Hebrews 10

Duration: 1hr 3min
Hebrews 10
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High above our grave.
Made me think brethren, and had on my heart a lot the reason times Hebrews chapter 10. I don't know if that would be a suitable portion.
And also speaks of our Christian position as you mentioned in your prayer.
For the law, having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers there unto perfect for them, would they not have ceased to be offered. Because if the worshippers once purged should have had no more conscience of sins, but in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again made of sins every year, Or it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sin.
Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body has thou prepared me in burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin. Thou hast had no pleasure. Then said I, Lo, I come in the volume of the book. It is written of me to do thy will, O God above, when He said, sacrifice, and offering, and burnt offerings, and offering for sin, Thou wouldest not, neither has pleasure therein which are offered by the Law. Then said he, Lo, I come to do thy will, O God.
He takes away the 1St, that he may establish the 2nd, but at which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. And every priest standeth daily, ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices which can never take away sin. But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins, forever sat down on the right hand of God, from henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool.
For by one offering he hath perfected forever them that are sanctified, whereof the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us. For after that he had said before, This is a covenant that I will make with them after those days of the Lord. I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them, and their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.
Now her remission of these is, there is no more sacrifice for sin. Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way which He hath consecrated for us through the veil, that is to say, His flesh, And having an high priest over the House of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith. Having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water, let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering, for He is faithful that promise.
Consider one another to provoke unto love and to good work, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the day approaching. Or if we sin willfully, after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin, but a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries. He that despise Moses Law died without mercy under two or three witnesses.
Of how much sorer punishment suppose ye, shall ye keep ye thought worthy?
Who have trodden under foot the Son of God, and have counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith you are sanctified and unholy thing, and hath done despite under the spirit of grace. For we know him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto me. I will recompense that the Lord, and again the Lord shall judge his people. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God, but call to remembrance of former days in which after ye were illuminated.
He endured a great fight of affliction, partly while she were made a gazing stock, both by reproaches and affliction, and partly whilst he became companions of them that were so used. For he had compassion of me and my bonds, and took joyfully the spoiling of your goods, knowing in yourself that you have in heaven a better and an enduring substance. Cast not away, therefore, your confidence, which has great recompense of rewards, for ye have need of patience.
That after you have done the will of God, you might receive the promise. For yet a little while. And he that shall come will come, and will not tarry. Now the just shall live by faith. But if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition, but of them that believe to the saving of the soul.
It the Lord using Paul the writer of his epistle.
To free the Jewish Christian.
From the Jewish system, the Old Testament order of things, they were permitted for about 35 years to go on to quite an extent.
With the Temple and the Jewish system.
When the Gentiles were thought to be brought under the law, we know from Acts 15 how firmly that was resisted and the Spirit of God LED them to declare the liberty of the Gentile believers, but not at that time of the Jewish believers. Paul circumcised Timothy in the very next chapter and in chapter 21 verse 20 when Paul came to Jerusalem.
Told how many thousands believe we're zealous of the law, but.
In his conversion, when Paul was conversed, Ananias was pulled the order in which Paul would be used to spread the truth at the very end it says into the House of Israel. I believe that was referring to what we have here in the Epistle to the Hebrews.
And the whole pistol chose that whatever they so valued in the Jewish system had its fulfillment in the Lord Jesus. They were only types and shadows. The better things we hear again and again. Better, better, better, greater.
What we have in Christ. And then at the end of the epistle after he had shown them that there was no more value in the type, since they had the reality in Christ.
He says we have an altar of which they have no right to eat, that served the Tabernacle.
From now on there has to be a clear break. Go unto him outside the camp. That's Judaism bearing his reproach is understood that this epistle let the Christian Jews or those who were Christians from among the Jews to leave Jerusalem. They were no longer in Jerusalem when Titus destroyed at their 70 after Christ. So that's just in a general way.
Gives us an understanding. Why is it important that we get into the understanding of Hebrews? What we find in the Christian profession is that people have introduced principles from Judaism into the Christian profession. Take for instance when it comes to the sacrifice, the mass.
As it is celebrated in the Catholic Church, they're offering up Christ over and over again.
That's the way it was in Judaism and the clergy system, the musical instruments, an earthly sanctuary, and even earthly blessings presented as the end for the Christians. Well, at this chapter we read they had lost everything, but they had in heaven a better and abiding substance.
You know, there's no longer perfectly blessing, blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places and their practices of the heavenly calling. But that is just in general an introduction to Hebrews. And it's very important for us to get to understand Hebrews because it will free us from Christendom. That has become a camp. You know, they have taken the principles of Judaism and introduce them with Christianity, and thus Christendom has become a camp.
And we have to go outside the camp at the time when his epistle was written.
Jerusalem and Judaism was the camp, but we do believe that it has been pointed out by others. Christenedom has become a camp by introducing Jewish principles into the Christian profession. And we go on to him. He isn't in a beloved Saints of God. Dear young people, the Lord Jesus is not in this camp that man has built up.
Even under the name of Christianity. And we go on to him outside.
Go back to.
Types of the law after the reality had come and the person of the Lord Jesus is what is called apostasy, and it means to turn back from Christ to Christianity to Judaism again. And I think what is important for us to understand is that Judaism was a religion adapted for man in the flesh that God gave himself as a test.
To see if there was anything good in man, but if a man failed totally. And so you will see in the in the religious systems around something that attracts naturally our flesh. And I think we have to recognize that that is not what we are called to. We are called out of that. Like you said, we are called the heavenly things, not anything down here in this world now.
And Christ is the object that I think it is good to see that those Old Testament scriptures, those the law had a lot that figures Christ. It was types and shadows.
But sometimes it gives this illustration to the Latin brother. They say sometimes I go on a trip and I come home and my wife knows I'm about to get home.
And all of a sudden, she sees, across the porch, a shadow gun.
And she knows I'm close.
What's she going to do? She rushes out the door. And does she start examining the shadow?
If that would happen, I'd say something was pretty wrong.
No, she grabs the reality. And brethren, the one who's fulfilled all those beautiful types and shadows of the Old Testament, we can go back there and see how God had that in mind all the time. But now we have the reality in the person of Christ. And in Christianity there's nothing exterior visible to attract the human heart. Can you see Christ? No.
Is there a special building that we're attracted to? No. Is there special music that should attract us? No. Sometimes our singing may not be that great, but if we understand what Christianity is, that's not what attracts us. It's the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, God's beloved Son, is the reality of it all. And so those are beautiful types of shadows, and we can go back and we can enjoy them in the Old Testament.
But to for the Jewish believers, as you mentioned, to have Christ that come and for them to turn back again to those what is called in another part of this epistle. We can beg early elements is apostasy and that's the tendency of our hearts naturally. I mean, we can look around at Christendom and see like Heinz said, all those elements are incorporated into Christians.
Systems, the elements of the camp, the Judaistic principles, and they're attractive to our hearts naturally. And sometimes young people say, well, boy, there's a lot of things that are attractive out there. OK, yeah, I admit that they're attractive to my heart, but that's not Christianity. They're attracted to my heart in a in a earthly way, as it was in Judaism. But if we understand what Christianity is, our object is in a place far different now.
We're called the heaven, Brethren were called to nothing impressive and outwardly visible down here in this world. We're called to heaven.
Now it goes.
The camp in Hebrew is not a corrupted camp. It's that which was ordained by God and given by God for His people, Israel after the flesh. But you have two expressions in this chapter that were read that have been helpful to me in the first verse. I'm just going to read part of the verse to get the force of the verse.
For the law.
Can never.
Make the comers there unto perfect the law can never make perfect and then down in verse 11 and Speaking of the sacrifices and every priest sent a daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifice which can never take away sins. It was never in God's thoughts the thought that the.
Camp that he established.
Judaism its ordinances. He never he knew that it could never satisfy his heart and that we read that our chapter. He was not he found no pleasure in them, but they were have been brought out shadows of a coming Christ and that's the only delight God had in that camp that he set up that system of things and the reason why they couldn't suffice. God is because it depended on.
Those who offered these sacrifices, keeping the law and man in the flesh, can never without faith. It's impossible, Hebrews says, to please God. And so it isn't a corrupted camp, but it would be it would have been true of Judaism in in its perfection as given by God. It could not satisfy the heart of God, and so it just a typified Christ, a coming Christ, a sacrifice Christ.
And that sacrifice, Christ, brethren, make us perfect. And you know, a little indication when you're turning back to a religion given to man in the flesh by God, you'll know that it will have this effect on you. And it has had its effect on many, many, many millions of Christians. There is an insecurity as to their relationship with God, millions believing.
I can be lost after all, others say, oh, you're too old to say you are a son of God. This all stems from giving ourselves a place in the things of God and instead of accepting the place God has given us in the acceptance of his Son.
The corrupt system in Fisdale, you know, Brother Henry said the camp in Jerusalem was not a corrupt system. But by bringing these things into Christianity, it's a corrupt system. It corrupts Christianity. But.
The more important point is not so much that we get delivered from what attracts so many people in the religious.
Systems. If we enter into the teaching of Hebrews, the person of the Lord Jesus becomes precious to us. That's more important than to be delivered from the wrong ideas that are around in the Christian system or the Christian profession.
But we also have to recognize that many who grew up in these systems need time to be delivered. And I believe we have to make a distinction between them who don't know because they're grown up with it. And it requires patience on our part to allow them to be taught by the Spirit of God to get delivered. Hopefully we can be a help to them.
So I think we have to make this.
Distinction. There are many souls who don't know any better. They're very sincere, godly souls and the Spirit of God is able to teach them. How has it been in our lives? You know, we have to be freed from some ideas and the Spirit of God has been able to help us and lead us on. There are still things that I believe we need, still need to learn each and every one of us. We don't know at all, do we? So.
Patients need it in dealing with such souls and.
We have confidence, do we not, that the Lord, the Good shepherds, and the Spirit of God is able to lead them on for His own glory?
Anyway, it's Christianity, totally the opposite of Judaism. Many times I speaking to souls, it seems like in their thinking that they think that Christianity is kind of an extension of Judaism, but it really it's it's opposite in many ways. I like to think of Judaism as more the focus on what man was to God, whereas Christianity the focus is what God is for man.
In Judaism, it was man's responsibility and they stood on the ground of responsibility. And in the New Testament, although we have responsibility, we don't stand on that ground. We stand on the ground of the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ and the cross of gallery. So that it's totally in contrast, really Christianity and Judaism. Judaism was earthly. Christianity is heavenly.
So there's many ways you can contrast it completely and it really helps to see our physician if you understand that difference.
At the end of the verse. That makes that very clear. There is no extension there. If you take it away, the person taking it away, they established the same.
Very important too, for us to remember that when we talk about the systems that we're not talking about the Saints of God that are there. We're not talking about the people this kind of disturbed. I've talked to some that that it disturbs them when we talk about the systems because they think we're talking about the people. But we need to differentiate between the system and the people. We're not talking about them. It's a system that man has set up that is corrupt and that the Saints of God have many Saints of God have been connect are are connected with.
And we're not saying that they do not get something of Christ there and we're thankful for that. God is able to feed his people regardless. But there is we read that Christ is the end of the law for righteousness for them that believe. And so all that is connected with law is is not Christianity. And so we need to I just point this out for some that perhaps the younger ones that that don't have this clear that it is a system.
That Saints of God are connected with that is condemned of God.
Not the people. The point is, is this.
When he came, the glorious Son of God presented himself to the builders of that system, the Jewish leaders, and they, as Scripture says, rejected that stone. They basically said when Jesus came, because he was there for the glory of God, we don't have any place for this stone in our building out, and they rejected it. They took him outside of that city and they mailed them to a crime.
And brethren, if there's a heart for Christ, where can we find a place in that religious system that has no place for the Lord Jesus?
Years ago when I was a young man, a brother amongst the veteran where I was said when you look at Christendom as a profession.
They're not all you might say in the center of the camp, you know, some might be more on the outskirts. They don't necessarily have all the principles of the camp, but they all have some principles of the camp. Take the clergy system.
You know, but some he says they are like under fringes of it. You know, there is much fundamental Christianity among those that are not gathered through the name of the Lord Jesus and 1 can be thankful for that. But.
The sacrifices we read here in verse one.
Could not make perfect to people who brought them. What does that work perfect mean?
That means to give them a perfect standing before God. That is the point in question. And in verse 14 we have by one offering He has perfected, made perfect.
Forever them that are sanctified, not that are to be sanctified as it is in the NIV. You know it is a positional truth.
By the work of the Lord Jesus, by his sacrifice, we have been given a perfect standing before God. Now people might say, since these sacrifices couldn't make perfect, ignore them.
No. By us looking into the typical teaching of what these sacrifices typically represent, it even helps us to a better understanding of the work of the Lord Jesus.
You know, we have many sacrifices in the Old Testament and they all point to Christ, but they do not all bring out the same truth of the death of Christ. Just to speak of the burnt offering and the sin offering. And I would encourage every young believer, including the older ones, if they haven't done so yet, get familiar with the teaching, the typical teaching of the sacrifices that will help you to a better understanding of what the Lord Jesus did.
On the cross and it will help you even to participate intelligently.
At the breaking of bread, you will realize what hymns or what passages of scripture present him as the bird offering, what Scripture presents him as the sin offering. And we don't jump from one thing to the other and get all kinds of confusion. But.
It's very important to get into these teachings, typical teachings. Christ is made more precious when we lay hold of these things. He is the subject of the whole world of God.
And the Passover, you know, and all these various offerings that they brought, what a wonderful thing it is to get a hold of the teaching and what they convey. And they all present a different aspect of the death of Christ.
What you say about that?
Embraced all the principles, the camp, I'd like to extend that a little bit more rather and say that we need to be exercised too, that we don't embrace those principles and and it's not something that we can say here. We're outside the camp. I trust we are brethren, but let's be exercised about this position when I see sometimes in our local meetings that we leave the praying and giving of thanks to the breaking of bread meeting or in the prayer meeting.
To a certain few and others are never exercised to take part. That's the principle of the camp that's starting in on their practice, brother, then we need to be exercised. Everyone is a priest to God and should be exercised about interceding, about giving us thanks. It belongs to us. So what happens in practice? First of all, the practice.
And then the doctrine comes in is that we leave it to a certain few and it scares me sometimes at a conference rather than those are sitting up front are the ones that train those in the back rows back there that have the same liberty before God to participate.
There's silence. That's not right, brother. Let's be exercised about.
Making use of the priesthood that belongs to everyone of us.
Don't allow that principle of the camp to come in in that way. So we need to be exercised, everyone of us, about it.
Before its 11Th verse speak volumes to one who hears the voice of the Spirit. Here we have the camp as we're in verse 11.
And verse 12 Says, But this man.
Jesus Christ.
After he had offered one sacrifice for sins, forever sat down. That's the direction.
What the occupation, general occupation is of those.
Now we're looking for activity.
They're looking for something to appeal to the intellect to.
Vision senses.
But we have here.
Jesus, God would direct our thoughts to.
Him on the Mount of Transfiguration, the Jesus baptism. What voice do we hear from heaven? This is my beloved son here. Here God's focus was on his beloved son. Does God want our focus on his beloved Son? And if we see him, what else do we need? We don't need anything to satisfy or appeal to the flesh. And then as we read in verse 14.
For by this one offering of himself.
He has perfectly forever then that are sanctified. God has already sanctified us.
We are sanctified in His sight already, but He would have us to be practically sentenced. Sanctified and sanctified simply needs to be set apart as in picture of the holy vessels were taken and set apart and they were not permitted to be used for anything other than the service of God.
First verses after that verse 10. It's interesting and.
What you say rather that God seemed to be thinking. I should say he was thinking of that. Even in the Old Testament he quotes the 40th song and it's quoted twice in these first 10 verses.
Sacrifice and offering thou wouldst not. Didn't he ordained that that should be offered? Yes. That was not really what he wanted. It was just a figure for the time present.
Until the one would come who would fulfill it all. Sacrifice and offering though which not but a body has self repaired me.
Inferred offerings and sacrifices for sin. Thou had no pleasure then said I lo, I come to do thy will, O God. So it's the Lord Jesus in that vast eternity in those eternal councils say lo Ike up. But I'd like to mention here that in these these four general sacrifices of the Old Testament, the book of Leviticus are.
Mentioned in.
Verses 5:00 and 6:00, and then again in verse 8, just to point it out, sacrifice is really the sacrifice of peace offerings that we have in Leviticus 3. Offering is the meal offering that we have in Leviticus 2.
Bird offering is the offering that's presented in Leviticus 1 and sacrifices for sin.
There's what we have in chapter 4 of Leviticus. So the four basic sacrifices of the book of Leviticus are included in here. And like Heinz said, they beautifully, typically in some way or another, the completeness, the beauty of the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus, sacrifice of peace offerings. It's interesting that it starts with that here, but it is really a communion.
Sacrifice Part of the animal when it was sacrificed was burnt for God. The fact and certain parts of the animal and the rest the meat was given to the people to enjoy. I like to think of it M 57 God.
Is satisfied with Jesus, we are satisfied as well. We enjoy the same sacrifice that God enjoys. We have fellowship with God about his Son. That's the piece of me. The meal offering is more the thought of what the Lord Jesus was in his life, the perfection of his life. So it was me and there was no blood in the meal offering. It was meal fine flour, no.
Imperfections there.
And on that fine flower was poured oil. In the power of the Spirit of God was ever his life, and frankincense the sweet savor that always ascended to God. And when that was taken to be baked, and then given to the priest to eat, a handful of it was taken out and put directly into the fire. It's not what he was in his life that made atonement for us, brethren.
But that he, in his perfection of his humanity, was seen in all his life here.
And even on the cross as a perfect man.
Without one. Perfect.
God and he tend to always say of what he is for us, our God, we both all the time things of the sinoff even.
But the birds offering represents what it was God and then his armor important than what it is for us. As we said, the third offer is the acceptance offer when accepted in the beloved and.
What he means to God in the faces that he can take on paper.
Author of our broad contact with the altar be connected with the key Alt.
And then he decided his husband returned to his head.
Go on forever.
And in the sin offering the Upper laid his hands on the head of the offering.
That's a way of identifying, and somebody has put it this way that I really enjoy. In the case of the bird offering, all the acceptability of that offering was transferred to the person that offered it.
In the case of the sin offering, all the sin of the individual that was offering it was transferred to the that sacrifice. Both were necessary. My father-in-law puts it this way sometimes that I think is helpful. In the bird offering, Christ died for God. In the sin offering, Christ died for us. And those two things are important, both of them. But like you say, so often we only concentrate on the fact that Christ died for us. It's part of it, brother.
But let's get to.
What it means to God, to you.
Remembrance of the Lord we come with the idea that we're going to receive something from the Lord and we'll hear some make that comment. Well, what what am I going to give at that meeting? That's not why we're there, is it it's a meeting that we are gathered to to give to God, to give to the father. We have the.
Other meetings, the open meeting, the reading meeting, where there may be blessing that comes from God down to us, but at the remembrance of the Lord, we have the blessed privilege of offering up to God that which is acceptable to Him, and that's what He desires from us. I like to think of the offerings as they're presented to us in Leviticus.
First with the burnt offering, then the.
Meal offering.
Offering and the sin offering, I believe they're presented to us in that order, because that is.
Be careful in saying this, but I believe that that is the order in which their preciousness is to God. The.
The Father views each one in a precious way as we look at as he looks at the work of Christ.
But it starts with the burnt offering and it ends with the sin offering from the believers. From our standpoint, we tend to look at it in the reverse order and truly without the sin offering, without entering into and evaluating that, we cannot appreciate the other offerings. So from our standpoint.
The sin offering is very important and that is our approach to God, but I believe when we are found remembering Him in His death that it's important for us to keep that order in place and not limit our thoughts and our praise to just sin offering.
But look, I think many times when we're in the remembrance of the Lord.
Many times there's a theme that one of these offerings is carried through in the meeting and I sometimes like to look for that to see what that theme is.
You start by saying we get later into Leviticus. We'll find many times that the drink offering accompanies these offerings and that, I believe, brings before us the joy that we can have and the joy to the Father.
In connection of the offerings in general, they burn the sin offerings was not a sweet favorite offering. I made the statement in blanket that it was not a sweet saver offering one time and a brother came up and showed me the one place where it is. So that's why I say in general it's not.
But it's in the case of an individual that is poor and he offers his offering and it does mention there that it is a sweet stay here. So there's many believers rather than who have gratitude in their heart that the Lord died for their sins. And that's a sweet savior to God if they don't get beyond that. But what is desirable is for us to understand what a tremendous work was accomplished in Calvary.
That work, the burnt offering like you were mentioning, all burned for God. It was cut up, the inner excellencies of that animal were made manifest, and then the whole thing was burned. There was only one part that the priest could keep of that offering.
It was the skin of the offering which shows that we are accepted in all the acceptability of that office, that all the rest was burnt for God. And there on that cross there was something that was a complete, full sacrifice to God.
It glorified God in the very place of sin, that there was no sin in Him.
That shows the burnt offering aspect of the death of Christ and that is in verse 14. How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God. See that's the burnt offering aspect hurt your conscience. Some dead works to serve the living God. Also in John's Gospel. Remember when the Lord Jesus said that the world may know that I love my Father and is the Father has commanded me so I do let us go ahead. He was going to Jerusalem.
To be offered up that these verses speak of the burnt offering aspect, but sometimes you have the burnt offering to sacrifice and the sin offering brought together. For instance in Ephesians chapter 5, I believe we have these two things brought together.
And there's two and walk in love as Christ also has loved us and given him self for us. An offering and sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savour. There you have given himself for us and given himself to God. So we shouldn't be.
Too legal and say you can never.
Bring in one other aspect of the sacrifice of tithe, when one aspect predominantly is before us during the breaking of bread. But I think it will be felt whether it is of the spirit or whether it is of.
I like that him, so I want to give out that hymn, but that fits in or not, you know, that is what sometimes happens, you know, but even reading the scriptures.
That fit in.
With what has gone before or leads on leads us further. This is all what as we are occupied with these things, even with the sacrifices in the Old Testament, it will help us intelligently participate. And what a thrill it is to sit down and see how everything fits in nicely. You know, harmoniously fits together. And because we don't worship as individuals.
When we come to the breaking of bread, we worship together, you know, but we're priests individually. And I like to add to what Bob has earlier said.
The exercise for priesthood is not the exercise of gift.
You don't need to have a gift to thank the Lord and make intercession. There is such a thing as the exercise of gift as to teaching and evangelizing and shepherding, and we ought not to try to do that when we are not qualified for that. But as far as prayer and praise goes, everybody has their privilege, and I believe this is where normally a young believer begins.
To open up his mouth in the assembly, taking advantage of his priestly privilege.
And the Lord might well lead that person on and make him realize he's more than just a priest. He might also have the ability to teach and do other things. And then?
To encourage them to take part in the breaking the bread meeting, because that's what we're called to brethren, is to praise him. And it's grieving when you sit in a meeting with us, plenty of brothers, able brothers, and we sit there for a long painful silences.
Oh, brother.
We understand who's in our mix.
Don't we understand something of the eternal glory of that person? And what I find in my own experience has hindered a free flow of praise is when we get occupied with what we are.
Rather than being occupied with what we are.
Is never going to produce praise. It's being occupied with who here, and so there will be a theme. But we shouldn't get occupied with a theme just for the theme.
But because it occupies us with the Lord Jesus, and so there may be some brother.
There, that doesn't understand as much.
That if he's led by the Spirit of God, it's not going to be contradictory. And I want to encourage you to take part. The Lord lays on him, on your heart. Another thing I'd like to say, make it a practice to praise the Lord every day. Brother, it says let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God. When? Thursday morning, Mr. 6.
That means Monday too, Tuesday, Wednesday all the way through the week. Is that a practice in your heart, in your house? I'm afraid in my house it should be a little bit more heard the phrases of our God, but I like to try to make that an exercise in our household to praise the Lord. Oh brother, what a God we have. What a glorious Savior.
Does it mean something? I was in a home some time ago in South America, a little girl.
I don't know, I think she was three years old, but she was trying to sing what she could of Jesus left me, she added. All kind of messed up.
Better when she came to that name of Jesus, it really touched me brother. She was singing the matches and the very mention of that name is like boring when toward for it was a sweet savory going up to God in the mouth of that little girl. Is that the custom in our home to praise his name? Lord help us brother to have our focus more on him. It's evident when we don't praise him in her.
Public meetings, brethren, that we're not focused on him like we need to be.
Latin America in places, brethren, they get to the other extreme. They need some exhortation like Heinz has given us that he led by the Spirit. But I must say, brother, we go to the other extreme way too much times down there. There's three or four, and I give thanks to the Lord before the bread is broken. Thank the Lord for that. Thank the Lord for the free flow of appreciation of the person of Christ. So we need to be exercised about these things, brother, not just a few.
Every one of us.
M129 once in a while. I remember being in a meeting when.
It was like you said, painful silence and that him came to mind. 129 and a little flock awake each soul awake each tongue. The subject is divine. The saviors love demands our song, that all his people join the Savior. This Savior is the mighty God, the God of heaven above, revealed in flesh. He shed his blood. Blessed truth of endless love, and so on. Read it and.
It fits what we're saying. I remember in connection with giving God his part to I believe it if we would think God's thoughts about everything, we would appreciate what we do have more. I remember old brother AC Brown coming to me once and when I was younger and and he pointed this very thing out to me because, you know, we need to be occupied with God's thoughts rather than our own and giving God his portion first before ours and.
And he said, try it and you'll see what a difference it makes. And it's true. If we can have God's thoughts concerning everything, then we appreciate what we do have. And we appreciate rather than thinking about just what Christ has done for me and saving me from my sins and so forth, which is wonderful, but think what God's thoughts are concerning his Son. What was his purpose just to save me from my sins? His purpose was to glorify his Son. And and so we get that in Ephesians one. You know that in the dispensation of the fullness of kind, you might gather together in one all things one.
In Christ, both which are in heaven, which are in that was his purpose and and you and I rather than having privileged to be brought in because this wondrous blessing and we are part of God's thoughts concerning his Son. That's true and to think that we are going to spend eternity with him but get God's thoughts 1St about things and and give him his portion first like what we have mentioned in the burnt offering and the other we will appreciate more.
What he has done, it's true.
Two things been touched upon here. I think we.
Ought to he's in mind. And what's been mentioned about taking part? There's the difference between worship and ministry.
Worship really has to do with affection.
And ministry ought to also. But we'll find in Scripture, I think particularly of Mary's annoying. There was affection brought out that.
Knowledge wasn't up to the disciples weren't up to do what she did. They weren't in that position. Well, they ought to have it, but worship is a matter of affection, and that's where every priest is around. The Lord's table ought to exercise that privilege.
Of affection to the person.
And the other thoughts think this to me is important as of the offering and I'll be corrected if this is wrong, but I think we're finding scripture that the sin offering is directed. It says where the burnt offering was you.
Offer the skin offering where the burn cost and I do not believe it's reversed in order to do something and so it sets in order, doesn't it? Which in a sense is really most paramount in God's mind. It's the burnt offering, but the skin offering is the burn where the burn off you want in the Old Testament before the Levitical priest toward.
Offerings forgiven, but they're always called, I think I'm correct, Bernard. So it showed that from the beginning that was in the mind of God, the burnt offering aspect.
And to add to what our brother just said, in worship we give to God. In ministry, God gives to us.
He uses failing, imperfect instruments.
To contribute towards our edification. But when we come together to remember the Lord Jesus in His death, we bring to Him and to the Father. When I as a young believer got ahold of that verse in John's Gospel that the Father seeketh such to worship him, to me that was overwhelming. That there is a desire in the heart of God that can only be satisfied by the redeemed people. You know, it's tremendous, isn't it? Should we not?
Feel exercise to give him that which he's looking for when he has done so much.
For us, and how wonderful He in his grave has not only given us his Son as the deliverer from our sin, but also as an object for our hearts affection. And we used to sing a hymn. We don't have it, unfortunately, in our hymn book. Father, how precious unto thee is thy beloved Son, in whom thou doth perfection. See thy well beloved Son, and it ends like this.
He preciousness itself to thee, to us, is precious too. We every beauty in Him see, and thine own glory view Beautiful, isn't it? And he, as much as he's saying, I want you to share in that object that has been the object of my heart, joy and affection from all eternity. He shares Him with us. Do we enjoy Him? Are we entering into it? He wants us to.
Wonder if they've had worsened?
Changing and what he is. We worship God for who he is, we praise him for what he has done and they're both encompassed increasingly activity but over others is just meditate on the glories of the person of the Lord Jesus.
Like to think in the book of Hebrews that we have here, the majority of the book is occupied with the glories of his person. Really up until you get to Chapter 9 all those chapters are take up in a different ways the glories of the person of Christ.
You get to chapters 9 and 10. We have more as work, focused in on. It's important as work, but what gives value to the work is the glory of this person. And so it's the appreciation of the glory of his person that really deepens, isn't it? It's the worship that he is so worthy.
To receive it was Clendicon and I think said down in Kentucky and.
Worship is a contraction. If I remember it right, it used to be used in old English. Worthy ship. Instead of saying worthy ship, they just omitted the middle part. They said worship. It's the work of that person. Oh what a tremendous God we have in the person manifested in the person of the Lord Jesus. Oh brother, just to fall before him, let the.
Worship, flow and appreciation of all that He is, God seeks worshippers to worship Him.
Something that should be exercising to serve.
Brother Bob used him.
He said when plenty of able brothers are present in well, I think I'm not so far removed from youth that that would have excluded me, but I would like to define an able brother to give an expression, an audible expression of Thanksgiving after remembrance meeting. Remember when the Lord instituted it. And I think in each case.
The loaf. This is my body, which is given for you. That isn't for an offering necessarily.
The object of that body being given, this is my blood, and speaking to the cup of the cup, this is my blood which was shed for you and for the remission of sin.
You are the object of the shed blood there in that cup and why I say this is this?
That some of us may have learned.
A little deeper perhaps than some others. The difference between the two general characteristics of the burnt offering and the sin offering and all of the offerings come under those two characteristics, sweet savor and concealed offerings.
But if you can say Christ has died for my sins, the Lord Jesus has gone to the cross for me. You're an able brother and I just, we don't want to discourage you because.
It was strike there in my heart. I might even find myself very hindered Lord's Day thinking that have I discerned the theme of the don't don't spend a lot of time thinking about whether what the theme is or it isn't that we want disorder, but.
I think everyone of us who've ever expressed ourselves at the breaking of bread and Thanksgiving will find that not all of it got up to the Father, that there was plenty of feathers or plenty of bra, no matter how instructed we might be or might not be. But I just would encourage you. Don't be afraid of us who are older and none of us know very much anyway. And I just would encourage you if you know.
Christ has given his body for you. You know His blood was shed for you.
You know that he wants you to give him the fruit of your lips giving thanks and his name. I would encourage you to do it and I don't think anyone.
Will come forward and say you need to, you need to be correct and I hope we would recognize that all of us have.
Had a lot that we've said that had to be sorted out by the Spirit of God.
Time is up.
Remember the bird dropping for the bullets and?
Then smaller and smaller down to a pitcher.
What it suggests, doesn't it, not every Israelite was able to bring a bullet. And if he only could bring a pigeon, bring the pigeon because the pigeon speaks to God of Christ like a bulletproof. And so I'm saying that to support what Henry said, bring whatever you have. And as time goes on, you might grow richer in the things of God and you can bring more, but he's looking for.
Even something that would answer to a picture.
Nice to add this week's review.
I love the tensor races they told us to consume. It's not encouraging for anyone to.
No matter how people and how weak, what's acceptable to God is the Lord Jesus Christ. He adds to our prayers and praises.