HOW do men become soldiers?
What would be your answer, if this question were addressed to you?
Is it sufficient that a young man, who desires to become a soldier, should make up his mind to be one, and that, consistently with this purpose, he should buy a suit of khaki, and endeavor to march and drill, just as he has seen the real soldiers do?
No; this is by no means the way. The essential thing is that he should present himself for acceptance at a recruiting station, and submit himself to the necessary tests. If he passes these, he will be enrolled as a soldier, and a soldier from that moment he will be. He knows nothing of strategy or tactics; he has never seen the inside of a barrack; he has yet to be instructed in the most elementary drill. But for all that, he steps out of the recruiting officer's room a soldier of the King.
There is another question, similar to the above, and far more important, which many to-day are asking. In this hour of national emergency hundreds of thousands have enlisted in the ranks of the army. And amid all the stress and turmoil there arises from many a heart the anxious question:
What must a man do to become a Christian?
Is it sufficient that he should make up his mind to be one, or, as is often said, "decide for Christ"? No; such a decision, though very good, is not enough, even when accompanied by earnest efforts to live as a Christian should live. The one essential thing is that a man should come to Christ; should definitely accept Him as his Savior and Lord.
The Bible, the book which is given us by God Himself to be our guide and counselor, is clear as to this. We read
“To him that worketh not, but
believeth on Him that justifieth
the ungodly, his faith is counted
for righteousness." (Rom. 4:5)
And again:
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ,
and thou shalt be saved." (Acts 16:31)
There is no mystery as to what "believing” means. To stake your confidence upon Christ, and upon the merits of His atoning blood; to place your whole reliance for eternity upon Him, and Him alone, is to believe on Him.
And there is no other way than this to become a real Christian.
There is one detail (a most important one) in which the matter of becoming a Christian differs from that of becoming a soldier.
The would-be soldier has to submit himself to various tests: he must be of the requisite height, his chest must be of a certain measurement, his teeth must be fairly sound. But the would-be Christian need not fear exclusion because of any such tests. As a matter of fact, we have all come miserably short of the standard.
“ALL have sinned, and come short
of the glory of God." (Rom. 3:23.)
We have to own this, and present ourselves before the Lord, not as hoping for acceptance because of our conformity to any requirement, or possession of any merit, but altogether because of what the Savior has done. He shed His blood to make atonement, and on that ground the sinner who comes most." short of the glory of God," the most unsound and unworthy, may be sure of acceptance, if they do but come.
What about you, reader? Many a man will march bravely to face death upon the battle-field. But what comes after death is far more to be feared than death itself. Thank God we hear, not only from the barracks and training-grounds of Britain, but from the seat of war in France and Belgium, of many a newly-enlisted lad turning to Christ, accepting Him as Savior, and thus being forgiven and saved for eternity.
Some valiant soldier, wounded by shrapnel or shot, and lying for weary days in the hospital ward, may read this. It may be, friend, that God has laid you aside in mercy that you may have time and opportunity to think of Him, and to come to Christ. What a grand thing it would be for you to leave the sick-room, when your turn comes, a Christian, not merely in desire and purpose, but as a matter of sterling fact,—a Christian because trusting in Christ as Savior.
Those whom this message finds in the heyday of their youth and strength do not need the Savior any less than those who are stricken or dying. To have Christ for one's Savior and Lord is to be richer for time as well as for eternity.
May God grant that this message may induce you to become a soldier of the King of kings, that is, a Christian, a sinner saved by grace, a forgiven and a happy man. H. P. B.