Hebrews 2

Duration: 53min
Hebrews 2
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Oh, one haste this very nice circle.
Holy strike.
Handsome. Handsome.
And my heart is tender.
Bloodshed and body.
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All praise to be all the.
We shall live in heaven.
With the heart.
Of all.
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Name ourselves.
The wonder if we might consider.
Second chapter of Hebrews.
Hebrews Chapter 2.
I'm thinking of the exercise of our brother in his prayer.
In regard to having the Lord himself.
We have much in that chapter, we believe that help us in that.
Therefore, we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, less than any time we should let them slip.
The word spoken by angels was steadfast, and every transgression and disobedience receives a just recompense of reward. How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation, which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him? God also bearing them witness both with signs and wonders, with divers miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost according to his own will.
For under the angels hath he not put in subjection the world to come whereof we speak.
But one in a certain place testified, saying, What is man? That thou art mindful of him? Or the Son of man, that thou visitest him? Thou mayest him a little lower than the angels. Thou crowned him with glory and honor, and did set him over the works of thy hands.
Thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet, For in that he put all in subjection under him he left nothing that is not put under him. But now we see not yet all things put under him. But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honor, that he by the grace of God, should taste death for every man.
For it became him for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory to make the captain of their salvation perfect through suffering.
For both he that sanctifies, and they who are sanctified are all of one for which 'cause he is not ashamed to call them. Rather saying, I will declare thy name unto my brethren, in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto thee. And again I will put my trust in him, And again behold, I and the children which God hath given me.
For as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is the devil, and deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetimes subject to *******. For verily he took not on him the nature of angels, but he took on him the seed of Abraham, Wherefore in all things it behoked him to be made like unto his brothers.
That he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people. For in that he himself hath suffered. Being tempted, he is able to suffer them that are tempted.
Taking it.
In regard to our brother's exercise, we have in the disappearal to the Hebrews.
Not so much the unfolding of the salvation itself, but it seems to me that we have emphasized.
The one, the person with whom our salvation is connected.
It's the greatness of the person of Christ, and that's why it's called here, I believe, so great a salvation.
Because it's connected with Christ and his work, his person, and that makes it a great salvation. I was thinking of an expression the Lord used in connection with in speaking to the woman at Jacob's well in John 4 when she brought up about.
The the the distinction between the worship in Samaria and Jerusalem and the Lord says salvation is of the Jews.
I often wondered about that expression salvation is of the Jews. I believe. What he had in mind, he was really correcting her, is setting out of the fact that in the Old Testament economy, the souls were saved from the hedonism and darkness of hedonism by being brought into the light that God had given to his earthly people, Israel. That's where salvation and deliverance from all of the heathen darkness was found.
And I believe what we have here now is that in Hebrews.
Salvation is not connected with a people.
Are a religion, but it's connected with a person, the Lord Jesus Christ. And in chapter one the greatness of that person is emphasized, that God is now speaking in sons and that he is greater than anything that God had ever brought out before. And whatever blessing that God may have given in the past, why it all pales in comparison.
With the Lord Jesus Christ and the great salvation that is that we are delivered, even now we are delivered and as associated and identified with this great and glorious person. That's why it's so great a salvation. And I was thinking of a little illustration.
We might illustrate this with the incident in the Gospel of Matthew. I believe it's Chapter 14.
You remember when the Lord goes up into a mountain to pray, He dismisses his disciples after feeding the multitude. And he goes up into a mountain to pray. And they're out on the water, and the Lord comes to them walking on the water. And Peter seeing the Lord, he says, Lord, if it be thou bid me to come to thee. And the Lord said, come, And he left the boat to walk on the water to the Lord. I believe the position there is that the Lord has gone up on high.
Having accomplished the work, and having glorified God on the earth.
He's gone up on high and now we are called out to be with him. We're called out, as it were, out of the boat. The boat would speak of the human resources and everything that has to do with man, the first man, and even you might say the the, the best part of the first man.
And we're called out of that. The Lord says Come, and so, Peter.
Actually, of course, he walked on the water.
In the beginning, which is unnatural. But he walked on the water because he had his eyes on the Lord, and so he was able, as it were, to be. You might say he was even superior to natural circumstances, because he had his eye on the Lord. But I was thinking especially of having being called out of the boat, out of everything that is of man, And we might say even that which is the most refined part of man, because Judaism.
Really was a refinement of man in the flesh, you might say, if you looked at the world and man living in the world and.
Before the time of Christ as we have it described in Romans chapter one, you have a very ugly picture.
Of man living in this world be praised and apart from God, and without light, and living in terrible immorality and in all sorts of evil, and blackened, darkened as to the knowledge of God. Well, now God, you might say in in giving light to Israel and the institution of Judaism. It was a refinement of man in the flesh, so that he was.
He was, you might say, refined morally, and he was refined as to to some knowledge of God, but it was still the first man. Now I believe Hebrews is bringing out that the Lord Jesus has come and all of that is set aside, and salvation and deliverance and blessing is all associated with him and associated with him as the one who has gone up on high.
The one who is in the glory, but still the one who is leading us through this.
Wilderness scene and I believe the picture is as Peter goes out of the boat to the Lord and those who would go on in the boat as it were would be they would miss this great salvation. And that's why this chapter starts off with the thought or the OR the the thought of of going on with the the Lord and not slipping away because this great salvation is identified.
With the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. Now I might say this that.
In that incident that I referred to in Matthew 14 after Peter.
Took his eyes off the Lord and began to fall or to go down, and the Lord lifted him up. Then they went into the boat, and the boat was.
After that brought the land, I believe that's a little picture that salvation is going to be brought to this world when the Lord comes again and when he takes up his.
His relationship with his earthly people Israel. But in the mean time, the Epistle to the Hebrew shows that we're called out of the boat to the person of Christ to walk by faith with our eyes on him. And the future salvation for this world is when he returns again, and that's mentioned in this second chapter 2 The world to come is going to be brought into.
Brought out in connection with the.
Person of the Lord Jesus Christ. But in the meanwhile we are out of the boat. We have nothing but the Lord. But He is sufficient. And as long as Peter had his eyes on the Lord, he was able to walk on the water. And it seems to me that that's what Paul is bringing out to the Hebrews. He's fixing their eyes on Jesus, the one who is, who has accomplished that great work, and he's gone on high. He's the captain of our salvation.
Is our High priest and everything is connected with him.
That word, therefore, is interesting.
Quite often in Scripture.
And it usually refers back to something that's gone on before.
I think that we attach importance to the moral character of a person.
It's more imperative what he is in. This person gives weight to what he's saying.
And so that's what they're there for is referring back to.
That is, there is something here gone before and what's it there for us?
To give weight to what he has said. To get what To give way to what the Lord Jesus Christ has said.
And it's so interesting to see how that is emphasized here.
That when the Lord gave out the word, the disciples heard it.
And they gave it out as the word of the Lord. And as they gave it out, there were signs and wonders associated with that giving out of the word. And it was really confirmed to the people that heard that these are really the words of the Lord Jesus.
This is what these Jews needed, these professional Christians among the Jews. They needed that because they were tempted to go back to the old order of things, all of which typified the coming one. The Lord Jesus Christ. The Messiah was at the Tabernacle. It spoke of Christ. Was it the altar? It spoke of Christ. Was it the sacrifices? They spoke of Christ. It all pointed to Christ. Why go back to that?
There were only shadows.
The apostle says the real thing is the Lord Jesus Christ. And they were really.
They were leaving the real faith, the real person, the person of Christ, their Messiah, and going back to that old order thing.
Well, there might be a tendency among us to go back to an old order of things.
Remember the woman at the well?
She came there with her water pot.
That was the old order of things.
She got the real vessel filled. She went out and said to the people, come and see a man who told me all things ever I did. She left the old water park.
Are we going to go back and pick up the old water pots? Isn't the Lord Jesus Christ enough for us?
In John's Gospel, chapter 5.
Love this line we see.
The Jewish religious leaders in verse 45 or 44 will bring up to the Lord Jesus. They look to Moses.
And the Lord said Moses is the one that accuses you now in verse 46.
Had you believed Moses, you would have believed me, Moses wrote of Maine. You see, in Hebrews the Lord is for us and for the Jews is setting aside everything, everything before Christ, because everything that they had in Judaism spoke of Christ. Everything was a shadow. Looking to Christ was a type of Christ. He fulfills everything.
And the highest way the Lord spake was to angels.
Think of an Angel. That's first chapter in Hebrew.
Well, notice in the first chapter though in the second verse in these last days God has spoken under what's in Son.
Not angels.
Son, He perfectly manifested our Father. He is the worst we're going to feed today. On the word of God is Christ. Everything is Christ. That's Hebrews such everything else aside is taking the pins out from under everything they had in Israel, because everything they had in Israel pointed to something better. Christ.
Isn't that wonderful? And so it says. In the first chapter it says.
Angels verse six Let the angels of God worship him. Let the angels of God worship him. Isn't a wonderful brethren that God has always chosen to make his thoughts known to his people, his creatures who are sinners that have no no really basis for that at all. It's all grace and he's choose different ways.
Prophets, angels, dreams at times himself. Well, you see in the garden with Adam and Eve, it was himself in the cool of the evening. He wanted to let them know some of his thoughts about them. Oh, how lovely now. But all that we have to stand in awe when we realize today He speak to us inside, inside. Let all the angels worship him, the Son.
And that's why we start. Therefore, notice the last verse in chapter one Are not all the angels.
Ministering spirits sent forth the minister for them who are the heirs of salvation. Brethren, all the angels are working for us now, But they worship him. They worship him. Isn't that lovely? So that's it. Therefore we ought to give a more earnest heed to the things that he have heard there from the Lord of glory, the one that says in verse 12, who is the same capital F.
The same always.
It's God who has faith to us, his Son, who is God. And that's why it's so very important that the word we receive, we not only hear it, we do it. It's God speaking to us. I like to read a couple of verses. One is in Galatians chapter 3, which will emphasize the difference.
And also in the Acts Chapter 7.
God speaking now in the person of his son and what he communicated in the Old Testament in Galatians chapter 3 verse 19.
It was ordained the last part of the verse by angels in the hand of the Mediator.
This is the Law that was ordained by angels in the hands of a Mediator, then in Acts Chapter 7.
Verse 53.
Who have received the law by the disposition of angels, and have not kept it.
This is to verify that you just accept rather the difference of speaking. God used angels, but now God the Son in Son God is speaking. What a solemn thing. He never had spoken that way before. What a privilege that we live at a time after this revelation has been given to us.
And in in Hebrews.
One and two, the Blessed Lord is contrasted. Our angels are contrasted with the Lord. It's not that He's compared or they are compared to Him, they're contrasted. They can't even be compared to Him. And how much superior must be that which is communicated by God the Son himself?
And the first chapter, really.
The Apostle Paul is saying this.
The one that has spoken is this wonderful person. You better listen. Don't close your ears, don't turn back to the beggarly elements.
And then already the Lord Jesus has been mentioned as the high priest. He's also the apostle and high priest of our profession. Paul is not even mentioned by name because he doesn't speak in the capacity of an apostle. He speaks in the capacity of a teacher. And it is never important to put the teacher before the people, but the one that he teaches about. And he stands back, so to speak.
Because the one that is our Apostle and the way he's presented here is our blessed Lord. And how important even for us, beloved brethren, when we seek to teach and to instruct the people of God to follow this example that the Apostle Paul gives us here. I'm sure he had other reasons because of the prejudice against him, because the Hebrews better knew of his stand towards the Gentile believers and so on.
But whenever we seek to present the Lord Jesus that wonderful person, we ought to face behind him, we ought to make little and nothing of man, and we have to make everything of Christ.
The first verses of our chapter is leading up to a warning that should exercise every soul. Whoever sits under the sound of the word of God, you should hear it as the Lord.
Speaking to your heart, it's a warning really, if you take it idly. And I was thinking in the next chapter, the seventh verse, wherefore as the Holy Ghost saith today, if you will hear his voice harden not your heart.
Oh, how solemn it would be to have the precious Word of God open themselves, perhaps sitting here and hearing it, the Lord speaking and not realizing or taking it into their heart who it is. Let's speak. It's not an Angel, brethren, not a prophet.
It's your creator speaking to you in words, and I was thinking, what other place was a warning? Chapter 6.
Verse 4.
Or it is not possible. It is impossible for those who are once enlightened, that have tasted of the heavenly gift and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost who have tasted, they've tasted the good word of God and the powers of the world to come. If they shall fall away. It's impossible to renew them again under repentance, seeing they crucified to themselves the Son of God of Christ.
And they've put him to open shame.
Oh, Alsala Nehemiah's day when the wall was complete, they had separation from the world.
Ezra stood on a platform, and he opened the word of God.
And all the people stood up.
They respected the fact that God was going to speak now through the prophet Ezra. Oh, how lovely that is. They all stood up. 43,000 of them stood up for four hours in a reading meeting in respect of the word of God. I just mentioned, brethren. We now have it before us and it's speaking to us today in sun. It's his son, the person of Christ.
In that first verse, I believe the.
Correct translation toward the end. It says lest at anytime we should let them slip into King James, but I think the better translation is.
Lest anytime we should slip away. The fault is not the things themselves slipping away, but we slipping away from these things, because these things, of course, will never change. The the the things established of God, the firm foundation of God's standard, we read in Second Timothy Two. They never slip away, they never change, but the danger is for us to slip away from them.
That is, that we lose the appreciation of what Christ is and what he has brought to us of God. And the result is to get away from these things. And in a practical way we are not realizing the blessing of salvation. Because I I think the Apostle in writing to the Hebrews, he is not writing to to them as a a group of sinners telling them how to be saved from an eternal.
Judgment, or something of this art. He's writing to those who are Christians. That is, there are those who take the place of being the Lords, and they have confessed Christ. And so he says the you have to give heed, lest you slip away from these things. We know, of course, that no true believer is ever going to be brought into eternal judgment. That's not the point. But a believer might slip away from these things and lose in a practical way.
The enjoyment of his salvation. And I was thinking of this brethren. It's one is impressed with it.
As time itself becomes a, you might say a test. And we all know of those who have slipped away. They slipped away and they've gone into the world. They've gone into paths that dishonor Christ, and they're not in the enjoyment of their salvation. They're not with their eyes upon Christ. Well, it's a word of warning to each of us that we are to take heed to these things.
That we are to to have these things before us.
In the enjoyment of them and appreciation of them. Because we will not escape if we neglect this great salvation, that is we will, we may think that we will escape. We can be neglectful of the things of God and go on carelessly and not really be enjoying the things of God, and that we will somehow escape a fall. But it isn't true. Will not escape. I'm just thinking these first four verses of this chapter.
Bring before us the authority of His Word, doesn't it, and has already been referred to the.
First chapter brings out the divine glory of the Messiah presented to the Jews, the one whom they rejected.
Have been turned now to the Lord. And as you were saying, the apostle here, writing to them, is seeking to keep them in the good of the fact that this one was the one who had authority. And he's speaking to them, telling them, And you know, I was thinking of authority when when there's a word of authority given, it has to come from one who is in the place of authority and who has the greater place, the blessed Savior, the Lord Jesus.
Is in the place of authority, isn't he not only the Divine one, but I believe later we find.
We find his his glorious humanity brought out here too in this chapter.
I was thinking also in connection with this great salvation, just turn over to the fifth chapter, thinking how it's a great salvation as to cost and so on. But verse nine of that fifth chapter and being made perfect. Well, verse eight though he were a son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered, and being made perfect, he became the author.
Of eternal salvation.
The the Hebrew believers didn't understand this. They didn't have. They were not in the good of it, in their under the law, were they? It was not they. They failed in all these things. But here is the author of eternal salvation to all them that obey him. Now you come to the the thought of authority again, don't you?
We can slip. Satan would have it that way. He has all the forces of the world to attract the old nature, yet it hasn't changed and he will get us away from our blessed Lord and from the truth to be kind. And that's why this force is so important as we begin. What if you notice, we have an example in the last part, 24th verse of Wailea. Just a page or two back in your Bible.
There, Paul mentioned several of his.
Fellows. And he says Demos is one of my fellow laborers. Verse 24. You know, we have that privilege. We're coworkers with Christ. There he was, a fellow laborer with Paul. Think of the privilege Demos had. He let it slip. He slipped. Not the word of God. He let it slip out of his grasp and his fingers. The next time you read, I believe it's in Colossians, if you look.
When Paul speaks up in the beginning and in Colossians.
In chapter 4.
Cautions for and verse 14 Luke the beloved physician and Demas greet you. He had something to say about all that he mentioned. But Demas, he didn't say fellow labor anymore. He didn't have anything to say to commend him. But Demas was still there. But he was slipping, you know. And the last we hear then is in Timothy, second Timothy. And this is solemn.
Second Timothy verse 10.
Of chapter 4 for Demas has forsaken me.
Having loved this present world and is departed, he slipped.
Think of it. He didn't really realize this was the word of God, the Son of God speaking, and the world attracted him and he's gone. What does his name mean? Popular. That's a warning, young people. To all of you. If you find yourself popular with those of the world, take heed.
Divas slipped back into it. He didn't seek the present evil world. He was delivered from that.
The present world, he thought. There was something good there. Nothing.
Nothing. They crucified my blessed Savior and they would do it again. I love every one of those sinners as my my blessed Lord loves them. I can't go on with them.
It crucified him that their carnal mind is still an enemy with God, and so is my old heart. But I have a new life and it's Christ, and I want to live in that. That's what we're talking about. Demas forsook, false doctrine, false doctor. That's what he didn't want. They don't want it. Today in John's console we have, I think it's in the 6th chapter when many of his disciples.
Left the Lord Jesus, they said, These words are hard, and they left. And then the Lord says to his disciples, will you also go? And they said, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the word of eternal life. That gives us somewhat to understand what he is warning them about here, because to turn away from the blessed Lord is turning away from the words of eternal life.
When we read in verse 3.
How shall we escape if we neglect the great salvation which at first began to be spoken by the law? That was when he himself was on the earth. But he is presently continuing that. He speaks from glory, doesn't he from heaven. What a wonderful truth that is beloved. And we hopefully hear the voice of the Savior when the word of God is ministered to us, perceiving His voice and look even the other apostles.
Are not mentioned as apostles. They are only confirming that which the Lord had taught.
How beautiful that is, beloved.
Whether it is Paul or the 11, they don't count as apostles, because Christ is the one that is before the St. And if he is seeking to present to our eyes this morning that our eyes be fixed on him, it's not important who ministers the truth, but it is important that it is the truth that is ministered and it will exalt Christ.
We might ask the question.
If the word of God has been confirmed.
By these signs and wonders, diverse miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost, God used those signs and wonders. At the time, the apostles were giving out the Lord's word to prove to those people that it was really the word of the Lord.
Do we need signs and wonders today?
Isn't it true that if we're asking for signs and wonders, we're seeking for signs and wonders?
In a way, we're saying we don't believe the word of God. We need it confirmed again. Is I need to be confirmed again. We have it here in the Bible. It's all written down. We don't need it confirmed again. I was talking to a man over in Ghana.
He belonged to a certain denominational church.
And we were talking about.
The truth of God and that we had the word of God and we had the Lord Jesus. He died for us and given himself for us. Blood was shed and we might have our sins washed away and forgiven, have eternal life. And then he couldn't help but bring in about signs and wonders.
And I said, Why do you want signs and wonders?
And so I just went to the Scripture and showed him this.
That the word had already been confirmed by these signs and wonders. I say, why do you want them again? Don't you believe the word of God? You're really saying that you don't believe this is the word of God? I want some more signs and wonders. He didn't like that. But I believe this is what it boils down to. That if they won't accept the word of the Lord Jesus Christ.
What's God going to about? Is he going to give more signs and wonders?
The children of Israel, they knew for sure that God had spoken to Moses when he came down from that mountain and gave them the word. They knew that it was the word of God because that had been accompanied by signs and wonders, the mount of smoking and the thunderings and lightning. They knew God had spoken. They didn't need that again to be assured that it was the word of God, because time and again, even when the Lord was here, they say, we know that God spoke through Moses.
Well, this is what the writer of Hebrews is wanting these same people to see that God has spoken by Son, his own Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. And we don't need any more signs and wonders. We don't need to go back. We don't need to slip. Let's cleave to him, cleave to him with purpose of heart, because he is the Son of God and he has spoken, and what more do we need? And if we slip away from that, we're really slipping.
And about this matter of slipping.
This slipping is so gradual with us.
That we don't realize how far we have slipped.
And this is the dangerous thing about it. This is the appalling thing about it. We're slipping and we don't know how fast we're slipping and how far we've slipped. And that's why we need to get before the Lord every day to judge ourselves, to go on in fellowship and communion with Him. Judge ourselves not just the things we've done, but that old roots in us that wants to be carries away and make a slip away. Judge that before the Lord every day and go on in sweet fellowship with the Lord. Obey what He has told us.
Bowing to his authorities, think of the authority of the Lord Jesus. Who was it that gave authority to the Apostles? The Lord himself?
And now that these are apostles, we don't need apostles. We don't need that kind of authority. And yet this is what Christians understoring at. They set up men with so-called authority, because all the authorities in him.
And of course he's being set aside by these who claim to have A and even taking his place.
And setting aside the word of God and setting aside the Holy Spirit, you see how subtle all of these things are. And really, what we're talking about this morning is why the whole of Christendom is in ruins, and we're part of it. We have nothing to boast of whether we believe it's the word of God because of faith. The faith of God isn't that wonderful. Any whoever have to have a sign to prove it's the word of God will never be satisfied, no matter how many signs He gives them. Man will not do it.
The very last thing they said at the cross.
As the one who fulfilled every sight of Old Testament Scriptures in himself.
More sight and we'll believe. Come down, save thyself. They wouldn't have believed.
Isn't it wonderful? He's given us faith to believe. Now we do see signs and wonders. Those who have faith see signs and wonders. Every time one is saved, he's a new creature. Whole thing passed away. All things become new. It's a sign of the power in the word of God, and it's a wonder to be.
You know, I have a brother. We have a brother in Newcastle upon Tyne, in England.
He was a seaman, a merchant seaman. Tommy is his name.
He got saved in Vancouver when he went to a meeting of the Brethren, the Gospel.
He lived a seaman's life, I don't have to say anymore.
Very active male and when he told his uncle, who was a believer in the meeting and Newcastle uncle, he wrote. I'm coming home a Christian, I'm saved.
They wouldn't believe it when he got old. He got old on a Wednesday. They didn't believe it.
Saturday Night Pass.
They said Toby is a new creature. This isn't the old Sabi he got through Saturday night. Isn't that wonderful that it was there? The sign was there. There was a new life. And that life, that Toby is Christ and all things passed away he didn't do on Saturday night when he had done all his life before. When we see those signs, we see them and we rejoice. There's power. Power right here is the power in the word.
When we see it.
It seems too that I was thinking of that verse in First Corinthians, as you're mentioning Brother Dan, the the Greeks. The Jews require a sign The Greeks seek after wisdom. That's First Corinthians one. And verse 22. Well, wouldn't it go beyond for those of us who were not Jews? It's going beyond. It's using pitting our wisdom against God, not listening to the authority of God.
Not only to say, well, God will have to show me a sign.
But I'm pitting my wisdom against God, so we get a double.
Adverse condition here in Christendom today, as you mentioned and how true that is that the the Jews required a sign they wanted to see something and God showed them many signs. There were all kinds, but they didn't believe it. And so with us at this point in our day, if if I challenge God, if I say, well I want to see a sign, what am I doing? I'm applying what I think I'll put my wisdom pitting it against God.
I was thinking also in just a verse in first or in John Chapter 11, just one verse that to me has been a very, very revealing and a very precious verse, the 11Th chapter of John's Gospel.
Where the Lord Jesus there in the case of Lazarus.
There was there was reasoning about this, but in John Chapter 11 and verse 440 and I, I, I love this verse if it brings us back to the fact that we must believe God.
First, then, then he's going to reveal something to us and it says.
Jesus said unto her, Said, I not unto thee that if thou wouldst believe.
Thou should see the glory of God.
When we believe it, when we accept it, When we accept the authority of the Word of God.
As it's given to us by the Spirit of God then we see then our eyes are open. I thought of this verse and and the challenge that they said that they said to the Lord come down from the cross that we may see and believe. Well the Lord Jesus says you've got to believe first then you'll then you'll see the glory of God. So that's very very necessary thing for us and even as believers those who belong to the Lord we can get into a reasoning spirit. We can pit our wisdom sometimes against the truth of God.
If it's a point that we want to go on with and not bow to the authority of the word of God, but it could also be beloved that we have become dull of hearing.
I thought my brother Henderson was speaking about we can't slip.
Away from things. I believe when the time sometimes it has happened in my life, and I'm sure it's happened in your life, that the word of God doesn't have the attraction for me or for you that it had at one time. I believe that is a warning signal that we better get into the presence of the Lord. Something has come in that doesn't allow the Spirit of God to present the things of Christ.
And make them precious to me and be fine in the 5th chapter that they were doll appearing because they were clinging to the types and shadows and they were still baked. They hadn't matured, they hadn't grown well. In Corinth there was a similar condition, only there it was worldliness that that they were in that infantile condition before God and they couldn't grow.
Worldly wisdom and all this kind of a thing allowed in our lives and in our heart will hinder the Spirit of God to take the things of Christ and make them precious to us. What we have to fear more than anything is reasoning and divine things instead of faith. God only reveals these things to us by faith and not by reasoning. We need the mind for spiritual apprehension, but it is only a tool.
The spirit of God is the power, and faith makes it our own. Paul brought that out so clearly in Romans 3, the third chapter. We're talking about the.
And the wonders of all how wonderful there was in the Old Testament times, God really made himself know what it Barnett said, has the Jew or what prophet is there of circumcision? He says I'm saved, but all my brethren there in Jerusalem, they're not. What advantage that they have with all that time. He answered it much every way, chiefly because that under them were committed.
The oracles of God. It wasn't that they had the signs and wonders, They had the word of God.
Committed to them for what, if Trump did not believe, shall their unbelief?
Bake. And here's the key. The faith of God without effect, God forbid.
God is true in every man a liar. You make God a liar.
In a sense, if you deny the word of God, he is true and how wonderful it is that the key is the expression, the faith of God. You see, you have faith, but it's the faith of God-given to you as a gift. And that's the only reason you can believe the word of God. You'll never believe it with your mind, You'll believe it by faith. And if there's any scripture, young people that are here that trouble you.
Never wrestle with it. Enjoy what you could enjoy.
And pray about what troubles you, and ask the Lord to reveal it. And to the Holy Spirit he loves to do it.