Helps To A Closer Walk With God
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Helps to a Closer Walk With God
“My soul thirsteth for God” (Psa. 42:2).
Be not to me, my God,
As one that turned aside
To tarry for the night, and trod
His onward path. Abide
With me, as light divine
That brings into my breast
Those gladdening scenes e’en now,
as mine —
Soon my eternal rest.
J. N. Darby
Man seeks rest in his surroundings; God gives rest within. . . . Why those lines of care? Oh, you know it: insubjection to God and insubjection to His will; it is the source of all the care and unrest around us.
The more your soul apprehends the glory of Christ’s person, the more you are delivered from everything else, and so, unconsciously to yourself, you will become superior to everything here.
“Let me fall now into the hand of the Lord; for very great are His mercies.” . . . A weak person can tumble. Relinquish yourself into the hands of Christ. Those blessed hands have been nailed to the cross. Fall into them, and He will give you rest.
Some of us have been hasty. . . . As we learn of Him, the hastiness goes back, the impetuosity retires and we take in that which is of Himself — “meekness and lowliness.”
We have got a measureless income to live upon — the grace of God.
We must remember that the presence of God is always open to us and that in that presence is fullness of joy. . . . We never get on — never make headway in divine blessing — unless we start from the presence of God. There, as the result of divine light shining in, you learn, as you never can learn elsewhere, the truth about yourself. The first thing we learn as Christians is that there is no room for self there — for self in any form.
There is but one place for the flesh. The only proper receptacle for the flesh is the grave of Christ.
I have to take God’s side against myself and to refuse myself once and forever in God’s presence.
The presence of God settles everything even in everyday life. . . . We have cares; take them to God, and how they are changed in a moment. . . . You never come out of God’s presence as you go in. You see things in their true character.
We never get on in divine things unless we are content to let self go. Any way or purpose in connection with ourselves is only a barrier to divine blessing.
It is a positive barrier to blessing to trust to experience in the past.
Christ is made unto us wisdom. . . . We have to travel through this world —wisdom we need; well, I thank God we shall never lack it. Christ is our wisdom. . . . Whatever the case, there is unfailing wisdom for you in Christ at God’s right hand.
I believe it is joy to the heart of Christ when He sees us, as it were, compelled to turn to Him. He loves us so much that He is jealous of our turning elsewhere.
When you are near Christ, you cannot speak of your service. The more we are with Christ, self will retire and Christ will take His rightful place. He has His place in heaven. Oh, that He might have it in our hearts.