Hebrews 6

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 4
The principal doctrines of Christ are the first things we learn about Jesus. We learn Jesus is God. We are sinners who can do nothing to save ourselves. We need to be saved. We learn Jesus loves us, died for us, and took the punishment that we deserve because of our sins. Do you believe? Did you accept Jesus as your Savior? If you are saved, you need to learn to live for Christ. If we think we are saved but we continue doing bad things, we are rejecting the life of Christ. Many do not act like Christians because they do not repent. They are too interested in doing things that please themselves. God says it is impossible for you to be saved if you turn away from the truth of Christianity. You will be like a thorn bush that is thrown into the fire and burned. We need to be truly saved and act like a Christian. If you are saved and you live to please the Lord Jesus, God will not forget about you. He appreciates your work to serve the Lord just because you love Him.
God gave Abraham a promise. It is impossible for God to lie, so Abraham will definitely receive his blessing. God also made a promise to those who put their faith and trust in the Lord Jesus. It is the hope of His coming. This hope is sure and cannot fail. The Lord Jesus will take us to heaven very soon. He will not forget that you believed in the Lord Jesus and accepted Him as your Savior. He will take you to heaven to be with Him.
1. What good thing have we tasted? __________   Hebrews 6:___
2. If a person refuses the Lord Jesus, his end will be like the thorns and briers. What will that end be? __________   Hebrews 6:___
3. “Minister” means “to serve.” Who should a believer minister to? __________   Hebrews 6:___
4. What did Abraham obtain after he had patiently waited for many years? __________   Hebrews 6:___
5. Hope in the Bible is something that is really going to happen. Our hope is an anchor of the __________.   Hebrews 6:___