Hebrews 12:4-11

Duration: 1hr 15min
Hebrews 12:4‑11
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Whatever distress awaits us below, grace and Lord will he still 267.
Hopefulness resides in Jesus.
Lander all day.
And laid on the floor.
Thank you. Thanks for having us. We're going to be able to let you know if you face.
By the rings are there.
And nothing can burn about.
All of the things I've seen.
What happened to our own, as I said?
The Lord for the earth's own life and everything.
Took a long while, I said.
I'm going to get you out of breathe. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I don't know.
And when you make it in process.
The widow may be now I'm against now I'm having a We're here and show our history.
Now who's the surrounding life? Allah Allah. Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah. Allah Allah. Allah. Allah. Allah. Allah. Allah. Allah. Allah Allah Allah.
Hebrew Chapter.
Well, another package.
You want more forests in that structure.
It was the mind of the revenue could probably read again from verse one down to.
Maybe you know there are 17 of them, whether we do them.
Hebrews 12. Reading from verse one to verse 17.
Wherefore, seeing we also are encompassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every week, and the sin which does so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
For consider him that endure such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest he be wearied and faint in your minds. You have not yet resisted on the blood striving against sin, and you have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children. My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of Him. For whom the Lord loveth, He chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. If he endure chastening, God deveeth with deeth with you as with sons.
For what son is he whom the Father chasteneth not? But if ye be without all our takers, then are ye ******** and not sons. Furthermore, we have had fathers of our flesh, which corrected us, and we gave them reverence. Shall we not much rather be in subjection under the Father of spirits, and live? For they verily for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure, but He for our Prophet, that we might be partakers of His Holiness.
Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous nevertheless. Afterward it yielded the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby.
Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees, and make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way. But let it rather be healed. Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord looking diligently. Lest any man fail of the grace of God, lest any root of bitterness springing up, trouble you, and thereby many be defiled, Let there be any fornication, or any fornicator or profane person.
As he saw who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright for, you know how that afterwards, when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected for, he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears.
That's it. We're always encouraged by looking at our uh.
Brethren, that I passed it off, seeing that.
The apostle says in the 13th chapter, uh, remember them with with seven, remember them with, uh, the rule over you have spoken to you the word of God, whose faith follows.
Considering the end of their conversation, not their failure. Sometimes we follow their failures, but whose faith follows well.
They can encourage us as we look back upon the lives of devotedness to the Lord. But there's a perfect example brought before us here.
The Lord Jesus in his pathway down here, consider Him.
And endured such contradiction of sinners itself. You know that word, consider it means to inwardly meditate upon something.
Inwardly meditate, uh, it comes out in uh, chapter 3 where which we, uh, looked at this morning. Consider the apostle and high priest of our profession, uh.
The apostle puts before us the Lord Jesus there, and the one that we are to inwardly meditate upon in His pathway down here in His ascension to the glory, and there is life.
There at God's right hand for us. Then there's other he considers the 10th chapter. Consider one another that you will provoke unto love and to good works that comes in in the United. There's 24 of the tense charges. Let us consider one another.
And provoke unto love, and to good works.
Inwardly meditate. How can I encourage my brother or sister in the path of faith to follow the Lord? Not by criticizing them, but by being an example to them myself in my walk.
And showing love so that they are stimulated.
To judge themselves and to follow the Lord more devotedly. Of course we need to have self judgment ourselves. And I think there's another considering the 8th chapter is the 9th.
The speech of the high priestly work of Christ there.
That was another, uh, insulin there.
Anyway, umm.
We have that word consider several times in the epistle and uh.
Inwardly meditate upon these things that are the apostle is bringing before us.
That we might profit from that here it is, considering the Lord in His path of rejection down here.
Such a contradiction of Sinner that he endured.
Being the full display of the heart of God in His pathway, and yet it brought out the hatred of man. There was nothing in the Lord that would incite that.
They hated me without a cost is the strongest condemnation in the Bible.
Because there was no cause for the hatred of man for the Son of God. But uh.
The evil nature, the enmity that was there in the heart of the the creature in the heart of this.
Soul of man against God, so it's considering him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself.
And we have we received persecution too, but it's really in small measures compared with what Christ passed through.
Were you thinking of chapter 3, verse one? Yeah, we we noticed that.
Adults at the other places. Chapter 7 verse four Now consider him outbreak this man was and he didn't even the patriarch Abraham and Hebrews 10th of the spoil.
No, the Hebrews at this point were suffering quite a lot of persecution from their, uh, their own Jewish brethren. You know that the 10th chapter is the epistle.
But, umm, many of them have lost their material possessions for Christ.
34 He had compression of being in my bones, and took joyfully the spoiling of your goods, knowing in yourself that you have in heaven a better enduring substance.
Umm, they were exhorted here not to cast the weight.
Therefore, your confidence which have great recompense will reward for they were suffering for Christ taking that outside place from the.
The nation and all the.
Ritual and uh, economy of the nation of Israel, Jewish nation has had so much to commend them, uh.
So much that they could admire and look up to and hear was a path of separation from them.
Now they were identified with Christ the Messiah, whom the world in the world had rejected, in the nation had rejected, and, uh, they did suffer.
Real persecution.
The apostle brings that on indeed.
Third verse of our tractor.
I think of what the Lord Jesus spoke with his disciples in John chapter 15 with respect to persecution.
It's very clear that.
We are not to uh.
Expect different treatment than what the Lord Jesus experienced himself.
And he says here in John 15 and verse 18, if the world hate you, you know that it hated me before it hated you.
If you were of the world, the world would love its own. But because you are not of the world, but I have shown you out of the world, therefore the world hated you. Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his Lord, if they have persecuted me.
They will also.
Persecute you.
If they have kept my saying they will keep yours also.
So on.
I think that you passed the call. You know, it's kind of privilege to suffer.
In fact, this desire was to know Christ.
The power of his resurrection.
And also the fellowship of his sufferings.
Kind of privilege.
And it was Peter, I believe, in the first part of the acts, wasn't it to?
Who with other apostles?
It says they counted joy.
Be able to suffer for the name of track so.
Ought not to, uh, shun suffering for the name of Christ? Peter states of it as being a privilege. Also happy are you reproached for the name of Christ.
Be part of our inward, uh, meditation, wouldn't it? Uh, Wally, remember, I think it says there, John, yeah, Remember what our Lord went through as a man. Also, we, we come together in Lord's Day. Remember him in his death.
We also meditate upon him there.
Reflects on what he has accomplished for us.
So this is a nice, uh, girth in there.
Mr. Garvey wrote that him this world is a wilderness life. He sang it this morning.
That was on the occasion that he was shut out from a hotel because of his testimony.
I understand.
He felt the reproach and did.
Remind me again, He was in a wilderness. I had no room for Christ. What we experienced, that is we are faithful, uh, every day, pray. Sometimes we avoid persecution because we are not as faithful as we should be through the Lord's name. So we compromise with the world.
But we lose that privilege.
Someone has said that there are two things that have been promised to us in this world that the Lord has promised to us in this world. He's promised, uh, in the world He shall have persecution and say there in John 615 or 16, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. He promised his presence also in the midst of persecution.
Umm, and.
It's, it's when, uh, and when looking at verses like we started with here in the third verse.
Consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself.
Yes. Must he be wearied and faint in his mind? In your mind, you know, if you uh.
If you've lost a loved one.
And somebody comes up and aligns, say, at the Funeral Home, and they say to you, I know what you're going through. I've been there.
It means a lot you enter into something together with a person like that.
Well, the Lord says to us, as it were, I know what you're going through.
I've been there.
Consider him.
So when the frictions come, the purpose of it is to draw us closer to Him.
Uh, we has already been remarked. We naturally shrink from these things, but God wants our our affections and he wants us to realize.
Umm, the world we're going through is a world that has rejected him.
And we can't. The servant is not greater than his Lord, and we can't expect, we shouldn't expect a rosier path than what he went through when he was here. It's kind of hard to talk this way because we almost feel like it's our right to have something a little bit better in this world. But if we really, if we, if we really let our light shine for the Lord, I think we would feel more persecution.
This thinking of the rejection of the Lord Jesus, and yet He could still rejoice in it. I was thinking of Psalm 118.
And in the context of the stones, the builders rejected refused Psalm 118 and verse 22.
The stone which the builders refused has become the head of the corner, the headstone of the corner. This is the Lord's doing and is marvelous in our eyes. This is the and then he then he goes on to say in his prayer, This is the day which the Lord has made will be we will rejoice and be glad in it. So I like to think of this perhaps as a prayer when the Lord is praying in the Garden of Gethsemane. He said, this is the day which the Lord has made.
He's going to rejoice and be glad in this day. How can he rejoice and be glad in the day when he's going to be persecuted and and crucified on the cross? Yet for the joy that was set before him, he endured the cross, despising the shame. And so the Lord, even through the persecution and the hatred, he could still rejoice in doing the Father's will.
I was considering this word consider and it reminds me of a word that we used to use in science class. I used to use the science class examine. When you examine something, you pick it up. Could be a bug, could be a plant.
To be yourself a a onion cell could be anything small or big, but you pick it up and you handle it and when the Lord Jesus.
Appeared to his disciples they had troubling thoughts, he said in Luke 24.
An attorney with his own score.
He said. Why are you troubled and why do thoughts arise in your hearts?
And you hold my hands and my feet.
Well, what would they say? They'd see those wounds in his hands and his feet.
Handle me and see. Handle me and see. That's what the Lord wants us to do here. I believe I.
Maybe totally wrong in this, but I believe He wants us to examine everything about Him. And as Dave says, been there, done it. The Lord has been there. Anarchy, worst tribulation, He's been there.
Our worst sorrow, our worst nightmare, He's been there. He knows all about it. He knows all about us and he knows what we're going through and he knows about our enemy, Satan, who wants to make us mess up so badly and has caused shipwreck in many lives. So what does he want our focus to be on? What he what does he want us to examine and look at and handle? See, it's Christ himself that's the one we should be looking on to. The Lord Jesus Christ, all that he went through for us.
He's doing for us now and you're sitting for us on high all those wonderful thoughts in the mountain and in the valleys too. He's there in the valley of the shadow death line there he's.
Promised never to leave us forsaken all the way home, Savior and Friend. And each one of us should examine Him more and more. I speak to myself, examine Him, handle and see. You'll never, never disappoint you.
They're on LU24, The two that were on our way to Emmaus, they were sad.
And you know Jesus himself too near and went with them.
And so he inquires as to why they're sad. You know, Lord Jesus doesn't want you and me to be sad. He wants us to be glad. He wants us to be happy.
So he finds out, you say. Well, you know.
This one that was.
We thought he was the one that was going to redeem Israel.
You know, they had Israel on their mind, the redemption of their nation.
And that, I think, was that there was a problem where they were set. You know what the Lord Jesus does?
He opened his Scriptures, it says, beginning at Moses and the prophets. He expounded unto them in all the scriptures.
The things concerning Israel.
No any concerning himself.
You know, he started, hearts burning.
He said, he said did not our hearts burn within us if he spoke to us by the way he spoke of himself. And I believe this is what is going to elevate our thoughts is to be focused on Christ, who he is, what he's done for us.
You know we find refuge in this love pulled out at the cross of Calgary.
I just enjoy what's being said about considering.
Meditate on the personal work of our Savior. I I noticed Mr. Darby says consider well.
Him that he worked contradictional sinners considered well.
I know for myself I spent enough time.
Contemplating the beauty of this wonderful person.
In fact, the theme of that chapter that we already.
Going through 24, you could put a, uh, a theme on that chapter. It wouldn't be that word himself. It appears in a number of times in the country and sometimes have the idea Lord is ascended. He's at the right hand of God, but he's not really with us here in our wilderness circumstances. He's at a distance. That's our own thoughts as Clem has brought out we.
He is interested in every detail of our lives and although he is offended and glorified, he is there for us. He died to make us clean. He's living to keep us clean.
And to minister to us from the glory, and to walk with us in those times of sorrow and trial and sickness, He is not.
Is not UMM unaware?
To what his people are passing through and so as the Lord in resurrection there in Luke 24, who is walking with that that.
Couple think it is a couple.
Who, uh, did not know who he was, but uh, they, they soon found out, uh, just thinking of Emmaus, there's several things that it means that most great things, it means Warm Springs and the Lord didn't let them reach their destination. Uh, so Warm Springs, you can't wash your feet with it and you'd be refreshed.
Can't break it, be refreshed. But who would drink of water?
But most of the lovely thing about the dollars the Lord didn't let them go there, and he doesn't want us to go there.
Oh, it comes. It comes down coming on in the chest or.
We don't want you to become weary and faint in our minds.
That is possible.
Umm, sometimes we don't take the persecution to, uh, populate them.
Uh, but uh, it will bring a joy. We, uh, we take it from the Lord and realize that we're having a fellowship.
In his suffering, that shouldn't, however, cause us to retaliate.
Shouldn't be anywhere. Spirit of that.
Feeling in our minds, the Lord never retaliated. Uh.
On the cross when they.
When they spoke against him last evening.
Uh, pray for his enemies.
So, umm, you should pray for those who reject us.
Seek their blessings.
But the apostle goes on now to develop a thought here of, uh, of.
God's dealings with us.
We all need style training. We all require correction in our lives.
Umm, the Lord did not need tracing because he didn't have an old nature.
But because we have an old nature that, alas, displays itself too often indeed, chasing you chasing.
Now there are different types of suffering that the Christian may go through this certain sufferings that are preventative. There's others that are purgative.
And umm, there's others that umm.
Are punitive.
And all of these sufferings are sent from the Lord allowed of him and.
They're needful in our lives.
Now the Lord, he suffered everything that a righteous man could suffer, but he did not suffer.
An intuitive uh.
Ceiling or dealings of God because the old nature, He did not have an old nature, of course, and there was no activity but with us.
The Lord has to deal with us sometimes because if we do not trust.
Ourselves, as we should.
And the chastening comes into our lives.
But it's always from a hand of love and it's always for our benefit.
It doesn't appear pleasant at the time, but it does bring peaceable groups of righteousness. But notice under those which are exercised thereby.
Spell Life.
The Lord allows these things. He's perfect in his dealings. As for God, His way is perfect.
He deals with us according to his perfect wisdom, but sometimes circumstances come into our lives which are contrary to what we desire.
We should be exercised. Why the Lord has allowed this in my life.
For our benefit, but there should be exercise not to despise it.
And not to faint under it, but to be exercised about.
A notice in the section verse five through to verse 11, there's three words used that involve punishment or discipline. There's the word rebuke, scourge and chasten. And rebuke seems to have a sense of stopping someone in their tracks, giving them a firm no stop what you're doing. Scourging seems to be more of a severe punishment, but chastening has that sense of discipline or correction may involve punishment, but has the idea to correct us and shape us and change our behavior. And you'll look between verse 5 and 11, the word review because used once, the word discourage is used once, the Jason is used seven times.
Does that give us some indication of the waiting towards chastening versus scouring and rebuking give us some sense of God's grace in dealing with us?
I think Jason is a term that embraces these different types of dealings.
Uh, it was not, it was not present in the life, in the life of the Lord now here.
So it's because we have a tendency to wander from the Lord.
And even the danger of of allowing sin in our lives worldliness.
And uh.
Actually failed to judge ourselves about a certain course that we are following.
Says there in First Corinthians 11, if we would judge ourselves, we would maybe we should look at them first to get it. We would judge ourselves, we would not be chasing the law. And that's a meaning I want to admit regarding translation of that First Corinthians UH-11.
There it is in connection with, uh, the Corinthians who are going on carelessly at the Lord's Table, uh.
In a, in a, in a very serious way. And the apostle is rebuking them very strongly here.
And he says here in verse 31.
If we would judge ourselves.
We should not be judged, but when we are judged.
That has the address as the thought of tracing. That's not internal judgment there internal judgment has passed for the believer through the work of Christ. But this is a Father dealing God dealing with us. We are chasing of the Lord that we should not be condemned with the world and turn over to first Peter chapter one.
There's 17 the same thought if you call on the Father, who without respective person judges according to every man's work past the time of your soldier in the earth and fear. Now, this is not the judgment seat of Christ. It's not eternal judgment that has passed through the believer, but it's the Father watching us every step of our pathway down here and because we are believers.
And we know Him as our Savior and our Redeemer. We get off with whatever we want. In no way. In fact, we're more responsible.
There's no respective persons in this matter if if.
We walk in a, uh, an ungodly way. Or, uh.
A way that is dishonouring to the voice. You will deal with us judges according to every man's work. That's our work down here, that's our conduct, that's our path down here.
When you say this, yeah, see, the gasoline is more of a correction mentioned there and, uh, it's, uh.
Verse nine. This was farthermore, we have fathers of her flesh, natural fathers.
Fathers which corrected us.
Gave reverence showing up rather being subjection onto the Father's spirit to live.
And we'd seen that the casting is more of a correction, things that we need have corrected in our pathway.
They might be preventive too, because Paul the apostle was as we know.
Wonderfully devoted to the Lord and his servants, but he had a thorn in his flesh.
Which we don't know, uh, precisely what it was, but he had a thorn in the flesh, and he besought the Lord to remove that thorn three times.
He thought, If this corn is removed, I will be able to serve the Lord better.
It must have been something that was very afflicting to the apostle.
Some think it was his eyes, and we don't. We don't. It doesn't tell us He needed it when he came down from the third heavens where he had been. He didn't need it when he was when he was up there, but when he came down, lest he should be exalted.
Leave out those words without measure. They shouldn't be there, lest they should be exalted.
The Lord demon this form, and he besought the Lord on three definite occasions. The Lord said no, that's enough, don't speak to me about this anymore.
And did not remove that thorn. But the apostle was taught dependence upon the Lord and learn to glory. Maybe you just look at a verse or two that way too. 2nd Corinthians 12.
Now that was what we could call a preventive suffering run.
Uh, thank you 7 and sugar less. I should be exalted to the abundance of the revelations that was given to me, a thorn in or for the black messenger of Satan, who buffered me, lest I should be exalted for this thing. I besought the Lord thrice that it might be part from me. And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient.
For me, my strength is made perfect not in a big outward display of power, in weakness.
Most gladly, therefore, will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Well. This is all part of child training with the Apostle and.
Yeah, submit it and found that the award. Use that in blessing.
His likeness ministry.
It's another aspect of Chastening 2 That I have read about and and thought quite a lot about it. And that's preparative.
Umm, you read about, uh, somebody who has turned out to be a, a, a man that's been greatly used to the Lord. Then you read their story, their history, you discover that they went through a, a very difficult time of their life that helped to prepare them to be useful so that God could use them in a special way. So I'm just suggesting that we could add that to your list of PR John. Good. I'm sure that that's one of the case in the life of Moses, 40 years on the backside of the desert.
Elijah definitely, uh, a preparatory period there and uh, Jeremiah and others.
Also too it, it, uh, trials are, are used in, in preparing us to help others. David mentioned about, you know, if you go to a funeral, it's a loved one that passed away and somebody can relate to having the same experience. It is a comfort we haven't in the second Corinthians chapter one.
Verse three it says, blessed be God, even the Father, our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies.
The God of all comfort, who comforted us and all the tribulation. We may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble by the comfort where we ourselves are comforted from God.
The sufferings of Christ about in US, so our consolation also abounded by Christ.
So things that we pass through here, uh, the Lord comforts us through the tribulation trials, and then also we're able to use those things to help others.
Nice to notice too here that the relationship is not broken when there is discipline that takes place because it says in that, uh, in that seventh verse, if you give, if you and your chastening God dealeth with you as with sons or what son is he whom the father chasteth not it's really part of the training or the.
The discipline for me, it brings in the thought of the host of God. It seems to me that conduct and of these things are all associated in that way. And, uh, but you also get it in first John, uh, two where it says any man's sin. We have an advocate with the father. He's still the father. The relationship is still there. The communion has been broken, but God wants that relationship. The communion restored with the relationship is still there.
It's wonderful to to for parents too, to remember this when dealing with children that they are.
They're still your children and to have their good and blessing in mind in connection with any discipline that takes place in the family, the child should feel, I think, I think the child should feel even in discipline that there's a very genuine concern on the parent for their good and blessing.
We may not always as parents through the discipline, just right.
But that isn't the case with God our Father. He knows exactly what we need and everything is needed in our lives. It doesn't give us more than we need or less. I think any trial or difficulty in our lives always result of need speed. God is the one that sees that.
But I go to Sears is in verse 10 about earthly fathers. They barely for a few days chasing us after their own pleasure in March and my Bible says it seemed good for meat to them. That's the good intentions, but for that's not always altogether righteous, maybe too harsh or too lenient, but says he for our prophet that we might be partakers.
Of his own, so the Lord never makes any mistakes.
We can trust him for that.
Perfect love, perfect.
As regard his way as perfect.
I find it interesting that we're talking in verse three about.
The suffering that we experienced from persecution.
But the express seems like.
The apostle is referring to Chasten.
At the board.
Well, I think even in the persecution that we might experience.
As believers for Christ, the suffering that we experience in that the Lord may detect something in US.
That needs correction.
There may be a lack of patience.
There may be pride that needs to be dealt with.
The wrong attitude.
But the pastor, he puts these two together, this persecution and suffering.
For Christ and also Jesus.
The Lord had 12 disciples.
And I think we can consider ourselves disciples as well with disciples, one who's in training and as we're being taught, if there's something that they do that's not exactly right, then there's the correction, there's the chasing. And it says in verse 10 that our fathers chastened us after their own pleasure. And so we have children. We chasing our children to do what we want them to do.
And sometimes it's for profit, sometimes it's just because of the way we as parents, our fathers want things done. But it says he the Lord chastens us for our prophet. And so when there's a chastening in the disciplinary.
Teaching discipline isn't always punitive or.
Or, uh, spanking. It's a.
It's training and sometimes chastening is needed for the training process so that we can learn for our profit and and why what's our profit for? And it says in verse 10 so that we might be partakers of His Holiness. And so there's a purpose for the chastening and so that we might become more like Christ and that he's guiding us and directing us in this in this scene here, so we can be conformed more to the image of his.
I think it's nice to see here, isn't it, that there are?
Two benefits to chasing we have the first one in verse 9 where it says that we be in subjection under the Father of Spirit. So the Lord wants us to learn to be in subjection to Him. And then it says at the end of the 11Th verse they which are exercised thereby. So He wants us to be exercised by what He puts us through, and the result will bring 2 blessings.
One, we are partakers of its holiness and the other blessing is that there will be peaceable fruits of righteousness. So it's nice to see have the, uh, the benefits of chasing and the blessings that follow.
To me it connects it as well to the home UMM when it mentioned to both the fathers of the flesh here in verse UH-9. Furthermore, we have had father fathers of our flesh with corrected us.
And we gave them reference. Shall we not much rather be in subjection to the father of spirits, and live?
I, I kind of brought this before my children when they're younger and bringing them up, but, uh, sometimes, uh, things can get a little bit TE tense between, uh, parents and, and, uh, children. And, uh, I said to, I remember in some occasions saying to my children, if you don't wanna listen to what I say, which I'm trying to teach you according to what the word of God is, God may have to deal with you in a different way when you get out from underneath the.
The subjection in the House.
And umm, so here you get, I think, that thought embraced in this verse. Here we had fathers of the flesh, and we gave them reverence. How much rather shall we not give place to the Father of spirits and live?
So it's a training ground. The home is a training ground for the time when children get older and when each of us get older, because the natural falls more and more into the spiritual realm as we go along in life, it seems to me.
And I'll tell you another thought that umm further CD Anderson gave years ago, umm, and diverse in in first Peter. What shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? And he said this, you teach your children to be obedient in natural things, and you're training them to be obedient to the gospel.
What shall the envy of them that obey? Not so obedience. Learning obedience in the home is training them to receive the being obedient to the gospel.
Good idea of the father experience. Tough term. I think we hear much in the New Testament.
And the spirit is the God consciousness part of the man. No animal has a spirit.
God corrects that spirit.
Uh, sometimes, uh, allow the Spirit to uh.
The soul to control our thoughts and death.
But, umm, God wants our thinking to be right. We're not going to be able to walk right unless we think right, uh, and have God in mind. Naturally, we have our own thoughts about them.
And the wisdom of family.
It's always contrary to the wisdom of God.
The wisdom of God is not an improvement upon the wisdom of man. It's always the opposite.
In anything spiritual or moral.
It seems like the trial, perhaps one goes through for correction. He knows what, uh, what it is that God is seeking.
To correct.
Thinking of what we have in First Corinthians 10.
For 13 years there's there has no trial or temptation taking you but such as is common to man.
But God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted or tried about that you're able, but with the trial also make a way to escape.
You may be able to bear it.
She's from this at the.
God, through a trial, reveals what he's seeking to correct and.
Way of escape is made for the person going through the trial.
I don't know that director or not but.
Seen that way.
First hearing, first present, 10.
Well, you have support.
Besought the board.
On behalf of that affixion that we had that's going in the flesh, that might remove it. See, Paul thought this would be an appropriate way of escaping to have the thorn removed.
But that wasn't.
God's thought he allows the thorn to continue, but he says the call by grace is sufficient.
But my strength is made perfect in your weakness.
And that I believe that word was an escape for Paul. Instead of having the form removed, you get a word from the Lord that enabled him to handle that problem.
All accepted the way of escaping the he accepted the grace of God gave to him.
But I would say here that there is a God does make a way of escape at a trial for those that are passing through it. We need disarmament perhaps to see it, but.
God is teaching us something and he would want to know what. He would want us to know what he's trying to teach us. Put this through a trial. I had a lady asked me this question one time. Her brother was dying of cancer.
And I don't know to this day if that man was a true believer or not. She may have been.
But in connection with that verse Enos that you referred to back in First Corinthians 10.
Before I read the verse again, I'll give your questions, He says. David. Doesn't it say somewhere in the Bible that God will not give us more than we can bear?
And she was thinking this in connection with the suffering that her brother was passing through. And this is the verse that she had in mind. Now I'd like some help in connection with this. How would you answer that question? Because it says here verse 13 to chapter 10, Second First Corinthians. There hath no temptation taken you, but such as is common to man, but God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that which ye are able.
But will with the temptation also.
Make a way of escape that you may be able to bear it.
Somebody help me out here?
How would you answer that question?
Again, I don't think everyone needs the same level of correction in the trial.
Some may go through a trial, God may use a trial to teach one of his children a lesson and uh may just be a what you call a.
A mild trial, but the one learns from it the lesson that God has for them. Another child may be want to say more self will more stubborn if they take.
A little harder, uh, punishment in the trial to teach the person the same lesson.
But God knows what each one of us is able to handle.
Hopefully he puts upon anyone of his children more than they are able to endure.
But uh, we are to learn as it says here in Hebrews.
We got to learn.
It says we were to be subject in subjection under the father of spirits and live. And then in the 11Th verse, it should, uh, yield a peaceable group of righteousness onto them, which of exercise their body. And so there's those two things that God would have is to, uh, learn in the trial and be exercised by it.
And to understand what it's for that might be corrected, might be subject to it. Is that, is that right, John? Yeah, I'm thinking of that versus Joel, uh, Joel 13. No, the Lamentations 3. It is something that's taken up in job as well, but thinking of reversing Lamentation 332.
The golden cause Greek. You have to really have compassion.
According to the multitude of his mercies, where he does not afflict willingly, nor grieve the children of men, to crush under his feet all the prisoners of the earth. So the dealings of God are not arbitrary. They are.
4 hour benefit. He doesn't have any pleasure in seeing his child suffer. He doesn't have any pleasure in the judgment of the wicked in that coming day. There's no pleasure in that. He teaches the Sinner to come to Christ, to escape that judgment and so on. His dealings with us, it's in perfect wisdom. I forgot His way is perfect. There's another aspect here that we might mention.
Turn into, uh, season six because at these times of trial, which we meet Satan is, is very active and, uh.
He will attack.
When we are down, you know, as boys, we would say don't, don't hit a void when he's down. But Satan doesn't follow that he, uh, Ephesians 6.
Uh, it says there, uh, verse 16 above all, taking the shield of faith where which he shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wind. Now this is confidence in God. Why has the Lord allowed this trial in my life? I was seeking to please the Lord and it came uh, I.
The thoughts that come into our hearts. Satan is there with his fiery darts of doubt and questioning. God weighs with us.
And uh, if the, if those fiery darts gain an entrance, they can do a lot of damage, they can breakdown that confidence of the soul in the Lord and communion is interrupted. So he's ready right there.
The time of sickness, a time of loss, a reversal in your life and employment to whatever difficulties at school.
He said. Why has this happened? Well, sometimes we don't know, but, uh.
We can be exercised.
Submit to the Lord and to learn.
What? He would have us in the soil, take it from him.
The needs be on our part.
The trial comes and the needs be on our part, but there's a purpose of love on his part. But Satan is there, that shield of faith that we need to erect.
That God is doing the best for us every day of our lives according to our state of soul. Satan is opposed.
He says God doesn't love you.
He doesn't love you because he allowed this to come into your life.
He doesn't want to to do you good because this is not good that has come into your life. And if we allow him to listen to him, you try that in the Garden of Eden. He's an old serpent and they change his tactics, but he's still the same character. And he says God is withholding something from you that would make you happy.
And uh, especially in times of weakness of body, uh.
Those fiery darks are Pearl against the bullies.
With us true. That's why it says in that was the verse we looked at cast not away. Therefore your confidence, which has great recompense of reward the Lord that is our confidence in those times when we feel we just don't have the strength to go on. We don't know why this has occurred in my life.
Cast not away your confidence.
God valued your confidence. It would be rewarded as the judgment. See the price. That confidence that the Lord is good and He is working for our eternal benefit.
We're boys and girls know when your mother makes bread.
Uh, she uses certain ingredients.
Don't know much about making bread, but the salt and the.
Flour and there's eggs.
And there's other ingredients there, soda and salt. Now, do you eat any of those by themselves?
You don't. You don't eat salt and eggs by themselves. Flour. No, but put them all together. Put them all together. Put them in the oven. You have a delicious product coming out.
Delicious loaf of bread.
They're working together to produce something delicious for you, but when you look at them by themselves, you say boy.
Don't know how this can happen. So in our lives things are working out.
It was good, our lab.
Social theory wants to make us partake.
Of His Holiness and that is for our profit. I enjoy that mistake to him because.
You could have said here it was for his profit, but it's for our profit. He has our.
Good in mind. I think that's so beautiful because this is because he loves us with a perfect blood. You know, man of this world, often he takes advantage of people. We don't like that when people use us, manipulate us, hurt us for their own advantage. That's not so with God our Father. But I think holiness and happiness, they go together. You mentioned this morning obedience and happiness. Here is holiness.
And happiness. And happiness.
And holiness is really not only the abhorrence of evil, but loving that which is good, and this is what characterizes the Lord.
And it's also in verse 14. Without holiness, no man shall see the Lord.
So I think the Lord allows chasing in our lives.
That we might become more submissive to Him, that we might become more holy in a practical way. And by doing so we come into a greater enjoyment of the Lord, fellowship with Him to bring happiness. So this chasing is because the Lord loves us.
In connection with the father of spirits, I don't know.
Relates. But I'm thinking about how the disciples, they went into a Samaritan village.
And you know this village.
Rejected the Lord Jesus Christ.
And so John and James, they said to the Lord, now shall we call for fire to come down from heaven and just annihilate these village because of their response?
You're in treatment, you know it's, George said.
You do not know what Spirit is going on.
They were not aware of that past spirit that was in them.
And sometimes I think in our own experience, you know, we think we're on the right track, and yet the Spirit isn't right.
And the Lord can detect it.
I just wondered if you know here it speaks about the Father of spirits. He knows what our spirit is and sometimes it needs to be correct.
I just like to say that was brought up there in First Corinthians again, chapter 10 about.
We go through a trial the Lord doesn't put on anyone of his own more than He is able to endure. And UMM mentioned that each one of those crafts, you know, has a level that God knows we're able to adore. And if we look at this one castle back in Hebrews Chapter 11 There I'm going to read UMM.
Uh, the two groups of people here 30 second verse. What shall I say more for the time with filming to tell of Gideon, Barrick, Sampson, Jeff, Nya, David, also Samuel and the prophets.
Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtain promises, stop the mouth of lions, Whence the violence of the fire escaped the edge of the sword. I would witness were made strong. Lacks value and fight turn to fight the arms of the aliens. That's one group.
Umm, well I should say women received or did raise their life again and others were tortured. This is the second group here. Others were tortured not accepting deliverance that they might obtain a better resurrection, and others had trial of cruel mocking.
A moreover of bonds and imprisonment. They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword, They wandered about in sheepskins and ghostskins, being destitute, afflicted, and tormented.
Whom the world was not worthy, they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and dams, and caves of the earth. And all these having obtained a good record through faith, we see not the promise. God having provided some better things for us, The day without us should not be made perfect.
Are you ready here? Two groups of people that went through the tiles. If I was to ask each one of us here, what upper hand, what group would you like to be in? I'm sure including myself would say the first group.
And no one would want to go through the trials that that second group went through.
But they all overcame because they had faith, and that's the way, that's the way that we overcome everything in our pathway today.
Space. We walk the faith not by sight. And so whatever the trial is that the Lord puts upon us, it's not more than able to endure. He doesn't put upon anyone more than they're able to adore. And so not everyone has the same kind of trial, but.
It says here these all having obtained a good report.
They all obtained a good report of God.
They all didn't give their lies, but.
It's still going through trials nevertheless. So don't you think, Venus, what that verse in First Corinthians 10 is saying that the Lord hath and promised to cut off the trial when we can no longer bear it, but He'll get the grace to go through it. And I think that's the thought, isn't it?
Is the chasing in our chapter?
Always a physical trial I'm thinking of.
Paul's words is Timothy. In Second Timothy chapter 3 verse 16 it says all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction and righteousness.
Cannot God's Word also chasing us somewhere, maybe fiercely out of line, doesn't necessarily need to be a physical trial, but the Spirit of God working through His Word to correct us, to improve us. He goes instruction and righteousness.
It's all part of his corrective ways quickly with child training. Uh.
Uh, uh, education in the.
The Word of God is the correct system. You're right there.
Sometimes you don't listen.
We think that him nothing but Christ is only true. 24 in the appendix.
Your son Christ, God's living bread, 24 in the back.
Nothing but.
Christ as God rained.