His Voice

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 1
Thou hast spoken-let me hear.
Speak again and draw me near,
While Thy hand is on my head
Slowly let each word be said,
Lest my dull heart might not know
How to commune with Thee so;
How to catch, amid the strife,
All Thy tones, my Lord, my Life!
I have heard Thee-speak again,
Earthly lights are on the wane;
Earthly sounds fade from my ear,
Earthly scenes are no more near.
Sweep the storm across the sky,
Pass the summer sunshine by,
Life's vicissitudes befall,
Safe-Thy hand is over all!
He hath spoken in my ear
Music strange, yet sweet and clear;
Commune asks He with my heart,
Teaches me to walk apart.
Draws me on the path He trod,
Speaks of fellowship with God;
I have heard His voice, and now
All my soul to Him must bow!
'Tis a story scarce begun,
'Tis a never setting sun,
'Tis a song of music sweet
While I listen at His feet.
All the toil, the grief, the pain,
Writes He on my heart again,
Of the lonely way He trod
While He communed here with God
Higher now than heaven above
He who walked the world in love;
All His path of toil is o'er,
Sorrow falls on Him no more.
He has left this weary land,
Throned now at God's right hand;
Made that light of heaven my place,
Looking up with unveiled face!
But the love that leads me on
All my inmost heart path won,
Love made known in wondrous grace,
Graven on His blessed face,
Stamped upon His pierced hands,
Written on the desert sands-
Love which language cannot teach,
Love my thought can never reach!
'Tis His voice that chains my heart,
'Tis His hand that draws apart,
'Tis the music that I hear
Rivets, presses me more near;
Every other sound has gone,
Float I down the stream alone,
All the universe above
Like a mirror for His love!
Oh! to reach those heights of grace
Shining in His blessed face:
Oh! to walk with Him in white
In those scenes of cloudless light:
Oh! to walk till then with God
Journeying in the path He trod,
List' ning silent at His feet—
Following with footsteps fleet!