James 5

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 4
Some of the rich people were cheating their poor employees. Instead of paying their poor workers, they were putting money and food into retirement accounts for their last days. They had so much money that it was losing value before they could spend it. The rich had so many clothes and shoes in their closets that the bugs were eating them before they could wear them again. The rich people had eaten and nourished themselves. They looked like the cattle that were fat and ready to slaughter, while the poor were skinny and suffering. James tells the poor Christians to be patient. Jesus the Judge is at the door ready to come anytime to rescue the poor believers. Do not swear when you are angry or frustrated. Be honest when you say “yes” or “no.” If you have problems, you need to pray. If you are a Christian who is living righteously before the Lord, you can pray fervently and diligently for others who are sick and suffering. You can pray for someone who has not been fair to you. You can pray for a Christian who is not living to honor the Lord. Your faith and your fervent prayer will be a big help to them. Elias (Elijah) is a good example of the power of faith and prayer. He prayed and it did not rain for three years. He prayed again and the rains came. Just like Elijah, your fervent prayers will be effective.
1. When Jesus comes to judge the world, who will weep and howl? __________   James 5:___
2. What did the moths eat? __________   James 5:___
3. Who should we wait patiently for, because He is coming soon? __________   James 5:___
4. If you are afflicted, what should you do? __________   James 5:___
5. When Elijah prayed again, what happened to make the earth bring forth fruit? __________   James 5:___