I Am Not Told to Labor

 •  1 min. read
I am not told to labor,
To put away my sin;
So foolish, weak and helpless,
I never could begin;
But, blessed truth, I know it,
Though ruined by the fall,
Christ has my soul redeemèd—
Yes, Christ has done it all!
I have not now to seek Him,
In love He sought for me,
When far from Him I wandered
In sin and misery;
He oped my ears, and gave me
To listen to His call;
He sought me and He found me—
Yes, Christ has done it all!
And now I cannot please Him
In aught I say or do,
Unless He daily help me
His glory to pursue;
Still helpless, and still feeble,
On His strong arm I fall,
My strength in pressing onward—
Yes, Christ must do it all!
And when in heavenly glory
My ransomed soul shall be,
From sin and all pollution
Forever, ever free;
I'll cast my crown before Him,
And loud His grace extol—
"Thou hast Thyself redeemed me;
Yes, Thou hast done it all!"