Mother's Prayers

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 7
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NELLIE was a young girl who worked in a knitting factory in Montreal. One Sunday evening she went to a special gospel meeting and came away deeply convicted. The next day at work she lost her balance and fell in among the knitting machinery. In similar accidents many employees had lost an arm or were severely injured, but to everyone’s astonishment she was picked up unhurt. She was taken home in a taxi where she told her mother of the accident.
“Mother,” she said, “as I lay there among the machines my entire life passed before me in a flash like a series of living pictures and I knew your prayers for me would be answered.”
“Nellie,” said her mother, “before you were born I gave you to the Lord. Every day since your birth I have prayed for your conversion and that He would spare you until you had accepted Christ.”
That same night Nellie went to the gospel meeting and her decision was made — she was soundly converted to Christ. Old things had passed away; she was now a new creature in Christ Jesus.
The Lord Will Provide
In some way or other
The Lord will provide,
It may not be my way
It may not be thy way,
But yet in HIS OWN way
The Lord will provide.