Hebrews 1:5-8

Duration: 1hr 13min
Hebrews 1:5‑8
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With first time to complete the thought of Hebrews one verse 5.
For unto which of the angels that he had any time thou art my son, this day have I begun me, And again I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son.
And again, when he bringeth in the first begotten into the world, he said, and let all the angels of God worship him.
And of the angels he said, Who make it his Angel spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire. But unto the sun he said, Thy throne, O God, is forever and ever a scepter of righteousness, is the scepter of thy Kingdom.
Thou hast loved righteousness and hated iniquity. Therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.
And thou, Lord, in the beginnings hast laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the works of thine hands.
They shall perish.
But thou remainest.
And they shall wax old as death of garment, and as a vesture shalt thou fold them up.
And they shall be changed. But thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail.
But to which of the angels said? He at anytime said on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool?
Are they not all ministering spirits and forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?
In this portion that was read.
We have those two words.
Thou art.
That's God speaking to the Son.
And expresses.
In the second person of the verb to be.
What is expressed in the first person? When he says I am, Jesus says I am.
The bread of life. We had that in this past meeting and other places. So yeah, I am. That's the eternal, and it's the Son. He is the eternal. Thou art. That's the eternal Son. And if you go to the 11Th chapter, we have the third person. I just bring in these simple things.
That point to the person.
In three ways, no matter what the chance is in the.
11Th chapter.
The sixth verse.
Without faith it is impossible to please him, for he that cometh to God must believe that he is. I think that's so beautiful. He is gone. The Son is gone too.
That's a present thing. Thou art my son.
This day have I begotten thee. How many make a mistake and think he wasn't a son till he was born a man, but he was always a son, always the eternal Son of God. And if you turn to Isaiah, it's a thing known by all of us. But it's good to read the one verse or part.
Isaiah 9 and verse six. I only have to read the first phrase.
For unto us a child is born. Unto us our son is born. So that is what it says. Your ears picked it up right away. A son is given.
Child was born, but a son of God is given for us. Isn't that a beautiful way, The perfection in the word of God?
This is a very important point in the NIV translation, it reads.
You are my son. This day I have become your father and that's very serious error.
In the genealogies, they would say that instead of saying Abraham begat Isaac, Abraham became the father of Isaac, who became the father of Jacob, and so on. Well, that's all right with the human family. When it comes to the Lord, it involves a very serious error because he didn't ever become his father. He was always the father and he was always the son. So that's a very serious error. They do have the correct.
Rendering down at the bottom on the NIV, but they put the wrong rendering it in the in the text and that's very serious.
Whereas that's the way the NIV does sometimes. But the Dewey or the Confraternity, which is a very good translation. Both.
But they put the meaning down at the bottom, which counters the word of God. They print the word right, but to tell you what it means under the line. So I always tell the Catholics, you've got an excellent translation. Just never look below the line. You'll be safe.
Said what man does, isn't it?
The Watchtower Society, That's Jones. Witnesses. The New World Translation reads the same as the NIV. You are my son this day. If I've become your father. Very serious error. Now that that goes in line with their doctrine. And it's of course, deadly error.
So when it says Thou art my son, that's the relation that he had to God from all eternity. He is the eternal Son of God. But when it says this day, have I begotten thee that refers to his incarnation? Is that right? Could you say some more about that?
Very good. It occurs in Psalm 2. It occurs in Acts 13 and Hebrews One and Hebrews 5. Those are the four instances where that passage occurs three times quoted in the New Testament from the Old, and it always refers to the Incarnation.
You might just just to let's go, let's go back to Acts 13 for a minute to look at that. That's important.
In Acts 13.
Verse 32.
And we declare unto you glad tidings, how that the promise which was made unto the fathers God hath fulfilled the same unto us their children, and that he hath raised up Jesus. Now the word again should not be there really doesn't make any sense in that He hath raised up Jesus, He raised him up as the Messiah on earth. That's what that is saying as it is also written in the second Psalm. Lord my son, this day of I begotten see thee. So that refers to the incarnation. Then the next verse makes that very clear.
And as concerning that he raised him up from the dead, now no more to return to corruption, he said on this wise he quotes an entirely different Old Testament verse. I will give you the sure mercies of David. So the the quote from Psalm 2 This day have I begotten. He refers to him being raised up on earth as the Messiah.
Well, in Luke chapter one.
We have in verse 30 and 31130 and 31 The angels said unto Mary, Fear not, Mary, for thou has found favor with God, and behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shall call his name Jesus.
That's his name as Son of Man. He took the title Son of Man because.
Not only was he a man, but it's not a title of of prominence among the people. The Son of man shall do this. The Son of man shall do that. But notice in verse 35. And the Angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the highest shall over shadow thee therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of these.
Be called the Son of God? Well, we could go on with many references. But he is the Son of God. How wonderful that is. But when he was born he took the title Son of Man Incarnation God in flesh. Marvelous isn't it? I want to read two more verses in Acts 13 which really give the force of verse 33 where it says in that he hath raised up Jesus.
Is it also written in the second sum in verse 22? And when he had removed him, he raised up unto them David to be their king? That's not referring to resurrection of David, it's just he raised him up to be their king, to whom also he gave testimony, and said, I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after my own heart, which shall fulfill all my will of this man's seed. David's seed have God, according to his promise raised unto Israel a savior Jesus.
That's the thought. In verse 33 he raised him to be a savior, and then in verse 34 you have the resurrection.
You think God would reveal these things to us, mere creatures?
It's marvelous, isn't it? And he gave us and the ability to believe it, and then he gave us the teacher to explain it, the Holy Spirit in us. It is so grand, you know. Then the mystery that Paul revealed, All these things are ours to know. Not only that, he lets us know what's going to happen here when we're gone and what we're going to do when we get there. And all kinds of things.
It it's just precious when you think how he no longer calls us servants, the Lord said. But I call you friends. Why? Well, because the servant doesn't know all that his Lord is going to do. But a friend, he tells all in that wonderful friend.
I'd like to make a suggestion and that is that.
Who take part so often should give room for others to express some thoughts and not not speak too quickly.
A time of a little silence and reflection and meditation upon what's been said is very profitable.
I'll ask the question.
When is this in the sixth verse?
When he bringeth in the first begotten end of the world, he said let all the angels of God worship him.
You have a thought on that? Well, I think it's future, yes. I don't think it's his birth.
It's still future. Isn't it wonderful to think about God's going to bring His first Begotten and display Him as a head over all creation? As the only begotten each of the Son eternally? As the first Begotten, He's the head of all creation.
He's going to be brought here and displayed in glory in the position he has.
If we look.
At the last verse of John One, I think we have a double.
Direction there as to.
Let all the angels of God worship him.
That is in John.
One and the last verse.
We have the heavens opened in that coming day.
To display who is the center of everything and the angels are there.
We might say, going both up and down in that day, let's read that last verse of John one. And he saith unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Hereafter ye shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man. How God delighted, show his only begotten Son as the Son of man.
And I think that this is the center of the eternal company, or at least the.
Millennial Company.
Heaven and earth.
The angels all are claiming him.
Ascending and descending upon the Son of Man.
He'll have rough into subjection all things under God.
He literally wrapped the Kingdom to God and the Father.
All sin will have been removed before the day of God.
The Son of Man is the one that does that.
So we look on to the time when angels.
Going up and down heaven and earth, Jesus, the Son of Man.
The center of the fixed scene of glory.
Would that refer to the Millennium? Right now there's quite a distance between earth and heaven, but in the Millennium there will be the distance will be much shorter. That will be done on earth as it is in heaven, and in the eternal state. They all, as it were, coalesced into one that much closer. But the angels of God ascending seems that He's ruling from heaven ascending and then descending on the Son of Man. He seems to go back and forth between these two spirits.
Is that is that a right thought? Yes, I think so. Aren't the very in trying to get us to understand the measurement? I guess it's in Revelation.
144,000 furlongs.
If I'm thinking right in the 21St chapter, I believe it is 12,000 furlongs. Here's the amount of numbers over here, I believe you 12,000 furlongs, Armpit said. That's the distance from Lake Superior over to the Pacific Ocean. And then you go South, that same distance. You go back east, that same distance, and you go back north and you come to the place of the beginning, only you got to go up that far too.
That's the millennial.
Size. That's listed there. 12,000 furlongs. Well, 1800 miles. How much is 1500? Well, he had 2000, his number, but that was better, correct?
Well, aren't that gone.
Well, you're just trying to think of a distance 1500 or 2000 miles straight up and then that big a cube.
Its perfection in creation. A cube is perfection in creation.
And that blessed man is going to be the center of that.
And everything is going to serve him. The angels are creatures who have been preserved unfold. I'd like to add a couple of things more about John's Gospel which are wonderful to me that in the first verse of the gospel, let's read the first verse of John's gospel.
The subject comes up with this one last verse of the first chapter, but the first verse.
Says in the beginning was the word.
And the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And he agreed a little further if you want to.
What the scripture is?
Presenting before us is the eternity or the Infinity of his person.
The word we've had about that. Now you go to the last.
Verse of John's Gospel and it is entirely different, but these verses seem to.
Tell us a lot about what's coming.
The last verse of John 21 Says.
And there are many other things which Jesus did.
To which if they should be.
I everyone, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen. So let it be, brethren. We got to believe that literally what Jesus has done as the eternal person is the Infinity of His works. We've been through two of his works this morning. Creation that we know a little bit about and redemption, redemption being the greatest.
But here we have in the first verse of John the eternity of his person, and in the last verse we have the Infinity of what he has done. You can't. You can't understand it, but we can believe it. How blessed is this book?
I'd like to make a comment on the verse.
5:00 and 6:00.
For under which of the angels said he at any time thou art my son this day have I begotten thee? Never said that to an Angel. That's, as we've said, the Incarnation. Then the next expression. And again I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son. And Luke's gospel it says that holy thing.
Which shall be born of thee shall be called the son of God, so that little baby.
That entered into this world the sun had become Incarnate, is the Son of God. He doesn't cease to be the Son. When he became a man, it says in Philippians 2 That he emptied himself. But he didn't empty himself of his sonship. He carried his sonship into time. He was the Son from all eternity. He was the Son as well as a man. And that's why it goes on to say, I again I will be to him a father, and he shall be to me a son.
So as a man down here, the God was to him a Father and he was the Son That changed, that had not changed, that remained. And then the next verse, and again when he brings in the first begotten into the world, he saith that's that's still future as you pointed out. But all the angels of God worship him. So you've got the you've got the the incarnation. He's entering into the world. Some may have thought that when he entered into this world he ceased to be the Son.
And the other teaching is. And Bob pointed out that he didn't become the son until he became a man. Well, those are both wrong. He remains the son in manhood. And father says I'll be to him a father. He should be to me a son. That never changed.
Regarding Philippians 2 That has been mentioned.
When the Lord Jesus Christ.
Was the Son, and eternity, as the second person of God had within the councils of grace the Father, Son, and Spirit. God in three persons determined that.
The Lord Jesus Christ would come into this world and demand circumstances, God.
Manifest in the flesh, as has been said. And so when he did come.
It's been wrenching that he came and that holy thing was the Son of God.
When he took his place as the servant of Jehovah is baptism.
Heaven again was opened. We heard heaven opened there in John One heaven.
Is open and the Voice declared. This is my beloved son.
There he is still in sunshine sonship as a man at his birth, at his baptism.
And then we see him on the mount.
And we hear the same elocution from heaven. This is my beloved Son. This is the future.
When he comes as Lord of Lord and kings of kings, he is the Son.
And in the first chapter of the book of Romans, verse 4 declared to be the Son of God by the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection.
The dead So he always was the son. He was son when he was born.
Their entire life and his resurrection. And he is at God's right hand as the Son of God and the Son of Man as the Philippians. 2 He was God, and he became man. He always was God. He was not always men. He became something that he never was when he took on humanity, but he never ceased.
To be the Son of God, even when he was dead.
That's deity. That's God. He couldn't die, but as man he could.
Well, what a tremendous thing He is the Son in Eternity. He is a son in the atom life, and even though he left that, he's the Son when he comes forth in the new life.
I'd like to ask a question about verse five. It says This day, Have I begotten thee?
Is that the same as we have in other scriptures where it says that the Lord Jesus?
Is the only begotten son, or is that somewhat different?
The only Begotten Son is not related to time at all. It's what he always was. It's He's of the same essence as God and as the Father. That's the point in Only Begotten. It's not that he was begotten at some point, some distant point in the past. No, He the only Begotten the Son, is his sonship from all eternity, bringing out that he is of the same substance, the same essence as God the Father.
And then another.
What is the difference between only begotten and 1St begotten?
First, begotten is a time related statement only begotten as no time you can apply to.
First begotten from the dead. That's in resurrection, isn't it?
He forgotten is what he was forever and 1St Begotten is what his relationship in connection with all creation. That's right Bob, you got the right thing there. He has the the preeminent place in connection with all creation and she is in Colossians 1 where it speaks of him being the first begotten.
First born of all creation, and then first born from among the dead. In other words, he has the preeminent place in connection with those two things.
Not only in those two things, but in everything it says in Colossians chapter one.
You're referring you to that in everything. He might have the preeminence right first the first place.
Connection with that I think it's nice to look at what Steven says when he looks up and sees heaven opened in Acts 7.
Because there are two things about it.
Interesting that this mob that was stoning him in the 54th verse.
In the in the 55th verse.
But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up steadfastly into heaven.
And saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God, that this is the report.
The scripture says that he saw when he looked up there, but when Steven talks, he leaves out pardon, and I think that makes it exceedingly precious.
Verse 56 He said. Behold, I see heaven opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God, as it were, that that man was everything. To Stephen the glory might be wonderful, but he was greater than the glory.
He is the glory, yes. Got him that says that.
Angels are of a higher order in the original creation than man.
But isn't it wonderful that in that future day when the Lord Jesus is brought into the world, angels are going to bow and worship him?
Yes, they do now, but oh brethren, what a privilege that we are worshippers as well.
To understand something of the glory of his person.
To bow at his feet.
To adore him, to worship him. We worship a man, a real man, and in that coming day, all.
The universe is going to bow and worship the angels, and all creation is going to bow at the name of Jesus.
What is worship? Can we define that?
It's an old English word which means worship.
The worthiness of the one.
We adore it's not so much.
We praise him sometimes, It's been said, for what he has done.
We worship them for who He is. Worthship or worship is the recognition and appreciation of who He is in His glorious person. Oh brethren, how can we ever elevate?
A mere man to a place that takes the place of this person that we're talking about.
Some helpful verses as to worship our Philippians 3 and the 1St 3 verses.
Philippians 31 Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. It starts right there with the object before the soul. The Lord rejoice in the Lord.
To write the same things unto you to me indeed is not grievous, but for you it is saved.
Then he gives 3 warnings. Beware of dogs, those that rip and tear anything.
We were of evil workers. Well, we think we see them sometimes, but beware of the concession refers to.
Man using a kind of a Band-Aid to fix up the old flesh, which won't work.
To fix the old flesh doesn't mean cut it off, but patch it up.
Beware of that.
Then the third verse is the nearest to what worship is. It's what where it comes from. We are the circumcision. Is the people marked out, set apart.
Which worship God in or by the spirit. It's only born again souls that can worship. It's the action of the spirit produced in the soul in the mind of the believer that's enjoying Christ and.
Rejoice in Christ Jesus.
Worship God in the Spirit or by the Spirit and rejoice in Christ Jesus. Again, it points to the One.
Who is the king? Who is the man? The man Jesus, who has done that work? Then it tells us once again have no confidence in the place because the place so often thinks it can do something, so often it thinks it can do something. To please God in the flesh profiteth nothing. So those three things are kind of a recipe for what worship is.
Can the flesh seek God? No man in the flesh shall see God. I think of the Scripture. S double Ek. Well, we're told to seek him.
What percentage do? Well, there's lots of Christians. There's lots of believers. I'm talking about the flesh. We started out as men, and the spirit of God acts in the soul through the gospel to see Him and were born again as we heard in the address. Then we've got the Spirit, and the more we know Him, the more we want to know him.
To answer the question that was asked for the verses scripture, it says in Romans chapter 8 the mind, the flesh is enmity against God and is not subject to the law of God, neither can it be. Therefore they that are in the flesh cannot please God.
There has to be divine life begotten in the soul by the sovereign act of God. For a man to seek God, there is none that seeketh after God. That's the natural state of man. But there are those who do seek him, because God is wrought in their souls and convicted them of sin, and they're looking for a savior. But the natural man does not seek God, and the flesh cannot please God. That's a pretty plain statement, isn't it?
In the 4th chapter of John's Gospel we have a nice illustration of that, starting with the 19th verse. The woman is speaking to the Lord there, and we read. The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet. Our fathers worshiped in this mountain, and he say that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship. Jesus said unto the curve. Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain or yet in Jerusalem worship the Father.
He worship, ye know not what for salvation.
Well, we know that what we worship for salvation is of the Jews. But the hour cometh, and now is when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth, For the Father seeketh such to worship him.
God is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
In spirit, because God is a spirit, isn't it? And that's his nature. And it's in truth, because it's according to the revelation of God to be true worshippers it there must be the revelation of God, and we have the revelation of God in Christ. Now, having received the revelation of God knowing who our God really is, then we can worship in spirit and in truth.
Being occupied with Christ and a heart that's full of Christ produces worship.
When my dad is.
Lord Jesus ever refused worship.
And there was a brother in Denver.
Some years ago that was asked that and he spent a Lord's Day Afternoon.
After meeting, searching with scriptures and finding every reference.
Made for the fact that the Lord Jesus never refused worship.
And I had a list of them. I don't have them now. Most of them. I think there was about 7 in the book of Matthew and the Gospel of Matthew where you have.
Those instances where there were those that came to him.
Either after being healed, I think of the 10 lepers one comes back.
Field and read that seven different times, I believe at least in the gospel, certainly most of them in Matthew 1 instance that I never quite understood and that was the instance where to heal the demoniac and.
He came, I think it says in that portion he came worshipping.
And the Lord Jesus heals him, and calls out to the demon of the spirit.
And they enter into the swine, I believe it is.
I'm not sure if that was an instance where he didn't refuse worship simply because of where because of the source of the worship from a demon perhaps? I'm not clear on that, but he picked up at least seven different instances where the Lord Jesus.
Was worshipped and he there's no record to my knowledge.
The Lord Jesus ever refused worship, another indication of indeed who he was.
When John in Revelation 19 and 22 fell down to worship the Angel, the Angel said stand up. I am my fellow servant worship God. So the fact that the Lord Jesus received worship proves clearly he was God because to worship a creature is idolatry. If he if he wasn't God, then all Christians are idolaters because we worship him.
I think Brother Bob, that you struck on the keywords to the question that Brother Bob Tony asked what is worship? This is something that I struggle with myself. Almost 40 years ago was I worshipping God as I should? And it seemed to me that worship is that which emanates from man up to God by the Spirit.
In that direction.
Now we see a lot of buildings around that will have a sign out front and it will say on their morning worship.
I used to go to one of those places.
It said Morning Worship.
And yet, in truth, perhaps only part, and a very small part of the things that took place in that building were worship.
So worship is that which the Spirit generates in our hearts, the goes up to God in adoration of Him and of his Son, the Lord Jesus.
And where I come from, the region you'll find signs on the summer months Morning Worship on Thursday night for weekenders.
Not true worship. That's getting rid of God quickly so they can have a happy time on the weekend. But they call it worship. God never needed a servant. Never. A servant is not worship, and many things man is doing is not worship. They may call it that, but you know, Saul said to Samuel. What's the problem? We just kept the sheep.
And the goats to worship. What's wrong with worship? The answer is beautiful.
Thou hast rejected the word of God, and God has rejected thee.
Worship. And we say that any worship that ever comes from these hearts or lips of ours is strictly and only that which God himself has produced in our hearts. So of thine own give we unto Thee.
That's pictured beautifully in that fountain that we were talking about in the 4th of John.
And the fountain is the result of that which comes down from heaven and gets into the.
Higher regions of the Earth.
Goes down through the crevices in the rocks and builds up a pressure.
And pains the point of relief, and it flows back up to the same level as the pressure is.
That's a true picture of worship. It's what comes from God and gets down into our hearts and minds.
The assimilation of who Christ is and what He has done.
Coming from God builds up a pressure in the soul, and he has to open his mouth and return it to God. And God receives it. That which has come from God and worked in our hearts and in our souls, that we may with one mind and with one mouth, glorify God.
That's why in the 4th of John it is the water springing up. It's the question of worship. It's water rising to its own level. Like you say, it's that which is produced by the spirit of God and then regenerate. Man is not born by the spirit of God. How can he produce spirit filled worship? You cannot. It is that which is produced by the spirit of God. And I think we have to recognize, brethren, that in whatever measure.
A soul and where whatever part he may be.
Has received the revelation of the.
Who the Lord Jesus is, There can be worship that is acceptable to God if it is produced by the Spirit of God.
You have the man in the 9th chapter of John the blind Man. When he was given his sight, he didn't have a much knowledge of who Jesus was. He didn't even know if he was a Sinner or not. That's not too educated as to who the Lord Jesus is. But when the Lord Jesus revealed himself to him and said, Believeth thou in the Son of God, He said, Lord, who is he? That I might believe on him?
And the Lord Jesus said, it is he that talketh with thee. And he said, Lord, I believed and he worshipped him. So it's a matter of when we receive the revelation of who the person of the sun is, then the response of the Spirit is worship to him. That's the thing that's important to see.
I'm thinking of that verse that you referred to and he did not reverse the recite receipt of his site.
He works 10.
Acts 17.
24 God that made the world and all things therein. We've been discussing that this morning, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands, neither is worshipped with men's hands, as though he needed anything, seeing he giveth to all life and breath and all things, including a worship.
Now now the worship aspect.
By him, therefore, let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God.
Continually that is the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name, and the 16th verse is part of worship. It's good works for brethren Titus. Two at the end tells us we were redeemed unto good works.
That's the purpose. But to do good and to communicate, Forget not, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased rather than that's as much the part of our worship as all of it. There with a loaf and cup, we can't separate the baskets. Some thought it'd be more convenient to put them at the door when they leave, and doesn't cause confusion. And so on. Just drop the money in when you leave.
That separates that part of worship from it, not according to God. But what are we talking about? God doesn't leave anything up to man. Not they especially worship. There is a way to worship Bob to go back to what you were telling us about Acts 17. He dwelleth not in temples made with hands, the building in which.
The Saints of God are brought together.
With the Lord in the midst has no.
Description in the New Testament.
It's a place. And then it says neither is worship with men's hands.
Musical instruments are not spiritual music. They might be pleasing to our ears, but they're not for God. So we don't improve on what God has given to us. And the point that's so nice is to think that God is seeking worshippers. He's not exactly seeking worship. That's what the worshippers do when they come together in His presence. What he wants is the person.
And it's a great joy to have his.
Words and his person deep in the soul enjoyed.
Like I heard about.
To godly brothers.
One of them was just meditating on Christ.
He is sitting there meditating and all of a sudden, he said.
Oh, if you only knew him, you couldn't help but enjoy him. He didn't mention anything.
Then about worship in spirit and in truth in the early days of Eric Smith in Bolivia.
An assembly was formed.
Down in the middle part of the country, maybe Atocha doesn't matter to us up here.
But there was a little gathering form to the name of the Lord Jesus.
And they were going on well, and over on the other side of the city was quite a large evangelical group.
And they had a man come down from Canada or the US and found out about the little bitty group that was over on the other side. Gathered in the Lord's name, they came over and talked to one of the brothers gathered the Lord's name.
And earnestly said, oh, you ought to be over here with us. We are two or three hundred. The dear old brother in a just a quiet voice as can you have any more of Christ with your two or three hundred than we have with a two or three that stopped Christ is all we had that today. And if he is all in the soul, there's going to be worship there's going to be a return to.
The one who wants to worship from the worshippers. Why was Max and Effie Priestly in Fort Dale, Sydney, Australia so particular when they found out that God has a place that his person and a way to worship?
And they are so careful about that table. It's the Lord's table, and so careful about the emblems. And there's just two of them.
You know the Springs, Arthur and Iris Springs in New Orleans They were worshipping, they said in their kitchen with their daughters. They had separated. They did that for 17 years.
And when a brother answering their question told them you are worshipping an independence.
You know what they did? They didn't do it again until an assembly was formed there, till they were received in Pensacola, and then an assembly was formed.
And they worship.
There is a way. The man, the man in the 17th of Luke.
When he was healed of his leprosy and he was a Samaritan, he wasn't a Jew.
He is healed of his leprosy. He was so full of gratitude it says that he returned and fell down at his feet Jesus feet and gave him thanks. And Jesus says about him that he returned to give God glory. Now that's worship. Giving God glory is worship. And what an example we have. And the Lord says of him and he was a Samaritan. Real comment.
I was about to say that which triggered our discussion on worship and has brought out some nice thoughts was making the angels of God to worship him.
Maybe we could go on and pursue the chapter. Though we have enjoyed some of the comments as to worship and helped us to understand the angels worship certainly is not what we've been talking about. It's the believers, the members of Christ, body worshipping.
But is not the angels worship connected with their service?
Maybe we could go ahead with our chapter.
I'd like to make a remark.
About what you have just said, turning to the last chapter in the Bible.
And I'll just say that I heard Armstead, Barry give this definition about the service that's referred to.
In the third verse, it might be good to read the 1St 3 verses of Revelation 22.
He showed me a pure river of the water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.
And in the midst of the street of Iran, on either side of the river was there the tree of Life.
Which bear trail manner of fruit and healing her fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. This is the millennial city.
And then it says and there was number more curse.
But the throne of God and the Lamb shall be in it of this statement.
And his servants shall serve him.
Armstrong said he believed that was the service of worship and that's all that's left to do when everything else is fixed up. Just pure worship. Worship to the one who has done everything.
Just one last thought on that. Hebrews 13. I know I'm talking too much. I'm sorry. But Hebrews 13 it goes along with with Genesis 22, where the Lord says I will sing praises in the midst of my congregation. And in Hebrews he says I will sing phrases in the mix of my assembly. And now in Hebrews here 13 where we were.
How can he do that?
Well, 15 By him, therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to his name. I don't want to take time, but I suggest you look at Isaiah 15 or Isaiah 57, verse 15 I the Lord create the fruit of your lips.
It isn't even from us, but that's how he sings phrases in the midst of the assembly.
Beautiful, isn't it?
That's worship.
There's a beautiful expression in the eighth verse of our chapter, so precious for our hearts unto the sun.
Under the sun.
If we would stop and just meditate a little on that expression under the sun.
All it fills our hearts and notice what it says. And we go back to the fifth verse. We find that God is speaking here under the sun, he said. Thy throne, O God, is forever and ever. A scepter of righteousness, is a scepter of thy Kingdom. It's going to be under the sun for all eternity and it's truly not about us, it's all about him.
And it will be forever.
Wonder if we might connect them versus in Ephesians with the thought.
Ephesians chapter 3.
Verse 8.
Unto me who am less than the least of All Saints, is this grace given that I should preach among the Gentiles.
The unsearchable riches of Christ.
Verse 11 According to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Verse 16 That he would grant you according to the riches of his glory.
Verse 19 To know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge.
Verse 20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.
According to the power that worketh in US, unto him be glory be worship. Can we say that in the church by Christ, by Christ Jesus, throughout all ages, world without end?
That is this glory unto God by the church and the church.
Has already begun, but it is the work of him who works in US.
Above all let me ask or think and it is done in US.
So it is a real work in my soul yourself.
But it goes beyond beyond all creature intelligence.
Up to unsearchable riches.
Riches of the glory of God, the love of Christ that passes knowledge.
And they above all that we ask or think, the Spirit of God is working this now.
And he does it in his own way.
So that, as we've heard ascending up from this poor world, are those thoughts that are worthy to enter into the presence of him who has all glory.
And he does it in the church. As we've heard, there is individual Thanksgiving and individual praise and so forth. But there is a worship that is for the church and that's what we've been hearing that corporate worship.
Beloved, just think of it. The flesh can't do this. The highest thought the flesh would have is, well, let's make him a king. That's what they said. Well, that's nice.
So it doesn't reach the glory says due to him.
And then to be gathered under the name of the Lord Jesus.
Leaves outside that exercise to be gathered unto his name, Leaves outside man and his thoughts.
Come over to where Christ is in the midst.
But then we've also had mentioned another verse.
That by one mouth.
That is, as we come together.
That worship is being produced is a unifying of our hearts. Bring us all to the same thoughts in the presence of that one who is worthy, so that one brother, one mouth.
Can speak for everybody.
Now that's the work only the Spirit of God can do.
You know when they went up the stairs on the day of Pentecost, they went up a group, they came down a body. And one big difference in a group and a body is a group has Minnie Mouse and a body has one and that work.
Where the gathered Saints with the Lord Jesus in the midst to bring one mouth.
Those hearts that find themselves in his presence.
And they enjoy that which is above all that we ask for things.
The spirit of God in that in the heart, then produces that one mouth, one brother, lifting up those words of Thanksgiving, expressing the thoughts of many hearts.
Well, only the Spirit of God could do such a thing, and that's the vehicle that God has set on earth, the only worthy vehicle.
They can express Thanksgiving, worship to him who exceeds every thought that man could ever have the Lord Jesus Christ.
Our gimbal.
Contains many hymns.
That were written.
Before there were any gathered to the Lord's name. Are we saying there was no worship?
To God, to the Father and four brethren, God has always had a phase, remnant, testimony always.
Let's read a verse in the 9th of John.
The commandment is exceeding broad and in my own soul I don't think there's any limit of time or place or numbers about worship. Here's the blind man that had been healed and had his eyes open and he hadn't seen the Lord Jesus yet in the 9th of John.
And Jesus heard verse 35, That he had it cast him out. When he had found him. He said unto him, Dost thou believe on the Son of God? He answered, and said, Who is he, Lord, that I might believe on him? Jesus said unto him, Thou hast both seen him, and it's either talketh with thee. And he said, Lord.
I believe and he worshiped him.
Matthew chapter 2. It's interesting, brethren, just to read these verses.
About the Wise Men, verse 11.
The Spirit of God was not here as a person and dwelling believers. The Spirit of God as God is always in all times producing worship for God.
11 It says, when they it is the wise men were come into the house. They saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshiped him. When they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts gold, and frankincense, and myrrh.
In chapter 28 of the same gospel.
And verse 16.
Then the 11 disciples went away into Galilee.
Into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them.
And when they saw him.
They worshipped him.
Worship is produced by seeing him and appreciating.
In some small measure that we may the glory.
Of his person.