Jesus calls us every one,
Little ones to Him may come;
None too small for Him to see,
Come to Him and happy be.
Jesus loves us! O, how kind,
He it was who cured the blind;
Then He hung upon the tree,
Died for sinful ones like me.
Jesus now has gone away,
Yet He loves to hear us pray;
If I trust Him all the day
He will never let me stray.
None so great and good as He,
O, what joy! how happy we
When we shall the Saviour see
And forever with Him be.
Joy and peace there is above,
Jesus lives where all is love;
Angels at His feet do fall,
Own Him King and Lord of all.
Come then, children, each one sing
Praises to this Lord and King;
How He loves to hear our voice,
When our hearts in Him rejoice.
Soon He in the clouds will come,
And His voice to each will call;
Those who love and serve Him here
Then shall meet Itim in the air.
We shall share the wondrous love
In His Father’s home above,
O! how happy we shall be
When His lovely face we see.
ML 11/16/1941