"Hold Thou Me up."

MANY years ago, a little boy attracted by the beautiful fields, and streams and woods wandered far away from home. A storm came on. The wind blew strong, dark clouds hid the sun from sight and the rain came down in torrents. The poor boy’s clothes were badly torn by the thorns in the bushes and were wet and heavy; and he grew very tired as he wandered on and on trying to find his way out. At last he sank down exhausted and fell asleep.
When he awoke he found himself safe at, home in his own little bed. His parents had found him all cold, wet and unconscious, and had taken him home.
He had been forbidden to leave the yard the day he ran away, and all this trouble was the result of his disobedience.
God says, “Children, obey your parents in all things, for this is well-pleasing unto the Lord.” Our parents often punish us when we disobey them and sometimes God punishes us, Himself, as He did the little boy about whom we have been reading.
Often pleasing things attract us and draw us away from a place of safety. Often we wander into dangerous places in order to enjoy something beautiful. It is much better to let the beautiful and pleasing things alone than to get into trouble by going after them.
The little girl in the picture is gathering the beautiful flowers, but see how she holds firmly to her sister’s finger! She trusts her sister, knows she can take care of her, and wants to stay close beside her.
So the Lord wants us to stay close to Him. He allows us to have many good things as we journey, through this life with Him. And we can enjoy them while clinging close to Him.
But when the things that attract us draw us away from God, they are not safe for us. They make us forget God and get us into trouble. It is much better to go without them than to wander away from such a kind and loving Friend, by whose side we are safe from all harm. If we come to rough, slippery places, our guide will help us over them.
Let us then keep close to our precious Saviour. Let us not seek those pleasures that draw us away from Him and make us forget His never-ceasing love for us. Let us say as David said, “HOLD THOU ME UP AND I SHALL BE SAFE.” Psalm 119:117117Hold thou me up, and I shall be safe: and I will have respect unto thy statutes continually. (Psalm 119:117).
ML 07/31/1904