Wilmot, an infidel, died in 1680. He laid his emaciated hand on the Bible, and exclaimed solemnly and with energy, " The only objection against this book is-a bad life."
How different was Charles Wesley's end, who died in 1788. His last words were, " I shall be satisfied with Thy likeness; satisfied-satisfied Satisfied."
Voltaire, the famous infidel, the tool and plaything of Frederick the Great, died in 1778, alternating praying and blaspheming, and crying, " O Christ! O Jesus Christ! "
Augustus Toplady, author of the hymn, " Rock of Ages cleft for me," when dying exclaimed, " I praise God for what is most of all-His abiding presence and the shining of His love upon my soul. The sky is clear, there is no cloud. Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly."