that Nebuchadnezzar was given dominion over many things, but he was not given dominion over the fishes of the sea. And I believe this spring before us the contrast with mere man and the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of Man. Mere man could not be given dominion over everything.
But the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, has dominion over everything. That's the reason, Brother Anderson, why the Lord sent Peter with his to.
With his hook and line to catch a fish, because he had not only authority over the beasts of the field, but over the fish of the sea. And he could command that fish to bring the exact amount of money that he and the Lord needed to pay the tribute money.
Is filling both the ships without fish Stew, and when the feeder and his companions fished all night and caught nothing, I was thinking too of the remarkable faith expressed by the centurion in Luke. I think it's Luke 6 or 7.
Where the Lord said he hadn't found faith like that in in Israel, that is.
The Centurion was able to command.
His armies. But he recognized that there was a sphere where his power didn't reach, and that was the Kingdom of God. And here was one who could command in the Kingdom of God. He could heal the sick, He could cleanse the leopards, He could raise the dead. It seems to me that we have a remarkable illustration there of the Spirit of God opening a man's heart and his eyes to see the person of Christ and his glory.
A very blessed title. The Lord takes the Son of Man.
The first time they, perhaps the Lord took that title was when he was talking to Nathaniel. Nathaniel said, Thou art the Son of God, thou art the king of Israel. Well, the Lord says.
Thou shalt see greater things than these. Hereafter you shall see heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending, not on the Son of God, but upon the Son of man.
That is the glorified man that, when the Lord is rejected, is slowly to see that the very title that will be given him as head over all things he takes in lowly, humble grace. For I believe the next place we find it is.
Where the Lord says I believe it's Matthew 8. Foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests.
But the Son of Man hath nowhere to lay his head for the contrast there, the one seated in highest glory, and the angels ascending and descending upon him. And a man down here who actually didn't have as much as the foxes or the birds, nothing whatever did this world offer him. And there he takes that lowly title in connection with his rejection down here.
Before that title is given him in highest, glorious, centered on high.
It's not also used in contrast with Son of David. As son of David. It had to do with the nation of Israel only, but a son of man that included every nation, because those who were outside, those who were Gentiles, they were descendants from Adam and descendants from Noah and therefore.
The Lord taking the title of Son of Man when rejected is just to show that the.
Blessing, which was rejected by that nation, is going to reach to a wider sphere.
As we have in the 49th chapter of Isaiah where it says when the Lord was rejected.
He said, Yeah, And now saith the Lord that formed thee, though Israel be not gathered yet, will I be glorious in the eyes of the Lord. And then I accept thee to be a light for the Gentiles, that thou mightest be my salvation unto the ends of the earth. So the title of Son of Man brings in the blessing of all mankind now that is of all those who will own him in his rightful place. Well, it's just like a.
River coming, a little, stream coming down the mountainside. If you damn it up, you can't stop it rising. And the larger the dam that you build, why the wider the sphere that it flows over. And so when they sought to set aside the one who came to bless that nation, they tried, as it were, to stop the grace of God and it just flowed over a wider sphere. I think it's very blessed to see the Lord.
Taking that title, we also see it in Ezekiel where he's spoken of a son of man, because Israel now had forfeited blessing on the ground of their own obedience. And so we see that God had purposes of blessing reaching out even beyond them. And at the times of the Gentiles were introduced, Ezekiel is spoken of as Son of Man. I believe it's the same thought, only the Lord Jesus himself is the one who will bring in that blessing.
Keeping with the verse the two verses our brother Mary quoted, and that you have just referred to them, that the glory extends not only over Israel than the Gentiles, but above the angels too.
Whole sphere, Then that is the Lord. In becoming a man, he he He identified himself.
With a lower form of creation than man, that is, he passed by angels in becoming a man.
Angels belong to a far higher order of creation. But he passed angels by twice, didn't he? And now the one that passed angels by to become a man has passed the angels, and now angels and authorities in power being made subject to him. He's seated with in highest glory where the whole creation subject to him.
And that includes all the angels, that all the angels of God worship him.
Was commanded at his birth, wasn't it?
He says, I, Jesus, taking his name as man, have sent mine Angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. He lets us know that he belongs to our race, I Jesus, and in the same breath that the angels are subjected to.
I like the thought of it having passed by angels twice. I guess some remember our brother Watson of Ottawa used to remind us of that. It didn't mean too much to me when I heard him say it as a boy, but to me it's very, very wonderful to think that he not only came down lower than the angels in order to reveal a father's heart to us and in order to redeem us, but he has passed by angels. What for? In order that we also might share that place.
Far above what the angels ever occupied, the Scripture says He was raised again for our justification. The Scripture says He passed into the heavens now to exercise the office of high Priest, but it also speaks of him as being far above all heaven.
He's up there.
Head over all things to the Church and you and I are going to share that place with him forever past the angels.
Think of it in connection with this.
Is suffering down here the place that he took as man in all his perfection at the cross? It said in the next. In the 5th chapter he was heard for his piety, I believe, the margin says.
When the Lord Jesus took the place as man, it was in complete obedience, and he had no will of his own.
That's why it says in the 9th chapter, by which will we are sanctified. That's the will of God.
And so that we see here a man who imperfection submitted to the whole will of God in every respect where mankind as a whole.
Dishonored God in this respect. But here's a man that in order that you and I might be brought into this blessing, as we have in the first chapter, having made purgation of sins.
We might come under this blessing. The Lord Jesus took that place of completely emptying himself in every respect and humbling himself even to the death of the cross, but it found.
We have that expression.
Thou has put all things in subjection under his feet. The quotation from the 8th sound, found in three places in the New Testament, is found here, is found in First Corinthians 15, and is found in Ephesians one that our brother Albert Hale referred to.
Do and 1St Corinthians 15.
It's lovely to notice there, in that place where.
All is put in subjection under him.
It says in the.
The 27th verse of First Corinthians 15 For he has put all things under his feet, or when he said all things are put under him, it is manifest that he is accepted, which did put all things under him.
And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be All in all. Now that's one of the three passages where we get the eternal state that is at 28 verse, and the wonderful thought there in connection with.
What has brought before us?
Is that the son himself is going to be subject to him, that put all things under him, and he associates himself with his redeemed people.
Now and full enjoyment of objection to the will of God, and that will be our eternal condition, and will be associated with the one who makes himself subject to all eternity.
You know, the very fact of our in subjection and the exercise of our own wills has caused the sorrows and the sin and the misery that we see here in this world.
The Lord, as our brother remark, was the perfect subject man in all his pathway here below, and now we're to be associated with him in that perfect state.
Of full subjection to the will of God, and that's eternal.
Then of course the other passage in the.
In the first chapter of Ephesians and the 22nd verse.
And I put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the Church, which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth All in all. That is when the Son of Man has put all things in subjection.
Under his feet we see the church associated with him in the glory that he takes.
Connection with everything subject to him.
Typified in the 21St chapter of Exodus, isn't it? When the Hebrew servant had fulfilled his service, he could have gone out free. But if he plainly stated I love my master, my wife and my children, I will not go out free.
Then he was brought to the judges. His ear was bored through with an all, and he became the servant forever. And so, as we have in Luke, when we get to glory, isn't it lovely to thank the Lord Himself comes forth to serve, that is forever? He will minister to our happiness in that glorious place. Having taken that place, I thought too that God will not and cannot be frustrated in any of His purposes.
When he made these this earth, it says, his delights were with the sons of men.
And Adam was placed in headship over the whole scene. Well, when Adam sinned, was the whole thing to fail, or was there to be a man who would be in the place of headship? Certainly all who were the descendants of Adam were unqualified for that place. And as John looked around in the 5th of Revelation, he wept. Who could? Who could fulfill those purposes of God? Well, there was only one, and that was God himself becomes a man in the person of Christ.
And in order to take that place, and to bring into association with himself a people who would share that place, he remains a man forever. And that's to have our company. Well, how wonderful it is when we think of it. Surely it makes you think, brethren, of the passage in the third chapter of Ephesians, unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.
According to the power that worketh in us many times, when we think of that verse, we think of it in connection with God answering our prayers about certain matters that we present to him. And this is blessedly true. But if you look at the context of the verse, I believe that it shows that who of us would have asked or thought to have such a place in association with God's Son? If God had come to any of us, would we have thought to?
Suggest that we might share a place of headship with him as his joint heirs forever.
Such a thought would never have entered our minds, much less would we have asked. But God purposed this, and He's not only purposed it, but he's able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask her things. All these thoughts are so stupendous they overwhelm us, but rather than they're true.
And the Spirit of God has been sent to indwell us, to shed abroad the love of God in our hearts.
Here's a remarkable thought that we have or expression.
In the eighth verse there has put all things in subjection under his feet. For in that he put all in subjection under him he left nothing that isn't is not put under him. But notice the next clause. But now we see not yet all things put under him.
But we see Jesus looks like a flat contradiction, doesn't it? The natural man, it would be a contradiction, but oh how those seeming contradiction just to like the heart that is enjoying the.
The truth of God. Now let's look at it this way in the first part of that eighth verse.
That's in purpose, and God can't speak of things that are not as though they be. We can't say definitely that we'll be here tomorrow, can we?
That God can speak of uncertainty about the future, and so in His purposes, it's just as sure as though the Lord was already sitting on the throne of glory and reigning over this whole universe, but now?
Now that brings in something else. We don't see all things put under him. We see the world going on in its misery and ungodliness.
And things growing rapidly, worse things preparing for the judgment that's ahead. But what do we see, beloved? We see Jesus. That's where the Spirit of God would direct us. Now, instead of looking for any change or any improvement in this world, He wants us to direct our eyes to the one who is already wearing the crown.
That is crowned with glory and honor shows that he has gained the victory, He is a victorious one, wearing the crown and just waiting until the time in God's purposes arise when all things will be put under him. And that really divides the chapter, I would say, because from this point on, why he's taking up the subject of the.
Their service and Our Blessed Lord is rendering here below. During this time when things are not put in subjection under Him, and that will lead to a wonderful line of things, we find that He's leading many sons under glory as one work that we see Our Blessed Lord engaged in at the present time.
See that we see the Son of Man does he, although that is true of the glory that he has at the thought. And then when he comes again, he will come as the Son of Man. And the very first thing that is seen in Revelation 19 is the Son of Man. But I think of this something like Steven in Hacks.
He He saw Jesus, but the testimony he rendered to his persecutors, who were about to stone him was, I see, the Son of Man. And so there is that testimony to the world of a warning not of the great White throne merely That's coming, surely, but of the judgment that's impending at any moment when the Son of Man comes to take his glory, take his rightful place.
But isn't it lovely, brethren, that for those of us who know him, we have this precious name of Jesus set before us here? It's the one that was down here, that was among men. And that's what the Spirit of God was set before us. The the name of Jesus. His own personal name is the option for our hearts.
For the old son of manner, art thou shall we sing that hymn in closing.
It's #219.
Worthy O son of man, art thou of every crowd that decks eyebrows.
First downs in.
What is my?
I'm crying.