Hebrews 11:1

Hebrews 11:1
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Before his translation he had his testimony that he pleased God, but without faith it is impossible to please him, for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
By faith Noah, being warned of God, of things not seen as yet move of fear, prepared an art to the saving of his house by the which he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith. By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place that you should gather receive when inherited, obeyed, and he went out not knowing whether he went.
By faith he sojourned in the land of promises in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob the heirs with him of the same promise.
For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is gone through faith. Also Sarah herself received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she had judged him faithful who had promised.
Well in chapter 10.
We know that the believers were suffering great affliction, and there was a danger of them to.
Give up and in this case, go back to Judaism. But.
Chapter 11 was given to show them of those who in another day had gone on by faith and had not turned back, and it was a chapter to encourage them. I was thinking that we are all aware of that we're living in difficult times and the danger to our heart, knowledge to the spare faith as it were, and to give up and go back. And so in verse 35, which we didn't read.
Cast not away, therefore, your confidence, which has great recompense of your voice, but now faith can carry us through difficult times.
And give us to see what is really real, that is, what is a God, and sustain our soul and keep us concerned back.
They were made aware or remind us in verse 34 of that and.
Of the heavenly portion which.
Is an encouragement in the difficulties.
To face the in the past and you can't cut away, therefore you're confident.
Now face always rest on the word of God, and that is God that promised who installed it.
And it is not the.
Shaken by circumstances that might appear as if God is not.
Going to be true to his promise, but he is. He is going through fulfill his promises. It's a sure thing but.
In times of discouragement, when things seem to be falling apart and there's persecution and there are things to draw our hearts away from Christ, we need.
Someone or something that's stable.
Who give us encouragement to go on.
In the path of faith.
And here we have.
The the testimony of God in the world is gradually giving up Christianity, Paul said. All in Asia have forsaken me, not Christ. They forsook the apostle Paul and what was characteristically Christian.
And in the 12Th chapter we see that.
There are times when God in His loving kindness because Psalm 60 hundred 1968 says God is good and doeth good. Put that in your in your mind and keep it there, because it will never fail you. God is good and you do it good. Now then test seizement comes chasing to prove those who are real.
And he said, cast not a word of your compliments.
Which has great recompense of reward.
Don't bring under persecution.
It is set forth in the 11Th chapter. Those who did not castaway their confidence in God. They didn't have the Holy Spirit flooding within them as we have today. They did not have near what we have, but they went on faithfully now in in the again the 12Th checker.
I started verse 11. Now no chastening, for the pleasant seemeth to be joyous, but grievous nevertheless. Afterward they healed this abusable fruit of righteousness under them which are exercised thereby. Wherefore lift up the hands we came down, and the people need Make straight paths for your feet. Let that which is laying be turned out of the way, but let it rather be healed. Follow peace with all men.
And who it is without which no man shall see the Lord, and so on. God is setting you for the believers in that day and in this day.
A desire to be stable.
To not get into the whims of the 80s.
And the thoughts are some to do with, and in this case go back to Judaism.
Or to give up the faith, but rather go on faithfully, and so.
He says, Cast not away that for your confidence, which has great recompense of reward. And what I mean, and what many of God's thinks need is a man or a brother or a sister, who is setting an example of steadfastness in the midst of giving up, and how good it is.
We will remain.
And cling to Paul's doctrine that which is truly Christian.
I enjoyed the way you put emphasis on your feet.
And I was thinking that we know that salvation is individual and we've been talking about faith and it seems like.
This 38th frame beginning phrase in the 38th verse.
It's been put in the scripture several times, but here the emphasis seems to be on faith, doesn't it?
And I was thinking that we should today motivate each other to have.
Individual faith to go on when we have faith on that person who has done so much for us, why that will motivate us women so that so we have individuals here who proved their faith in God.
And how important it is today that we have individual faith and acting on our own faith. So I enjoyed the brother that you mentioned that we make straight paths for your peace, putting emphasis there on. So we do need to develop exercises personally first of all, of course we need to be personally saved to the individual matter and then when we have personal faith.
In a person, in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the Godhead. Why it'll motivate us for me?
I noticed that in the new translation this reward is left off of that 35th. There is great recompense actually, for right now it is for our life is a practical sense.
Yeah, that's not a way to conference with that great references right now. It's something that we work for as a reward necessary that we have recommended as of now because we do not pass away our economy.
For you this was.
Especially difficult to accept.
The past full of difficulties because in Judaism if a Jew was faithful.
And obeyed the law. What was promised to him was that he would be healthy and wealthy. He would have large families.
And so on. Because the Jews blessings were all earthquake now in Christianity that's not that way at all. All who desire to make God suffer persecution and faith is trying and especially for those who were used to look through material things.
At their portion not to hand them at all, and have sufferings and afflictions, but I think in our own case the.
We might learn this lesson that in our society we're living in an affluent society. The danger is that we might become occupied with these materials benefits.
And the Lord might well allow difficulties to come into our lives, to make us realize a fresh that our caution is not here on earth, that is in heaven, that we have a heavenly substance. We have a portion that cannot be affected by circumstances and difficulties. As a matter of fact, these things become more precious in faith in the face of difficulty, because they are real and abide through.
And become more precious.
It's very, very high. The rest begins to have need of patience or endurance. And the reason why we have need of patience or endurance is because we don't presently have what faith has given us. I mean the substance of it. In the beginning of Chapter 11, we're saved. Now on hold it is. And I'm not saying we don't have eternal life, but we don't have.
What faith has given us right now, but we have ease of endurance for patients to go on that we not be turned aside by present difficulties, which is what we do have right now and and we have them right now in our chapters, because we have faith and the enemy of our souls ate with a soul as faith in God.
We don't like to wait.
We live in a generation.
Characterized by not wanting to wait.
I don't like to wake.
Morning, I had instant coffee.
Right away.
We have fast food joints.
We don't like to wait.
Come up to a stop light and it's.
It's just about to turn green or it's just about to turn red.
What is my? What do I generally do?
What do you do, David? Oh, you speed up. Yeah, it's just about ready to turn red. And this brother and I, we don't want to wait beat up and go through on an orange light.
When we do that, we don't want to wait.
But it's a real test to wait.
Waiting upon God is.
A real tech and we're always being tested that way. You have need of patience.
I made the land office to wait on him.
I I just don't like to wait. I want to get things done right away.
But God is constantly testing my faith. Am I going to wait on the Lord?
Am I going to wait on the Lord?
Let's turn to habit about it.
Find any one of those free menu.
Go back there.
Chapters 2.
The back of chapter 2, verse 3.
For the vision is yet for an appointed time.
But at the end it shall speak and not lie.
Now here go if Terry wait for us.
Because it will truly come.
The father is going to get his.
Purpose is accomplished, isn't it?
But for us to just wait.
Heart and we have neither.
Are facing encouraged, and I'm really happy to see this chapter brought up today because I have a personal need in my own heart that my faith might increase to wait on God.
If a carrier wastewater.
Albert 4.
Of Habakkuk 2.
Behold, his soul, which is lifted up, is not upright in him, but the job.
Shall live by his faith.
Well, it's very interesting to me that.
Expression that just shall live by his faith.
Is found four times in the Bible.
Now that is 2 verse four is the first time.
But just shall live by his faith.
And then the next time we find it is in.
Romans, huh? Let's look at that, Romans. You know, if God says something once, we do what we we must obey it. But if he says it twice, more so. And four times.
Better take note Roman chapter.
It's the next time we read that precious statement.
God, Romans 117.
OK, verse 16. I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ.
For it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth with the Jew 1St and also two degrees. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith as it is written.
But just.
Well, I believe that the emphasis.
And that verse is on the just.
How do you get just before God? Romans will tell you. For the emphasis is on the job. Now let's go to the next place where we find that installation.
Galatians, chapter 3.
We have the next.
Wait for that pressure.
Word of Heaven, Galatians 3 and verse 11.
But that no man is justified by the law and decide a tribe.
It is evident, for the just shall live by faith.
Well, it appears to me that the emphasis.
Now on the second mention of that statement that we read in Habakkuk.
Emphasis is on faith.
And you read the book of Galatians. You see that the blessing is on the basis of faith.
And not on the basis of work.
The one the 3rd place we find that that statement is in our chapter.
Chapter 10 of Hebrews.
And verse 38 which was read to us.
Now the just shall live by faith.
Well I I may not be correcting this but my understanding of this.
Emphasis now.
Is that living in patience before God?
Is the encouragement we have in chapter with having a picture?
So it seems to me that the emphasis on the job shelves live by faith in other words.
Put your faith and patience into practice in your life.
Now that's where it's hard to do, and it requires a lot of weighting from the board. And so Chapter 11 of Hebrews gives us a whole long list of people who live by faith.
In other words, their lives were characterized by believing God and waiting upon him. They live by faith.
And that's the encouragement we need right now.
Is something that will brother David motivated to go on for God?
And patience and wait upon.
Now he might even apply this in relation the the way you applied it in Hebrews.
Because in Galatians, one is the rule of life for the Christians. Is it the law or is it faith?
There because we know that many Christians and peer Christians not being instructed, not being well thought make the law for your life.
But how important it is that is not that way in Christianity. It's.
I see both applications.
#Standulation, but isn't that important below that the very first verse of Chapter 11.
Illustrate what space does for the believer is really not a definition of space.
AT-65 in with the thought that we have expressed and.
Although we cannot see these things.
But faith?
Give them to be real to the believer. But before we go into that, we should probably make some comments on those who draw back.
You know, in pilgrims progress.
When Christians find this fellow that joins in first that came these two fellows, what was the one again, their joints, and the other turns back.
Pliable or something like that, is called Anyway, he joins in for a while, he goes along with Christian, but then they fall into that mire, into the difficulties, and this man disgustingly turns back. In other words, he turns his back upon.
The Christian hope that disappointed. He's really one who gives up Christianity, and that's why I speak of tradition.
A serious, serious thing. And she loves us while we might not.
Give up Christianity altogether. The danger in the face of difficulty is that we might give up what we once held here, and we have lived that we not long enough to have seen that in the life of believers.
Truth to the ground of gathering the Lord in the midst. Of course, because of difficulties that those so gathered face, many tend to give up people, as if it is not possible anymore in our days to practice these things, because there's so much failure. But faith will not draw that conclusion. Faith will say that in spite of the fact that we are.
We and unfaithful many times.
This is still the truth that governs the coming together of the people of God. We do not want to give them up. If we realize failure. Let us propensity for the Lord and ask him for grace.
To practice it, he enables us to.
In these last two chapters of verses, chapter 10 now the just shall live by saying, But the many men draw back my soul shall have no pleasure in him. But we are not of them which fell back into tradition, but of them that believe the saving of the soul. In the 6th chapter we have another group of people.
Verse 4 starting with first four of chapter 6.
It is impossible for those who are once enlightened.
And have tasted the heavenly gift and will make partakers of the Holy Ghost and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the world to come. If they fall away, let's go back to verse 4 again.
It is impossible for these who have tasted these wonderful weapons of Christianity actually without inviting Christ as their Savior. But they have gone along with the Christians if they fall away, to review the mechanical repentance.
Being reduced to part of the sound, the ton of God oppressed and put him through an open chain. There is such a thing as apostasy which has no remedy.
Now I believe online if I'm if I'm wrong somebody please correct me, but apostasy is without.
Repentance. It is impossible to reduce them again after his death. But back to this, we are not of them in our 36 times.
We are not going to draw back at the tradition there are. There were those who had made the profession of Christianity but were not real, who drew back to perdition. We acknowledge them.
And I think the other times pointed that out David, it's it's important that we understand that.
You're drawing back in Hebrews is a part.
Apostrophe is the total giving up of the processed faith.
However, I think alluded to the fact that when he spoke, I I think he was referring to the ground gathering. Any good enough is walking on that road, which leads to apostrophe. No matter what I give up, it's the road that leads to it.
It's true. A real believer cannot be an apostate. But we can walk in company and we can walk. I will say this in the principle of Apostrophe and do law in the principle of Apostrophe, when we give up things that we want to protect, that we're true.
Well, I made an application and wanting us because rambling in.
You give up if the light that is with Hindi becomes darker, how great is that large lot of danger when God gives us truth to joy and to appreciate we are responsible to place that truth and not to give it up. But there are difficulties that have been saved by the people of God at all times, and the enemy has all this product to use these difficulties.
Thrust them and to give us and get the index is for us now. No believer will ever truly become an apartheid. How serious? The principle of the past year is that if we embrace truth, hopefully it will not just be an outward embracing, it will be accompanied by faith. I believe the danger that we see in our lives is that we give mental consent to the truth of God.
And that it is not really accompanied by faith. And then when the test comes it will prove that we really do not have these things by faith and but on the other hand we might have by faith and very extent and become discouraged and tend to compromise and give up.
This is true, true that one encouragement that we have here to explain to the truth.
And found in verse 37 where it says yet a little while.
And he that shall come will come, He will not hear him.
This is not the coming of the Lord Jesus people out of this world, and so they were not to castaway their confidence even though as it said in first.
33 Verse 32 There was this great fight of afflictions, and they were made of gazing stock, both by reproaches and afflictions. Well, I think we can identify with this today, and any measure that we desire to belong to the Lord. With these skin we are made to subjective reproach and.
Yeah. Isn't there this wonderful encouragement that in a little while?
The Lord is coming, and really just in comforting that fact, that.
And I can tell you the illustration of.
The builder is working and a high building.
Wrapped up on a girder and he perhaps loses his balance, but he's able to.
Regret the murder and everything and the.
Hold on, because health is underway, there will be someone bringing a a ladder or something of this sort. And so knowing that that this deliverance is at hand, he holds on all the fighters.
So I believe they're ones that he can find. Encourage me.
The Lord Jesus says, Behold, I come quickly.
He said that repeated 3 times told me in the last chapter of Bible.
Really. Warmly. It's precious.
That expression a little while, maybe even a very little while, but that is the language of faith.
Language of Unbelief says it's been a long while since that promise was given. He hasn't come. All things are going on the same way we've always gone on, and they lock fees. But the language of faith is a very little while and he shall come. It's because faith isn't looking at the present, our things. It's looking at what God has revealed to us in his word. It was faith that enabled Paul to say these light afflictions where they would any of us look at it and say it's a fall.
For those are just light afflictions, no, but it's no, but it's the language of faith he's looking beyond.
The present to the future, and that's why these expressions you might say.
A man without faith can prove to you that this statement is wrong 2000 years and the Lord hasn't come. Is that? How can that verse be true? It's a verse that is expressed by a man of faith by the Lord. Inspired word, of course, but it's all faith.
Look at this present time. If I'm here 100 years, it's about a very little while before the Lord comes. She's put a very little while.
There is something that I would like to emphasize.
In what we have been enjoying this morning, Minister to us.
And I'd like to emphasize this for the kids, the young people that are here too. Why I'm saying this is that they're a brother here that we love and respect, who have been speaking to us, and they've gone down the road of life a little further than some of you who are in school here this morning.
And there's a danger that when we talk about these things about faith, we think this is some meeting terminology. And these are some things that these older brethren are telling us. And perhaps it slips over the head of the kids and the young people here. That if and I, I know my brother Heinz and brother Dave and brother Ron will forgive me if I use you as examples. But if these brothers have been talking to us and they have been expressing to us this morning the need of walking by faith.
And the need of applying these things in their lives, in our lives, in the assembly. Well, I want to encourage the kids and the young people to see if you need these very same things in your school, you need to apply. And these things that we're talking about are not something for the older brethren who understand the word of God and and teach us, and we appreciate that. But these are things that can be applied and should be applied to each one. We've been talking about persecution and we've been talking about the those who were Jews here feeling bad.
They expected or had been taught, rightly so, to expect blessings in this world, and they weren't coming and they were being told. But by faith you look forward and endure until you do receive what's coming.
Well, kids, when you're sitting in your classroom and somebody's making fun of you or somebody's asking you're going to get you or trying to scare you, you need faith too. That needs endurance. That needs every bit as much endurance as it does for someone who's going to go to work or someone who's going to be ministering to God's people. What I'm trying to say this morning is, for all of us, this subject of faith and endurance is absolutely critical to everyone here who can understand what's being said.
From the youngest to the oldest, this is something that we all need to lay hold of. We are all in some way going to feel it. Whether it's in school, whether it's playing with our friends, whether it's trying to find a job, whether it's deciding on a career, whether it's raising a family, whether it's going on as we get older, in the past of of following the Lord, whatever it is, whatever our position, we are going to steal this word called persecution and pressure.
And we're going to want to say, and it's going to be presented to us. But look, it's easier. Don't you see this or do that or lay hold of this or follow that? Because here it is, it's all the way up for you and kids and beloved young people. The only thing that's going to keep us is this very same principle that we're talking about. And that is faith to say, no, I love something better. I'm going to endure. I've got the board and I'm going to follow the Lord and I'm going to endure by faith. And I say, and I suggest my brother.
That that takes as much in a sense.
As much for a third grader as it does for someone who is 70 years of age, we have those particular positions in our life that we have to endure. The only way we can do it is by faith. And so in saying this, I also would say as we go on, and I am so thankful for what the Lord has brought to us this morning, to around the same day that He had needed encouragement. I think we're all sitting here thinking this is something that I need, and we're thankful to the Lord, brethren, our young people.
Need this to and let's let's let the Lord teach us these principles, that we can apply them every facet of life that's represented here this morning.
I've been very much encouraged by the book of Ruth of late, and what brought me meditating on it and listening to ministry on the Book of Rules is that God in his governmental dealings deals with his family. In the first chapter, who gave up the case, you must say or make it up into the face. They went to Moes.
And his government of dealings seemed to be that which showed truth, that the God of Israel was real.
Also to see and Naomi the desire to return, you know, at this Moabite, this woman cast in her life with the very people who in her own family she had seen to come under the government of God.
You know, to me that's such an encouragement because the difficulties that we are facing to handle God is upon us.
But God can use these very things to drink souls. To realize that God is real, He does not let us go on in our self will and our self pleasing ways and lack of faith. He is dealing with us to bring us back to it. And so to me that's such an encouragement that even God's government appealing nice to somebody who is a stranger to our God.
Might give him the realization this God is real, and in my life with his God and with his afflicted people who are under the government of God, because the reality of God is realized.
They should say.
A word about the.
The 1000 red feet are fake.
We've got a lot of our space.
But his Lord office remember to forget that our faith is supported by the word of God.
Between that university Romans chapter.
Romans chapter 10, verse 17.
Roman 10/17 So then faith cometh by hearing.
I'm hearing by the word of God.
So let's not divorce faith.
From the Word of God, from the Scripture.
So we want our faith to grow. Let's be more diligent in reading the scriptures.
Faith isn't just something you pull out of the air.
Or you can go and get more of it.
And buy some effort that you make.
But they come by hearing by the word of God, and I just thought I'd bring that out for our meditation. But.
You don't have faith without the word of God.
And these people that were going to read about for those that heard what God said and then they put it into action.
So that's that's what we need, is more diligent than finding out what job is there.
Get right there, baby. Yes, it's a matter of knowing God and knowing that God is good.
And he's doing good, and we are, intimately.
Left up as it were, we are in God and God is in us. We be born again and even true children of God. We can trust Him. He has proved himself faithful and trustworthy and and remember God is good and God do it good.
I appreciate what Ron has said that I think Heinz said it in the first statement they made in this meeting, but.
Faith must have the word of God to rest on.
That's what faith is, is a gift from God.
That enables us to believe God's Word is the gift from God that enables us to believe God's Word. And then when faith believes God's word, it makes His promises, those things hoped for.
And that's what column appears.
It makes it so real to our soul that it eclipses the present thing, and that's what it says of Moses and what I said just before him.
Moses chose rather to suffer affliction with the people of God that enjoy the praise and sin for seasons. Well, that's the faith. Nobody in their right mind.
Would choose affliction over faith. But Ruth saw the affliction of God's people and thy faith. She identified herself with that people under the government of God and worker who represents those who turn back. In chapter the end of chapter 10, she goes back to her ivory. So that's what they've done. It makes real through our souls the pharmacies of God and faith is a gift from God.
That enables us to believe all.
But her eye of question.
In verse 810.
Said that Abraham looked for a city which has foundations whose builder and major strong when you're gone telling them we don't have any scripts at every week.
In other words, I'm trying to bring out a point here.
As far as I know, Abraham was not. He had no scriptural record that God told him that he was going to build a city.
But it seems that Abraham rose above what was his own earthly portion, not having entered into that for the time being, realizing that there was a heavenly fortune for him, You know, without necessarily having a, without necessarily having a specific statement of scripture, it's amazing that he can see.
God, somehow.
Make him realize that there was a fortune not connected with the land of China and what's connected with the heavenly side of things. Do you have any child on there?
No, I I don't when I when I speak of the word of God.
I I think of it as a communication from God to my soul. Now that can take a different form of we've had in our recent Bible reading stuff.
About those who can receive the testimony of creation well in reality.
That isn't what we normally speak of as the word God. But if God shows the man his hand and says that didn't just come into being, that was created. That's the word of God. And I suppose something like that could have been philosophy for him.
In the 13th chapter, I appreciate what Mother Hines had to say a few minutes ago regarding the truth of being gathered in the name of Lord Jesus Christ and outside the camp. And they're working first of chapter 13.
Well, verse 12 First word Jesus also that he might think of other people with his own blood, suffered without the case. Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp buried his reproach. For here have we no continuing fitting, but we seek one.
We keep becoming one and Abraham.
Is might brought out didn't have any word from God directly. At least it's not recorded that there was going to be a city for him. But we do. We have, we have the record of God. We do not. We're not taking us sitting here. We're seeking the coming one. And if you want to read about it, you can go to Revelation. You can go to Ezekiel.
And there's.
God has to say that we have a city that we're looking forward to. And so he says for the present moment.
Leave the religion.
Of the world and as much as those under the name of Christianity, which is a mixture of Christianity and Judaism.
For outside of that to Christ.
Bearing his reproach, we do not get any promises of an easy life.
Well, I'll tell you, we have the Far Eastern deserve, but.
If we are faithful to the Lord, we might, might expect reproach here, but not there. We have a city to which we're going that there's no reproach and there's no suffering whatsoever.
I would like if my brethren would bear with me to.
I don't know if the right word is add to what I'd rather Ron said, but I think it's critical. I'd like us to turn to Psalms 119. I have something on my heart and I'm just going to read a few verses from this very, very well known song and my whole point is to emphasize what I think is extremely important for us to to lay hold of this morning. I'm going to just read a very, very few this whole book, this whole chapter 119 Psalms full of it. Look at verse 65.
I'm going to just read parts of verses and you'll understand what I'm getting at the end of the verse according unto thy word. Verse 67 The end. But now have I kept thy word? Verse 89 forever. O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven. Verse 103. How sweet are thy words unto my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth. Verse 105. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and alight into my path. Verse 123.
My eyes failed thy salvation for the word of Thy righteousness.
1St 1:30 The entrance of Thy words giveth light, verse 140 Thy word is very pure, therefore thy servant loveth it. It's 148 my nice present, the night watches that I might meditate my words, and so on and on versus could be added in this chapter.
The point of it is.
But I just think it's critical that as we're talking about faith that we don't say yes, that's a wonderful thing and I thank the Lord that he's given me the gift of faith and now I'm going to go on. But that reconnected with the reading and the feeding on and the enjoyment of his word.
I think that's critical if I can be allowed to state this for our dear young people. Again, bread, and may I please state it to a lot of young people. Do you face some problems and difficulties that may be different than what I say from what others make? Read this precious word, because what you're going to be tested on, what the temperature is going to come to you with, is to turn you aside in those areas that you're not clear about what the word of God says. And I just say that here we read David, this mighty man of God.
Over and over again he refers to what the word of God meant to him. What it did for him is qualities, His preciousness, value. And I don't want to take us down another course, but I just the seizures all here to get this into our hearts. Every one of us, every day. The word of God. We need it desperately need it every day of our lives.
I don't think any of these.
Wonderful people that we're going to read about.
Had in their day any conception that.
There could be a people like myself that would have our own personal copy of the Bible.
We had to tell Abraham or.
Enos or any of those folks.
If you're going to have your own personal copy of the Bible.
Again, approach the accident related to all the way through the.
Old Testament and we're going to have the Revelation of God in the New Testament. The.
Well, you and I don't have any excuse.
We've got the holy Word in its fullness and I don't think they're really fabulous like for sure we have.
And shame on us that they don't know anything about it.
It would be very embarrassing to.
I meet some of those folks in glory and they say, well, you had such a full revelation. Did you spend a lot of time on it?
It's kind of embarrassing, wouldn't it? Software man who saw?
Those folks that just had a little revelation but did not.
My own heart to see how that the word of God is being such a land of Romania, Russia, Eastern Europe. I've seen some pictures of the distribution of Bibles and what I see is that.
The brother is pulling up a Bible and there are people who swarming about this one wanting to get ahold of it. Good.
But do I get the thirst for the word of God, that is suggest that or that would energize me in such a way that I just?
Lamborghini book Well, this is what's happening in these other these lands has not been so blessed with the the word of God.
Towards my own heart that do I take for granted that.
Available, Dorothy of the Vicarage, so that I don't appreciate it like I said.
And I believe that if he comes to these meetings with a desire to know what God knows for us with a real thirst.
Well, we've got some status by record. How will they see? Well, it'll be through his work and.
I want to talk, to speak at these together, and I think of Jeremiah. I think it's out of the word of God was found and he ate them, the word. And if he came to him, the joy and rejoicing of the heart. Would you read that, brother? That's a that's a person, Grandma 15, isn't it?
Jeremiah 1516 Not to Read 30.
Thy words were found and I didn't eat them, and Thy word was done to me to joy and rejoicing of my heart.
My fault that I mean no George out, of course.
The thought of eating the word of God is the product of making it our own way.
And we don't realize the effect that the word of God has behind when if you die when it's great. Maybe we don't think we're really getting that much out of the the Bible reading, our own personal reading, but I believe that.
Becoming part of it, the world's going to be there and will be at testimony with the results.
One who?
Was sent to the lake with a Wicker basket in order to get water, and so this person goes down to the lake and to fill up the basket with the water.
Like that when he was 30. There's no water in the basket and that's the kind of learning to where the person.
He apologized to the fact there's no water in the basket, but.
So the word of God has that affect upon our lives being upset.
General protest to learning the truth of God.
You're not learning it by going to a seminary, because the truth of God is learned in connection with everyday living.
And in connection with the assembly line.
And we are not overnight in the position that we can share with others what we have learned.
At this time lined up online, prepped upon 3 little there, and my brother had several times encouraged the young people, and I like to encourage the young people to start early in life, to develop a date for the many land appearing at that time. But there were dead carcasses out there. Dead rotten rotting carcasses.
And the Raven was very happy to land on that carpet and to pull rotting flesh off of it. And he was full of that, and he didn't need anything else.
Brother Mike, that's fresh. It's in Luke, chapter one. It says that prophecy in verse 53. I've often thought about this. In applying it to myself, he has filled the hungry with good things and the rich he had sent away empty. And I've only thought, if I allow this world in principle to make me rich, I'm going to go away empty. But coming to the Lord hungry, he fills with good things and all beloved young people. We're talking about faith. We're talking about good things today.
Come to the Lord hungry and he'll fill you with good things.
There's a lot of shaking going on.
And the main reason that some are falling by the wayside and leaving the truth, leaving the place of God's appointment.
It's because they are not stable and they would rather follow perhaps demand than the word of God itself. So the the Word of God is the only thing that will give us stability in the things of God, in the path of God. So be your soul on that rather than the thought of the world.
Meds, Hangings of confusion and creature complaints. How sweet to the soul is Communion with things #225.
By God and Father, and thank you for the state God has given those that are clearly by my family to bring relationship to God. That's kind of causing us to understand that kind of mind is for us. And we thank you for the options that they need to hook up and see the ribbon for flight. Man at the right hand by right hand. But blessed Savior, the Lord Jesus. He thankful for him. We thank you that heir of the man.
Who is always in the world?
We thank you for this time.
City Bank, but I worked in together.
The older thy word and think together, response and pray, Lord, give me back and precious.
We'd like to welcome those of you who come from other assemblies.
And the happy that you are all able to be there with us. We also hope now that you'll be able to join us for lunch, which has been prepared and it's ready, I understand, to be served.
You have a couple things to ask and that is if you go downstairs and you stay to the left or that you should have space available for folks that will be coming back up. And also we'll have a limited amount of seating, so if you'll fill in all the empty spaces as you're seeing yourself at the table.
The next meeting on the schedule is at 2:00 at the children's meeting.
And we'll give thanks now for the meal before we go downstairs.
My father again my heart.
Lift up in Thanksgiving to do for this time together now. We thank you for the food.
In the name of our Lord Jesus, Amen.
If some have problems.
Standing in line or so Feel free to take the free aisle down and get in the head of the line.