A little girlie, barely clad
With poorest garments, sought
A preacher who God’s tidings glad
To many souls had taught.
And when she crept up by his side,
He asked her what she craved;
And to this question she replied,
“I want, sir, to be saved.”
“You want, my lassie, to be saved?”
He asked, with joyful tone;
Glad that the timid child had braved
To speak to him alone.
“Aye, sir, I do,” so eagerly
Replied the little maid;
“Then tell me why you wish to be,
And do not be afraid.”
And as he wondered at the cause,
She, with a slight demur,
Softly whispered in his ear, “‘cause
I am a sinner, sir.”
He drew near to her, asked with love,
“Who told you so, Bessie?”
“God says so, and within I prove
That it is true,” said she.
“Well,” said the preacher, “do you think
That I your soul can save?”
From him the poor child seemed to shrink,
Ere she her answer gave.
Till then her words, in whispers mild,
Were uttered timidly;
But now with clearest ring the child
Spoke out with certainty.
“No, no, man, you cannot save,
No man can save my soul!
‘Tis Jesus, who His life once gave,
Alone can make me whole.”
“Quite right, my lassie, He alone
Can save you. Now then tell
What He has done to thus atone
For sin, and save from hell?”
Again her voice was soft and low,
“O, sir, He died for me.”
He asked her (why, he did not know),
“Then He is dead, is He?”
The little thing sprang from her seat,
No whisper now, but clear
Her voice rang out the answer sweet
Into the preacher’s ear:
“Man, Jesus died, but He’s not dead;
For He’s God’s Son, you said;
Did you not tell, though He did bleed,
God raised Him from the dead?
Aye, He was dead, but not dead now:
O, man”—she did implore,
“I want my soul saved, tell me true,
Nor vex me anymore.”
Soon was the dear child set at rest:
What God had said she heard;
Believing Him her soul was blest,
By resting on His Word.
God’s voice had spoken in its power,
By hearing it, came faith;
She trusted in God’s Son that hour,
Of whom the Scripture saith:
“Who trusts in Him shall perish ne’er,
But have eternal life.”
Thus from her Saviour she did share
Salvation’s blessings rife.
And you may trust that Saviour, too;
For in His love He died
That whosoever (why not you?)
May in Himself confide.
And all who feel sin’s heavy load,
Their guilt and helplessness,
May come to Jesus now, for God
Delights by Him to bless.
“This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” 1 Tim.1:15.
ML 07/23/1916