HE left his home unrepentant and unsaved. He was determined to go to sea, and to sea he went. During his visits home, all that an affectionate mother, interested in the eternal welfare of her children could do, she did. But counsel, advice, persuasion appeared utterly unavailing. For eleven long years she prayed on. Night as well as day witnessed the fervor of her prayers. At length one and another of her children were awakened.
The Holy Spirit wrought, they were convicted and converted. Only a few now remained unsaved, among them her sailor boy. Many a letter sped across the ocean to him, many a cry went up to heaven for him. At last an answer came which gladdened her heart, then a second, then a third. In each letter he told her of the deep concern he had felt as to eternal things. He traced his awakening to his mother’s faithful warnings and persevering prayers, and now the Saviour in whom she trusted was his Saviour. Joy which no words could express filled her soul, thanksgiving and praise went up to God for another brand plucked from the burning. His letters home breathed a fervent desire for the salvation of her other children. In order to encourage her to go on praying, he wrote, “Hold on, mother; your prayers may yet be answered in their conversion.”
Was he not a witness how God had heard and answered prayer for him? Our object in narrating the above is to encourage all Christian mothers to continue to cry to God. To all such we say, “Hold on, mother.”
“In due season ye shall reap if ye faint not.”
H. N.