Hebrews 1:1-4

Duration: 1hr 12min
Hebrews 1:1‑4
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8 Savior, we long to follow thee daily, thy cross to bear or teach your soul the power to know of risen life with thee. 2783.
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The first two chapters of Hebrews brethren, we are living in a world that is called man's day and the focus is so on man and we need to have our book is redirected to.
That glorious person we're going to spend eternity with. And in these two chapters, the focus is.
On the Lord Jesus.
Both these two chapters. I may be in the three chapter 3 readings we have. We could cover most of it. I suggest that.
Read the 1St chapter right now. That's what I would suggest if the brother and her in agreement with that.
Hebrews chapter one.
God, Who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time passed under the Fathers by the Prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, by whom also He made the worlds, Who being the brightness of His glory, and the express image of His Person, and upholding all things by the Word.
Excuse me? And upholding all things by the word of His power, when he had by himself purged our sins.
Sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high, being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they. For unto which of the angels said he had any time Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee. And again I will be to him a Father, and He shall be to me a Son, and again when he bringeth in the first begotten.
Into the world he sat, and let all the angels of God worship him.
And of the angels he saith, who maketh his angels spirits.
And his ministers a flame of fire, but under the sun he saith, Thy throne, O God, is forever and ever. A scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy Kingdom. Thou hast loved righteousness and hated iniquity. Therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows, and thou Lord.
In the beginning has laid the foundation of the earth.
And the heavens are the works of thine hands. They shall perish.
But thou remain us, and they all shall wax old, as doth a garment.
And as a vesture shalt thou hold them up, and they shall be changed.
But thou art the same, and thy ears shall not fail.
But to which of the angels said he at any time sit on my right hand?
Until I make thine enemies thy footstool. Are they not all ministering spirits?
Sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation.
It's interesting in this book we think it's probably the apostle Paul who wrote it, but his name doesn't appear in this book. Most of the epistles that Paul wrote start with Paul, an apostle or a servant of Jesus Christ, but this one begins with that word God.
Stands out because it's the only book in the Bible that starts with God.
But it's interesting because the Hebrews, or the Jewish believers at the time, seemed to have a problem with Paul. They were.
Offended by the fact that when he said that the Lord sent him far hints to the gentiles and that just threw them into a theater and.
So he as if that is the case that he is the one that wrote this book when he writes that he doesn't put his name in it at all. In fact, you have the apostle of this epistle is in chapter 3 and verse one or for holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling. Consider the apostle and high priest of our profession, Christ Jesus. So the apostle.
Is the Lord Jesus Christ himself. But how important it is? Because of their occupation with their religious system, which in its time was given of God, they could not accept what Christianity really was. And So what does the apostle do? He focuses on the glory of God's beloved Son.
As I mentioned before when I suggested it, that we live in a world, brethren, where the focus is on what we are.
And I find it so much everywhere I go that people are thinking of who they are.
And it's characteristic of the day which we live in. It is a positive hindrance in understanding what we are called to in relationship to God's beloved Son. Who is he? And so in chapter one, you haven't presented as God's Son.
He has spoken unto us in these last days by His Son or in son.
In chapter 2 we have him presented as the Son of Man.
The Glorious.
Person of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Son of God and Son of man, what a tremendous thing to be occupied, brethren. How wonderful to be delivered from thinking about ourselves. Except sometimes we have to think about ourselves, to judge ourselves. But beyond that, you and I have no justification to be thinking about ourselves. It's to have our sights set on this glorious person that we have presented in these two chapters.
I speak really don't mind. I was thinking that little background to the vessel.
I would think that it was the Apostle Paul who wrote it. I couldn't think of anyone else.
Could give us such a masterly treatise on the superior, on the superiority of Christianity to Judaism, that comes out very clearly in the Epistle, that.
Now in Christianity we have something that is infinitely better than all the Judaistic ritual and ceremony that was performed. But as their brother Bob said, it was very difficult for the Hebrew believer to let go of those things they were given of God.
The holy oracles of God. And they were something they could see and feel and taste and hear and so on.
But here in Christianity it was a spiritual worship. Now not by means of.
Outward ceremony, but access into the holiest of all. And so the apostle regrets that these Hebrew believers were really babes. He mentioned that in the 50s, the 5th chapter, babes in the sense that they were being held back by the Judaistic.
Customs and teachings that they had had.
They were held back in their growth of the truth of Christianity and what we have now as being much superior to anything that Judaism offer. I think that's background is helpful to us. There was a danger of a hostage and in Hebrews apostasy is without any remedy.
At any time.
Apostate is altogether different to a backslide, and if they made a profession of Christianity and then.
Returned to Judaism, they were not a backslider. They were an apostate in a number of places in the book of Hebrews.
Paul it was Paul he mentions this chapter 6 chapter 10 the danger of turning their back upon the.
Truth of Christianity that was being brought forth and returning to that system in that case, and only an unbeliever could do that, but there was no remedy for it. It was apostasy.
History of what we call Judaism.
The one that they looked for was the Messiah. And so for their thousand years and so on, they looked generation after generation for one who would be king over them, the one who would elevate the nation to that place of prominence in the whole world, the one who would bring peace.
To all men, and they looked and looked and looked for the Messiah.
Even in their darkest days, there were those who looked beyond their present condition of things and saw and hope someone who would come. And when John's gospel begins, we find those who come to know him. One of them says he goes and finds another, his brother, and he says we found the Messiah.
And a little farther on, in John One, the thought is we found the one of whom all the Old Testament scriptures speak, the Messiah, He's come. And so they look forward to the wonderful promises that were made in connection with His person.
But Hebrews one and John's Gospel.
John's epistles present the Sun.
And the sun presents a person that goes far beyond solely the Messiah.
The sun that's presented to our souls is.
God the Son, and we have Him in this first chapter and a little bit of His glory presented to us. But the wonderful thing is, God brought to them someone that was far more wonderful than they had ever imagined or that had been revealed to them after the Holy Spirit came and the Lord himself.
Presented himself to them. They got to start to know him.
In a way that far exceeded anything they'd ever hoped for. And so we have him in this first chapter as already mentioned, God the Son, the 2nd chapter the Son of Man and the third chapter Jesus and the Christ. And he's such a wonderful person that no one title fully.
Explains him or fully presents him to us. And I would suggest, brethren, the one that we're going to meditate on in this hour and the hours to come.
Is one that for all eternity will continue to grow in our souls, in the majesty of His person, He's the one that.
Solely and completely presents an object for our heart's affections that nothing else in all creation and nothing else in eternity compares to.
We all know what it is to have something and enjoy it and keep on enjoying it, but after we've had it 100 times or whatever, it doesn't necessarily have the same appeal that the very first time it did. We may still enjoy it and as it's been said.
When it says God put the world in their hearts, that the world itself and all it has to offer doesn't ultimately perfectly satisfy the human heart. And to teach us that lesson, God gave us the man Solomon who had everything that man ever goes after. He had wealth, he had power, he had wisdom, he had honor, he had all in one person, everything.
That man would ever seek after as man, and yet it wasn't enough in itself and his heart was taken away from it. But we have to enjoy this afternoon a person, the Son and all the Messiah and Jesus as the man and the Son of man and so on.
That in fact, as God says, it says the Son of his love.
That God has given us to enjoy with him that which is central to the whole heart of God's enjoyment of anything. It's his Son. And now he says I'm going to share him with you and enjoy him. And so it's presented here to the Hebrews to draw them away from Judaism to something that is far more wonderful, and it's found in the person of the sun.
It's interesting in the first eight chapters of this book.
As far as we can say that it is.
Occupation with the Lord Jesus and his many glories.
And then in chapters 9 and 10, we have the work of the Lord Jesus focused on those two things. His person, His work are the foundation of our faith. That is extremely important to be clear about those two things. Who is he and what has he done?
His person, his work. How important to be clear about those two things.
But I'd like to point out three words in the 1St 2 verses that seem to.
Show what the apostle is saying.
Verse one. God.
Verse 2.
Hath spoken.
God has spoken. That is amazing thing to think about.
Her brother was talking about His word in this last meeting and how important it is to have hearing ears. What a tremendously important exercise to when God speaks to hear.
I'm not sure why but maybe some brother has an I reason. But it's interesting. In the gospels it says he that hath ears to hear, let him hear. When you get to the Book of Revelation it says he that hath an ear to hear, let him hear.
Not sure why that is. You thought about that Brother Dave.
But it's interesting at least. Oh brother, and God has spoken.
Have we listened?
Has that voice.
Has His precious Word penetrated into these hearts of ours? Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. How important to let the Word of God penetrate, Let nothing.
Impede its effect on our hearts.
So many things that the enemy uses so that it doesn't.
Get to that good ground.
Oh, may the Lord help us.
To listen God has spoken and so in verse one he spoke in diverse manners and in.
Sundry at sundry times, and in diverse manners in the time passed unto the fathers by the prophets. Well, that's well known at the Old Testament and his wonderful that God spoke in the way he did.
And there was a Moses that could speak to God face to face. Incredible to think about.
But the revelation of God is not complete.
Until we have him speaking as it is in verse two, as spoken unto us in these last days in the sun, because He is God Himself.
In the sun He has spoken to us. We have the complete revelation of who God is in the person of the Lord Jesus. Yes.
They knew God to a certain extent in the Old Testament.
But now, with the coming of the Lord Jesus into this world.
We have the complete revelation of who God is.
We can look at him, this glorious person.
The revelation of God is complete. And that amazingly wonderful thing, brethren, to think about, to meditate on. Oh, it takes me sometimes time to chew on it, to think about the impact of the fact that God has spoken in Son.
Nice to know what wants to be known. He wants us to know him and so he has communicated to us. You know, the law was a communication, but it wasn't a full communication of the heart of God. And so that's why the book of Hebrews shines so brightly is because in the Lord Jesus, he is the he is the IT says he's the brightness of his glory.
And the expressed image of his person. And so we have a full revelation of God who wants to be known and he wants a relationship with us.
It speaks of him. You don't come to him unless you're drawn.
Of Him. He draws us to himself because he wants a relationship with us. We'll never really know who God is just by the revelation of what? The what? What you had in Judaism, you had the righteousness of God somewhat revealed in the law. But when we have the full revelation, you can't have a fuller revelation.
Of who God is.
Than as it is expressed in God the Son. And so that's what makes this book so beautiful and that's why the Hebrew believers that were stuck in a partial revelation were being drawn on to understand what the full revelation was in Christ and that's.
You know, it's important for us to listen to what God has spoken because He's drawing us.
To have a relationship with himself. He wants us to know him because he's got so much to reveal to us. He's got so much fullness. As you've been saying, Bob, the revelation is going to take eternity, but it's something to be drawn to. And when, when he presented his son as the full revelation of himself, now we have an object or.
We don't have any doubt as to who God is.
Two and three, we have 7 little phrases, most of which speak of the glories of his person. There is that which relates to his work as well.
But it's mainly the glories of his person because it's the person that gives value.
To the work.
Who is this person that we're talking about?
O brethren, that's what Christianity is, the revelation.
Of who God is and the person of the Lord Jesus. So it begins in verse two. You have two phrases.
And then another 5 phrases in verse three that speak of the Lord Jesus.
His person, his work.
So it begins in verse 2 with this.
He is appointed.
Heir of all things.
Why does he start with that?
He doesn't start with creation. That's the next.
Why does he start with?
He is appointed heir of all things.
Because God's eternal counsels, brethren.
Were formed before there was any world or a universe in existence.
And in those eternal councils.
The Father and his beloved Son, which dwelt in his bosom.
It was determined that this person would be the heir of all things.
Wonderful to think about it.
Lord Jesus is going to fill that place. Wonder of wonders, we don't have it developed maybe so much here as in other places, but.
We too have obtained an inheritance and we will inherit with him.
In that coming day when the Lord Jesus.
Says or when God the Father says.
Sorry, brethren.
In Psalm chapter Psalm 2.
God the Father says to his Son, Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. So the time will come when the Lord Jesus will ask, and he will inherit all things.
Believe that to me at the end of the great Tribulation, when the Lord Jesus comes back.
To reign with his people, and then he will take the kingdoms of the world as his own.
So it's not fulfilled yet.
Making himself, choosing to make himself known to us because he loves us. He created us in love.
And in order, because God is God and infinite in his being, and we as creatures are finite in our beings.
The Person of the Sun encompasses both.
And God, in order to make himself fully known to us, the Son who is all that God is to give an expression to us who are finite beings.
The son in love to the Father and to us, said I'll become a man.
And in becoming a man, he comes close to us. He enters into those things that we as finite beings experience, and it is God's way of communicating something of his own heart to us that we might know him.
In the capacity that we have as creatures to be able to know our God. And it's an expression of the greatness of his heart that he would choose to do that. And so the Lord Jesus takes into his person manhood, and we will. It's a mystery really that we shall enjoy, although never fathom the fullness of it.
But it shall encompass our hearts attention.
The measure to which God would go to make him spouse known to us and would speak in the person of the Son. And we will be forever worshippers as we consider his person. And we we get to do it here in this epistle, as it says in chapter 2 when he becomes a man, verse nine, we see Jesus.
Having become a man, Bob stopped at Chapter 10.
And his outline of the book. But in Chapter 11, in order for the work and the person of Christ to have any value to us, you have a chapter of faith. And we have a whole set of witnesses that witness to us of a walk of faith. And if we're going to come into knowing God and his Son right now until we see him face to face.
It's a walk of faith.
But what about the walk in chapter 12?
Is it where you can put aside all Chapter 11 and all the witnesses and get the benefit from them? But what does it say about that walk? It says looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured. What is it? It's not telling us about the work of redemption.
In that chapter we have that elsewhere, but what is it? It's to say, And now for you, you have a perfect example to follow in the walk of faith. The perfect man who walked his walk as a man in perfect faith is the sun. And so look off unto him, and see in him the whole path of faith, and see what?
He saw.
At the end of his own walk, who for the joy that was set before him, he looked beyond this life to something beyond it. And he's the perfect expression to us of how to walk life as a man. And in doing so, we get to know him. We get to know God, and we also get to know his person in that way, in the measure in which we have capacity to do so because.
He's a person that will never exhaust getting to learn to know him better.
Yeah, the Lord as the eternal Son.
He he never emptied himself of his deity, but he took manhood into union with himself.
That we read in him while of all the fullness of the Godhead model it so as the Lord walked through this world as a man.
His divine glory was not manifest at times that it was seen His His divine power in spilling the storm and healing, but He veiled His glory in manhood and but He never left the bosom of the Father, and He is the eternal Son. He did not become Son in manhood.
He had that position from a past eternity, but now he is the Son of God in manhood.
Going back to that second phrase in verse two, there we have the creation of the world, by whom also he made the world's. The Lord Jesus is the creator of all things. Incredible to think of the power that's involved in the universe, the incredible size of it. If you start to try to talk about the billions and trillions of stars.
In the universe, astronomers now say that there is easily.
You can easily say that there are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on the seashore. Well, either of them are in accountable as far as we're concerned. But the point is, is that here's one who made it all by the word of His power. He spoke and it was done. He commanded and it stood fast. What tremendous power involved.
Oh brethren, we don't grasp how great this person is.
So that's the creation. Then when you come to verse three, you have statements as further statements as to His person, who being the brightness of His glory, the full outshining of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
You go out on a sunny day and try to look at the sun.
I created star. You can't do it. It's way too bright. We're not talking about the sun, brethren, the SUN. We're talking about the Son, the one who made it all and who made the billions and trillions of other stars in existence in the universe.
And put them there by the word of his power. Oh, what a tremendous person to get to know.
Person of our Lord Jesus, He is the brightness, the full out shining of the glory of God. You want to know God, look at him.
That's the way you get to know him, nor God is by looking at Him, and it's wonderful, like you were saying, brother John in the Gospels, to trace him. There's our God walking amongst men. In Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.
And yet men came up, and they spit in his face.
What kind of reaction did they get?
That spittle just ran down his face.
Is that our God?
Yes, Brennan, that's our God. He's patient. He's long-suffering.
Incredible to think of it, here in this world, he was every bit.
Much as God as he ever was.
And then it says the express image of his person.
Images visible representation of that which is invisible.
God is invisible to human eyes.
But how can we know God?
By looking at the Lord Jesus.
In Colossians, he's called the image of the invisible God.
Oh, what a tremendous thing that we have been brought to know him, brethren.
Do we enjoy this? This is what Christianity is.
I have to say for myself a little, the impact of all this tremendous truth makes on my life. But this is Christianity. To get to know Him. It's not a religion. It's the knowledge of a person, God and the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. How wonderful to get to know Him.
Some of these comments that have been made, especially on the second verse, make me think of the way the Lord Jesus is introduced to us in the Gospel of John and I just like to read the first few verses because I think it fits in. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him, and without Him was not anything made that was made.
In him was life, and the life was the light of men.
Especially the fact that he's presented as the Word, the word. Words are what we use to communicate. And so here in Hebrews, the Lord Jesus is presented the Son of God as the way that God is communicating with us in this world. And so indeed, He is the Word.
If I might just I don't mean to turn our vision away from Christ, and I trust that won't be the result, but.
We were made in the image and likeness of God, weren't we? The purpose was that he might see his own reflection.
In his creatures. And it wouldn't. Wouldn't it be nice if those who don't know God and haven't?
Had much of the communication of who God is, and here we are enjoying the communication of who God is and the person of the Lord Jesus. But there's a world full of people that don't have that revelation, that don't have that understanding, and they may only see you and me.
They only may only see those who bear the image and likeness of Christ who have the life of Christ in them. Spirit of God is capable of taking that life and manifesting it to them.
So that God would speak through you and I as to the glory of His own person. And so the more we know and enjoy, the more we're changed into His likeness and the more there will be a reflection of the one that we are enjoying here now. And the more blessing can you know the heart of man is is empty.
It's looking for something to satisfy Phil. It's looking for.
A ray of of of love and that all can be reflected in us. It's the reflection of the glory of the Lord Jesus that the Spirit of God can reproduce as his life is lived through us and in US.
Which we live was not only created, but it has to be sustained.
We do use a little example of it.
We have decided, our man has decided there's something called gravity and that the bodies in the universe have an attraction according to certain properties with each other and so on, and each one of us has life in this room, and we assume that in a natural way we'll still have life.
To go to supper and so on. But the Word of God would teach us, as it says here, upholding all things by the word of His power.
That God maintains everything working the way it does.
As as it was said in the Old Testament, if he thought only for himself for a moment and stopped paying attention to.
Managing the Earth, everything would stop.
Gravity would cease to be gravity. The next breath that you take is maintained by the God. Maintenance of what how life works and every single moment of.
Creation is God maintaining it for the next moment. And if God only would, as it were, turn aside for a moment his attention and not stop paying attention, it tells us in Job it would just come to a stop. That'd be the end of it. And so he says, upholding all things by the word of his power, But then the next phrase, when he had by himself purged our sins.
Sat down on the right hand of the majesty on high. It's important to see these expressions as Speaking of the sun in the next chapter, where is Jesus? He becomes the man in order to be able to die.
And so he becomes in manhood, because it was necessary.
For the putting a waste of sin, according to what the Old Testament taught, the soul that sinneth it shall die. And so to be the Savior, He had to become man in order to go through that which was necessary, as God had established it, to deal with the matter of sin. And having become man, He is man forever. He will never give up that place, but.
And as man, and in the gospels that present him in that way.
He dies.
God puts upon him our load of sin.
He dies to it, and then he's in the grave and God as God raises the man from the dead.
But notice what it says in this verse. It's quite in contrast to that, and it's in keeping with John's gospel where it presents him as the Son.
He had by himself purged our sins.
Sat down.
On the right hand of the majesty on God.
There isn't God raising him from the dead here. There isn't God putting upon him.
Our sins in this view of Him, it is the divine Person of the Son.
Accomplishing a work, and in the deity of his person, he finishes it, and he returns to a place that is rightfully his in the glory. It's the same as in John's gospel in the 17th chapter he says I have finished the work.
None but he could have ever said that. Can you say I finished the work that God gave me to do in my life?
Not a single soul that's ever lived that can make truly make properly make such a statement.
But the Son could make it, and He makes it. And in John's gospel you have no forsaking, you have no expressions of suffering on the cross, and so on. It's all left out in order that the glory of the person might be seen and focused on as to who He is. And it's the same here, and we lose a lot in our souls.
We would lose a lot if we didn't see it as presented in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. But we would also lose a lot if we don't see him in the majesty of his person, accomplishing a work in himself, by himself, and by his own right and power, finishing that work, returning to his place of the majesty on high.
I'd like to think of this.
Thought here in connection with that what you said brother Donna this work of purification of sin it's it's a divine act every bit as much as him creating the worlds and him upholding all things by the word of his power is making purification for sin is every much as a divine act as these other things we like to.
Contemplate Him making the world's, and then to think of Him upholding all things. We can't enter into that. But brethren, we also cannot enter into His work on the cross.
It's such a divine act of glory and power.
We can't take it in, but we're going to enjoy it as we are now. We're going to enjoy it even more and throughout eternity we're going to be enjoying that aspect of this. Divinity is power.
And making purification for Saturn.
When he made the creation.
He spoke and it was done.
But when it was purification of sin, there was more than that.
He gave himself, and that's a beautiful little expression there when he had.
By himself.
Nobody else could do it. Nobody else.
Judas Iscariot betrayed him, it says. They all forsook him.
And flatten. We know that Peter denied him three times.
But there on the cross.
In those hours of darkness.
By himself.
Those waves and billows of God's judgment rolled over Him.
For three hours.
There's no complaint until the very last.
And there's that awful cry. My God, my God, why stealth forsaken me?
By himself he made the progression of sins.
Will never understand the awfulness of that moment of abandonment.
But it was that by that means that he made the purgation of sins.
O brethren, what a work he's accomplished on the cross.
And then, as Don has already mentioned, the last phrase of verse 3.
He sat down.
On the right hand of the Majesty on high.
The new translation says he sat.
Himself down, in other words, in view.
Of the worthiness of his person and the sufficiency of his work.
He had the right to go right into the presence of God.
And sit himself down, the right hand of God.
Oh, what a glorious person we worship.
It's helpful to see the new translation, How it begins verse 4.
This breeds taking a place by so much better than the angels.
That is when he's seen before our eyes as Jesus, the man who dies. It's then God who raises it from the dead. It's God who gives him a place in the creation superior to the angels, but in His Majesty and the His person here is presented to us. He has the dignity, the right, and its proper to His glory.
That he simply set himself down at the majesty on high and take by his own right and power a place greater than angels in the mind of men. That's brought out partly for the Hebrews who thought so great of angels and how great they were. And it's to bring out before us that they're they're just creatures. They're they're not comparable to his person. And when it comes.
To the Angel, they're like us, they're creatures and they don't have the glory of God.
But here, this one, when he's finished his work and he sits down, he in his own right and dignity and proper to his glory, he just takes that place which is his, greater than the Angel.
And it's intended that our souls respond to it.
To bow and worship.
In awe at the glory of the one that has become our Lord, our Savior, and has always been the Son.
He's in powers, isn't he?
He was the creator of the angelic beings, but now in manhood he takes that position of the principalities and powers. Principalities refer to angels and this is what is brought out in in our chapter here that Lord is infinitely superior to these created beings that.
Fascinated or occupied the Jewish mind so much, but the apostle is bringing before them the the superiority of the Person of Christ.
Chapter 2 He's made a little more than the angels because taking human form.
It shows us that the human creation was a little lower than the angels.
Angels excel in strength, but they are spirit beings. Tremendously interesting to see what scripture says about them, but.
We're not occupied with that, but the Lord Jesus has been said sometimes past angels up twice.
First time on his way down to become a man he was made a little lower than the angels and that's chapter 2 where you have him as Son of man. But here is done is brought out in verse four. He's taken a place that is so much better than the angels and that's the place that is his by right because of the work he has accomplished on the cross.
And because of who he is, really.
Jesus is a perfect man constitutionally. He had a body, he had a soul, he had a spirit back. Very false doctrine came into.
Among brethren in the early years, when they.
Deny there's some.
Prominent resident denies that the Lord had a perfect human spirit.
Which was very serious doctrine. The Lord was a perfect man in every sense of the word. He had a body, body that has prepared me. He had a soul, He had a spirit. He was a perfect man, in fact, in every sense of the word.
I don't think it says that he was made staff to be corrected, but I don't think it says the Lord was made in the likeness of God.
That would imply inferiority if someone else have a comment on that. The image of God, yes. Is that right Bob? Yes, it says the Philippians chapter two. He was made in the likeness of men.
So we are, as has been brought out in the image and likeness of God, that the Lord Jesus was the image of the invisible God.
But he was made in the likeness of men.
So how does this drive with?
Remark in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
These two chapters.
What chance?
Well, he did for us because He's the one that accomplished that work of purgation of sins.
Just a general comment.
We're talking about something that is beyond human comprehension.
And it's just a word.
To all of us, at every age, really, never try to go beyond Scripture.
Stick as closely as possible to the language of Scripture.
Know the Lord Jesus, the Son of God, and all that said about Him.
Come to know him as Son of Man and all that's expressed in it.
Come to know him as Jesus the Lowly 1.
Among men, that God is highly exalted.
But don't try to put it all together with human understanding. Enjoy each aspect of it and leave it without attempting to make it reconcile altogether with the human mind. It's beyond our minds, and some of the worst God dishonouring teaching that's ever come out has been the attempt to reconcile to.
The human mind, the person of the Lord Jesus, will never do it in eternity.
And it's a we just want to know Him as he presents himself to us, and not try to bring him down to our little minds, but enjoy it lest it be His name, a name that is God alone can fully comprehend.
Or just rate confirmed that John in first Timothy chapter 6 we have.
The Lord Jesus Christ presented, and in verse 16 it says, Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach, unto whom no man hath seen, nor can see, to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen. So it's beyond our human minds, and so it's tremendously important to keep close to Scripture.
But when we view.
Thy strange design.
To save rebellious worms.
Where vengeance and compassion join.
In their divinest form.
Here thy bright character is known 335.
Oh God.
In the Lord.
I'm on the way more than we are. We need my great chance so.
I was hardly full of.
All the heart.
In the wind.
Well, my thyroid and thy heart, thus our thy heart.
Good morning in the morning and everything we're going to have to do it all over the competitions screams services and.