HOO WANG lived in the village where there were no Christians. One day he took a trip to another village and while he was there he heard a man preach about Jesus Christ who came from heaven to save sinners. Hoo Wang liked that message. He knew he had done many bad things and this bothered him. Now he had heard about One who had come to wash all those bad sins away in His blood. Hoo Wang believed in Jesus, he opened his heart and yielded his life to Him. After that he desired to live for Jesus every day.
A missionary came to Hoo Wang’s village one day and asked, “Are there any Christians here?”
“Just one boy,” was the reply.
The missionary stopped at another house and asked for drink. The man kindly gave him a drink of water and then the missionary asked him, “Have you ever heard of Jesus?”
“Oh, yes,” he replied, “there’s a boy here who’s always talking about Jesus. He wants me to give up my idols and open up my heart to Jesus.”
“What’s the boy’s name?” asked the missionary.
“Hoo Wang,” the man replied. “I think Hoo Wang is right because his life has changed so much since he believed in Jesus. Time was when Wang used to be so selfish and mean, but he’s not that way anymore. He is always kind and thinking about others. He says it’s because Jesus has made the change in him.” The missionary stopped for some time and he preached the gospel in that village. Many of the natives came to hear him and there was blessing too. God had used Hoo Wang’s faithful testimony for Jesus.