His Expository Writings and Letters

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His Expository Writings and Letters
Articles by GVW appear in the Christian Witness (1834-1841). It is likely that some of the unsigned articles in The Present Testimony (1849-1881), which he edited, were written by him. A translation of the Psalms, using the names of God (El, Elohim, Jehovah, etc.) is found in New Series, vol. 2, which was written by him.
Edward Dennett collected together some of GVW' s papers, printed under the title, Memorials of the Ministry of G. V. Wigram (three volumes), which includes Letters of G. V. Wigram.
One of his printed lectures is: "The Coming Kingdom": being an Outline of the Revelation. Notes of Three Lectures, Delivered in Georgetown, Demarara, on the 11th, 18th, and 25th January 1876, London: Morrish.
He also wrote the following: Abraham believed God.
A Cry from Bochim.
A Few Thoughts on Confidence.
A Word on the Fellowship of Saints,... re Bethesda.
Christ, Not Brethren.
Death is ours.
Gleanings from the teaching of G.V.W.
Is it Thus with You?
Notes of three lectures. By G.V.W. Delivered in Georgetown... 1873.
Ministry of the Word.
On Heresy
On Ministry in the Word.
Our Extremity is God's Opportunity. Remarks and Notes on John's Writings.
Remarks on Thoughts on the Ruin of the Church. Two Letters, by A. Jukes
The Church: its Present State and Prospects. The Coming of the Comforter.
The Cross, the Blood, and the Death of Jesus Christ: Their Uses and Applications by the Spirit in Scripture.
The Seven Churches.
Letter dated Mar. 8, 1846 and commencing, "My Dear Brethren," 7 pages. 
A Protest Against the National Establishment of England (1831) 
Lessons from Scripture, or Recollection of Statements Once Heard with Enjoyment 
The Lord's Supper, Ordination,... No. 1: Jan 1842 and others in this Series 
The Kingdom of Heaven with Diagram 
Why Four Gospels?