I Am Going to Him.

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
I VISITED a dear little girl, who was at the point of death, and was passing through great suffering.
After speaking to her gently for a few moments, I asked her if she loved Jesus. She faintly smiled, and said, “Yes, I love Jesus, and I am going to Him.”
Though her body was racked with pain, she could just utter these few words; it gave me great joy to know that the dear child was simply trusting Jesus, and would soon be with Him.
Dear young readers, remember that this life is uncertain, and that many die early. Trust in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ now, before sickness comes upon you, and then you will be able to say with this little girl, should you be called to die, “Yes, I love Jesus, and I am going to Him.”
We may not be called away by death, but we know the Lord Jesus is coming very soon to call away all His own to meet Him in the air, and go with Him to His Father’s house, and live with Him Forever. We do not know how soon He may come, but we know He is certainly coming, and He said, “Surely I come quickly.”
If you do not want to be left behind when He comes, you must accept Him as your Savior, right now; there is no time to lose.