Hebrews 12:3-17

Duration: 1hr 26min
Hebrews 12:3‑17
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Saint Thomas, January 1, 1958 Reading Meeting.
We're on the final five. We will do ever.
Now they know we will never be used.
Our life.
Through the floor and floor and patience and watch.
This is never dangerous. We threw it as a role, as Pilgrim here. As strangers, we take the rest of the hospital.
All 4000 + 800 this period. That's true. What, 45 and 82 expenditures better than the world? And that's my heart.
So now I'm never transferred. All praise to be gone by it was after 187.
Large house West town Journey fell here on stage.
The president to continue on.
You can get 3/5.
Beginning with the third verse.
Or consider him that endures such contradiction of standards against himself. Let he be weary to the pain in your mind. He has not yet resisted on the blood driving against him, and he had forgotten the expectations which speaketh unto you without the children. My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faith, when thou art the use of him For whom the Lord loveth he chase us and.
Curts us every son whom he receive us.
Let the *** irritation God give us with you with sons. For what sons is he whom the Father chasing us not? But if he gave without capsule, where are all our teachers then? Are you ******** and not sons? Furthermore, we have had fallen of our place, which corrected us. We gave them reference. Shall we not much rather be in subjection under the father of spirits, than it is?
For they services of duty came to us after their own language, but he for our prophet, that we might be partakers of his motivation. Now location for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous nevertheless Afterwards it yield us the peaceable truth and righteousness unto them with their exercise thereby Wherefore lift up the hands of which hang down, and the people need, and make streets, and for your feet.
Lest that which is lame, they turned out of the way, but let it rather be healed.
Both peace of all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord looking diligently. Let any man fail of the grace of God left any root of bitterness springing up from you, and thereby many be defiled, left to be any fornicator of obeying persons, as he saw who for one morsel me sold his birthright.
For you know how that afterwards, when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected, For he found no place of his temples, though he saw it carefully with tears. For you are not come under the mouth and might be touched, and that burned with fire, surrounded blackness and darkness and temples, and the town of the front of him, the voice of words, which voice they have heard in treatment, that the word should not be spoken to them anymore, for they could not endure that which was commanded. And it's so much that the beast touched the mountains, it shall be sold, and crossed through with the dark and so terrible with the sights that Moses said, I exceedingly feared, quaint.
But here come unto Mount Zion, and under the city of the living God the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, the General Assembly and Church of the platform, which are written in heaven, And to God the judge of all, and to the Spirit of just men made perfect, and to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speak of better things than that of evil.
See the key reviews not in the ticket or if he is not.
Who reviewed him that speak on or much more shall not re escape if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven, Whose voice family took the earth. But now we have promising yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven. And this word yet was more signifies the removing of those things that are shaped as of things that are made.
That those things which cannot appreciate him may remain. Wherefore we receive a Kingdom which cannot be moved. Let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence, and God appears, for our God is a consuming fact.
Seem to be two sources of the trials here, whether the the third verse.
Or consider him that in your contradiction of sinners against himself, Oh, source of this was from Satan through the instruments of his, and we are considered a blessed Lord who endure that.
Let's see the wording of pain in your heart minds not in the heart and mind. And then it goes on into the fifth verse. 40 And you have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as and the children, my son.
That's not safety. Living this is now on the father is another side for nothing. Two sides.
There are three forms of chapters that have enough.
Three forms of check.
About this erected and tune God dates to the way November to the Lord. Pray for Peter and pray without faith fell not performance and then has to be corrected. We still want no heart. And if we don't have any difference on the same incorrectness, you put us back in the background. That's the one that's right.
And there's also productive businesses.
Every branch and me the various schools he purchased it that it may mean for more.
It's not always a questification for Senate, no.
Even the the fault here shaped doesn't imply that all shapes in his punishment when you get curtain, so that's definitely a punishment.
The chasing is child training.
And may include the other kinds of.
Chasing and their brothers are Speaking of. I didn't We've become the children of dogs and faith in Christ Jesus.
How we're in his school and where he's training us. Hopefully we meet any part of the heavens we've already the whole title in heaven and the blood of Christ that we're trusting him.
But he wants us to.
Enter into the Garden of Cross before us, other words that Peter tells us to have an abundant interest.
So this whole life after we are saved is a training that we fall asleep.
That passes through to train us and prepare for the theme of glory. That's all the Oasis.
And we're living like Christ.
Joe In his trials, he never mentioned Satan's name once.
He thought everything was coming from the Lord.
Oh God you thank you yes to when Job speak that when he says the Lord gave, the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord he accepts it from the from the Lords hands.
We get the lesson of our left, the Lord on the way to the cross. When Peter drew the source, his answer was the cup which my father.
He didn't say the cup, which hair or high priest her. I don't know if angles except all the persecution and abusive to pass through something that Father had permitted.
And that's the power is given for us.
And that would be in line with what you get here. For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself.
No one was ever so misused.
All that surely we should endure the form of the insults and a contempt that the world shows for us.
So first you get price.
And the object sets before us, and then you get Christ as a pattern, something like your address was very.
Looking off on the Jesus would be more of the whole corner of the land, and consider him that endures this contradiction of sinners against himself to be more like banana to encourage us signs of discouragement.
It's profitable to notice that.
In that third verse, it was from.
But from the Lord, and there's only one result.
Let's see, be wearied and faint in your mind.
Well, that was the one result.
But when the Lord does the chasing.
Farther on, there are three possible outcomes.
The first one in the fifth verse, my son, despise now thou chasing the Lord.
Well, that's not found in that first one. In the third verse, when Satan is doing it, it's weird and being fainted and get discouraged. Satan wants to discourage everyone else. Now in the lower speaks to us and to to correct this or to chasing us.
The lion will get hard. We're liable to despise and and get hardened and and defend ourselves and get quite self-righteous and get hard and lose that tender conscious. And then the second one nor faint. That's the next sign. Now we might get discouraged even when it comes from the Lord. We might think so. He said don't think.
That's the second possible outcome of taking and I'm going to go down to the the electric.
Now I'll chasing by the time and present scene of Joyce agrees. Nevertheless, after it yielded the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby. Now there's a third possible result, and the blessing to be exercised by the trial. Don't get harder, don't faint, but the exercise.
And the four words the Father reminds.
They have gone as far as their prejudices and their testimonies as they left. The Lord is gone, yet not yet resisted on the floods, crying against sin.
It always is of getting who they are.
And have been aligned the old nature to come in. They do things and that are wrong.
Rather than, you know.
The desires of the old nature we should always resist, not regardless of what may cost us. I think Peter takes up the same line of things if you look at First Peter 4 16.
For as much sin as Christ has suffered for us in the place, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind. For he that has suffered in the flame has seen some sin.
I require one of the arms, your cells of the same mind.
I believe it means that rather than to allow cities to exist.
That is the person, not his name before God. Why he was told about changeful cross apparently awful justice dog, rather than to allow the sins of his people to continue as a barrier that never could be overcome.
As the Lord will endure all that in order to pull away our things now, he says, Arm yourselves was the same mind, that is, resist without any limit to any.
Desire and approachment of the old sinful nature. You're blessed. The Lord enjoys all that for you. How much are you willing to endure for him rather than to allow sin in your life, no matter what people may say or how they may persecute you, or what trials and sorrows who may go through?
Let's resist any way the old nature might come in and take advantage of what you're passing through.
How he brings in the will of God and Peter there in your second verse.
Much then, as Christ has suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourself likewise in the same mind. For He has suffered, He has suffered in the past of peace from sin.
And he no longer should live the rest of his time in the best lust of men, but to the will of God.
As you connect to what I brought here.
If God allowed cats, when your life reminds me, how do we represent the blessing function? Is it not to subject ourselves to?
Oldest and from the Lord, and seek to be something and humble in and your.
If it's justified.
Then we better get into the presence of the Lord and find and confess. But as you call others caused in our own, it is not justified. Leave it with the Lord.
Don't get out there and try to straighten that. I believe it was the Lord the person who does something against us, and it's not right, for the Lord will deal with that person. If on the other hand, it is right, well then take it from the Lord and find out why the Lord had to allow you to go through it.
The novel is that beautiful word in our Catholic They asked the word and the person is going through trial to save as an actor to this. There's an actor. I'm getting my eye on the afterwards and I'm an exercise and by what I'm going through, but I know there's an asteroid, there's an after yield to this whole.
Yield to every blessing that we are, to every child that we are exercising.
After he endured to receive the promise.
And could we in that verse that you have mentioned, I like the way the interpretation is put on. Can we also say that's the one Peter, for he that hath suffered in the flesh have ceased from sin? To bring it down to an example, would this be correct if somebody says to me to come along?
At work. Come on after. Want to have a little target after. But you know I don't want to go. Oh come on. No. Have enough and say, oh, there wouldn't be any any good with that if you're not there. So it's flattering. I said no, I've been on the Lord. Well, the flesh has been to suffer because greatly my old nature wants to go.
And so then they start to threaten me and they, they might say some nasty things, try to hurt me. So I say no, I can't go. But the flesh in he wants to go. My old nature wants to go, but he's trying to say it doesn't. It wants to go. But I I say no, I I don't want to go.
At least I won't go, so I don't. Well, the flesh suffers and I don't see either have suffered in the flesh has peaceful sin. My heart is filled with joy, but my flesh suffers. Is that right? Yeah, it might be a case where someone.
Says a very long time not necessary thing. May be untrue things to you and the for me and the plate for our left where I'd like to just hand the black something in the same coins what the doesn't need letting him instead of.
Getting angry and saying a lot of hard work and defense or and recruiting a very patiently, the old nature suffers. It's like to just say I'll give him a piece of my mind, but if I just let it quietly leave it to the Lord and well, the old nature suffers. Because you know how the old nature likes to defend itself to say a lot of things.
Would be perhaps true and perhaps amount of earth, but still did the old flesh in us. Unless they all nature suffer, it doesn't hurt. It's worthless and it's only going to get us in trouble anyway. Let's an old nature suffer and just as you say, then we please consider.
Then that we should not live the rest of our days. Remember our emphasis Peter puts on the rest of your days. That is the only that most of us here just a few years since death is the Lord Paris. OH, how are we going to spend the rest of those days? Please ourselves, get on this world and have a good time or end it to the will of God?
And really catch the fact of the person.
There she brings the fact that Christ is suffered for us in the flesh.
Then it brings it the end up of the will of God.
And Christ has so suffered for the pleasure later armor self likewise the same mind that this might be the English and Christ Jesus. And then have you done that We're not to live the rest of our time in the past unless the men but the world gone, he said. Christ as our example in the will of God is our pattern.
And everyone that is going to digressively long but it in the first Peter was 5 chapters. In every one of those chapters there is a beautiful.
Turning to crust in the sorrows and trials and every one of the chapters is at the middle of each chapter is very low as you see our field.
Each one of those chapters is well worth everyone taking time yourself to see them and to see how our hearts are drawn to trust what they've gone before.
And then ending up in the 5th chapter and by saying.
And the 10th verse. But the God of all grace, who have called the Son to his eternal glory by the Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while may be perfect established, strengthen second within the glory of dominion forever left hands.
And connection with.
6th verse and scourge of every thumb whom we received by the rest of the gills, built to tell us if I was a perfect answer for these so-called holy people, as they had never sinned.
Well, it would just have some of the questions my old Does the Lord ever have to discourage you? You ever get into any difficulties in your Christian life? Well, as they do is that they ask the Lord that the spirit well and that shows there must be something wrong or why we discourage it. Perfectly sinless child. And if they say, Oh no, I've never had anything like that, well then this could share meets them too.
Because it says there's no one on the fire that's heard that every child whom he received. So as they said, well I never had anything like that dog hasn't had the spirit new lens, it says your ******** and options, you know child of law.
So it really makes The Cave both ways.
I don't want to thank, but I think we've had a little bit about being weary to think in your mind. Just thinking of the Word and 40 of Isaiah. It's good for the young people here too, because things are in on street from the 28th verse to get our connections to the leader versus before me. Hast thou not known? Hast thou not heard of the Everlasting God, the Lord the Great of the end of the year?
Neither is with there is no searching of his understanding. He gave a thought of faith to them that have no strength to increase the strength. Even the use of painted. The weighted young men shall early fall, but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings and Eagles. They shall run and not be variables. They shall walk and not faint.
They're all the remedies, no matter what the circumstances may be, is there?
Whereby we we don't need to pay, we get really, we get paid. There is a remedy for it, isn't it?
There's no searching of his understanding.
They were almost 8:30 at the 17th verse.
Talk about.
This will see that we suffer with him and they also.
Have a tough screen called. Discrepancies are not willing to be prepared with the floor of each other if you are not.
Hope to connect that to you.
The the suffering within this brother man.
There is a difference between suffering with Christ and suffering for Christ.
In the verse we've been coming out.
Yet not yet resisted on blood thriving against sin. That's more.
Suffering for Christ persecutions and for many of the Lord people have been burned at the stake in their testimony for him. But there's another character of suffering that's mentioned there in the eighth of Rome that if we suffer with it.
How tell us today and this company have ever known too much about so happened for Christ. We're not living in a landlord. We can't read our Bibles, where if we have a meeting like this, officers might come in and arrest us for spending our time this way. Or we went home and find our home Wisconsin.
Complicated because of our.
Our faith in Christ and maybe we land in jail for the days old. We don't know very much about that. Schools and communist country 'cause people are fast.
That the suffering with Christ is the suffering we can all share.
Well, we look at the proof creation as the role goes on to to speak up the whole creation grown up and travel together in pain. Until now we see four animals, Portugal, suffering.
And we feel for great unions and their measurable or if we've updated into the sufferings of the human family, we think of all the hospitals, all the sorrows, we think of the hundreds of people that have been killed during this.
Holiday season and broken homes, the broken hearts, the sadness of this, this sad world for which we're passed. Well, doesn't the Lord feel that indeed He does feel that and when we think of the church resolved in this rule, always robbed and.
And hindered him and his blessings that we feel how Christ feels and concerns.
The Church for which he loved and gave himself forward. We think of the perishing souls going down to eternity. How God feels for those who are diluted sinners in their rebellion, how the heart is all yearns over there. Those four threats and sinners. That's the sign of suffering with Christmas and the more we enter into the suffering with Christ.
The more the size of framing with him is brought before us, brought before us, we go on pardon them.
Difference in terrorists and means nothing to us. While there's burden in the heart of Christ there, the process is lost when connection with our communion and with, I believe, our enjoyment of Christ and the heavenly scene when this journey is over.
Is that right by the company?
The Lord that brings before the disciples in the 15th of John. So now here in the eighth of Romans who brought the forest for coherent join the earth and there's children in ears here to go and joint ears with Christ. And so be that we suffer with them, that we may also be also glorified together so that we're voting enjoy the assumptions, we're going to enjoy the glory.
And the suffragettes always come before the glory.
There are.
I just trying to say think the way, Mr. Director.
Co heirs, whole sufferers and Co glorified ones.
Two, there are two types of substance, and.
Dangerous to speaking so analytical away and you might use that expression, there's the suffering.
For sin and that is from God and that was alone the Lord peace to death. But there is suffering from the hands of men for righteousness sake.
Do the types of suffering we share only the lateral God?
If we do Second Timothy 2 That's that we will arrange.
The 22nd Psalm brings before the sufferance of the Lord Jesus at the hands of God.
It ends in glory for 69th before the sufferings of the Lord Jesus at the hands of men, and it ends in Jeff.
And his brother, John Willis, they wanted him to sign a statement with you working everything Royal Bank.
For a quote that there's so much money on the bank and he knew there wasn't, that he wouldn't do it well, he had the enmity of all the other employees in the bank. He was suffering for righteousness sake because he wouldn't find policy.
Well, one May 1 may couple that we might even lose their job because they they wouldn't do to something that's dishonest or or evil or wrong. But my mom is preaching the gospel. They throw songs at you or that's that's something surprise they do.
And there's the differences. They're not as suffering for Christ and suffering from racial mistakes.
What you speak of now, Brother Lee, Brother John L Willis?
He suffered for legacy. But then I know another Christian brother who we went preaching on the street corners and they told me they didn't start preaching, they lost them on the street corners. He produced his job, but don't forget anyone in the bank. So he got out of the bank and that wasn't much of A greatest mistake. As for the losses?
That was mentioning that suffering for the truth, the other was just righteousness and good unsaved man that suffered in that first way. But yes.
Well, how would you connect the two persons and the first Princess?
Potentially no system of the body but that remember could have the same scare one or another. And where does one member suffers? All the members suffer with us all, never beyond all members up here, now or the.
You know we are associated.
Should not want to care for them and deal for them those what is the departments and lands and don't have the buses and privileges that we have. Do I ask you?
I'll give the short thing that you'll care for that finger a little more. You will any other part of your body. Well, soon, won't you? So the truth is the one body we have there in parentheses. And so that is the thought, isn't it? 1 member suffered. All members suffer with these. We should take them in.
Let's see thought In the sixth verse, whom the Lord loved, he takes.
On the most.
Time that seems very hard. And files and sorrows.
Her fortunes?
I remember a brother called her telling my opinion was about the Collier family they had. The two or three children were drowned.
They lost three children. They went out on the canoe of things and were drowned and he said that he was visiting the home. My sister was, Collier said. Said brother Carl. Is it because the Lord is angry with him that he is allowed on the power to come to our home? Well, he had the opportunity to use this purse.
Whom the Lord loved other comforting verse. It was at a time like that when their hearts were broken because.
Of sorrow that had come into their home, that they couldn't understand why the Lord had committed such a tragedy. And as to lose, I think it was at least two of the family at one time. Well, we need to.
Be reminded of that the Lord is always for us under all circumstances.
God before us, who can be against us.
Remember 1 occasion when a brother asked brother late brother Harry Hagel about his brother Ross. Brother Robert take a long time and this brother passed the body. How was it?
Uncle, Uncle Rabin, some sick. So long you could call the man. Why? And never forget he turned her to this hymn 338. And here's the children different times. I won't read it all. You can read it yourself.
There will be diversity. Read. We welcome all my sovereign wills for all that will is love. And when we know what our dust, we wait the line apart. Thy gracious love in all our nature of heavenly lighting path be our name of endless praise for all things else to pass. Have the answer again. That is very good.
And don't you think?
This too that.
If we are.
If we go through life and everything is nice and smooth, and the nice happy home and not much sorrow experience, well we get to the glory and there we see exposed divorce, the man of sorrows and all that he went through. Well, if that were true of my life, I might not be able to enter into the extreme extent the depths of the stars.
But if, on the other hand, we have gone through deep stars, deep trials, then when we get to the glory and there we see that one was a man of sorrows and we have unfolded to us what he went through. Or we're going to be very able to enjoy and to understand the depth of the stars.
Some of the Swedish hymns have come from those who suffered the motion. I think that the young girl just have been hammered perhaps renewed and said Ruby McKenzie Moyer and her head was drawn away back and she was all tipping up and she laid in that because she was 16 years old. The Lord took her home and it was just just lovely to meet some of the poems in him that she composed and her have just four face to a boy never had a grounded or anything like that.
The Lord comes to her, and there is someone still printed around from the hair.
In that first do we have two circumstances, for whom the Lord loveth and takes us at the 1St, and assured us every time when we receive it, whom the Lord love to chase them and skirt just every son will be receiver but there.
Don't you think Brother Walker that is they chasing. There is the child training that we mentioned the beginning of the meeting. So we have many ways that God has to deal with us and and preparing us. Maybe forecast the usefulness down here testimony for him connection with our.
Our reward hereafter.
May not all be failed, but when it's curtain is definitely because of failure, and there's not one of God's children that escapes both of these forms of disciplines, both safe and discourages.
That the word case that is in connection with silver.
Case Silver is a highly.
Polished soap.
No, no tarnishing on It has had the buffer on and has.
And has got everything that would hinder the reflection and the beautiful and shine others called Chase Silver. Paul speaks in the Second Corinthians. And enough of for I am jealous over you with the God is jealousy. For I have espoused you to one husband that I have made present you as a chaste virgin to president. You think that's right, brother simulator?
I suppose in general these expectation in Hebrews in particular where you are refers to.
Dealing with the flesh while preventing it from accident.
But we embrace so how we may even think of be delivered from the works of the flesh.
Threatening ourselves dead, indeed dead into those things the same as you go straight. Being dead to the polite invitations, or gone, or threatening and being dead to them is what to to believe it. This sensation will stop. There wouldn't be so much of that.
Form of teaching.
To a Hebrew believer with a brother.
Of breaking yourself dead, for instance.
Being directly to the new nature which presents or would not be touched by substance.
We have quite a contrast drawn in the 90s and controversy. Furthermore, we have had fathers of our place which corrected us, and we gave them reference, shall we not?
And we gave them, Reverend, shall we not much rather be a subjection on the Father of spirit, Father of spirit, that bears incomes.
With our faith fathers.
And live, or they barely for a few days to change us after their own pleasure, that he for our covenant, that we might be partakers of His Holiness.
That is, God has far greater and far wider plans than the very best churches often that ever lived.
The nursery father has as good as his child down here. He wants to see him walk, to be strong, healthy.
Man has been get a job and seeing her get along well in school or in business whenever his occupation is, we have present things in view.
That the eternal scene that applies ahead and we might raise partakers.
His Holiness.
Well, that's a guess for us.
I suppose this is a practical holiness, because positionally, without believing love now here is practical for this year, and that common side very well speaks about the side of dog sovereignty of the Art memorial.
Is it a good thing as scholars to remind our children of this? And I say to my boy, well.
I've got a father who? I'm your father, and I have to insist on obedience.
Now the reason why I'm doing that is because I have a father who insists on obedience to if I'm going to be happy and live. So I can read this verse to him and say to him, I'm teaching you obedience now and you must obey this because I have a positive.
If I obey him, I'm going to be happy, and you're going to be happy in this moment.
That was a good way to bring the child's thoughts to our responsibility.
Very practical for these young couple here.
Any 1011. There is now no shaping for the friends seemeth to be joyous.
Nevertheless, it heals the peaceable truth, the righteousness of them which are exercised thereby.
It isn't always a sign of spirituality for one to stay in time, St. Carl stress.
Thank and praise the Lord, for it might be that it's all intense that one to really be in his presence. As a crime, he permitted the stars coming to his class.
I know, someone said well.
If I have a good crop, I thank God for that. I have a great open later. Thank God for that. But it might be a time. Instead of thanking adults for the the broken leg, it might be an act to be on mom's face before the Lord and to inspire it to the reason why God has committed this trial comes on Christ. That's very important.
Those who are exercised thereby, that's where I was left in town.
Nothing happened by chance, does it? No.
Quite a saying, no, That's one of those things to pass it off, is that.
Now let the Elizabeth sister had lost her husband, so she said well.
We have to take the ups and the downs of life, and this is one of the downs. Well, I have to remind you that this is the way the world looks at things. This is human.
Card say that's not taken from the Lord and.
That's not learning what the Lord has before us that draws closer to himself.
What's the meaning of the verse? The steps of a good man are over to the Lord.
It was the same as the 84th electric a man whose strength is in thee, and whose heart are the ways of them. When the one is going on to please the Lord, he knows the way that he's going to be taking 32nd sounds, as I will guide you with my eyes or command that has been restored. And the Lord, the Lord parks his mind to him, and so he walks in that way.
The Lord's mind and the evils on. On the other hand, I'm terrorists. I'm going to be not knowing the mind of the Lord. So I believe that verse implies that it's one walking like the Lord, as He knows the way he has to die. The Lord. We're going to exercise those steps.
As statistics, yes.
At all for the purpose of guiding in the right way.
God that doesn't want us to be like the horse and the mule, which have to be turned, guided by mid and bright, the last being guided by circumstances. But God may have to do that. But it's the second best method. He wants to guide us with his eyes.
You can only know his mind that we're walking in the media.
Finally, that's very important what you have brought and I think we all need to take that. But it's not, it's it's greed for the present. It's greed. We try to rise above and say, well, I'm going to be cheerful. That's not learned what the Lord has in advance, is it?
As always, the African yes, it's like Joe. You have heard of the faces of Joe and seeing, you know, and I just read it there in the 5th chapter of James.
And they left words of James fire.
Holy counts and happy which endures? Well, we do.
Have springs happening. You have heard of the patience of jokes and have seen the end of the Lord. The Lord is very available and tender mercy.
That is a gift for all those chapters and jokes, giving an account of his what he passed through before you get to where he has really submitted to the hand of salt and money.
See. Ever a pretty severe thing for Joe, not only to lose everything he has.
And there's a van.
And yet to take that patience, and to say the Lord gave, and the Lord had taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord. But still Job hadn't learned his lesson.
And when your three friends arrived and they speak for a joke, there is his misery. It was covered with foils.
Craving himself with a touch here by then it brings out what hadn't been brought out before and that is the pride that was in his heart. Then he rises and curses the day of his birth. And then those three friends say a conflict, what Satan couldn't accomplish for it and that is to bring out the self-confidence.
And the good opinion he had of himself, he had a very high opinion of himself. He had reason for a good opinion of himself.
Or even the Lord's total Satan, that was not like it on the face of the earth, a perfect man, and upright and one that feared God in the two evils, and yet that that good man have mere perfect as a man could possibly be. And to find out what was really at the bottom of his heart. And he took those 3 prints to bring it out. And what was so very trying in the trial he went through with those friends was that they falsely accused him.
They lied about it. They made-up their mind that God would never punish a man as Joseph inflicted, unless it was something very wrong in his life. Therefore Joe must be a bad man. He must have done a lot of evil things there thought was never a sickness while Jealous knew that their whole period was wrong and false and it irritated him and got him angry and he just defended himself and very.
Vigorous and vicious and vicious ways.
But it took all I have to bring out what was in Joe and then when he gets to the end and let the end of the Lord very critical. Then he says I've heard of him about the hearing of the year and now when I see it the and I inform myself and repent in dozen nations there we get a man really at the end of himself. And then elitist ways all comes in and bless him and he's only though when he has prayed for those three friends that.
That lied about him and falsely accused him that the lesson counts. That was very easy to pray for those that had been lying about him all that time.
And even when he said that, though, he slated yet will I trust him. He thought it was a very lovely thing to say. But he hadn't come to the end of himself when he said that, you know?
We have to be careful when we say that too. He had further lessons to learn.
In connection with the Spirit and the flesh.
I'm on the interceptors to get out on charge with the John.
Scriptures and read the two scriptures from his and Romans. Costing all the age of Romans is cheaply on that planet so the gap is easy to estimate the best of power. But here is it is.
There Roman tape momentum. There is therefore not with no condemnation.
Then become in Christ Jesus as one friend who was not after the place but after the Spirit of another woman, when the law of the Spirit was life in Christ Jesus has made us free from the law of sin and death. That's precious sentence.
What the law hurts us to in the first week through the letter God sending his own something, the letter something, but enforce him condensing in the flesh. That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilling us who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit. For they there are after the best you mind the things of the flesh, potato after the strip, the things of the spirit.
Course, we kindly like to the debt, but to be sure that the money is like something because the kind of time, because the kind of mind to stand with against God, what is not subject to the law of God. Matter indeed can be not as narrow. So then there are in the flesh cannot please call put that in the word of God comes in, which changes to the cost around a bit, though.
But we are not in the fish.
But we are not in this life, but in the soul, and the soul of the Spirit of God, friends in you.
Know as any man I'm not, the Spirit of Christ is one of the other Christ for you before he was dead because.
But obvious data? Prosperity. Life because of consciousness. What we got that little word? What kind of what is the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead? You having you He that?
Leader have made-up Christ from the dead. Shall I just quicken you your Martin bodies by his spirit as well as in you. Therefore we are better not to the flesh.
You live after the fact. You shall die for the victims of strength, remorse, and the nature of the body. You shall live for as many as are led by the Spirit of God. They are the sons of God.
Who they got not to see the script of bond that we gave to fear, but you have received the strength of adoption, whereby whereby the guy had the Father, the Spirit is self, and witness with our spirit.
We're amongst the churches that we are not the children, soul and the children then.
Heirs the Christ, and so be not to suffer with him, we may also glorify together. For I reckon that the something of this stress tower are not further to be compelled with the joy of children to review the earth.
Has been quite a lot, thanks to God. Well, I'm sure it brings the Holy Spirit by the believers that two precious strollers.
Pleasure is spirit.
Other places you are not in the fact it's so beautiful.
This is the precious Your Saints are called to know that God you have a budget and not sincere to try to patch up the old castle nature. It's no good.
The Lord you all, the Bible and the Lord Jesus came from our very purpose made on his precious life That is precious love wash honors into We were far from united. The new scandal now before call, but new creatures in Christ Jesus.
If you go on to the 12Th verse, it shows that there's nothing of a selfish thought about the exercise that the one passes through that's mentioned in the 11Th versus taking for the president.
So he looks.
Beyond himself. Wherefore, lift up the hands which hang down on the people knees. Oh, if we get discouraged, we take the hands of the Lord. Thank you, and we rebuke to the Lord. We're not only hindering or hindering our own soul, but we're hindering the blessings of others. And that's it. Always be something.
Definitely before us, No one living to himself and no one dies to himself. We all affect the lives of others. And the Christian who is most used of God cursed on the blessing for his presence is one who is really going happy in his soul with the Lord. It may have required chastening and thoughts to break his will and purify his affection so that Christ has become.
Near and dear to his soul.
But then.
The fellow wearing the hang hand hang down, and only being a discouragement to the people of God, well, here is the here's what the Papa says Where? Wherefore Lift up the hands, hang down, and the people knees.
And made straight paths for your feet left up, which is length be turned out the way, but let it rather be healed.
As always, the lean with ones that are easily turned aside, you have to tenderly consider such that we might be the means of tumbling others. They were worse off than the red they were made, but this one just had feeble limbs.
This is recorded 35, isn't it?
Three expecting people. We can confirm that people need this is where.
Israel was being physically restored. It's after their failure and that all they passed through here. They're being encouraged frequently that we can. We find out in our chapter that there could be Facebook, a witness or whatever it may be. But they have to be discovered by others. We have to seek to encourage one another. Thank you, another one, another and the first.
We can see before each other.
And then even a wider field, and that follow peace with all men.
And more in this, without which no man shall see the Lord.
As much as life in you there peaceably with all men.
That is, that is not only to be in the circle of the Lord's people, but it's to go up now to all the men is in italic. There is to all, however, the saved and unsafe.
Or just the and we are we. If we are unhappy Christians, we certainly are going to be discarded to somebody else like the lock, at least like now, Mike, he said to her two daughters and all. You stay here and the Lord will will bless you here. Why her life was saying that. Don't come back with me. Probably late. Let the hands hang down.
This is the testimony that we're going to have for the unsaved. You aren't good. We're going to say, well, I don't find anything, any happiness in Christianity. There's no use being Christian. So how the act effects not only the levers, but was it to all? What about when he was told and he said that they held up his candidacy? And if you think that said the force is here.
I would say 12 first and more of a sense of intercession for one. And the 13 verse, the factful walk now back from walks or dreams in our life to him and the other judges put it straight. So there's no nothing, no laces. Someone is weaker because we all know we watch one another and oftentimes when there's some divisions just because of a denial of a brother, perhaps a very gifted brother in all that.
Perhaps one would be the reason of my salvation and that he's stumbled and hasn't corrected that, so it leads the week along with him taking this attractive practical walk away. But I think maybe perhaps I'm not wrong when brother corrects me. The 12 versus more intercession falling off before the Lords.
I haven't thought of that. That's nice.
I noticed in the Mars that says make even past year feet well somebody very weak and crippled they they pathway isn't even that they're falling they're going to stumble very easily. So we should take those stumbling blocks out of the way.
And the rule is called #13 There in the race you're not running alone.
Say that beginning of the chapter we're running along, we're 13. We're not running alone at the rate the effect of it.
Like that brother already quoted himself.
About 15 verses. Very serious warnings and look. Looking diligently. Not look diligently, but looking. It's imperfect. It keeps on looking diligently.
Lest any man.
Fail. Call from the grace of God.
All grace, but we have to look diligently that we don't fall from that grace and to think that somebody fails while we count on find Paul, well it's all grace that has.
Of God brought to this place of favor, so we're diligently with it that we don't fall on my grace now. Then the next step down will be left any root of bitterness.
Springing up.
Trouble O'Sullivan there troubles everybody. So that root of bitterness, you can't see the roots. But we might have, we might be holding roots that are not seen outwardly and we're voting and they will trouble, they'll trouble our spots and we're in trouble as all the revenue.
And all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, evil, speaking, recovering from him.
I think that's a good statement.
Yeah, I think that's taking my brother married.
The word as well.
Season end of the season four, I think.
No matter how.
Faithful we must be, and sometimes they are and they have to be, faithful even there are times when we have to avoid another. But no matter how important it is, or think, standing facing us to the Lord, we should never allow any bitterness in our hearts towards them at once.
Because they spent 18 near Patrick, 18, in the Academy.
This is grace for me.
Father glory not beyond all thoughts. Glory.
Taking their.