I Am Redeemed

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
ONCE a slave to sin and Satan,
Now redeemed and brought to God;
Heir of God, joint heir with Jesus,
Glorious triumph of His blood.
I'm redeemed, but not with silver;
I'm redeemed, but not with gold;
With the precious blood of Jesus—
Sweetest story ever told
With the blood of Christ redeemed,
Precious price beyond compare;
With the blood of Calvary's victim
'Twas for me He suffered there.
All my sins were laid upon Him,
Jesus bore them on the tree;
I'm redeemed to God forever,
Through the work of Calvary.
Soon in scenes of brightest glory
With the whole redeemed throng,
I shall sing redemption's story,
Which the ages will prolong.