Two friends met on the street.
They had just heard of the sudden passing of a business man whom both had known, and who had possessed considerable wealth and property.
“How much has he left?” inquired one.
“He’s left all,” was the abrupt and unexpected reply.
Yes, and when you come to leave this world, dear unsaved reader, you will leave all — your friends, your home, your pleasures, your money, your all.
But wait a minute, there is something you would gladly leave bind, but which you cannot:
Your Guilty Sins
What you would take with you you cannot, and what you would give worlds on a death-bed to leave bind you, you cannot — YOUR SINS.
Not one forgotten by God, they will prove awkward companions at the judgment seat — the great white throne, Oh, now in mercy’s day, flee to the shelter of the blood — trust the Saviour who died on Calvary’s tree — the risen, exalted, glorified Saviour, and salvation is yours on the spot.
“The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from ALL SIN.”