His Company

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A DEAR Christian man used to go about the villages near where he lived and was greatly used as an evangelist and soul winner. With delight he would sally forth after breakfast with his pockets bulging with gospel tracts and books, and with these he would visit around from house to house, among the scattered farms and villages of the countryside.
One day he came across an old peddler, evidently an Irishman. He said to himself: “It is no good offering him a tract. He is an Irishman, and probably has his own religion; but I’ll have a word with him anyway.” So going up to him he said, “Good morning!”
“Good morning, sir,” replied the old man.
“How is business?”
“Well, I’ve nothing to complain of. I have sold quite a bit in this village.”
“Nice day, isn’t it?”
“Yes, very nice!”
“Well now, it is a grand thing to be saved.”
Then he got an answer that filled him with surprise. “O, I know something better than that,” responded the old man.
“Something better than being saved?”
“Yes, something better than that sir.”
“Well, I should like to hear what it is!”
The old man put his hat back on his head and said, “the companionship of the One who has saved me, sir!”
The old Irishman evidently had learned the secret of not only being saved, but of having the companionship of the Lord Jesus Christ with him as he trod his pilgrim pathway down here.
Have YOU learned this secret?