Hebrews 2:11-18

Duration: 1hr 15min
Hebrews 2:11‑18
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O thou who?
Great day, Lord Jesus Christ.
My brother Robert and I had a little talk and.
We just submit this to our brethren, but I hadn't thought we really had completed chapter 2 and.
Both of us were of the mind of going on into chapter 3, but of course we submit that suggestion to our brethren as Hebrews we're talking about.
It deals so much with the high priestly work of Christ in this book of Hebrews, and I didn't think we got very far along that line, but.
What is the mind of the brethren?
Pick up around verse 11, maybe of chapter 2.
How far would you say to read down into chapter 3?
What was that verse 6?
Chapter 2. Verse 11.
For both he that sanctifieth, and they who are sanctified are all of one. For which 'cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren, saying, I will declare thy name unto my brethren, in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto thee. And again I will put my trust in him. And again behold I and the children which God hath given me.
For as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, He also Himself likewise took part of the same, that through death He might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil, and deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to *******. For verily He took not on him the nature of angels, but He took on him the seed of Abraham. Wherefore in all things that behoved him to be made like unto his brethren, that He might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God.
To make reconciliation for the sins of the people. For in that He himself hath suffered, being tempted, he is able to succor them that are tempted. Chapter 3. Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and high Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus, who was faithful to him that appointed him, as also Moses was faithful in all his house. For this man was counted worthy of more glory.
Than Moses.
Inasmuch as he who hath builded the house hath more honour than the house. For every house is builded by some man. But he that built all things is God. And Moses verily was faithful in all his house as a servant for a testimony of things which were to be spoken after. But Christ as Son over his own house, whose house are we, if we hold fast the confidence and rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end?
Wherefore, as the Holy Ghost saith, today, if you will hear his voice.
Harden not your hearts.
As in the provocation in the day of temptation in the wilderness, when your father's tempted me, proved me, and saw my works. 40 years.
Wherefore I was grieved with that generation and said they do all way air in their heart and they have not known my ways.
I forgot Alpha, we're going to go. Thanks.
The 11Th verse here. I've always found it a little difficult to understand the oneness that is referred here. It's called oneness in kind. Certainly not the oneness in the body of Christ, nor is it the nor is it the oneness in the family of God, but.
We are sanctified and the word, the use of the word sanctification in Hebrews is always in the positional, absolute sense. So we were sanctified, set apart through the work of Christ, no doubt.
They who are sanctified are all of one, and as mentioned, we are part of that new creation race.
That has been formed because of the death of Christ, the resurrection, and the impartation of a divine life nature when the Lord breathed on them the Holy Spirit.
The the the resurrection of life was imparted and we were joined.
To that man after his ascension, joined to him in the glorious part of the new generation, the new race that has been formed as a result of the Lord's death and resurrection. The 1St man set aside, and all blessing now is in the second man, our Lord Jesus Christ. But.
Maybe someone can elucidate the meaning of?
Or both. He that sanctify us and they who are sanctified are all of one. It's commonly referred to as being one in kind, for which 'cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren. But we want to be careful here. We.
The Lord said, I ascend unto my father and your father and to my God and your God. He did not say, I ascend unto our father. He must have the supremacy, the first born among many brethren, which is a an A word indicating his supremacy. We should never be familiar and refer to the Lord as our elder brother that is in that's irreverent and.
Unacceptable. But we are part of that new creation race. It's an individual.
Association. It's not the sense of the a collective unit like the body of Christ is, which was formed at Pentecost, but it is the association with Christ glorified at God's right hand, now having a relationship.
Toward God the same as our blessed Lord has, but he must have the in all things the preeminence. But maybe someone can elaborate on that?
Turn back to Genesis chapter one to really understand what he's saying about being all of one kind. It's a term that the Spirit of God uses right from the beginning. And so in Genesis chapter one we could read from verse 12, the earth brought forth grass and herb, yielding seed after his kind.
And the tree yielding fruit whose seed was in itself after his kind. So there's a group of trees that bear fruit, some bear apples. So there's a line of, there's a group of trees, there's they're all related, you might say they're all apple trees and they all bear fruit, the same kind of fruit.
And then you have orange trees. Well, there are different kinds of oranges, but they're all orange trees. They all bear oranges and they belong to that line of trees. But then when it comes to man, he says in chapter 2 That in verse 18, God said it is not good that the man should be alone. I will make him and help meet for him and.
Out of the ground the Lord God formed every piece of the field and every fowl of the air, and brought them unto Adam, to see what He would call them. Whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.
And Adam gave them names to all cattle and followed the air and every beast of the field. But for Adam there was not found and helped meat. For him there wasn't a companion. For Adam it wasn't. There wasn't a male or female. There wasn't a similar.
Kind of person a companion that would be suitable to be a companion and so the woman was formed the same kind the same lineage. You might say the same seed. If you look at I think it's Matthew chapter one, isn't it that speaks of the the seed. The Lord Jesus was not born of the same seed as you and I he had his seed was from.
I'm not finding it here, but maybe someone else knows where it is.
That that word, the seed.
But the point is that in Hebrews chapter 2 here verse 11 is that he's saying that.
In the new creation race, there's a head of that new creation race. There's a man, a glorified man, and you and I are going to be companions. We're of the same kind. We have the same seed, as it were. We're not going to have deity, but we are suited to be companions of Christ. We're going to be glorified.
Our bodies will be glorified and will be with Christ and will be of the same kind. And so we'll be compatible. We'll be. Just think of it.
You and I were deemed with precious blood of Christ. We have divine life, we have a new nature, we have a divine life that can't sin, doesn't want to sin, couldn't sin even if it wanted to it we and were suitable companions for Christ for all eternity. We're of the same kind and it's a work of God. So he's set us apart. The sanctification here. I believe that his brother wants to maybe.
A little definition of sanctification in this sense of being set apart by God for a holy purpose. And so you and I have been set apart by God for the holy purpose of being companions of Christ for all eternity. And we have this. We're of the same kind. We're of the same lineage, you might say.
I like to think of the thought.
We belong together.
To think that we belong.
With him.
We got this on the first born among many brethren.
Yeah, Romans, Romans 8.
1St in rank among many brethren. So he has the headship place, doesn't he?
So he's not ashamed to call them brethren. We, as you say, we don't call the Lord our brother.
But he's not ashamed to call us his brethren because we're of the same kind. We're of the same race of men. Isn't that marvelous? You and I would never, ever thought human mind would never dream this up. Couldn't imagine. But God has conferred upon those that belong to him, that belong to the Lord Jesus, the gift of sonship.
We're not only going to be glorified men, but those that are in relationship with the Lord Jesus. It's Romans chapter eight really you get the the truth of it nicely brought out in connection with children. It says verse 16 Romans.
Well, Romans 8 verse 15, you have not received the spirit of bond and you gain the fear, but ye have received the spirit of adoption or sonship.
Whereby we cry ABBA father.
The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if so be that we suffer with him, that we may all be also glorified together.
And so we have been brought into such a position of favor and blessing that we are identified with the Lord Jesus as part of that new creation race.
Was in that 4th hole of Mary Magdalene. I ascend unto my father, and your father, and to my God, and your God. Sanctification, of course, is spoken of in different ways. There is a practical aspect to sanctification which I don't think is the thought in our verses here, but.
The Lord is sanctifying us. We should be more sanctified from the world this year than we were last year.
It's a process that is going on.
A continual process in our lives as we are occupied with the person of Christ and with the word of God and in prayer and in obedience. There is a sanctification taking place. The Lord said, I'm going to set myself apart for their sakes. I sanctify myself that they also might be sanctified through the truth.
But that that is not really the the thought in the verse that we are looking at.
In verse 12.
I will declare thy name unto my brethren in the midst of the Church, while I sing praise unto thee.
We have to be a little careful there because the Church is not looked upon.
In this epistle, nor is it looked upon in the Old Testament. And this is a quotation from the Old Testament. So I I think it refers to the whole assembly of heavenly, the whole heavenly company. When we enter the glory, the Lord will begin the singing.
I will, I will in the midst of the assembly. That's the whole heavenly company. I would say, I will sing praise unto thee.
Of course the church will be included in that. Someone else have a thought?
Yes, Mr.
I believe.
In the midst of the assembly, will I sing thy praises? He's quoting Old Testament scripture. So you could look at that in the 22nd Psalm. I believe it's in the 22nd Psalm. And remember when they wrote, when the New Testament was being written, the Spirit of God was using those Old Testament scriptures and there were applications made. And this is he's addressing Jews that had.
Professed Christianity. And so he uses these Old Testament passages to reinforce the truth that he was bringing before them. I will declare thy name unto my brethren in the midst of the congregation.
Will I praise thee? So it's really in the middle of the it's in the midst of the assembly. So that whole assembly of redeemed ones in that heavenly theme.
Avia song that's led by the Lord, the song of the redeemed angels don't sing and they they're not redeemed. There's no forgiveness for an Angel. You wouldn't want to be an Angel as was mentioned the other day, because they're servants forever and they'll stand forever in their service. But you and I will sit upon Thrones and will be in the position in favor and blessing of God is accepted in the well in the his beloved, and will assist the Lord in his reign.
As he administers his Kingdom in from that heavenly scene, we know that he will have those on the earth as well in his in his Kingdom, those that are a part of Israel that will assist him in his reign as the apostles will. They'll have a special place in the Kingdom. But here it's he's really Speaking of that heavenly company and he'll be filled with praise. He'll lead the singing.
On the hospital ladder.
Gives the catalogue of those that of the wonderful position into which grace has brought us. In the 12Th chapter he speaks of the General Assembly, verse 23, and the Church of the First Born ones.
Which are written in heaven, and to God the judge of all, into the spirits of justice men made perfect. Well the General Assembly refers to the vast company of angels created beings, but to the Church of the first born ones that has mistakenly been.
Applied to to the Lord.
The first born here does not apply to the Lord.
Mr. Kelly makes this clear. It applies to us. We're we're in a special place of privilege. We are part of the bride, part of the body of Christ. And this is a reference here, one of the few in the epistle to to those who are part of that, that Organism, the body of Christ, which did not exist in the Old Testament nor.
During the time of the Lord sojourn in this world. But we have a place of preeminence, first born ones. We have a it. It brings before, as Robert has remarked, a place of of preeminence among others. Not that we are any better.
We're only we're all subjects of the of the grace of God. But as to our position in that.
Heavenly scene in the future. We are the Bride of Christ, and we have a nearer position to the Lord even than the the other, the other friends of the Bridegroom.
Someone might say, why would he be ashamed? Why would he be ashamed to call them brethren? The thought is that we're of the same kind, we're of the same race. We're suitable companions. He's not going to be ashamed to have us there. And to be a part of that heavenly company, a part of those that are members of his body, part of his bride, will be perfectly suitable. There's nothing out of sorts at all.
That's really the thought there.
Been asked to take an animal in as a companion. He would have been ashamed.
What says in verse 13 Again, I will put my trust in him. And again, behold, I and the children which God hath given me. And so for as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, He also himself likewise took part of the same, that through death He might, it should say, and null him that had the power of death. That is the devil. And so there are many reasons why the Lord Jesus became a man, and one of them was.
That he might, it says part be a partaker of flesh and blood, that through death he might annul him that had the power of death, that is the devil. So the power of death has been annulled in the sense that it no longer holds the fear and the terror that death once held over the human race. Those that belong to the Lord Jesus, those that have faith, those that have divine life, are no longer afraid to die and the fear of death.
Has been annulled in this time, but in the future death will be totally done away with. And so death and hell were cast into the Lake of fire. So in the eternal state there will not be death.
I don't know how it'll actually happen, but verse 13 is precious to my own soul. I think of how the Lord Jesus, you know what the rapture, he's going to come to receive us personally and we'll meet him in the air.
Private meeting and will enter heaven together with the Lord Jesus.
And that whole heavenly host were not really told of the preparations that will be made or anything like that. But there's a sense here that we will be introduced into that scene. Behold, I and the children which God has given me, You and I are going to be introduced into that heavenly scene with the Lord Jesus. We're not just going to suddenly appear and there we are in heaven and wonder where we are.
No, we're going to be with Christ and he himself will introduce us into that heavenly scene.
When verse 14 Behold before as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, He also Himself likewise took part of the same, and through death He might destroy him that had the power of death, that is the devil. So the Lord took humanity into union with Himself. In every sense of the word, He was a perfect human being.
Conceived through Mary, but the Holy Ghost Luke chapter one came upon him and the power of the Highest overshadowed Mary and her conception and the Lord partaking of flesh and blood.
He was constitutionally a perfect man, body, soul and spirit.
Apart from sin entirely, He didn't partake of the sinful nature that we have or that Mary had, but he did partake of perfect human body.
And it wasn't a body of humiliation. That's because there is sin in US. That's why we have a body of humiliation.
He didn't have a body of glory when he was down here, but he had a perfect human.
Vessel of testimony, the body and he felt pain, The scourging he felt.
This is the buffeting the and spiritually, he says, Reproach has broken my heart, and I am full of heaviness, and I look for some to take pity. There was none for comforters, but I found none. He felt the reproach. It's not wrong to feel reproached.
We are faithful to the Lord in our testimony. It is wrong to retaliate or to.
Or to resent it. That was never in the Lord, and we know that He prayed for his enemies there during his agony. But.
It's wonderful to know that he.
Became a perfect man, All the sensibilities of a man tired, hungry, as we mentioned, no infirmity. Yet in his high priestly activity he is able to understand our infirmities and to sympathize with them. But.
It's wonderful to know that the Lord passed into the glory, as David Robert mentioned. It's a condition. He went up in glory and he's a man, a glorified man at God's right hand, and he will keep his manhood for all eternity that he might enjoy our company. You'll never give up his manhood.
But when he rose triumphantly, and they saw him ascend into the glory, then he became.
A High priest. I don't believe the Lord was a high priest during his earthly soldier and down here, but now in his position he is a high priest, remember?
In the Old Testament, in Leviticus, the hype the priest to put on.
White shining garments, pure white. When he went into the sanctuary on the Day of Atonement to expiate the sins of the people for another year and to present the blood by the mercy seat and the the burnt offering, that was in atonement. And only the Lord could do that. We could have no part in it.
But then the.
High Priest changed his garment and he put on those garments of glory and beauty that are all described for us minutely in the book of Exodus 2829. The breastplate with 12 Stones, the Onyx stones on the shoulders, the F on it all speaks to us of the Lord's service.
On our behalf now.
Exalted at the right hand of God, able to sympathize with us in our sorrows and our trials, not with our sins. However, we don't want sympathy for that. We want to judge that unsparingly and put it out of our lives. But.
We've all feel the reproach of presenting the gospel to others. I've, we, I've felt it in the little work that I have done in Ottawa. I've felt the reproach. But the Lord understands who who suffered more reproach than he did. But there he is now exalted at God's right hand. But our high priest and our advocate, you'll never return to have anything to do with sin.
That's brought out later in the Epistle. He's once and for all settled the whole account of our sins by one offering. He hath perfected forever them that are sanctified. That question will never be raised again.
But there he is, interceding for us every hour of every day. And those two stones, I guess I'm just repeating what the brethren probably already know, But one of them was on the one shoulder and the other on the other shoulder. Onyx stones. The six six tribes were engraved on one Onyx stone and the other 6 tribes on the other Onyx stone, which were on the shoulders of the High priest.
Bringing before us our place of security.
We will never perish. We're on the shoulders of the Great Shepherd, eternal security and safety. But not so for the stones on the breastplate. That was different. You read carefully in Exodus chapter 2829. There were 12 Stones on the breastplate of the high priest.
And you note carefully that each one was different. And I've always enjoyed the thought, often repeated. The Lord has an individual tuition for each one of us, a curriculum you might say were, and He understands perfectly.
Our our nature, our our natural personality and characteristics were all different.
Thank God for that. We're all different. We all have different weaknesses. We all have different.
Personalities and.
Temptations too, and the Lord, he understands each one of us individually and he has a personal love for each of his children. They're on his on his breastplate, near his heart and will be there until we get to the glory. So it's it's lovely to think that none of us are forgotten. As we say to the boys and girls, we're all.
Students, the Lord has a individual love for each one of us and an understanding of what we are going through. I'm not speaking now of sin that we all have. We have that that needs to be judged. But the the weaknesses, the infirmities, the particular trials that we may encounter that other persons may not have a problem with, but the Lord understands and is able to support.
And strengthen the high priestly work of Christ, of course, is not in connection with.
Sin or restoration, that is the advocacy of Christ. That is all part of his intercession.
Two parts, those two hands were uplifted as we have in Exodus chapter. Is it 18 Moses hands were uplifted. One might speak of his high priestly work and the other of his advocacy. And he became tired and they had to put stones underneath him.
Underneath the arms to hold them up. That will never happen with our great high priest. And so I think it's brethren, brethren, it's so wonderful to know that we have this resource in the Lord Jesus at God's right hand. This doesn't mean that we don't need prayer. Indeed, we need that continual expression of dependence upon the Lord, as Mr. Hale used to tell us young brothers back there in Ottawa.
Time and again, without times, without number, he said, start every day with those words. Preserve me, O God, for in thee do I put my trust. That's Psalm 16, which is really.
The expression of the Lord as a dependent man. It's a beautiful Psalm to meditate on. The whole Psalm is really a an expression of the Lord as the dependent man.
And how much we need that? How much we need that?
Privilege of drawing near, no longer to a throne of judgment, but to a throne of grace. So we might say, as the 4th epistle, 4th chapter brings out the word of God, our authority, our instruction.
Giving us wisdom and direction for our pathway. Do we have the indicted by the Holy Spirit of God and understood because we have the Spirit of God?
And then we have the high priestly work of Christ, and we have the.
We have the advocacy of Christ. We have the divine nature of Christ.
We don't have the Lord Jesus physically dwelling within the body. We only have one divine person within us that is the Holy Spirit of God.
But we do have the divine life of the Lord. Mr. Kelly makes that clear in his writings. We have the divine life of Christ and nature.
But we don't have the Lord physically dwelling within us. Is that right, Steve? I think that's correct. Maybe you can add something there.
Well, it is one in, in life and nature has been brought out one a kind. You know, it's interesting with the, in the context of Hebrews, it's priesthood. And so it's Aaron and his sons. They were one in kind, weren't they? Wherever Aaron was, his sons were, they were all together. They were all one. And how many sons did he have?
He had four, but two died when they.
Dishonored the Lord left two, so it was Aaron and his two sons.
You might say life and nature, one in life and nature represented in those two songs, but I just want to make a comment on oneness because it gets confused. I think at times we speak of the one body we speak of at times when the Lord says in His high priestly prayer that He wanted them to be one as He and the Father were one.
We get.
All of 1 here.
But they're not all the same. They're not all the same thing. So in the truth of the one body, we're all united to Christ and to one body. But is it through a life that we have, or is it some other way? It's the Spirit of God.
The Spirit of God indwelling you and indwelling our head in heaven unites us to Him, and so we're one with Him. In that sense, we're one body and of many members. Every single member is different, isn't it? Every single member has a different gift, a different function, a different place in the body.
In John's Gospel in chapter 12, the Lord speaks of himself as a corn of wheat, except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die abideth alone, but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. And so he pictures himself as that corn of wheat planted into the ground. The stock springs up, and there on the head thinking of wheat there on that head of wheat are 2030 grains, and they all look identical.
To the one that went in the ground.
They each one of those grains has life.
But they have life because they're connected to the stock.
And John presents oneness with the Lord. We might say Paul presents one body with the Lord. John presents one plant with the Lord, if you can think of it that way. And in John's gospel, we're all the same and and or in John's ministry and Paul and the body, we're all different.
And so one plant with the Lord, all those grains are identical to the one that went in the ground. And so we are one plant with the Lord, and we're all identical because we have life in the sun to the one who went into the ground and died. He sprung up in life and we have life and resurrection and we're identical the sun. So someone might come along to 1St Corinthians 12, or it speaks of the gifts differing.
The members of the body and it says someone says well what's my gift? And say, well it says here one of the gifts is a help. Everyone can be a help. No, it's just differing. Not everything the same. That's Speaking of things that differ. Being helpful is certainly something we should all be. That's more like 1 plant with the Lord. We should all be just identical to Lord. Well, all should be helpful.
But the gift of a help is something that not every member has, only some. So when we come to Paul and oneness in the body, it's differing. Every member is different, united by the indwelling Spirit to Christ and John's ministry. It's that we have his life.
Resurrection life, life and resurrection and more identical to him and we should show all the traits in our life.
That you see in the Lord. Everyone of us should show all the same thing. You see the difference?
And so we may talk of oneness in one sense, like what Paul teaches with the body. We may see it in John's ministry. One plant with the Lord here in Hebrews has been brought out as one and kind. It's like that priestly family, all of the same kind. We all have the same life and nature, all the same kind, very similar to the way John brings it out. And so in a certain sense has been brought out when?
In verse 12, declaring his name to his brethren in the midst of the assembly, will I sing praise unto thee. There is something analogous to here on the earth.
And if you go to John's Gospel, chapter 20.
And this has been just touched on in reference to the verses, but.
In John's Gospel chapter 20.
Verse 17 Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not, for I am not yet ascended to my father, but go to my brother.
And say unto them, I ascend unto my father, and your father to my God, and your God. As we go over a little bit a little further down in the chapter, verse 19, the same day at evening being the first day of the week when the doors were shut.
Where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus, and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you. When He had so said, He showed them unto them, his hands in his side. Then were the disciples glad when they saw the Lord. Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you. As my Father has sent me, Even so send I you. And when he had said this, he breathed on them.
And said unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost. And so there he is in the midst of those that he had sent Mary, to, who he calls his brethren. And he declares the Father's name to them. And that corresponds with what we have. I'll declare thy name unto my brethren, the Father's name. As He knew the Father. He has brought us into that same relationship, to know God as Father as He knew him. And he declares His name, the Father's name to his brethren. Now we don't find the Lord singing here.
Again, we're looking on a little further in our verse in our chapter, but.
When the Lord Jesus.
And the expression of the Psalms went down into that horrible pit and the depths of Calvary, and God raised him up. He could say that he had been raised up out of a horrible pit, and a new song was put in his mouth. We often apply it to ourselves in salvation, but its first application is to the Lord. He was raised up out of that horrible pit.
And the song of salvation is in his mouth.
And he's declared the Father's name to us in resurrection, breathed into us his own resurrection life, life that can never be touched by death again.
And in a certain sense, he is the one that leads the praises in the assembly, because our song of salvation.
First began with him.
With him, we follow in his wake, and so there's a little him that's beautiful in the appendix. Just turn to that.
It's, I think it's #35 all the path the Saints are treading. Verse two says now come forth in resurrection, passing onward to the throne, having suffered all the judgment, borne the storm of wrath alone, He is able us to sucker those who tread the desert sand. That's what we have in our chapter in the end, pressing on to resurrection, where He sits at God's right hand. Now He praises in the assembly all the sorrow, all is passed.
His the earnest of our portion. We must reach the goal at last. Yes, He praises grace, recounting all the path already trod. We associated with Him. That's the message that Mary took to his brethren. My God and your God, my Father and your Father. We associated with Him breathed into us His own resurrection life. God, our Father and our God join the singing that He leadeth.
Loud to God, our voices raised.
Every step that we have trodden is a triumph of His grace. Down to verse five. It is finished, it is finished. Who can tell redemption's worth? He who knows it leads us singing full the joyous fierce, the wrath taken up in resurrection. Desert ways rehearsed above, tell the power of God's salvation and His never failing love. This hymn takes us right up into glory, where we'll see the full fulfillment of verse 11.
Him singing in the midst of the assembly, recounting the grace of God, not only in His own pathway, hears the perfect Son of God, but ourselves too, rehearsing that whole pathway with Him and all His Saints. But even now His praises lead in the assembly. I used to love this Him when I was little brother, Little brother, little vessel gave it out quite often, and my parents would let me sit next to Him and come to verse 4.
Verse five, I would try and sing extra loud because it said he who knows it leads the singing. And I thought, I don't know. I don't want anybody to think I don't know whatever it is you're supposed to know. So I'd sing extra loud long time before I realized it's talking about the Lord. He's the one. He's the one who knows it and leads the singing. He knows the depths of the suffering. He knows the heights of joy.
And he leads the saying. It's his song that we sing.
There was no singing, as we often have been reminded, until that redemption was accomplished. The children of Israel didn't sing in Egypt.
And they didn't sing in Babylon either. But.
When redemption was accomplished and they saw all their enemies dead on the seashore, then we get Exodus chapter 15.
The song of redemption based upon.
In in in picture there the marvelous victory that the Lord has accomplished had accomplished for them, but I'm just wondering in our.
15th verse here deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime.
Subject to *******.
We know that the Old Testament Saints.
They really did not know clearly what was coming after resurrection, when Hezekiah was going to lose his life, his teeth chattered, he was afraid of the king of Terrors. There wasn't really any true understanding of of what was coming after death that has been brought to light. We turn to.
Second Timothy, chapter one. It's an important verse. Who has abolished death and has brought life and incorruptibility to light through the gospel? I'm looking at second Timothy one.
10 but is now made manifest by the appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ to us abolished death and has brought life that's life for the soul and immortality should be incorruptibility here to light through the gospel. The Old Testament St. really had no idea what type of body he was going to have. He had a some understanding that he would be raised and Martha said.
We will be raised, he will be raised at the last day, but when we have Pauls revelation of the the rapture and the incorruptible body that we have. I'm just wondering about the verse we're looking at. Verily he took not on him the nature of angels.
No, he, he took, he passed by angels. He doesn't have an angelic nature, but he took on him the seed of Abraham. But in verse 15.
Is that referring?
To ourselves now.
Because of the knowledge that we have of the of the completed work of Christ, that we're no longer.
Fearful and in ******* about death.
Yes, I believe that's the truth of it. The Old Testament Saints, they were dear Saints of God. They had divine life. They didn't know the Son, they didn't know the Father. They weren't indwelled with the Spirit of God, although the power of the Spirit of came upon different ones and empowered them in their service and so on, but they really had a limited revelation of who God was. And so as you read in first or Second Timothy chapter one.
That the truth of life and immortality has come to light because of the gospel. And so God has given a full revelation to man of His purpose and his counsel. And here in connection with the death, the Old Testament Saints had very little idea of what took place after death. And you and I know, we can say we know what comes after death.
They could never say that. David couldn't say it, Solomon couldn't say it, and they had fear, and they were in ******* to that fear. You have a little example of it in connection with Hezekiah, and I know it has a prophetic sense to it, but Hezekiah was afraid to die. He cried, he wept, he turned his face to the wall, and he didn't want to die. He didn't know what was. All that they had was earthly, and they had an earthly inheritance. So they had been promised, and everything that they looked for was here in this earth.
But you and I have been delivered from that ******* of fear to death, and death is only a servant to the child of God. It brings them and eases them into the presence of the Lord, and so he's no longer afraid.
I don't think perhaps not all of us have gone to a funeral of those. Someone that has died left this scene and did not have Christ as Savior and the sorrow and the weeping and the wailing.
This very very moving to experience there is no hope and but to be able to go to a funeral of one who.
Has known the Lord Jesus as Savior and has walked in the fellowship with God. Why? There's comfort in the Scriptures. That's why the apostle Paul speaks of the rapture and he speaks of it as being a revelation from the Lord Jesus. Let's look at First Thessalonians chapter four. We just point this out in connection with the It's a revelation. Man could never figure it out from the Old Testament passages. He couldn't.
Couldn't find it out it wasn't there in Revelation, so First Thessalonians chapter 4 and.
He says, verse 15 For this we say unto you, by the word of the Lord, He received it by revelation. So it comes. The knowledge of what comes after death, and the whole of what God had planned in connection with the companionship of those that would be with Christ was never known in the Old Testament. But you know, and I know, and we ought to thank the Lord for it and enjoy it in our souls.
So when I say verse 16 is a very significant expression used by the Spirit of God here that.
Verse 16 He took not on him the nature of angels, but took on him the seed of Abraham. And so he's not in any angelic form in the scene above, he is a man, a glorified man. And so he came, and he was born as a man, as a brother drawn was brought out.
Very clearly. And so the fathers after the Apostolic age really messed things up, quite confused things terribly in connection with the person of Christ. And some had different ideas of him being an angelic and his being not having a physical body and all those mystical types of things. But isn't it nice? The Spirit of God records that he was born a man. He came and he was born in the seed of Abraham. So he was a Jew.
And he was born in this scene as a man, and that way it says, Wherefore in all things it behooved him to be made light unto his brother.
And so not he didn't take part of sinful nature. He doesn't have a sinful nature. He could not sin. And so that's why it says he took part. And so it doesn't say how much of manhood that he took. You might say it doesn't express there's a little you and I are have a sinful nature. We have a we're born in sin and shape and iniquity, but the Lord Jesus never took part of that.
Part of manhood. And so he was made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God.
We're used there to take part. Is is having some part in in an object, but not.
Indicating how much. And so the Lord was in the likeness of men.
Certainly he He was in the likeness of men, and He, and as a man He humbled himself unto death.
So he was constitutionally, he was body, soul and spirit, a perfect human being.
Entirely apart from sin.
So he was made like unto his brethren with in having all the sensibilities of a of a man. He could feel hunger, he could feel reproach. We've already mentioned that.
So as a merciful and faithful high priest, he has gone through all the trials that a righteous man could experience apart from sin. And as I mentioned yesterday, he didn't use any of his Godhead power to make the the pathway easier for him. He could have changed the stones into bread. He was he was very hungry after 40 days of fasting.
He could have changed the stones into bread. He never performed a miracle to to make his pathway easier. He took all the the trials that go with the manhood and he did miracles. He lived for others.
He did miracles for them.
Brother Robert Hezekiah should have read Joey. Now we have the comfort of all the full knowledge that we have, and in Job chapter 19 we have Job we have written here. For I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth. And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh I shall see God.
Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another.
Though my reigns be consumed within me.
Now that's a gentile.
And if you read the scriptures through and through and through, how did the Sadducees not believe in resurrection when they had this in front of them?
You have to ignore some of the revelation of God not to find some comfort in those things. Here's a man who knew this, and anybody who read this should find some comfort in that. How did he know this? God told him utterance in connection with the from the Old Testament perspective. And so he wrote this in Job and prophetically it was written. He didn't understand it himself. You just imagine how David wrote the 22nd Psalm.
How he wrote the 69th Psalm, how he he wrote some of these things and my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? He didn't really understand what he had written and he wondered about what he had written. That's really first Peter chapter one, verse 11. It says searching.
What or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them, did signify when it testified beforehand?
The sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow. So the sufferings of Christ were spoken of in the Old Testament, but the light of New Testament, the New Testament revelation wasn't shining upon those Scriptures yet. So they didn't know what they meant. And so the verses that you read in Job, they could read them, but there wasn't the light from the New Testament revelation shining upon that verse of Scripture to give them.
The sense of what it really meant. And so it was hidden to them. It may have comforted some, but there was they just trusted the Lord that what was at the end God would do the right thing and that at the end that it would all turn out the way it should turn out.
Like to read verse that was quoted but not directly referred to in chapter 4 verse 15?
For we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities, but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin has been pointed out. He had no fallen nature to be tempted by sin. And that incarnation, the Holy Spirit, overshadowed it all. And that holy thing which was born of Mary was the Son of God, without any taint of sin.
Those words partake.
That we have.
And par or partakers and partake of are important. I just want to revisit it.
You and I, as part of the human race are all.
Of human nature.
And human life, we can't take part in it because that's what we are.
He took part in it because that's what he was not. You can't take part of something.
That you're already a partaker of. In other words, when we were born, that's all we were right from the beginning. That was our common law, our common portion that we share together, not his. He's the eternal God, Son of God, and so he took part of what was outside of himself.
We cannot take part in humanity as something outside of ourselves because that's what we are. It's impossible.
But he could, as eternal Son of God took part, and that which was outside of himself. But don't let any.
Cold creeping thought come into your soul, that when he took part, and that which was outside of himself, it was not anything but holy humanity, spirit, soul and body in every aspect except one. He did not have a fallen sinful nature.
He was every bit a man, just as you and I are, that partaking in what was outside of himself does not reduce in any way that he was absolutely, thoroughly, completely a man. He was the God man, thoroughly a man, completely, thoroughly God, the eternal Son, apart from sin, and never detected from within. This Stephen, we are tempted from within.
Because we have an old nature, we know that only too well. But all the temptations of the Lord were from without. He had no inclination.
Toward the temptation in fact, this is a it's a serious thing because the.
This misconception is.
Widespread in Christendom. Yes, they will acknowledge the Lord did not sin, but He could have. Otherwise how could it be a temptation?
You'll meet this in evangelical circles.
We have a young man in the auto assembly right now that wants to be in fellowship and he he has a problem with that very that very fact. So the temptations of the Lord were from without. He felt them, but he had no inclination to sin. The only way he could would be to have an old nature which.
Which is blasphemy to say.
It comes from false reason. The idea starts with that it's not a true test unless it can fail. Well, that's foolishness, because we do tests all the time. Scientific tests.
That prove otherwise. If you go to a place to sell gold, someplace that buys gold, they'll do a test on it to see if it's pure or not. Well, when it passes the test, why did it pass? Because it was pure before it was tested. It couldn't have failed because it was already pure. You didn't know that until the test passed. It's that kind of idea that they start reasoning with that well, in order for me a true test you must have.
The possibility of failing. You know that this theory they call Achman's razor, where there's a cat in a box and until you open it up, you don't know if it's dead or alive. So in scientific terms, in an abstract way, they say the cats both dead and alive. Well, no, it's not. You just don't know which it is. It's your observation from your point of view, so that this human idea comes in there and they say, well, it can't be a true test unless he could have failed.
It was a true test and it proved that he was who he claimed to be. And you know, one of the ones responsible for that was a guy that used to work for the the Radio Bible class organization that wrote a pamphlet that worked alongside Dr. Dehan and that got out and went throughout. It affected some of the Young Brothers early on and back in the 70s it came in amongst us. Somebody got a hold of one of those.
And we had to deal with that and we did and sat down and went through the scriptures and and once they understood the possibility of a test being authentic and real.
Even if you don't know the possibility of failure, you may think there's a possibility of failure, that something can be pure before it's ever tested, and the test just reveals the truth that was there already.
And that was the truth. That's the truth of the Scripture about the Lord Jesus Is the testing revealed what was already there.
Good time.
Unto him who?
Love does save us.
Shadow his blood to save God in his life.
We might live.