Hunt's Sayings: Notes From the Late Rochfort Hunt's Bible Readings
Rochfort Hunt
Table of Contents
Hunt's Sayings - 1
To be unlinked from chains and fetters frail,-
Like bark unmoored from earth's receding shore,
To see the old familiar lights grow pale;-
All death behind-all life before,
So reaches forth the heart to Thee,-to Thee,
Beyond decay and what is changing here;
Dimly the Spirit even now can see
Her great sure bliss is drawing brightly near
Hunt’s Sayings - 2
The affections go before the feet.
Hunt’s Sayings - 3
"Laying aside all malice,... desire the sincere milk of the word" (1 Peter 2:1, 2), is like plowing the ground before you put the seed in.
Hunt’s Sayings - 4
You can't do without an object; and the object maintains you.
Hunt’s Sayings - 5
All God’s estimates of Him are framed already in the World.
Hunt’s Sayings - 6
Every privilege has a responsibility; but every responsibility has a power to carry it out.
Hunt’s Sayings - 7
If you are not a priest inside, you will not be a proper Levite outside.
Hunt’s Sayings - 8
Anxiety argues pride.
Hunt’s Sayings - 9
"In due time," suggests a marvelous ingredient in our histories. The surgings and heavings of our hearts must all go down before that "due time" comes.
Hunt’s Sayings - 10
The Word is not for you to handle, but to handle you.
Hunt’s Sayings - 11
The hardest stone we have to throw is grace.
Hunt’s Sayings - 12
Everything that God's hand touches interests me, but my eye has caught something-and I get a far-away look.
Hunt’s Sayings - 13
What's above us lifts us up.
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Joshua was to occupy himself with the Word of God and not with the enemy.
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It is with the best of wine that He cheers our heart. If we want to be happy we must go into His Presence.
Hunt’s Sayings - 16
It is occupation with these things, that capacitates us for the enjoyment of them.
Hunt’s Sayings - 17
The link that connects us with God is the hard metal of our wants, not the sweetness of sentiment.
Hunt’s Sayings -18
What an undiscovered country is the preciousness of Christ! How little we have entered upon it! You can't speak of it until you are in it-and a few minutes spent with Christ will enable you to spend twice the time again. "He is a rewarder," etc.
Hunt’s Sayings - 19
A blight in a Christian's eye withers every grace which its sight falls on.
Hunt’s Sayings - 20
Christ is above all attainment.
Hunt’s Sayings - 21
The Apostle Paul wouldn't stop and look over his shoulder to see how far he had gone, for fear another should meanwhile pass him on the road!
Hunt’s Sayings - 22
If you are occupied with yourself you will judge yourself leniently.
Hunt’s Sayings - 23
It is the nursing wins the affections of the child: and so His care in little details wins our hearts.
Hunt’s Sayings - 24
It is not equal knowledge puts us in communion with one another; but the purpose of the heart.
Hunt’s Sayings - 25
The Lord will take care of your feet if you take care of your eyes: for "He keepeth the feet of His saints."
Hunt’s Sayings - 26
You cannot exaggerate the grace of God to you; but you may neglect it, and fall from it.
Hunt’s Sayings - 27
The love which we are to manifest to one another, is that love which is above all the weaknesses and shortcomings; otherwise it degenerates into mere feelings and preferences (John 15:12).
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The same Love that shone on His perfect path here below shines now on our poor imperfect courses.
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"The peace of God shall keep your thoughts": those vagrant, unsettled things shall be sorted, and brought into the wonderful order of that "peace."
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We are under responsibility, but a responsibility to be happy (John 15:11).
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We may as well try to compass the atmosphere as the Word of God: it resists it, for it is Divine.
Hunt’s Sayings - 32
The Holy Ghost is the sole Agent over God's heritage.
Hunt’s Sayings - 33
The Spirit is not presented as to the World, though the Lord came so; but "He shall guide you, comfort you. "
Hunt’s Sayings - 34
These blessed Persons are not separated: for He says, "I am the Truth,"-and then, "the Spirit of Truth."
Hunt’s Sayings - 35
The ministry and presence of the Holy Ghost would remove many difficulties from our minds, if studied.
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God said of the old Creation that it was "good." But He never guaranteed it: He never said it would stand. But the new Creation is founded on Christ, and can never fail nor change.
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The term "pray" is general; "supplication" is specific; "intercession" is for others.
Hunt’s Sayings - 38
The true experience of the Christian life is occupation with Christ-and His things; and not with ourselves, or evil.
Hunt’s Sayings - 39
He who could take nothing from us until He had given us everything,, will now accept anything from us, from a "cup of cold water."
Hunt’s Sayings - 40
"The Truth" is not something that lies dormant in us, that has to be developed; but we must be led into it.
Hunt’s Sayings - 41
The works of His Hands are mighty and wonderful; -and will the works of His Heart be less?
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Virtue must flow from contact with Christ: so that if there is not much effect, it is that there is not much contact.
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God can be recognized apart from Christianity.
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We have no business to do as we think right. Can God allow the one whom He has brought back to Himself to begin with Him the first sin of man-independence?
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God is the only One who can, at the same time, satisfy and stimulate.
Short views of God, mean short views of sin.
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"Your sorrow shall be turned into joy": i.e. the subject of your sorrow shall become one of joy.
Hunt’s Sayings - 47
If we were seeking the things which are above, we should knew the sweetness of the "pleasant land," and taste the grapes of Eshcol.
Hunt’s Sayings - 48
As we look up to heaven, we wouldn't call anything back that is past.
Hunt’s Sayings - 49
It has been remarked, that the Lord Jesus had one hand on the Throne of God and the other on a fisherman's foot.
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How striking that the "might" and "power" of Divine "glory" (Col. 1:11) are to produce "patience" and "longsuffering," -things we so little think of.
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Lev. 4:31: "A sweet savor," though coming from the common people, and though it was a female goat that was offered, could not be other than "a sweet savor."
Hunt’s Sayings - 52
If we are not occupied with Heaven, we are not occupied with "where Christ is."
Hunt’s Sayings - 53
All is at its maximum in Christianity (see Eph. 1.).
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For nothing ought we to be more thankful, than for the utter liberty which is given us in prayer.
Hunt’s Sayings - 55
It has not been left to man to interpret the Divine Mind; God has expressed Himself verbally.
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We must never forget that Christ is the fruit of the Father's love to us; otherwise we get hard thoughts of God.
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What a difference a little real prayer makes to us: we go away, like Hannah, with our "countenance no more sad."
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The Lord intervenes between our failures down here, and our place above. This is intercession.
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The Lord credits us with all that flows from the feeblest faith. A touch of faith carries a full Christ with it.
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We ever get far more than we realize. He will bless us according to the value that is in Christ, and not according to the strength of the hand that grasps Him.
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It is always the work of the Enemy (and how aided by our poor legal hearts) to suggest distance between the Father and us.
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The heart of God is not met by the establishment of His authority over all, but by "many sons." He yearns for children.
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For the Christian everything turns upon Christ.
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Divine things get substance and size before us, as we meditate on them.
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Nothing goes in haste, in the operations of God in our souls.
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Meditation does not in the least lead to idleness.
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"Father"-the little, early accent of relationship!
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Neither our feeble apprehension, nor our dullness, ever cause Christ to withhold His grace from us.
Hunt’s Sayings - 69
The world is our great Bank by nature; but the Christian is transferred to the Father for everything.
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Wondrous and glorious things are before us; and this Name ("Jesus") is our passport to them.
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How important it is for us in this day to cleave to every word and letter, as it is in the Word. We have not to think, we have to receive the thoughts of God.
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In reading the Scriptures, look for Christ and not for yourself; and when you find Him, you will find you are in Him there too.
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John 17:3: "Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ." It does not say "the Son" -for "no man knoweth the Son but the Father;" but "Jesus Christ"-The One revealed in flesh.
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Most of our troubles and difficulties come from speculating extra to the Word.
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All in John's Gospel proceeds from the Father.
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The acquisition of Divine Truth is never at the expense of another. Each truth only enhances another.
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It is a much greater thing to know you are loved, than to love.
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The works of man seem comprehensible as you approach: but the love of God is incomprehensible.
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We have a taste for negations; they suit our small minds It pleases the human intellect to say what isn't. Whereas we are lost in the infinitude of the positive.
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My life isn't this poor inconsistent thing down here, but is up There.
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God loved us-He could not like us. But He makes us what He likes-in Christ.
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He tells us not to make much of sorrows and afflictions here. But He makes much of them: "All our tears are in His bottle." He knows more about our sorrows than we do!
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If you were to begin to take hold of the Lord's Person, you would be lost in the infinitude of the subject. But His Words we can understand, and His Words and Himself are one.
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"Every word of God is pure." There is no repetition.
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Before the Christian steps into the world, his security in that relationship, and his joy, is all secured. The Lord knew what the world was. Nothing can touch the joy of the saint of God-"always rejoicing."
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One cause of so much head-knowledge is that there is so little meditation; and Divine things float through the mind and become intellectual, whereas they were meant for our joys.
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As to effects, and as to results, we need never be anxious; they are not ours to produce.
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We can never find a personal reason for Divine love. "Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for it." We could never say when He began to love it, or why.
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The Lord does not want a pretext to abandon us: on the contrary. A very strong relief to bring out the excellencies of Christ are we: "I am glorified in them."
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In the eyes of God the moral is always greater than the material.
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No invited guest ever came! Need brought all.
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"But these are in the world" (John 17:11). It is as if He said, "They will need no less of care, than what I have received Myself" (see Ps. 16:1). There is a tenderness in it.
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The Christian is in a place that he can deprive himself of by no act of his: but a single foolish thought may deprive him of the joy of the place.
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We ought to be like the Shunammite woman, "I dwell among mine own people"-up There!
Hunt’s Sayings - 95
We never get above anything until we are convinced that we have no power.
Hunt’s Sayings - 96
You can't hold the Truth that has been steeped in the sufferings and sorrows of the Lord, as a dry Doctrine. Every bit of Truth cost Him untold agonies.
Hunt’s Sayings - 97
We see what a costly thing Truth is: He died to redeem us,-He left His place, that we might be in it,-He intercedes unceasingly, that we may enjoy our place above with Him.
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We get reconciled, alas! to distance. But He never gets reconciled to it.
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People are apt to put more value on the Lord's own words than on those of the Apostles. But, in John 17:20, He prays for those who shall believe "through their word."
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The effect of the Truth is not merely to bring us into separation from the world, but into fellowship with one another. Occupation with our Lord unites us.
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We have to be what we are in Christ.
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"My soul shall make her boast in the Lord; the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad." If you want to cheer and encourage souls, boast of the Lord,-and not of self, or attainments.
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There will be a complete emancipation from self, There, and we shall delight in the Son. The creature will be brought into His perfection-occupied with the Creator, and no longer with himself,-not even with his own beauty.
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How very objective is Christianity. We are formed by what is presented to us. We are prone to seek for unity of sentiment,-but that won't keep us long together.
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It has been said, "Self is the center of every irritated heart." There there will be no more self!
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We shall find through Divine Love that what we get by-and-by is what we have now. We shall not be nearer God then than now, as far as He is concerned.
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Knowledge waits on Love. Love unlocks the door. This we see in the case of Mary Magdalene, and the Lord's disclosures to her.
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Believing on evidence produces no moral change.
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What a delightful thing Memory will be to us. The blots will be gone. And what a rest that will be; a purified Memory!
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If we keep near Christ-rough or smooth, -we shall be like Him.
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No one goes down into the place of weeping, without some blessing.
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To say we "don't know," is often the road to learn.
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Grace brings you and God together, and therefore there is nothing holier than grace.
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Christianity always assumes motive power and springs.
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Our own happiness as Christians is in the presence of God. You can walk the difficult path of this wilderness safely, in having no secrets from God.
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It is very affecting to see God's ways with us;-how He expects us to be always troubling Him.
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Grace cannot be enjoyed unless you are in the Presence of God,-walking with God. He loves us too well to bless us partially. We are blessed, that we may be with Him.
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Nothing takes us out of the World, but the link with the Father.
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If we are determined to define things, we must be content to have them small.
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Not only what is bad in us will manifest itself, but what we think good in ourselves will go to the bad; i.e. Peter's good intentions, and Romans vii.
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The Lord hasn't put the whole truth in any one part of His Word,-and so we read, "All Scripture," etc.
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John's ministry ends with: "Behold, I come quickly." There was no more ministry after John's. It is individual, and provides for the saint, even though there is the break. down of all that has been set up. It goes on to the end.
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What God is doing in these times is what is vital. He leaves the external to go to ruin. Man's building goes to the bad. God's building stands, and is seen in glory.
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With us, alas! the best thing is the least resorted to. So, the Pool of Bethesda was crowded; but few came to the blessed Lord.
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The Spirit of God will never tell a Christian anything good about himself,-for He is the Spirit of Truth. But He will enlarge on the beauties and excellences of Christ.
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"Cloven" tongues, points to the character of Christianity which is diffusive, whereas Judaism is exclusive.
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Christianity gets its character from the present position of Christ: and determines, therefore, the believer's position on Earth -heavenly. It is the great aim therefore of Satan to obstruct the truth of the Personal presence of the Holy Ghost on earth.
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"Silver and gold have I none." That is a fine thing for a Jew to begin with. He has caught the heavenly tone of things already!
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John drew from the wealth that was in the name of Jesus of Nazareth.
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Peter is able to tax the Jews with doing the very same thing he had done himself! We see how the Spirit, and the blessed Lord Jesus, wrought a perfect conscience in him.
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There is no royal road to learning Christ. It is only as we learn the ruin of the old man, that we can learn to appreciate Him.
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We shall never find true ministry lead to self-complacency. It will lead to self-judgment, and to appreciation of Christ.
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Man is made for God; and none but God can satisfy and still the cravings of his soul.
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The infidel conceives of God, and it must necessarily be a limited conception.
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God never gives us up till we give Him up. How He lingered over the Jews!
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Grace and truth are what characterize Christianity.
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With Ananias and Sapphira, what the Spirit of God resented was the introduction of an unreal state of things into the Church. But alas, how often we find ourselves slipping into this sin, living before man,-acting as if he was to be the judge!
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What characterizes growth, is finding out my own utter vileness, and seeing how Christ is more and more worthy.
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We can only be upright before God by self-judgment.
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The Lord's hand is against pretension,-and it's our vice. There is nothing we have so much to judge.
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You can walk with God, if you have no secrets with Him; but a secret is fatal.
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If there is a room in your heart which you would keep shut from God, you are on the ground of Ananias and Sapphira.
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We may truly apply to the path of faith what is said in the Koran, "The path of the faithful, lies along the edge of Mahomet's sword."
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Where do you get holiness? From being with God. It is the poor, broken, self-judged creature who says, "I am not worthy to go to you," and yet he goes to God. Then it will not be himself reflected but the Presence he has been in. But if you live in the poor, degraded quarter,-you will reflect that!
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Man always seizes on that side of things that exalts itself.
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Self-confidence soon brings in unreality.
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Sometimes there is no greater snare to a Christian than the maintenance of a religious reputation.
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Prayer is the avenue through which the Word passes to the soul.
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Scripture may linger at the Vestibule of the heart, and not gain admission: prayer breaks down the obstacles.
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The Servant must be the exponent of his sermon.
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He that is thankful for providences, will never be without providences to be thankful for.
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Christianity does not rely on externals,-but on the present power of the Holy Ghost.
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Prayer is always the outcome of present need.
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Let us remember,-men are nothing, people are nothing,-it is only the Truth of God.
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The Christian has no need to put forth any violent effort. If proportion as we cleave to Christ we shall be a testimony for Him.
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God is drawing us to heaven, dear brethren, by our hearts.
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You cannot exaggerate, and no one has yet exaggerated, the grace of the Lord.
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A Person attracts us to heaven, not the place.
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The Lord put before you, will make you enamored of heaven: but heaven itself will never draw you.
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What forms the Christian when alive, forms his happiness hereafter.
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Every little rivulet of human love that is true and good, comes from God.
"Sinless joys the wicked see,
Owe their origin from Thee."
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Don't let us deceive ourselves. There is nothing pretty about us. It is all the grace of God shining through a hideous thing.
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Communion is our preparation for service.
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Wherever there is a real work of the Spirit going on, we may look for immediate opposition from Satan.
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The Evangelist is a sanguine servant.
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God never rejects a desire. In all our histories, the desire precedes the blessing. The reason of the delay, is not that God is unwilling to give, but our desires are below His blessing.
Never be downhearted. There may be an underground work of God going on. We don't see it, but it will come out.
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You don't find it to be the way of the Spirit of God to have things hard and fast-we love definitions: Christianity is a unique thing: yet it has its root in what went before.
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We can only see one or two leading things. He combines things: and we ought to be very slow to define His operations.
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If we understood all about God's ways, there is no room for faith, nor for the spirit of worship.
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There never was a time of more intelligence in the Church of God than now. But oh, what weakness!
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When there is a sense of vastness of Divine grace, there is no room for jealousy.
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How often it happens with us, that because we can't unravel, we deny!
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It is a great deal better for us, made as we are, to have to do with what we can't understand. It lowers me, and makes me insignificant, and draws me out in worship.
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What is what I have, to what is there? If I take my little cup to the Ocean, and fill it, I may have a certain satisfaction in it: but how much more in looking at the Ocean itself!
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Who can measure the enlargement we shall receive in heaven-not temporally, but eternally!
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Man has that thirst about him: and the answer to it is God Himself. "Whosoever drinketh of this water, shall thirst again: but whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him, shall never thirst."
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Laws that bind nature I believe in: but laws that bind God, I do not believe in.
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It is a terrible thing when doctrine occupies the foreground with a Christian. It was never meant to.
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Everything is right for the man, who has Christ for his single Object here.
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We needn't think we shall miss heavenly truth, if we are occupied with Him: for He is above the heavens. If you seek Christ, you can't seek anything higher.
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It is by putting the Lord in the foreground, that true knowledge and intelligence come.
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The Church stands now on Earth with notice to quit.
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We have very much to desire that things should be absolute with us. Unbelief says, "Don't hold them too, tightly." Faith says, "Grasp them more firmly."
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The things which we need to be very sure of for our comfort, we are exhorted to take firm hold of. But on the other hand, there is that which is beyond our comprehension.
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God is as much in little things as in great.
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We are really as secure in circumstances of impending peril as in any other.
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The Angels do not come forward until needed: because they are "ministering spirits," etc.
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We haven't the display of Angel-ministry now-but it is none the less real. A "Spirit" is unseen.
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Our proper links are not here. But God may keep us here for His purposes. James was not saved from death-Peter was.
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We are not indigenous to this scene, though we continually act as if we were.
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Peter does not tell how the Angel had brought him out, but "how the Lord" had.
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What is of grace in us, is always the lovely thing: not the sweet natural character.
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The chastening of our spirit is a very gracious thing from the Lord. "Whom He loveth He chasteneth."
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"Herbs, the' scentless when entire,
perfume the air when bruised." (Rev. 2:8-10.)
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Ministry is grace: a breath from heaven. It rests on absolute grace: all supplied, and satisfying the, thirst of the saints.
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Priesthood is the reflex of ministry. What comes down to us as ministry, goes back to God.
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Genuine prayer comes from God, and goes back to God.
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Prophecy was the ministry of truth, orally, from the Lord, pending the completion of the written word. "Whether prophecies they shall fail": the supply stopping.
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The minister is not a go-between, but a channel.
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Everything committed to man, is marred and spoiled; and so we get back, in Revelation, to "the faithful, and true Witness."
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The education of life, as is the story of the Church, is learning our failure.
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In Rome they have the outlines of the Church, but it is too much like the outlines of a body in decomposition.
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In Luke 2:34, all the hopes of the remnant were, in the order in which they expected them, to be broken down; but they were to rise with better and more glorious hopes (Luke 24:21).
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We have to seek "immediateness" always with the Lord.
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God never checks the soul for being simple and immediate with Him.
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Nothing short of that Gospel which links us with Christ in glory, will ever meet the deep need of, our souls.
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"Persecution" is a big word-and has various forms and applications. (2 Tim. 3:12.)
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We must ever bear in mind that persecution is undeserved: not what we bring on ourselves, through our want of Christ likeness.
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"The Kingdom of God" is the road through which all saints pass, in the Old and New Testaments.
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The heart is very prone to stop short of the blessing. God proposes for it.
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Consequences are nothing if you are right; and circumstances nothing.
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Our histories are like a piece of work-one side, the under side, all a tangle. But there is another side,-the Lord is working out His own pattern.
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The storm comes, and the tree roots down a little deeper, because of the storm, into the soil that is suited to it. The soil, for us, is the Word.
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Christ does not make light of our sorrow. He entered it, unto Death. We only know sorrow in an imperfect way. He knows it perfectly.
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Satan has been a student of the heart of man for thousands of years, and knows it well. But he is not omniscient, nor omnipresent.
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Man believes in the whip and the lash. We are all legal in our minds.
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How much that people urge rests on this, "There is no harm in it." There is "harm," in everything outside the Word.
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The truest witness will be the greatest sufferer.
Hunt’s Sayings -219
Why is man to "believe with the heart," and not the head? Because the mischief is in the heart.
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You must get hopeless as to yourself, before you can hope in God.
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It is so hard for us to abide in the sense of the sufficiency of Divine grace, for all circumstances.
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You won't enjoy the most fundamental truths of God, except in the Lord's Presence.
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Amos 9:11. It is always "I will build." That will not fall, though what man has built has fallen. He takes up the ruins, -what has been acknowledged failure and ruin.
Hunt’s Sayings - 224
Are we content to be ruins, that God may display the marvels of His handiwork?
Hunt’s Sayings - 225
Any conception that we have of God, apart from revelation, is of the nature of idolatry.
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The love of Christ, and devotedness to Christ, is the only thing that will keep us from idolatry.
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When Christ isn't enough for our hearts, we need that exhortation, "Flee from idolatry."
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In our own histories, God brings us back to the point of our departure.
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If we profess that Christ is all to us, and then forget it, isn't it love of God to keep us to it?
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Out of communion, into law. And in law, into sin: because we can't keep it!
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Christianity knows a God revealed; and so antagonism is avowed against it, at once.
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Three-fourths of the profession in our day is merely worshipping an "unknown God."
Hunt’s Sayings - 233
If the heart should discover its great necessity,-close at hand is the answer to its want. "He is not very far."
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How liberally He rewards every little approach to Himself!
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There is nothing we need press on each other in these days, more than the need for prayer.
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If the heart begins to approve itself because of its intelligence, the sense of need lessens, and piety diminishes.
Hunt’s Sayings - 237
We enjoy Divine things, just in proportion to our need.
Hunt’s Sayings - 238
We must be very near to the Lord, in order rightly to estimate Satan's presence and power.
Hunt’s Sayings - 239
You must get near to God (and nothing will bring one near but grace), before stripping and devotedness can come.
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Christianity is distinctly founded on what the Holy Ghost brings to light, after the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
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To hold the presence of the Spirit in a vague and indefinite way must grieve Him, -and how detrimental to our souls!
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Remember the way the blessed Lord was with His disciples,-and said: "Lacked ye anything?"-and is not the Spirit with us, now in even a nearer way?
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I don't know anything more calculated to exercise us, than the way we treat the presence of the Spirit of God, both with us personally, and in the Assembly.
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"If it die, it bringeth forth much fruit." Not the Church only, but the whole redeemed family, springs from the "Corn of wheat."
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Christ, to all eternity, will remain the untravelled marvel to our souls.
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The "way" has now become a great broad road, instead of a path.
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When- the Testimony comes, people must either receive it, or get out of its way, or call it hard names.
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What a favorite device of the Enemy imitation is!
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When a servant sees that he is under an obligation, it alters things much. If we take up service as a function pride comes in.
Hunt’s Sayings - 250
If teaching isn't for edification, it surely can't be of the Spirit of God.
Hunt’s Sayings - 251
How can I learn holiness, except in the presence of God: and how can I be there, but by grace?
Hunt’s Sayings - 252
Our responsibility is more prominent in Rev. 1:1, than our intimacy. So we read, "Servants."
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There is no way to be heavenly, but by intimacy with Christ who is in Heaven. And that you gain by the word, and prayer.
Hunt’s Sayings - 254
We are being gathered out from under His Hand suspended in judgment; and are being linked, not to the world, in any shape or form, but to Christ in Heaven.
Hunt’s Sayings - 255
Luke 15. is the chart of the needy sinner.
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God knows how to give a comfortable and eternal resting-place to every heart,-in the Bosom of the Father.
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We say we must weigh, and understand. No. We have to bow and believe. All is the reverse of our human thoughts. We must receive, not wait to understand.
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Christ is the figure which makes the cipher-ourselves-of value.
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God is dealing with each of us on earth, in view of Heaven.
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Without God there is no anchorage: nothing but drifting.
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Christianity is a contrast to all that went before. There is no "nay" in Christianity,-nothing but "nay" in the Law.
Hunt’s Sayings - 262
We have no standard but Christ.
Hunt’s Sayings - 263
"Yea" and "Amen" characterize the Christian: no uncertainty: everything "yea" -perfectly firm and established.
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The reason we are not up to the mark is, because we are not dependent enough.
Hunt’s Sayings - 265
There is not a promise of God that does not find its fulfillment in Christ.
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No one, without faith in GOD, will bring Him in, in a day of ruin.
Hunt’s Sayings - 267
When the Lord's interests are not first with us, our own come in and take their place.
Hunt’s Sayings - 268
The moment the heart turns to Christ, and is sensible to the interests of God,- though alone, He says, "I am with you."
Hunt’s Sayings - 269
If, whatever anxieties may be on your heart, you think on Christ,-He will think on them.
Hunt’s Sayings - 270
One of the sweetest lessons we have to learn is, not to drink any cup, from any hand but our Father's.
Hunt’s Sayings - 271
God's resources are in view of our incorrigible need.
Hunt’s Sayings - 272
The Lord is absent, and absent as the One that is rejected.
Hunt’s Sayings - 273
It is God working in man "to will and to do," when that which is given is doubled, as in Matt. 25:20-22.
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The Lord has made nothing but for use-and given nothing that is not to be used for Himself.
Hunt’s Sayings - 275
Christ is God's answer to our need, whatever it may be.
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The "consolation of Israel," implies all that was involved in blessing for Israel (Luke 2:25).
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True blessing, is not some comfort received at a distance from Him, but comfort received in Himself "This is our God, we have waited for Him."
Hunt’s Sayings - 278
The remnant, in Luke 2., were not pushing themselves forward, and aiming at great things for Israel, but waiting on the Lord.
Hunt’s Sayings - 279
Faith is seeing things as God sees them.
Hunt’s Sayings - 280
Man was not created to veil his face with wings; but to look God in the face. It is sin that has changed that.
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Our place is to look straight into the glory, and to walk in the light.
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When we see Who was lying in that manger, we can understand why it is, "Peace on earth."
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It isn't merely that God refuses accusations, but. He takes the place of justifier, and that shuts out every doubt for a soul (Rom. 8:33).
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"At the right hand of God," means not merely power conferred, or derived, but One who is co-equal-essential power (Rom. 8:34).
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"Who shall separate us?"-a love that went through every obstacle to lay hold on us-His own personal love. There is the glory and dignity of His person,-but here it's His own Love. The Spirit reasons thus: Can you find a single thing,-no matter what it is, that can come up to what He Himself endured? It's the love of Christ.
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In Rom. 8:36, the Spirit recounts certain things to which we are exposed, because He was rejected on earth. The peculiar character is, that it is "for His sake."
"More than conquerors." So complete has His victory been, that there is nothing left for us to do (Rom. 8:37).
Hunt’s Sayings - 287
The conqueror is the one who goes through the struggle and conflict. But we commence in Christ's victory.
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Faith gives us certainty.
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The victory is what we have through His grace. He gives the victory: He does not lead us to it.
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"He died unto sin once," He had done with it completely and forever, who was ever the sinless One.
Hunt’s Sayings - 291
The way to understand the Lord, is to listen to His Word.
Hunt’s Sayings - 292
Abraham gave back the promises into God's Hands, when he was about to offer up Isaac.
Hunt’s Sayings - 293
In blessing Ephraim and Manasseh, Jacob did the very thing that he could not trust God to do for himself. (Compare Gen. 25:23, with 27:36.)
Hunt’s Sayings - 294
Ps. 110:1 gives us the answer to Christ having glorified God perfectly all through His earthly path, taking only that refreshment that came, as He passed along (v. 7).
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"Serving Him" is in this scene, but for another. It is in another scene that the fruit of this service is found.
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Christ never healed a case, without entering into all that caused it.
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Satan always appears spiritually blind in the Scriptures. "Corrupted wisdom," speaks of him when fallen (Ezek. 28:15-17).
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We are often guided by circumstances; He was always guided by His Father's will.
Hunt’s Sayings - 299
We glorify God, when we see His Providence.
Hunt’s Sayings - 300
Though we are not guided by Providence, yet when guided by His eye, we find His Providence goes before, and makes the way easy.
Hunt’s Sayings - 301
What God provides gives the sense of security.
Hunt’s Sayings - 302
The more simply and nakedly a soul owns the Word of God, the more blessed it is.
Hunt’s Sayings - 303
You can't love sinners properly without thinking of the judgment.
Hunt’s Sayings - 304
If you ally yourself with what is going to be judged, it gives the impression that it isn't going to be judged.
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If you link yourself with the world, all the power of your testimony is gone.
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There is always a moral reason for unbelief: it is not inability to believe.
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had her objects in the land of Moab; Ruth hers with the one she loved.
Hunt’s Sayings - 308
If we are defiled, we get lowering thoughts of sin.
Hunt’s Sayings - 309
His reproofs win the heart, and estrange from evil.
Hunt’s Sayings - 310
There was no irritation or impatience ever in the Lord's dealings.
Hunt’s Sayings - 311
"Grace and Truth" came by Jesus Christ. But grace comes first.
Hunt’s Sayings - 312
Inconceivably hateful must the least spot or speck be to the Lord, and yet He sees it all, and goes on in patience and grace.
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When the leper was leprous all over, then he was pronounced clean. When people have come to the point of no good thing, then God says, "I have all good for you."
Hunt’s Sayings - 314
If you can't find value in yourself, God presents Christ to you, and says: "He is enough to satisfy ME; and isn't He for you too?"
Hunt’s Sayings - 315
Faith does not look at itself, but at what Christ is, and what He has done.
Hunt’s Sayings - 316
Man's responsibility and God's sovereignty, are a mystery no mortal can understand.
Hunt’s Sayings - 317
Rightly looked at, every expression of Christ's will is a trust committed to us.
Hunt’s Sayings - 318
To be wanting in love to all saints, is to lose sight of the Divine nature in Him.
Hunt’s Sayings - 319
"My peace I give,"-a peace the disciples were daily and hourly witnesses of.
Hunt’s Sayings - 320
Peace in our pathway is the result of a will perfectly subject to God's will.
Hunt’s Sayings - 321
The heart is not to be troubled with past things, nor afraid of future ones.
Hunt’s Sayings - 322
It was the Love that was there that made John lay his head on the Lord's Bosom.
Hunt’s Sayings - 323
It was the one who had his head on that Bosom of love, who had to communicate the judgments of God!
Hunt’s Sayings - 324
Where the Spirit of God is ungrieved in a saint, there is a depth and quietness,-because the Spirit of God is there.
Hunt’s Sayings - 325
It is an immense thing to have the eye of faith upon the hidden One above.
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In the Burnt Offering, the sweet savor went up from the very place where the sin was.
Hunt’s Sayings - 327
The Lord's path of perfect obedience was not apart from faith and exercise. "He hid not His Face from shame and spitting."
Hunt’s Sayings - 328
The Son goes back to the Father, but the joy continues down here.
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The one who is dependent enjoys that love practically.
Hunt’s Sayings - 330
The force of "abide," in John 15., is dependence.
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Dependence implies nearness,-obedience does not.
Hunt’s Sayings - 332
It is obedience in a Christian that proves his love to Christ.
"Friends" implies, in us, our trust in His heart.
It was in the purpose of God from before the foundation of the world, that there should be a blessed company stamped with the character of Love.
Hunt’s Sayings - 333
Satan's great effort is always to mix up the past dispensation with the new order God has established.
Hunt’s Sayings - 334
If anyone we love goes, we feel the gap,-no one else can fill it. But here, the Comforter comes, and establishes a closer link than ever with the One who is gone. He comes to fill our hearts, and lead us into communion with Him.
Hunt’s Sayings - 335
It is remarkable that when the Holy Ghost was sent, there was no association with the Temple, -they were in an upper roam. It points to the new order of things about to be established.
Hunt’s Sayings - 336
It is always an injurious tendency of our hearts, to look at their own side of things.
Hunt’s Sayings - 337
The Lord knows perfectly all the way that He takes with His own, and how to make the teaching effective.
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"I will send Him unto you" (John 16:7),-the distinct manifestation of where the Father and Son had Their interests.
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From the point of view of the World, He only went away rejected,-driven away.
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The status of the world is sin,-and under judgment. The world has to account for sin, in the rejection of Christ.
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If the world had believed, the Holy Ghost would not have been here,-but Christ would have.
Hunt’s Sayings - 342
The believer is clear from the whole question of guilt.
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The circle of the Father's love is not that in which he abides who "loves the world."
Hunt’s Sayings - 344
What is revealed is for the children of God to enjoy.
Hunt’s Sayings - 345
We have only to look to heaven, to see that there is only One Object There.
Hunt’s Sayings - 346
All truth finds its center in connection with His Person.
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Nothing that God has revealed can be spoken slightingly of without serious undervaluing, to say the least.
Hunt’s Sayings - 348
You can never try to conciliate the world, without giving place to Satan.
Hunt’s Sayings - 349
The basis of this world is a religion of departure from God.
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It is unbelief that looks around and is dismayed.
Hunt’s Sayings - 351
We are so blunted and damaged by the world that we don't at all share the same apprehension of it that the Lord had.
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The Lord's first apprehension as to His own is not of the world's hatred and animosity, but of the evil of identification with it.
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The world embodies the resources of the natural man. The heart of the saint, on the other hand, is turned to the Father for everything.
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How much more He counted cleaving to Him, than a large amount of intelligence. He would not have said of that, "They have kept Thy Word."
Hunt’s Sayings - 355
The Lord passes by the head and intelligence,-it is too small a sphere for Him,-and He touches the heart.
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The heart is His department: even the world does not attempt to minister to that.
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They believed His Word: even if they did not understand.
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He does not trust us at all. He asks the Father to keep us.
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That He should have taken us up to have an adequate return in us, is a wonderful thing.
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Our place in the world is decided by what His place there is.
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It was at the shadow of the world's hatred that Simon Peter quailed.
Hunt’s Sayings - 362
We are very deficient in the knowledge of the Father's name, and our deficiency is shown by looking elsewhere for our resources.
Hunt’s Sayings - 363
It is not good works or benevolence, but the link, however feeble, with Christ that excites the world's hatred.
Hunt’s Sayings - 364
The more we identify ourselves with the Lord, the more we experience the hatred of the world.
Hunt’s Sayings - 365
In pandering to the world, it is a worldly influence only that is gained, and leads no further than the world.
Hunt’s Sayings - 366
When the relationship with the Father is in view, we don't weigh how far we may go with the world.
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When we say "there is no harm" in this or that, the mischief is done. These things starve us, and take us away from the relationship.
Hunt’s Sayings - 368
When Satan's world took form, we read, "Then began men to call [themselves] by the name of the LORD" (Gen. 4:26, margin A.V. Compare Isa. 44:5; Jer. 15:16; Acts 11:26).
Hunt’s Sayings - 369
Sanctification is a positive thing-"set apart to God."
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Purification is getting rid of what arises in us of evil.
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There is no such thing as holiness by faith, in the sense usually understood: but there is righteousness through faith, and holiness through tribulation.
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It is always by occupation with an object that we are molded.
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Let us only look at the Lord-and we shall be insensibly molded to His likeness. But don't let us take stock of ourselves until we are in heaven.
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When the truth of God approaches us, it is apt to get hindered in a tangle and thicket of our own imaginings. Thence arise all our difficulties. They are not in the Word, but in ourselves.
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How we always go against our own interests, and try to cloud the Gospel!
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There is no other life for a Christian, but by faith.
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The righteousness which is by faith is "unto all," like the Sun shining in the heavens: but the application is individual, "upon all."
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When a man gets into the truth of his position Godward, he finds God in the truth of His grace.
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The Cross is like a Lighthouse,-casting its light before and behind (Rom. 3:25).
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True separation does not go on a legal basis, but goes along with the path of faith.
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To entertain legal thoughts, is as much as to say that He need not have gone so far in His grace.
Hunt’s Sayings - 382
The glory of God is now the place of peace to the Christian,-the home of the Christian,-"and rejoice in hope of the glory of God" (Rom. 5:2).
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We can't afford to put into the background anything contained in the blessed Word of God.
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The Christian glories in tribulation, because it clears his vision. He sees that God is allowing it to thresh out of him the husk of earthly desires and expectation,-as the frost kills all the rank weeds.
Hunt’s Sayings - 385
If a Christian were to look back, it would not be for the days of happiness and ease that he would give thanks, but for the days in which his loving Father brought him low, -that he might look up.
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The wilderness was a bracing air to Joshua and Caleb,-they were full of hope (Numb. 14:30).
Hunt’s Sayings - 387
The new man has no strength of his own, -no back to bear a burden. He has only the Holy Ghost to depend on.
Hunt’s Sayings - 388
The Spirit of God will not sanction the inspection of His own work in you. You may look at the flail, and what it is calculated to work: to stop and look at effects in us, is to stop the operation of the Spirit.
Hunt’s Sayings - 389
I might joy in the fact that sins are put away; but I could not joy in God, until I have my Savior there for me.
Hunt’s Sayings - 390
The very first principle of the Christian's walk is not to do his own will,-not even in good things.
Hunt’s Sayings - 391
Dreadful as are the consequences of the sin, the outgoings of grace exceed them (Rom. 5:20).
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The life and happiness of the Christian is in learning about Christ.
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To be associated with Christ where He is, we must follow the road He went through death.
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You can't dispose of an evil nature, except by death (Rom. 6:7).
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No experience can lead me into the place of death. I must accept it, without conditions.
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We have to learn, that sin in us is too strong for us. The way out of it isn't through any effort to turn copper into gold.
Hunt’s Sayings - 397
It is a real thing, to have to do with a living Savior. But it is not a conscious thing, that I am dead (Rom. 6:11).
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In the case of the forgiveness of sins, we have to take God at His Word.
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I must begin by filing the schedule of my own bankruptcy.
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If I am holding myself dead, when the temptation comes it has no power over me, -produces nothing.
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In Christianity there are springs put into us. The mercies of God are the springs.
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The "mercy" of God becomes more appreciated as we grow older in Christianity.
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It is among the wonderful things in redemption, that our bodies, which had been for us, are now to be for God a "living sacrifice"-no longer unholy, but now constantly His.
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We have a tenant within, who is irreconcilable to God and ever will be,-"the flesh."
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It ceases to be a "reasonable service," if' it is not for God.
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"By the renewing of your mind,"-not by effort (Rom. 12: 2).
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The recognition of the will of God, is a wonderfully quieting thing.
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If you are occupied with fundamental truth, it is because you have a sense of weakness: but He is the friend of our weakness.
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Occupation with controversy or speculation gives a false sense of energy and power.
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The crowning danger is, if we forget that the flesh would like to deck itself with spiritual things.
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As soon as Moses turned aside to see the Bush, God called to him. What we want is to notice things.
Hunt’s Sayings - 412
If I am stripped of any resource in the world: and have no confidence in what is within me: and have the devil against me -what can I do, but "rejoice in Christ Jesus"?
Hunt’s Sayings - 413
We very seldom leave the Spirit of God to do His normal work in us.
Hunt’s Sayings - 414
A Christian is "in the light"; i.e. he has to say to that which is God's nature.
Hunt’s Sayings - 415
John comes to bear witness to the Light. The first witness to the LOVE is CHRIST HIMSELF (John 3.)
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It's a great comfort that we needn't understand everything.
Hunt’s Sayings - 417
The Word was not "made" flesh,-but "became" flesh.
Hunt’s Sayings - 418
There is that which is inaccessible, and what is most accessible; and they are the same, -the One into whose Arms a child could get.
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All the sorrows that we are acquainted with in this vale of tears, are the sorrows of an imperfect creature. The sorrows of the Perfect One, we cannot fathom.
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He will enlarge His creature's desires, and undertake to satisfy them; not only for time, but for eternity.
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Every receipt of grace paves the way for the sure succession of more grace.
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God is not at the end of His resources, when we are surprised at what we have received.
Hunt’s Sayings - 423
With law we are familiar we understand it. But "grace and truth" are an entirely new thing to us.
Hunt’s Sayings - 424
What constitutes us disciples, is when the Lord Jesus becomes the object of our hearts.
Hunt’s Sayings - 425
When you get Christ, you don't get only the bit you are thinking of, but all. He is God's wonderful bestowal for man.
Hunt’s Sayings - 426
There are no parables when the conscience is reached. The Bible acts upon heart and conscience, and doesn't need proof.
Hunt’s Sayings - 427
It was glory unbearable in the Old Testament, from which the best retire. This is the One Who dwells in the Father's bosom, declaring what is There.
Hunt’s Sayings - 428
We are weak, and want someone to lean on. We are full, too, of sympathies and of cravings. We find everything, however, and we have all met, in the Lord.
Hunt’s Sayings - 429
It is not for me to decide how much of Christ I want. God knows I want Him all.
Hunt’s Sayings - 430
God put man in Eden without a want. He returns to man, and finds him, even in the brightest circumstances, with a want (John 2:3).
Hunt’s Sayings - 431
To form our own conclusions, argues discontent with the plain statements of Scripture.
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It makes a great difference whether we come to receive, rather than to think.
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The nearer you get to it, it is not you who become greater, but the Object before you.
Hunt’s Sayings - 434
Let us "set to our seal," and He will do the rest.
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The One Who gives the little bud of apprehension now, will give the full flower afterward (Luke 24:45; Acts 2:42).
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Till God awakens us, our desires don't go beyond present need.
Hunt’s Sayings - 437
He has to press His claims: there is not one of us who has recognized His claims.
Hunt’s Sayings - 438
We make discoveries of what we are, and of what He is. But He makes no discoveries.
Hunt’s Sayings - 439
"God's biddings are enablings," is a true saying.
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"My Father worketh hitherto"—not "God." It is the name of grace, because ever since sin came into the world He had been acting in grace.
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Everything God has proposed, He will accomplish.
Hunt’s Sayings - 442
What is moral, is always greater, in God's works, than what is material. To create, He has but to speak the word, and it is done: but with the soul, He must expend, and give, before He can get.
Hunt’s Sayings - 443
God can take up any instrument, and confer power: but with individuals, He brings His love into play, more than mere power.
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Man rose out of humiliation and dust,-but to be the object of God.
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In all that Satan did to him, Job didn't sin.
Hunt’s Sayings - 446
The weakest saint can triumph over the mightiest foe: but he must be weak: he must be nothing.
Hunt’s Sayings - 447
If you and I are in our proper place, when you look at the believer, you see Christ.
Hunt’s Sayings - 448
Only faith really recognized the Ark: so, to approach Christ without appreciation of Christ, ends in nothing.
Hunt’s Sayings -449
God's resources, are in view of sin which is beyond us.
Hunt’s Sayings - 450
We can't be in relationship, or have any affections Godward, apart from the death of Christ.
Hunt’s Sayings - 451
"Eateth" is a continuous thing; feeding on Christ, brings one into communion with God.
Hunt’s Sayings - 452
He has; by His death, disengaged us so completely from everything else, that we can remember Him.
Hunt’s Sayings - 453
The heart is a clear way to knowledge: the head a confusing way.
Hunt’s Sayings - 454
Inferences won't do for faith to rest on: the soul must have revelation whereon to pillow her head.
Hunt’s Sayings - 455
Satan's power doesn't extend beyond this scene.
Hunt’s Sayings - 456
What a comfort to be able to contemplate a state of things beyond the enemy's territory!
Hunt’s Sayings - 457
No truth is presented by the depression of another truth.
Hunt’s Sayings - 458
The Holy Ghost has made the estimate-the mighty calculations as to Christ. All we have to do is to endorse it.
Hunt’s Sayings - 459
Once a man sets out in reasonings, he must degrade himself, and go lower and lower. The descent may not be immediate, but it is rapid and sure.
Hunt’s Sayings - 460
So great is the subject, that unless we put our little hands in the hand of the Great Teacher, we go astray.
Hunt’s Sayings - 461
Wherever God works in His love, and in His grace, the human heart (which cannot go beyond itself) always seeks to put limits.
Hunt’s Sayings - 462
He speaks, and it is done: but He spends His love and His life on us! Oh, how it should detach and sever us, to Himself!
Hunt’s Sayings - 463
"It" is raised: that same poor thing, that we sow.
Hunt’s Sayings - 464
If you seek to explain it, you lose it: just as you do the Blessed One Who does it, if you seek to explain Him.
Hunt’s Sayings - 465
"It is raised," a vehicle for the enjoyment and understanding of the loftiest things.
Hunt’s Sayings - 466
Our present state is only to tell us of the coming state, whether for the saint or sinner.
Hunt’s Sayings - 467
We draw all our conclusions as to our future, from Christ.
Hunt’s Sayings - 468
The One in Whose Hands your affairs are, has been called to the office by GOD.
Hunt’s Sayings - 469
He measured sin, and He met it-
"Shocked at the sum,
Yet prompt to pay."
Hunt’s Sayings - 470
We get cheerful as we talk about Christ; if we talk about our experiences, etc., we can get nothing but dismal.
Hunt’s Sayings - 471
It is a great thing with us to bow to the will of God,-but we don't know much of "delighting" in it.
Hunt’s Sayings - 472
Our circumstances and sorrows get between us and GOD;-and thus get out of proportion greater, and bigger.
Hunt’s Sayings - 473
The failure of man only serves to bring out the sovereign grace of GOD to meet it.
Hunt’s Sayings - 474
Not all the million temptations that Satan brings before the heart can lay low what the Lord has wrought: "Salvation is of the Lord."
Hunt’s Sayings - 475
When every creature resource is gone, then it is that the Lord repeats Himself for His servants (Deut. 32:26, 27).
Hunt’s Sayings - 476
Jonah has to be brought down, to know none but JEHOVAH.
Hunt’s Sayings - 477
Satan always imitates, and, as the days go on, the imitation becomes more and more like (Acts 13:8; 2 Tim. 3:8).
Hunt’s Sayings - 478
Paul doesn't reason with Elymas, but rebukes him.
Hunt’s Sayings - 479
Acts 13:17-23, is the history of God's grace throughout.
Hunt’s Sayings - 480
Forgiveness gives a place and association with Christ, at once.
Hunt’s Sayings - 481
"Sure mercies of David,"-if "sure," they were dependent upon God's power-and not upon man's responsibility.
Hunt’s Sayings - 482
When you stand in grace, you see nothing but grace all round you.
Hunt’s Sayings - 483
Anything that hinders is a "weight."
Hunt’s Sayings - 484
Any link with the world would be of the nature of a "weight."
Hunt’s Sayings - 485
Any link with the world is a "reproach." Thus, the Lord said, when the Israelites were circumcised: "This day have I rolled away the reproach."
Hunt’s Sayings - 486
There is present loss, and loss in the future, when we are linked with the world.
Hunt’s Sayings - 487
When Lot came to witness to the men of Sodom, he only seemed "as one that mocked."
Hunt’s Sayings - 488
Anything that ministers to self-pleasing is not of God,-does not come from God, or go up to God.
Hunt’s Sayings - 489
There isn't a moment in which the danger of turning back is not across our path. There is always that which would entangle.
Hunt’s Sayings - 490
There was not one single motive the blessed Lord had, that He derived from this world.
Hunt’s Sayings -491
The moment we get the intrinsic Divinity of the Lord, we get something distinctly beyond our ken.
Hunt’s Sayings - 492
All that could try or exercise our faith, was what He passed through.
Hunt’s Sayings - 493
When I "look up steadfastly to heaven," I am above the circumstances.
Hunt’s Sayings - 494
"The joy set before Him," was the glory of God.
Hunt’s Sayings - 495
"Scourging" is the extremity of His "chastening."
Hunt’s Sayings - 496
We are apt to use "chastening," apart from the meaning of Scripture. It may be a discipline that may not necessarily imply something wrong in our walk.
Hunt’s Sayings - 497
Discipline is for strengthening: but at the same time calls us to look at our ways and hearts.
Hunt’s Sayings - 498
It is important not to look at discipline apart from the grace of God.
Hunt’s Sayings - 499
The thorn in the flesh was the expression of the grace of Christ.
Hunt’s Sayings - 500
Satan can't go beyond his commission.
Hunt’s Sayings - 501
We don't read of any public thanksgiving on the part of Hezekiah after the deliverance from Sennacherib: and then comes discipline.
Hunt’s Sayings - 502
The "profit" is the "partaking of His holiness."
Hunt’s Sayings - 503
A "weaned child" is on the way to that "profit."
Hunt’s Sayings - 504
For chastening to be really profitable, we must feel it, and be broken down under it.
Hunt’s Sayings - 505
You find the sweet at the bottom of the Cup.
Hunt’s Sayings - 506
We're much safer when we are "abhorring" ourselves.
Hunt’s Sayings - 507
When Job had been brought to that, it made him speak,-instead of "laying his hand upon his mouth" (Job 40:4; 42:6).
Hunt’s Sayings - 508
The Lord would not have Job dumb before Him. The voice of worship and thanks is what He desires.
Hunt’s Sayings - 509
The first claim is, to own God as God.
Hunt’s Sayings - 510
"Hands that hang down," are in contrast to hands lifted in prayer.
Hunt’s Sayings - 511
The disposition of every one of our hearts is to refuse: but the character we are called to, is "obedient children."
Hunt’s Sayings - 512
That which does not result from the Divine nature itself will be removed: no testing or shaking afterward.
Hunt’s Sayings - 513
How important for the soul not to be following the opinion of men, or leaning upon men, but upon that which "cannot be shaken."
Hunt’s Sayings - 514
That which has its foundation in the Word of God only will abide, and not "be shaken."
Hunt’s Sayings - 515
"Receiving a kingdom." That which we have in Christianity is final-not to be moved.
Hunt’s Sayings - 516
"Our God is a consuming fire." Whilst this brings solemnity, it does not destroy grace.
Hunt’s Sayings - 517
"Every one shall be salted with fire": all -not one class only.
Hunt’s Sayings - 518
The secret of satisfaction with present circumstances is, that He is possessed. "I will never leave thee," etc.
Hunt’s Sayings - 519
It is God's purpose that our hearts should be satisfied, as well as our conscience met.
Hunt’s Sayings - 520
People are afraid of the very best thing that God provides,-grace.
Hunt’s Sayings - 521
It is wonderful how slow our hearts are, to accept and live by what God has provided for us!
Hunt’s Sayings - 522
If we were more with God, how much more ground we should find for thanksgiving!
Hunt’s Sayings - 523
Praise gives strength: for it calls God in.
Hunt’s Sayings - 524
"Let us go forth therefore unto Him." This, though it brings us together, can only be as Christ is everything to the soul: an 'individual thing.
Hunt’s Sayings - 525
To be an object of "reproach" for His Name, is acceptable with God-a thing to be coveted (1 Peter 4:14).
"Let us go forth without the Camp": because He is there-not inside.
Hunt’s Sayings - 526
Satan would lull the soul to lean on man, instead of on God, and go in masses; or, on the other hand, leads man, to independence.
Hunt’s Sayings - 527
A very strong mark of "leadership" is, that that which is displeasing to the Lord is not allowed.
Hunt’s Sayings - 528
What is really profitable for the soul, is what is for the glory of God.
Hunt’s Sayings - 529
It isn't sin that drives Christ away,-but self-righteousness, and legality, and unbelief; something of self coming in.
Hunt’s Sayings - 530
"The God of peace." He shines forth in that character in the resurrection of the Lord Jesus.
Hunt’s Sayings - 531
No shepherd is a true one, unless he cares for the sheep because they are Christ's.
Hunt’s Sayings - 532
If love be not the motive spring, I am nothing, and it profits me nothing.
Hunt’s Sayings - 533
The effect of power used apart from God is to lead souls astray.
Hunt’s Sayings - 534
Love, as seen in 1 Cor. 13., is the exact contradiction of what Satan and the world are.
Hunt’s Sayings - 535
David, all through his rejection, never behaved himself unseemly towards Saul.
Hunt’s Sayings - 536
"Love imputeth not evil" (lit.). The perfect example of this was, "Father, forgive them."
Hunt’s Sayings - 537
Love is not blind to evil, but exceedingly quick to discern it, though, characteristically, not imputing it.
Hunt’s Sayings - 538
God, in sending His Own Son, assumes good-"They will reverence My Son"-until evil is proved by His murder (Acts 7:52).
Hunt’s Sayings - 539
"Truth" is what God gives; the unfolding of Himself.
Hunt’s Sayings - 540
Love's blessed energies regard nil as its objects, and it is not suspicious of them.
Hunt’s Sayings - 541
When evil is manifested, and it is no longer possible to doubt, love still hopes all things; and where it no longer "hopes," "endures."
Hunt’s Sayings - 542
Mere amiability is not. Love-which is Divine.
Hunt’s Sayings - 543
"Love never fails," never falls into disuse; but continues for eternity.
Hunt’s Sayings - 544
Differences of apprehension are mainly due to sluggishness and perversity on our part.
Hunt’s Sayings - 545
Dullness in a Christian is always the effect of having neglected the spiritual opportunities that have been given.
Hunt’s Sayings - 546
Unless there is growth there is always declension.
Hunt’s Sayings -547
Satan goes right through every weapon that isn’t the Word of God.
Hunt’s Sayings - 548
God does not set up again, that into which sin has come.
Hunt’s Sayings - 549
There is no basis in the old creation for any resting-place for the soul.
Hunt’s Sayings - 550
The more man fails, the more does the Lord's glory shine out.
Hunt’s Sayings - 551
There is nothing in the new creation that is not of God-nor can anything else ever enter into it. "All things are of God" (2 Cor. 5:18).
Hunt’s Sayings - 552
Our "life," which "is hid with Christ in God" (Col. 3:3), is a tested life, not a life exposed to be tested-and God has been glorified in that life.
Hunt’s Sayings - 553
God's purposes are not in Adam, but are all in Christ.
Hunt’s Sayings - 554
New creation is not a question of time, but of kind.
Hunt’s Sayings - 555
The Cross was the termination of the probation of man.
Hunt’s Sayings - 556
God's eternal "So be it" is Christ, "the Amen."
Hunt’s Sayings -557
The death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus is the basis of all God's dealings, with even unconverted men. He approaches them in grace, recognizing their enmity, and says, "Be ye reconciled."
Hunt’s Sayings - 558
The Lord was to be Abraham's "Shield," as he passed through this scene-his "Great reward," both now, and hereafter.
Hunt’s Sayings - 559
How often a soul makes alarming discoveries as to itself-and says, "I didn't think it would come to that!" But God makes no discoveries. It is all known to Him.
Hunt’s Sayings - 560
It isn't that man stands as a sinner with an inexhaustible store of grace at his command; but that he has a new life.
Hunt’s Sayings - 561
A Christian is not "let off" (so to speak). But all the claims of God against him have been met to the very utmost in Christ.
Hunt’s Sayings - 562
The enemy knows all the history, and he knows the turns of the road where he can meet us and harass us: and unless we know God is for us, we have no answer to give him.
Hunt’s Sayings - 563
If I bring in a bit of myself, it's unholiness. It is very humbling. But we can't have Christ any way but by the low door,-when it's all up with you.
Hunt’s Sayings - 564
There is no better Gospel of the grace of God, than is to be gathered at the foot of Sinai. What else had God in view, but grace?
Hunt’s Sayings - 565
There can be nothing of man for God. His works, his nature,-all are inadmissible in the presence of God.
Hunt’s Sayings - 566
Nothing but the grace of God will do in the presence of God. No one, but God alone, knows the value of Christ.
Hunt’s Sayings - 567
"By faith he kept the passover,"-not "they." It was between God and the Mediator (Heb 11:28). All the work of our salvation was done between God and Christ: we had no part in it.
Hunt’s Sayings - 568
I must have directly the sense of the Lord's mind and word, for what I do.
Hunt’s Sayings - 569
We get light in seeing a thing in relation with Christ,-what suits Him.
Hunt’s Sayings - 570
It needs known responsibility, according to His revelation of Himself, to walk "before God": but communion, to walk with God.
Hunt’s Sayings - 571
All our paths, devious as they may be, have not turned aside His love.
Hunt’s Sayings - 572
A good conscience does not in the least say that there may not be evil ways in me (Acts 26:9-11).
Hunt’s Sayings - 573
"Lead me," and "hold me," is the language of faith.
Hunt’s Sayings - 574
"Partakers of His holiness," means, the thoughts of God realized in us.
Hunt’s Sayings - 575
I could not number the sand; but the sand is not infinite-and His thoughts are.
Hunt’s Sayings - 576
His Hand has got hold of me,-even in the exercises.
Hunt’s Sayings - 577
It is those who come To the Son, who receive what is of the Son, and in the Son.
Hunt’s Sayings - 578
The path of safety for our walk is Christ Himself before the soul,' as the Object to be obtained.
Hunt’s Sayings - 579
There is nothing to be got out of the "flesh," either for the glory of God, or the blessing of the Christian.
Hunt’s Sayings - 580
Paul counted "all things" not only as useless, but as real "loss." They kept him back from Christ.
Hunt’s Sayings - 581
Sorrows, trials, and exercises here are our income, so to speak.
Hunt’s Sayings - 582
We learn on one side the utter insufficiency of self-and on the other the perfect sufficiency of God.
Hunt’s Sayings - 583
The strength given is not to deliver us out of the difficulties, but "unto all patience."
Hunt’s Sayings - 584
It is wonderful to see how Scripture insists upon the solitary glory of Christ; and yet does not hesitate to bring us into intimate association with Him.
Hunt’s Sayings - 585
If we subject ourselves to Scripture, God's thoughts are always for our blessing.
Hunt’s Sayings - 586
"You hath He reconciled." We get the "kiss," and what flows from it.
Hunt’s Sayings - 587
He has "graven us upon the palms of His Hands," in the wounds He will ever bear there.
Hunt’s Sayings - 588
We see precious stones mentioned in connection with Creation, Grace, and Glory.
Hunt’s Sayings - 589
We too often forget that the Cross is our portion here: not merely in reference to things without, but to things within. -A.C.O.
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