Children—Andy Buchanan
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Well, good morning.
Look at these boys and girls sitting in the front row ready for Sunday school. That's great.
I'll, I'll tell you a little secret, you know.
Well, first I'll start by saying, you know, it's been a little while since some of us have been able to go to a conference.
And maybe forget what it's like to sit in the front row at a conference.
It's kind of a little bit scary. I'm going to tell you a little secret just for the people that want to sit in the front row. It's a little scary being in the front too. So it's OK. It's OK. And we're going to try to do some things up here. So if there's any more boys and girls that would like to, you know, we're going to sing some songs and we're going to talk about the Lord Jesus and oh, we may have some, we may have some experiments to do here.
And so if there's any more boys and girls I'd like to sit in the front, that'd be, that'd be great. But we'll try not to make it scary, so.
With that said, does anybody have a song they'd like to sing? Now this is a different.
Book than what we use at our Sunday school, and if it's a different book than what you use at your Sunday school, if you know the name of the song.
Maybe somebody here knows how to sing it? What would you like to sing?
#10 in our book, that is supposed to be around the throne of God in heaven, Around the throne of God in heaven. I think that's a song that lots of people here know how to sing. So let's try to sing that one. If somebody could help us start it. I was on the sheet. Oh, I'm so sorry. Let's see here. 41 on this sheet.
OK, let's sing #41 on here.
Around the throne of God in heaven will many children sing children.
Say versus if you learn one, if you learned one this week.
There's something in this.
There's something in this song that reminds me a little bit about the verse that was in the Sunday School paper for this week.
Maybe you learned a different one. There's something we're going to talk a little bit about today, and I've noticed it in a lot of the other meetings we've been having this weekend. There's something in there that reminds me of it.
Well, let's see.
Let me get any ideas.
Let's see, I'll just put that there. I don't know if that's a hint once we got here.
Well, here's another one.
Put down this side so you can see. What do you think? Is that a hint?
Not sure. OK, well I noticed in.
The second verse, there's something that's talked about in the second verse.
That is.
One of these.
What is it?
I remember it says.
It makes you think of shining robes. Yeah, well, I was thinking of the word light. Shining. Yeah. Shining robes, it says In shining robes of spotless white. Each one will be arrayed, dwelling in everlasting light. Isn't that wonderful? We have that to look forward to. OK, who else has a song?
Yes, 16 on the sheet, OK #16.
Whosoever heareth, shout, shout the sound.
Whosoever hearest shall shout the sound, send the blood.
May come.
Whosoever will.
Proclamation of repair the landfill.
Is the longing ponder also wonderful? Who is so ever will pay from?
Who is so ever found it was not delayed. Now the door is overrun and while you may.
OK, I've got an interesting question to ask you, just for the people in the front row.
How old is old enough?
How old is old enough? You know what I can remember being told?
You're not old enough. Has anybody ever been told that you've been told that? Has anybody ever said you're not old enough?
So how old is old enough you think?
Probably about an adults age. Probably about 41.
OK, does anybody else have an idea how old is old enough? That's a good answer, I like that.
Okay, Williams got an answer. How old is old enough, you think?
Around 18, around 18, you know, that's one of those. The government says you're old enough to do some things at 18.
So yeah, that's a good answer. 18 Some people are old enough at 18. Anybody else have another thought? How old is old enough?
You can think about that while we sing the next song.
We've got another song.
OK, William.
On this sheet here.
Shall we gather Ed is coming?
Maybe somebody could start that for us, please.
It was still the Savior's life.
And the stranger I just coming.
Shall be his only glory, grace.
Will you be among the 100?
Your glorious. It's glorious.
Same time is coming.
It was in the Savior of love.
They will wash your White House.
Yes, will gather eyes come in this glorious, this glorious.
After river Sainsburys coming.
It was in the same memories was.
OK good. OK, now did anybody else come up with a thought on how old is old enough?
Evan, you look like you're contemplating that. Can I ask you how old is old enough you think?
I think, like William said, eighteen. Yeah, 18. OK, it's good answer.
Sorry, won't make anybody nervous. So that's good. That's good answer. So anybody else have a thought? You have another 41, you're going to change your answer, it's okay.
Say that again, to go to heaven at any age. To go to heaven is any age. I like that answer, that's really good. Thank you for sharing that, that's really good.
That's a true answer, by the way. It's true. Let's go to heaven at any age, and I'm glad you mentioned that.
OK, I'm going to. Let's see the emails. Have a really interesting week this week. This past week, lots of different things happening at your house. I know what our house is. A lot of different things happened this week. Did you have an interesting week too?
Yeah, I had an image with.
Think about where you were going here. I like to.
Oh, that's nice to sing, isn't it? I like singing, too. I'm glad you like to sing. You know, we had several things happen this week, some of which I've never done before, some of which I have. But I want to tell you a story about one of the things that happened to me this week. It didn't happen to anybody else in my immediate family.
Tell you another secret, I like airplanes. Anybody else up here? Like in the front row, Like airplanes riding in airplanes?
Not everybody likes it, so it's OK if you don't.
But somebody texted me who was an instructor. I was actually hoping he'd be here today.
He's not feeling well so they couldn't come but he texted me and said we need to do some.
I'm going to go with a student and take them up and we're going to fly at night. Would you like to come along?
So you think I just said no way?
Well, I went You think it's different trying to fly an airplane in the dark?
What would be different about trying to fly an airplane in the dark?
What do you think, William?
The view is definitely different in the dark. And you know what, where we live, it's farm country, so there's big fields of dark. And then as you're flying along you see a whole bunch of lights, all in one area, whole bunch of them. What would that be, you think?
What do you think? What do you think is going on? How about somebody over in this section here?
What do you guys think there? Why there would be a whole bunch of lights on the ground in one area. What do you think, Willie?
Well, this, yes, but not for, not for the people in the air, so people on the ground can see. But what would it be? Why would there be all these lights together in one little spot?
What do you think?
The plane stole it.
That's a really good answer. It's so the airplanes don't run into things. Windmills, I think you said that make electricity, right.
And so there are there are special lights like that on towers. You're right, that's good. I was thinking of a city or a little town. All of a sudden there's 'cause you're up in the air. So it just looks like a little bit, but all these lights and then over here only a few blinking lights.
Maybe for tower or something?
And as I was thinking about our verse, it reminded me of a story.
About somebody who was a Christian who was flying some, doing a flight for the Lord over a country called Zambia. And we'll tell that story in a minute. I guess we'll sing another song. Who's who else has a song to sing? What would you like to sing?
Let's see, I think that's number nine on this sheet here #9.
Come every soul by sin oppressed. Good song. OK, could somebody start this for us, please?
Crap eye drops. See everything's word.
Oh great Christ came on great Christmas.
Only trust him now.
He will save you. He will save you.
In real savior now.
Grace blessings to be strong.
For so many different thy friends like that more strange my grandstone.
All may try skin rolls can't only trust him.
Only to trust him now.
Maybe what savior He will Savior He will save you now.
When I see something gone through the way, my pleasure.
We trust him, all may trust him now.
He was savior.
He was savior.
He will save you now.
I have to enjoy this holy round and all that long till farming.
The psoriasis. Great.
You will save your name. Will save you.
He will save you now, OK? You know, when we were flying up there over the cities and then it came time to land.
You know what I was really glad to see? I shouldn't say I was glad I enjoyed it. I wasn't scared or anything, but it was really neat. When we came into land, the person that was flying the airplane, the pilot, he could turn the lights on to go along the side of the runway and then you knew where to go.
And so it was really nice because you know if you click the button too many times, they turn back off again. So you have to be careful how you do it. And so you clicked it again and.
The runway lit up and you can see where you're going. Isn't that nice? OK, so I know that it's scary saying a verse.
So what? We'll do it this way. I've got some things for you boys and girls, so I'm just going to stay up here.
So you can pick one out of the bucket and if you want to, you can say a verse. I'd love to hear it and I think everybody else would like to hear it. But if you don't want to, that's OK. We're not going to put any pressure on. So would you like to pick out one of these? You can pick out any of these. This is for you to take. You want to take one of those.
Now, do you have a verse that you would like to say?
Not sure about a verse. OK, that's just fine. Would you would you like one of these?
No. OK, that's OK too. Now, did you have a verse that you'd like to say? No. OK, that's OK. How about you? Would you like one of these?
OK, now how about verse? Would you like to say a verse?
You know what I should read the one that was in the Sunday school paper. Would that make it a little bit easier if I read that first? Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I should probably read that first. I don't know if.
Maybe you learned a different one.
OK the one that's funny school paper was Proverbs chapter 4 and verse 18. It says but the path of the just is as the shining light that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.
The path of the Justice is as the shining light that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.
So maybe I should carry my Bible around so I can help you. Now you want to try it.
Her passes are just as the shining light.
The shine is more and more on to the perfect day.
The problems 418 hours 14. That was really good. Thank you. I appreciate that.
Now how about this young man? Would you like a flashlight?
I'm just going to push it along this way so that I can hold my Bible and talk to you at the same time. Would you like to say a verse?
The fast and the rest is of the shining light that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.
Robert for it. That's really good. Thank you. Yeah, good job. How about you, Evan? Would you like to take one of those?
The path of the dresser that is shining light, that shines more and more into the perfect powers for it came excellent. Thank you. Do you want to help me, Willie? Okay, but first would you like to take a light? Okay, now would you like to say your verse?
The path of address is as the shining light that shineth more and more under the perfect day. Proverbs 418 Thank you. You want to carry that the bucket there, Thank you.
OK, how about this young lady?
The path of ledges is at the shining light that shineth more and more until the perfect day. Preference 418. Wow, you guys learned this verse so well. Everybody, that's good.
Would you like to say your verse?
Oh, I love that verse. Thank you for sharing that one with us. That's good. How about this young lady? Would you like a flashlight? No. OK. Would you like to say your verse? No.
OK, that's all right. We'll come on down here to William.
The path of the judge is as a shining light that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. Proverbs 418. Thank you very much. Would you like a flashlight? No flashlight. Would you like to say a verse? Not today. OK, that's fine. We'll come over to this side.
OK, a good choice. Now would you like to say a verse today?
As the shining light that shines more and more onto the perfect day. Proper floor 18. Oh, thank you very much. That's good. Really good. Everybody's saying such a good. Would you like a flashlight?
Now, would you like to say a verse today?
Not today. That's OK. All right now. Anybody else want to come up? I've still got flashlights left, if any.
Anybody that usually sits in the front row of Sunday school like to come up and get a flashlight.
Anybody have any, anybody else want to come up? OK, thanks. Lily. You can just that's fine.
Now, I told, I said I was going to tell you a story and I read this story a few years ago. Oh, I love this story though. It's very interesting. As a man, his job his his normal everyday job is to fly airplanes. So he's really good at it. And this man.
He loved the Lord Jesus.
And so every year he would spend some of his own time and his own money. And he would.
Fly airplanes for missionary activities and I'm not sure what all.
This was four, but he was flying over Zambia in a nice jet with all the electronics on it, and there's a lot of nice things on a jet to help you know where you are at night or anytime now.
For some reason, all of a sudden the radio stopped working.
Do you think it's important when you're flying an airplane to be able to talk to other people? Yeah. Are there coincidences? Here's my next hard question. Are there coincidences in life?
Are there things that just happen?
And there's no reason for them.
That's a hard question for the front row, I think, but it's a good question to think about.
What do you think? Are there coincidences? That's a big word, but does that ever happen?
Sometimes it sure seems like it. It seems like it does sometimes, doesn't it? Let's see. Does anybody else have another answer?
William's got an answer. Oh, good. We got a couple. OK. What do you think, William?
I think it's because the Lord want it that way. You think it's because the Lord wanted it that way? Hmm. What do you think over on this side?
Well, because. Probably because.
The Lord made it happen in our life, you know. You know what? You're both exactly right. There's no such thing as a coincidence when we think about that. The Lord is in control. So was it a coincidence that these radios stopped working in this airplane? It's a nice airplane. It has good stuff in it.
What do you think?
He was a pilot. Yeah. In fact, there were two pilots in there. This man was saved, you know, he knew the Lord Jesus as Savior, but the copilot didn't know the Lord Jesus as Savior. But they were both really, really good pilots. Saved lots and lots of hours in an airplane. And they're flying a nice jet. So no, there's no coincidences. So they're flying along. It's at night, thankfully. They think they know where they are, but they can't talk to anybody to make sure, and they're looking out the window.
And there are no lights.
Not one.
Single white. Oh, I was so glad when I was flying. We could lookout and there's towns and there's lights and such and we had a pretty good idea where we were. At least pilots did.
This guy was flying an airplane with several people on.
The airplane.
And let me ask you another question. If you're driving a car down the road, what happens if you run out of gas? Does that ever happened to anybody? Anybody ever run out of gas in a car? They have me one time. Anybody up here in the front row been in a car when the car ran out of gas?
That happened to you one time.
We were on the lake. We were still in Illinois. I think we were on our Illinois Circle tree or something else, and it was a gas station.
And somehow.
Our dad came and met us up because.
I think it's my uncle's car.
Well, I think behind us are spread of us or that side and yeah.
Was actually and then when we got to the uncles house he dropped off the car, dropped off the car.
Then he came back and.
I gotcha. That's a good story. Hey, but the thing about a car when you run out of gas, because this happened one time we bought a car and I was so busy paying attention. Well, how do I do this and do that in the car we were driving home and it ran out of gas? Well, well, you just pull off to the side of the road. You might have to walk a little ways to get a gas can and put some gas in it and walk back to the cars. No big deal, right? Hopefully you.
Place you can pull over, but at the end of the day it's not that big a deal. What do you do if you're at 15,000 feet in the air and you run out of gas in the middle of the night? You have no idea where you are.
Oh, that'd be scary. Wouldn't it be scary?
I think that would be scary. He was praying a lot.
He was praying a lot. Well, we'll come back to that story. That's that's an interesting story. What happened there?
You know, I was thinking about this verse that you guys said. A lot of you guys said that verse.
Here in Proverbs 418, the path of the justice as the shining light that shineth more and more into the perfect day. Isn't that a nice verse?
Made me think of some other verses that are kind of like that talk about.
Light in the Bible You know, there's a lot about light in the Bible, but.
I'd like to read in Matthew 5.
We read.
This is something Lord Jesus said.
About light.
In Matthew 5. In verse 14.
Lord Jesus is talking, He says. You are the light of the world. Hmm.
A city there sat on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men Light a candle and put it under a bushel, put on a Candlestick and give it light to all that are in the house. I don't know if I have time to. I've got a different kind of bushel basket here, but I don't know if I have time to try that. That says.
Let us so OK, so here's the thing we're going to, I want you to pay attention here because this is a real important verse. So I'm going to read it two different ways.
And I want to see if anybody can notice.
Because one time I'm going to read it the right way, and one time I'm going to read it the wrong way, and I want you to see if you can tell what's the difference.
OK, I'm going to read it one way right now.
Make your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father, which is in heaven. So that's one way. I'm going to do it another way.
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father, which is in heaven.
I made one change.
Can anybody?
Tell what the one thing I changed was.
Willie, what's the one thing I changed?
Did I? I didn't try to. That's a good. So you thought that? OK. What did you think I changed William?
That had to do with the father part.
In heaven. OK, I didn't mean to change that part anyway, I don't think I.
I'll put more emphasis on the word kind of. OK, that's a good catch. I actually said a different word. There's one word that I changed. I'm going to read it to the It's in the It's the very first word, the very first word in this verse. It says, let your light so shine before men. What's your light?
OK, let's see.
There's everybody's flashlight.
Working good.
Oh, wait.
Yeah, hey, don't tell anybody yet.
Does your flashlight work?
Doesn't is your flashlight work by the way?
You're welcome to play with these, just don't shine anybody's eyes. Why almost everybody's flashlights working? Does anybody not working?
Does yours not work?
Everybody is working now. You're faster than. I'm just pulling out here.
Some of these don't work. This one is not. Look at.
This is how it came out of the package.
It came out of the package.
Not lighting. It doesn't work.
Is there anything different? Can you guys see something different on this flashlight? Not you Lily. Does it look the same?
Yours. It looks the same on the outside. It's the same weight. You kind of know what it is, don't you, William? Yeah.
What's in here? What's going on?
There's something that's stopping this from lighting up. I want to open this up.
Try to here look at this.
May be a little white lie.
Oh, this could be a little bit of selfishness.
Has anybody ever maybe not told the whole truth?
I have. I've done that. Anybody else? Does this look like a big deal?
It's just a little tiny. What color is that? Can you even tell me what color that is?
Can you tell what color that is? It's clear you can't. I mean, you can hardly see it. It's not a big deal, is it? No.
But it's keeping that flashlight from coming on.
You know what? That's just like sin.
Sin separates us from God.
Oh boys and girls, I know you've all heard the gospel before.
The Lord Jesus loves you so much.
Isn't that wonderful that we can talk about how much the Lord Jesus loves us that he would die on the cross?
Because he loves you so much.
Well, that's like this little piece of plastic it keeps.
It separates us from God. OK, well we'll take that piece of plastic out and now this light should work just like all the other ones, hopefully.
You know what I was thinking about when I was thinking about that verse and I changed one word.
I was thinking about those. There. Works OK. I was thinking about those. I've never owned one, but I've seen these little flashlights that are for emergency use and you know, these went on batteries and the batteries will die someday. They have little flashlights, though, that you can crank them and you can make that light come on, why you crank them. It's kind of a nice little thing to do.
That's making the light shine, isn't it? But that's not what our verse says that I just read.
It says let your light shine. How do we stop that light from shining? And once we know the Lord Jesus as Savior, is it possible to keep that light from shining once we know the Lord Jesus as Savior and He loves us a lot?
And he wants us to let our light shine.
See if I can do this.
You know, wasn't that nice of, I should say, wasn't that brave of Mr. Rule yesterday to talk about a time in his life when his light wasn't shining as bright?
But you know what? I've, oh, I've had lots of times in my life where that happens. Maybe, maybe I got upset about the way somebody was treating me. So all of a sudden that kind of covers up a little bit of that light, doesn't it?
Oh, what about?
Well, ma'am, we, you know, as a he was a boy or girl at school and we know that they don't know the Lord Jesus as Savior and we want to tell them about the Lord Jesus, don't we? That'd be letting our light shine. But what if I get in a fight with them at school? Oh, my lights getting covered up.
Is he going to want to listen when I want to tell him about the Lord Jesus?
There's not as much light that comes out when I start covering it up, is there?
What if I'm kind of shy and I don't want to tell my friend about the Lord Jesus? I'm just going to empty this out and.
I know this is going to work because you can kind of see through this bucket a little bit in the middle of the night. I just don't know if you can see it during the day, but we'll try it. I got my light here and I'm going to cover it up like that verse says. Can you see it?
Not very well. Can you? It's pretty dark.
Yeah, that verse says you don't hide it under a bushel.
Well, our times aren't a noun. I would feel bad not finishing that story, so maybe I better finish that up. You know what happened? This man, this missionary, this man that was doing a missionary flight, he, they prayed and he flew as well as he possibly could. They turned down all the lights inside so they could see outside really good. And they still couldn't see, and they still couldn't see and they still couldn't see anything.
And then all of a sudden, the Lord showed him the way. He landed the airplane.
You know what happened? There had been a military coup and so there's a blackout and weighs allowed to have lights on. And as soon as they land the airplane, all these lights shone on them and all these men with guns came and they got these guys out of that airplane in a hurry.
Now we said there's no coincidences with God. You know what happened? A whole bunch of those military guys got saved because they took that missionary into the airport, locked them up. They thought they were going to treat them badly.
And he told he let his light shine real bright. He didn't. He and the others that were with him wasn't just him.
They shine that light really bright and.
Those men that were there that were going to do something bad.
They learned about the Lord Jesus and a bunch of them got saved. Isn't that wonderful? That's what the Lord Jesus, that's what he wants for you to be a light to the people that are around us. Now real quick, we got one minute left. The reason why I've got, oh, hey, that's perfect. Hey, can I borrow that for just one second? You see how he's got this red light flashing?
Why would it be important to have a red light? That's why I bought those that kind because it has a red light on it.
Hmm, why would we want a red light? I wonder if somebody on this side over here, why would we have a red light on a flashlight?
How about this young fellow here? Can you think why we would want to have a red light on a flashlight?
Especially one that blinks. How about this young man here? What do you think?
Well, I'm just going to give away the answer. One reason is if you want to give somebody warning.
And you can see there's trouble ahead.
The other day we were on the side of the road working on the car is at night and I kind of wish we would have had more of those little red lights that we could put out there. People could see there's a problem ahead. So that's another way we can shine for the Lord Jesus. Sometimes we have like in the gospel meaning sometimes we have warnings.
So, boys and girls.
If you don't walk away with anything else, just walk away this morning with the fact that Jesus loves you so much.
And he gave us his word.
I was going to read the verse about the word being.
Lamp to our feet. Isn't that wonderful? He also gives warning in his word.
But then after you're saved, he wants you to be lights for him.