ONE day, as Felix Neff, surnamed the Apostle of the Alps, was walking in the city of Lausanne, he saw, at a distance, a man, whom he took to be one of his friends. Running after him, he tapped him on the shoulder, before looking him in the face, and asked him, "What is the state of your soul, my friend?”
The stranger turned, and Neff, perceiving his error, apologized, and went his way. Some three or four years afterward a person accosted him, saying he was much indebted to him for his inestimable kindness. Neff did not know the man, and begged for an explanation. The stranger replied, " Have you forgotten an unknown person, whose shoulder you touched in a street in Lausanne, asking, How do you find your soul? I was that person; your question led me to serious reflection; and now I can say, through the teaching of God's Holy Spirit—' It is well with my soul—forever well.'”
Reader, how is it with your soul? It must live forever. Thou must face eternity. How soon thou knowest not. D. M.