How Will You Be Judged?

Duration: 46min
Children—Mark Debu
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Song that they would like to start with.
OK, right here on the corner.
What's that 33?
Somebody will have to help me starting out these #33.
Jesus did it? Did it all flow?
Weary working?
So these guys can bring all the God flow. Come on, come on.
Everything and indeed be faking. And we've been in Henry Duncan and we've gone, resigned, resign.
Ed Listening.
This is all you need.
Tell me, is it not?
Yes, your deadly. Do we know?
Speak standing here in in here, my Lord, gloriously holy.
Sin is yes indeed.
Hidden Standard Time.
Say this is all you need.
Tell me, is it not?
From some solid words why our fingers plowed.
A birthday.
What brings them to that world?
Where love is his hand growing and last night.
And why we see glory, Glory.
Figure of God.
Anybody else?
OK, go ahead.
Christ makes me life and struggle.
No, I know nothing but the blood.
Fire, fire and the Empire season. Nothing like the bloody Jesus.
Like my friend, many friends, my grades, nothing but the lie on Jesus.
Oh, Christmas tree from the glad breaks me. I can snide.
Before we sing some more songs, let's look to the Lord. Let's pray.
OK, who else has a song? OK, Josiah, you'll be asked.
#3 #3.
They're not frozen.
All of the only way that you want a man's last name.
For the rise of Saudi right first and God.
The same things and.
I think Christy, yeah, change his grace.
In every.
Morning started.
Where they thank her to hold twin in the prayer.
On the right.
Sinking sand.
God was very proud.
And sinking sand.
From this and my name is Grace.
On his hands.
All around.
By Solid Getaway.
If you stand upright. My last week savior.
Did you have a song?
Number #42.
Oh, it's actually 47. We'll do 47.
When he comes in.
The world.
Like the stars of the morning.
Is right Crown of the morning?
My sunshine in this beauty. Bright jumps for his crown.
OK, go ahead #46.
Let's do one more.
I think he was first. Go ahead.
He drowned out and stayed in.
Faith and prayers will save me.
Bless, die for me.
Jesus, I saw a bird on the tree.
She can't switch to make me free.
He alone can save me.
Is there anyone who has a verse that they learned would like to say, we won't be able to do everybody, but we want to say a virtual site. You want to come up to a microphone and say a verse. You think you can do that? Does that scare you a little bit? You can just say it. Go ahead.
Very good. Very good. There's somebody else. Hey, Jamie, come ahead.
And come up to the microphone.
I am come. I am come.
I don't come that they might have lessons, that they might have it more abundantly. John, 1010, Julia.
I am come that they might have my life and that they might have it more abundantly. John 1010 very good and more okay Paul, you want to come say it.
I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly.
Very good. You wanted to say it.
I am come that they might have life and that they might have a more abundantly John 1010 Very good. All right, OK, we'll do those two boys and maybe at the end we'll do some more. But OK, you want to do it, Danny.
I am calm that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly. Drunk tan, 10.
That they might have life and they might have it more abundantly. John 1010. OK, very good. Maybe we'll do some more at the end, but thank you for everybody who wanted to do it. But what I wanted to talk about this morning, I've been thinking about that for a little while, and then it came up several times during the meetings. And I want to talk a little bit about the Lord Jesus as a judge. Now that doesn't sound very pleasant, does it?
But when we know the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior.
You don't have to be afraid. It's a very good thing. And I'm going to start by reading a verse that was already read. Let's turn to 2nd Corinthians chapter 5.
In the beginning of verse 10, Second Corinthians 5 and the beginning of verse 10 it says For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ.
I'm going to ask you, when you hear the word judge, what do you think about what does a judge do? Who's a judge? Does anybody have an answer to that, Jonathan?
Can you come up to microphone so we can hear you?
What does a judge do?
People like, like, there's a judge at the police office. Yeah. And then the courthouse. Yeah, that's exactly right. Thank you.
So probably all I've heard about that or seen it or whatever, that there's a courthouse and there'll be a judge and he'll be sitting up a little bit on a bench and somebody has done something wrong. And they come in and the judge listens to what's going on and then he hands down a sentence as what they call it. He gives them their punishment. And that might be a fine. You might have to go to prison depending on what they have done.
That sound very pleasant, no. Is that the only kind of judge there is?
And somebody think of another judge.
Who's a judge to who does something different then good? Jeff? Lord Jesus. Yeah, Well, the Lord Jesus, he will be a judge like the one we just talked about. But think about here on earth, are there people that are judges that do different things, that sit in a courthouse and judge people?
Have you ever heard maybe of a, let's say, a music competition? People come up and they play their instrument and who's sitting in the front row fits a competition?
The judges, do they tell him to go to prison after they're done playing their piece? No, I hope not, unless it's really bad. But what they do is they listen. And it might be different things. It might be, you know, in sports, there's some sports, too, that somebody does some gymnastics and there's judges there and they look at what they're doing. They give them points, they give them a score. And at the end of the competition, the first, you know, people get prizes, right?
So there's two different kinds of judges.
There's those that sit in the courthouse and they have to do with people that have done things wrong. And then we have the judges too, that may be Sadat competitions or fairs or whatever it may be, and they give people rewards.
Which judge do you want to face?
You'd rather go to the courthouse and talk to that judge? Or would you rather talk to the judge who has the ribbon or the trophy or whatever it is? What do you think, Julia?
The second one, I think that's the right choice. OK, so now we have two kinds of judges.
And it speaks here of we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ. And I'm going to talk about another division. All the people in the world, they belong to one of two categories 2.
And the category that they belong to depends.
On what they think about the Lord Jesus.
Now I was thinking that as we go through life, if you're young or old, we make many decisions.
And a lot of the decisions we make are not that important. You know, I saw some people kind of looking around which chair they want to sit on, make sure they sit by their friend, and that's a decision that we make.
But it's not that important. It's important right now that when we're done here with the Sunday school and he will go back to your world where your parents are. It didn't really matter that much what seat you were on. It was only for a little while.
But there's some decisions that you'll have to make, especially as you grow older, that are more important and the results last longer. You know, if you grow up, you have to decide what work you will do, where you will live, if you will marry. Those are important decisions, but still.
The consequences are the results of that decision only last for a certain period of time, but there's one decision that everybody has to make that lasts forever.
What decision do you think that is?
Anybody know?
What question do we all have to answer in the result last forever? What is it?
That's it, that's it. He says if you want to go to hell or to heaven, or to say it differently, if you want to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior or not. So we have two kinds of judges that we talked about and we have two kinds of people. We have those that have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ and we have those that have rejected the Lord Jesus Christ.
And what we have done with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Will make the decision how we will stand before the Lord Jesus as a judge, as the Lord Jesus will judge in those two characters either as a judge in a courthouse that tells the person his his his punishment or as the judge at the competition that gives him the reward. And so here it speaks the verse that I read, I think it speaks about those that have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ.
And they?
Will come before the Lord Jesus Christ, and they will be with him or face him in that character of the judge that gives reward. Let's turn to a verse in First Corinthians chapter 3.
In verse 11 it says for utter foundation can no man lay, then that is laid which is Jesus Christ.
And then it speaks of what we do in the foundation of the Lord Jesus Christ. I would talk about us accepting the Lord Jesus Christ and it speaks about what we do in our lives. And it says in verse 14, if any man's work abide which he had built their own, he shall receive reward.
That's what the Lord would like to do when we stand before the judgment seat of Christ. And I would like to have somebody volunteer to come up here with me for just a minute. Somebody don't have to do anything.
Major, does anybody you want to? OK, come on.
I used to know your name, but I forgot. Will. OK, Will you love the Lord Will? Yeah, I know you do. OK, so Will here. He knows the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior. If we know the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, what are we waiting for?
For the Lord to come, Exactly. We wait for the Lord to come and to take us to heaven, right? So when the Lord comes, all those that have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ will go to heaven. We'll be with him. There will be a time when we are in heaven there that will all come before the Lord Jesus Christ.
In what is called the judgment seat of Christ.
Does that sound scary to you? Are you a little nervous about that?
No very good because it says. I mean I should probably read it in second Corinthians if we go on the net verse.
2nd Corinthians 5 there the second-half of that first.
Ten it says, For we must all appear before the judgment. Seat of Christ are everywhere. Everyone may receive the things done in his body.
According to that he had done, whether it be good or bad. Now let's quickly turn to John 5.
John 5 and.
Verse 24 It says, Verily, verily, I send to you He that here at my worth, and believeth on him that sent me hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life.
Now will that verse that I just read, the first one, it says that when you will come before the Lord Jesus Christ in heaven, everything that you have done in your life.
That will come open.
That kind of scary says the good and the bad. Does that make you a little nervous? But you know what? You don't have to be a sound scary, doesn't it? But we don't have to be afraid because you know what? When we stand before the Lord Jesus, I wouldn't even call that stand before when I imagined a judgment seat of Christ for the believer's children. It's not like a judge who's sitting in the courthouse. I cannot see that the Lord will come and he'll put his arm around us and say, let's go over your life.
And you know the one that is going to look at her life with us.
Is the one that loved us so much that he died for us. And So what I think will happen is we'll stand there with the Lord Jesus and we won't have to be afraid of at all or all nature will be gone. We'll be like the Lord Jesus Christ and he'll say now will do you remember that day? You know you want it to go out and play, but you're almost kind of busy because there's company coming and you really want it to go out and play, but you decided to help her.
He said. I didn't forget about that.
I appreciated that.
But then he might say to you, remember that day, and the Lord doesn't forget anything.
You did something that was not so good. Maybe you told a lie. Have you done something that's not so good in your life? Yeah, me too. Even after you got saved. Yeah, me too.
But you know what he'll say?
That thing that you did that was not so good.
I shed my blood for now. I died for that. So you won't have to bear the punishment. You know, God is a holy God and every sin that has ever been committed in this world by man will receive a punishment.
But if we stand before the Lord Jesus or with the Lord Jesus, and we have accepted him as our Savior.
He died for everyone of those sins. He already suffered the punishment.
And God is just so you don't have to. Nobody has to suffer twice for a sin. It's in the Lord. Jesus already took care of it, so we don't have to worry about it. You know, something else I think the Lord will talk to us about? Maybe he'll say, well, remember that somebody in your assembly or somebody in your family got really sick and you prayed about it for a long time that they would heal and it didn't happen. And he'll explain to us why he allowed that. And we'll think about it and say what we didn't understand.
While it was happening, but now we see why you allowed it, and it was for our good. And so the Lord will go over all these things with us, and you know what the result will be when we're done. We'll even love Him more, and we'll appreciate His love and His grace more. Because at that time, when we stand before the Lord's children, we will have a much better understanding of what sin is. Because now we live in a world and there's sin all around us.
And sometimes we don't even hardly know if we do something that's not right because we're so used to sensing it around us. But at that time, it says that we will be like the Lord Jesus. There won't be any sin in us anymore. And we'll understand how bad we really were. And we'll understand how loving and how gracious God was that the Lord Jesus would come down to die for our Saints. So we don't have to be afraid. And you know, after that is done.
The judgment seat of Christ, after we've all been there with the Lord Jesus and got that much greater appreciation of his love than we'll go to be with him for eternity. And nothing will ever become between you and the Lord Jesus, any of us and the Lord Jesus, that will make him sad. That will disturb our communion. Everything will be perfect. Isn't that nice? You can go sit down. Well, thank you. So how beautiful that is.
But now there's another side, too. You know, we talked about the other judge and.
I'll go up there. And in the meantime, let's turn to Revelation 20.
Didn't think anybody would have a great white throne around his house. So you'll kind of have to imagine that this is the great White throne. Let's read in Revelation chapter 20 and verse 11.
And it says, I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away, and there was found no place for them.
Now here the Lord Jesus will be again as a judge, but now it will be in a different character. He will be a judge now like the one we talked about in the beginning at the courthouse.
All the people that will appear will come before the great white throne, will be people that reject it, the Lord Jesus Christ. They will all have at one point in their life heard the gospel or maybe had witnessed in creation, whatever it be that they all will have had a chance and I would think chances to accept God, to accept the Lord Jesus, but they didn't want any.
And now the Lord.
Has to hand down the punishment. Like I said, God is holy and He cannot forget any of those sins. He cannot Passover it. Every sin deserves a punishment. And if the Lord Jesus didn't die for that sin because he didn't accept it, somebody will have to pay for it. Jeff, can you come up here?
I talked to Jeff.
And he was willing to just stand there as an example of those that have not accepted the Lord Jesus. Now we know that Jeff loves the Lord. I've known Jeff for a long time and he loves the Lord. So don't get anything wrong. He's just here for an example. But it says in verse 12, And I saw the dead, small and great stand before God and the books were opened and another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books according to their works.
Now the first thing you'll notice is that I'm not standing next to Jeff, putting my arm around his shoulder. There's a distance between me and Jeff. You know, if you read in the Gospel, it speaks of the great men and the rich men and Lazarus, and it says at some point there was a great goal fix between them. I believe it's a little bit the same here between the Lord Jesus Christ as judge and those that will stand before him at the great.
Own that have not accepted him. There's a distance there because they wouldn't accept them. They wouldn't accept him and his work that he has done. And now it speaks about some books. And the first thing that seems to be open is that one book that's called the Book of Life. And her brother talked about that a little bit in the Gospel last night. And it's the book where all the names are written of those that have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ.
It's kind of interesting, isn't it, Children? Because all the people.
That have not received the Lord Jesus Christ and that will stand before the great White Throne. None of their names will be written in there.
But if you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, he writes your name in that book and will never be blotted out.
So now here's 1 standing who has not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Lord opens the book and he looks. There's no Jeffrey Jacobson in there.
How sad is that? And then it says that there are other books, and in those books.
The works of everyone are written.
You know, just like the Lord doesn't forget anything that a believer does, He doesn't forget anything that's somebody that does not accept him does. And so it says that they will be judged. Everyone that will stand there will be judged. It will be according to their works. And so, you know, I talked to Will and there were some things that we pointed out that the Lord explained and there was some he said good, well done and so on. But now when the books are opened for.
Believers, there won't be anything good found in them. Know what the Lord might open the book and he says just like he said to will, He says on that day you told a lie.
And you'll have to suffer for it.
I would say, well, that was the same thing as Will did. Why didn't he have to suffer for that? Because he had that the Lord Jesus had taken away that punishment when He died on the cross. Will belong to those that have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ and we know as soon as we receive Him that his blood washes away our sins. But Jeffrey as an example, he hasn't received him. So that sin, that lie is still there.
No punishment hasn't. Nobody has paid anything for that sin.
So he'll have to pay for that.
There might be something else and this is I want you to think about this children because I believe and it's sad to say, but there might be some that stand before the great white throne. And the Lord will have to say, you remember the 1St 1520 years of your life. Your parents loved you so much, took you to Sunday school and he sat in the front row and he sang those songs and it all looked good, but you never accepted me. How solemn would that be that the Lord.
As a judge would have to say that to somebody that stands in front of him.
You might have to say, and later on in your life, I didn't let go of you at that time and at that time and at that time I brought somebody along your pathway to talk to you about the Lord Jesus Christ, and you never accepted it.
How sad would that be? And it says too, that all those that stand there, that their mouths would be stopped, there won't be anything that they would have to say to argue against it.
How sad is that? So children, we have to think about that and remember that important decision we talked about. If we accept the Lord Jesus Christ and decide for Him, we won't have to stand before the Lord as a judge like that. And what does this story end here with Jeff as an example of an unbeliever? It says in verse 15 and whosoever.
Was not found written in the Book of Life.
What does it say? It says he was cast into the lake with a fire.
How sad will that be, children? That will be the last thing that an unbeliever sees about the Lord Jesus Christ. It's him telling him about his punishment. And he'll go to a place forever where it says that there is darkness. And you know what? I think the worst thing will be in hell is that the people that are there, they will realize, They will know that the Lord gave him many chances to accept.
Their savior.
We have the two judges, we have two different groups of people, and what we do with the Lord Jesus while we're here, while we're sitting here. You heard about the Lord Jesus many times. And this weekend we'll decide how we will face the Lord. He might be as a judge as Will was, and how nice that will be that the Lord stands with us and there's nothing that makes us afraid. Or you'll stand there if you don't accept him as Jeff did, and it won't be pleasant.
Now I talked to you about that to make you think about that, how important it is to accept the Lord Jesus Christ.
But there's one other thing that I had in mind when I talked.
To talk about this and let's go back to a verse that we have in Two Corinthians.
Chapter 5.
So everyone must appear before the Lord.
In different characters, but everyone must appear before the Lord, but now, especially now. This speaks to those that do believe the Lord. It says in verse 11. Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade man in order to say it simply. I think what that means is since we know what will happen to the unbelievers.
We should become gospel preachers. That's what it says. And I think it wasn't the second reading, meeting their brother Bob Tony here, he made a comment when we spoke about the grace of God and the goodness of God. The fact that we will be able to stand next to the Lord and not be afraid, that's proof of his goodness and his grace. But what he said is that that's not something that we should just say, oh, that is great, and then go on our way.
What her brother talked about is that when we think about how good the Lord Jesus was to us, it should make us want to go and serve Him.
And correct me if I'm wrong, Brother Bob, but you weren't talking to it, especially to those 40 years and older, were you?
Now, to serve the Lord Jesus, children, you don't have to be old. As a matter of fact, I think when it comes to preaching the gospel, you children.
Have a really good opportunity to do that. You know, sometimes when you get a little older, we start thinking a little too much and we start getting nervous about giving the gospel because we think, well, if I say talk about the Lord Jesus, maybe by boss wouldn't like it. Maybe my neighbor won't like it so I might not do it and that's too bad. But that's that's how it sometimes happens with us. the US children have a great opportunity to talk about the gospel to your friends.
And what is really nice to do, your friends or people at school, whatever it is, they're usually your age. So their hearts aren't hardened yet like the hearts of a lot of older people. Because as we get older, people get older and they don't accept the Lord Jesus, their hearts get harder and it's harder for the gospel to go in. Let me ask you a question, Danny. If somebody would come up here from an old O'Brien says, well, Danny, do you think you could stand up there tonight and preach the gospel for an hour? What do you think?
Think you could do that?
What's that?
If you were older, well, that's good, I hope that comes true, but probably not. You'd probably say no, I can do that and that's OK. But do you know how to get saved? How do you get saved?
Just believe them and that's what the gospel is. So when it tells us here in this verse and what Paul tells us, you know, Paul knew about how bad it would be for unbelievers to stand before the Lord as a judge. He says, well, he wasn't afraid of it because he knew the Lord, but he knew how bad it would be for unbelievers. So he says we persuade men, we talked to men about the Lord. And you see, it doesn't have to be standing. We're thankful for those that can't stand up there and preach the gospel, but US children.
He said you have to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and that's the gospel. And that's what you all can do. Children, first of all, we need to believe ourselves. But then second of all, the Lord wants us to be a light and wants us to be a light to other people because it's a Dark World and there's many people there that don't know the Lord Jesus Christ. OK, thanks for listening. Let's pray now.