A young woman still in her teens was very ill, and was visited by a home missionary. The sick girl was holding in her hand a well-known hymn. It commences with, "I lay my sins on Jesus," and she constantly quoted it in reply to her visitor's remarks. Yet she had not settled peace!
At last the missionary said: "I see what is hindering you from the enjoyment of peace with God. It is that hymn.”
She said, in astonishment: "That hymn preventing me being at peace with God!”
"Yes," said the missionary. "You say you lay your sins on Jesus. You cannot lay your sins on Jesus, because God laid your sins on Jesus at the cross. What you have to do now, is to believe it.”
A happy smile at once passed over her countenance. "Mother," she cried, "Mother, what a mistake I have been making, in trying to lay my sins on Jesus. God laid my sins on Jesus at Calvary, and what I have to do now is to believe it.”
From that moment she had peace.
Dear reader, is it so with you? Are you striving to make your peace with God, or are you resting by faith on the Word of God? It tells us, "All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.”
In the name of Christ is declared unto you the remission of sins, and "by Him all that believe are justified from all things.”