I Am the Lord

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Gospel—P. Glading
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May we sing together #20 hymn #20?
We hold the Savior at the door.
He gently knocks. Has knocked before, has waited long, is waiting still.
You use no other friend, so I'll open the door He'll enter in and stuff with you and you with him #20.
They hung the same.
May we turn to the book of Exodus first chapter.
And I can gather up a few thoughts from one or two chapters in Exodus.
We'll begin at Chapter One.
And verse 8.
Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph.
I suppose Joseph in Egypt was a type of Christ in his earthly glory.
And not to know him is characteristic of a bad moral state.
And there are many, I suppose, who do not know him, perhaps here tonight, that do not know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior.
And it is to you, dear friends. We appeal tonight from God's precious word.
That you will not pass out of this room until you have received him.
As your own precious savior.
Now like the notice of few things about this cruel, wicked king called Pharaoh. In the 22nd verse of the first chapter it says.
And Pharaoh charged all his people, saying, Every son that is born ye shall cast into the river what a solemn statement for him to make, and every daughter he shall save a life.
Now I've seen just the reverse of this in China and seeing baby girls thrown out on the garbage heap.
And the boys kept alive. But here this wicked king desired that every boy should be cast into the river.
And very little realized the truth of Psalm 7 in connection with this may be turned to at peace.
Psalm 7.
And verse 15.
He made a pit and digged it and he's fallen into the ditch which he made.
His mischief shall return upon his own head, and his violent dealing shall come down upon his own Pate.
Now this very thing happened to Pharaoh and many sons of the Egyptians. Later on, Pharaoh himself and many sons of the Egyptians perished in the Red Sea. They were drowned. Now fair desired that every male child should be cast in the river.
And he little realized that this was coming to him later on.
And we noticed that Exodus rather begins by telling how God came down in grace to deliver and enslaved people.
An exodus closes by declaring how God came down in glory to dwell amongst the redeemed people. The book begins with darkness and gloom, but it ends in glory.
And we have some wonderful, precious teachings in this book of Exodus.
In Genesis we find there the ruin of man. Man has sinned.
The very next book begins with redemption for man through the blood. So we have some beautiful types in this beautiful book of Exodus. And now will you turn to chapter 3, Exodus 3?
And verse 7.
And the Lord said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their toss masters. For I know their sorrows. And I'm come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land onto a good land and a large onto a land flowing with milk and honey. How this reminds us, beloved friends.
Of the precious Savior who looked down as we read in Psalm 102.
Will you kindly turn to it so that I do not misquote it? Psalm 102.
And verse 19 Psalm 1/02/19.
For he hath looked down. We've just been reading how the Lord looked down upon the children of Israel.
While they're under this cruel, wicked King Pharaoh and having a very, very hard and difficult time.
The Lord looked down upon them, and he said He was coming down to deliver them. Here we find in Psalm 102. For he hath looked down from the height of his sanctuary from heaven did the Lord behold the earth.
To hear the groaning of the prisoner to loose those that are appointed to death, to declare the name of the Lord. What a beautiful picture we have here of the Lord Jesus Christ looking down upon this world.
And seeing all the wickedness, the sin, the corruption, the violence, and seeing us in all our need and ruinous sinners, and declaring that he looked down to see and to hear the groaning of the prisoner, and to loose those that are appointed to death. And in First Timothy, first chapter, verse 15, we find that he finally came down, not only looked down, but he came down in person. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.
That was his purpose in coming down, primarily to do the will of his father, and we read in John six what the will of his father was.
The Lord says in John 638 I came down from heaven not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me. And he says, and this is the will of him that sent me, that everyone which seeth the Son and believeth on him may have everlasting life, and I will raise him up again at the last day. Now we know why the Lord Jesus came down here, not to do his own will, but he came to do the will of his Father.
And the will of his father was dear friends, that you should be saved. That's the will of the father for you.
As a Sinner. And so we find in Exodus the Lord looked down, and he saw and heard the groaning of the prisoners.
They were in Egypt, under this cruel and wicked king. They had no power to deliver themselves, no power at all. Neither had you. Neither had I any power to deliver myself from the burden of my sins and guilt. Another had to come down and do it for me. And it was the Lord Jesus Christ, my precious Savior.
And so here in the third chapter we read the Lord said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people.
And I've heard that cry. I know their sorrows, and I'm come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians. Now you turn to Chapter 6.
The 6th chapter of Exodus.
And verse six In these verses we have a sevenfold I will promise of salvation for the children of Israel.
From Egypt verse 6 Wherefore say unto the children of Israel, I am the Lord.
And I will notice that buried seven times we get this expression. I will not. I may, but I will. And he had the power to do it. I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, and I will rid you out of their *******. And I will redeem you with a stretched out arm, and with great judgments. And I will take you to me for a people, and I will be to your God.
And ye shall know that I am the Lord your God, which bringeth you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians. And I will bring you in unto the land concerning the which I did swear to give it to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, and I will give it to you. For in heritage I am the Lord. Notice it begins with I am the Lord, and finishes with I am the Lord. What glorious authority we have in this statement. I am the Lord.
And yet we hear Pharaoh saying, Who is the Lord? I know not the Lord, so different to Moses, He says. Who am I? Pharaoh said, Who is the Lord? I know not. The Lord is the one here tonight. Who would have to admit that you do not know the Lord as your own precious savior. I believe there are some here, sad to say. You know, in the little prayer on tonight the dear brothers have been pleading for you, dear young ones.
Children of the Saints who have been understanding of the Gospel many times.
On such occasions as these, and perhaps you never have received him.
And so you would have to admit, I know not the Lord. Old friends, how solemn. If you do not know him as your Lord and Savior, you'll have to meet him someday. You can meet him tonight as a loving savior, if you will. But if you refuse to meet him as a Savior, my friend, you are going to meet him as a judge in the coming day, and you will be sorry for it, too. Be no mercy then you know no salvation. Then will be too late. Behold, now is the accepted time. Behold, now is the day of salvation.
And now we find in the 7th chapter the Lord has to send down these.
10 Terrible plagues upon Pharaoh, and upon the children, the Egyptians. 10 And the first one begins with blood. The rivers of Egypt were turned into blood. Possibly the Nile turned into blood. Think of it. The people couldn't drink of the rivers. The waters of Egypt turned into blood. And the very last plague is in connection with the blood. It was the first born who was slain, who were not sheltered by the blood of the lamb.
So it begins with the blood and ends with the blood and dear friends, dear sin of friends, it's only the precious blood of Christ.
That can wash your sins away and make you fit for heaven. Nothing else will do it, Pilate said. Give me a bowl of water. He washed his hands in the presence of a multitude and he said, Now I'm innocent of the blood of this just person, the Lord Jesus Christ. See you to it. Did a bowl of water wash his guilt away? Indeed not.
While it is still verily guilty. Yes, he is. The tables will soon be turned. The Lord will be the judge in the coming day, and final will stand before him as a guilty man. How solemn the thought. And so we find here God sends these ten awful plagues upon Egypt and upon Pharaoh. Now you turn over.
To thee.
The 8th chapter of Exodus Just a verse or two verse 22.
And I will sever in that day the land of Goshen, in which my people dwell, that no swarms of fly shall be there.
To the end thou must know that I am the Lord in the midst of the earth, and I will put a division between my people and thy people to Morrow shall this sign be.
Now the 9th chapter verse 4.
And the Lord shall sever between the capital of Israel and the capital of Egypt, and there should be nothing die of all that is the children's of Israel. And the Lord appointed a set time. What a solemn statement this is. The Lord appointed a set time for this judgment.
And you know, the Lord has set a point at a set time for the judgment of this world.
In Acts 1730 we read There, and God now commander, all men everywhere to repent, because he hath appointed the day in which he will judge this world in righteousness by that man, the Lord Jesus Christ, whom he hath ordained, whereof he have given assurance, and to all men in that he hath raised him from the dead. That's the assurance, dear friends, that God is going to judge this world in righteousness by that man, Christ Jesus.
Whom we have raised from the dead, and seated him at his own right hand in the glory.
So we find in the Lord that says the Lord appointed a set time saying tomorrow to Morrow. The Lord shall do this thing, my dear Sinner friends, here to night. If you knew that tomorrow judgment was going to fall upon this Christ rejecting world, and upon every Christ rejecter, would you sleep tonight?
Would you peacefully put your head on the pillow if you knew that tomorrow judgment was going to fall?
Upon the Christ rejecters upon the Christ rejecting world, I'm sure you would not.
Now judgment is drawing nigh. Dear friends, we are not here to tell you that judgment will fall tomorrow. But I tell you this, tomorrow may be too late for your salvation. You can have salvation through the person of Christ tonight. You can have the assurance of forgiveness of sins and peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. You can have that right now. But there's no promise of this tomorrow. But here we find the Lords. It says the Lord appointed a set time.
The set time. And I tell you again, friends, there's a set time set for the judgment of this world, and the judge has been appointed. Who is it? Who is it? Who's going to judge this world in righteousness? God Himself. It says in John 5. The Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son, and have given him the Son authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man.
And so there we have the statement that the Lord Jesus Christ is going to be the judge in the coming day.
The day is fixed for the judgment of this world, friends, and it's coming. And nobody can avoid it. No, nobody can avoid it. God has fixed an appointed time, a set time for it, and he's going to surely fall. As you and I are standing and sitting here tonight. The judgment of God think of it as solemn. This will be and dear friends that need not fall upon you. The judgment of God fell upon my precious Savior on the cross of Calvary, and now I'm set free.
It should have fallen upon me, but instead God in his mercy sent his beloved Son down here into the scene, and he went to the cross of Calvary, and God poured all that judgment that I deserved upon his own blessed, devoted head.
And there on the cross of Calvary, he exhausted all that judgment in his own person for me.
And now God can be just and righteous and set me free, because another has borne the judgment for me in the person of his beloved Son. Oh, how I thank him for it. Otherwise, friend, I would have come under the judgment of God for my sins for all eternity. I often think of that very solemn statement in Zechariah 13 seven a Waco sword against my shepherd, against the man that is my fellow, saith the Lord of hosts, smite the shepherd.
And the sheep shall be scattered. Why smite the shepherd? What had the shepherd done? The blessed Lord could say, I am the Good Shepherd. Why smite the shepherd? Ah, it was in order to save the sheep. All we, like sheep, had gone astray in order to save you, poor lost sheep.
God had to execute that judgment upon his beloved Son, that precious Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Awake, O sword against my shepherd.
Against the man that is my fellow, who was God's fellow. It was his beloved Son who dwelt in his bosom.
Did all his delight did everything to please his Father. He was God's fellow, and yet the judgment of fall upon the sinless one, in order the Sinner might be saved, and saved for eternity. So here we find the Lord appointed a set time, saying, Tomorrow the Lord shall do this thing.
In the land and notice verse six. Notice verse 6.
And the Lord did that thing on the Morrow. Yes, he did it.
That proves, my dear friends, that every word of God will be fulfilled.
God doesn't tell lies. I say it reverently. There's one thing God cannot do.
God cannot lie, so we have somebody we can rely upon.
And his precious, immutable word. Oh, how thankful we should be that we have God's precious Word before us tonight, something solid friends, to rest upon for time and fraternity. And His blessed Word is forever settled in heaven and shall never pass away. Never. Never. Or how precious that we have His Word of God now before us. And do you believe it, friends? Do you believe the record God hath given of his beloved Son? Do you? Oh, what a record it is. And it tells us in John's epistle, If we do not believe the record of God, we make him a liar.
Day You make God a liar tonight by disbelieving the record he have given of his Son. What a solemn thought to make God a liar, God who cannot lie. And you do that by disbelieving the record he has given you, He says. If we receive the witness of Maine, which we do, the witness of God is greater, far greater. Why not believe the witness of God, which he hath testified concerning his son, instead of believing everything that man says in the newspaper?
We never buy a newspaper and go in there every call and say that's a lie, that's a lie, and that's a lie and that's a lie. And throw the paper down. No, I don't take it as a matter of fact. But I know those. So do. And they sit perhaps an hour studying it and reading it. They never throw it down and say it's a pack of lies. I don't believe it. Well then you receive the witness of men, dear friends, why not receive the witness of God, which is greater, far greater than the witness of man, more reliable.
His word cannot fail, neither will his love. So here it says. And the Lord did that thing on the Morrow, and all the capital of Egypt died. But notice the little butter. The cattle of the children of Israel died. Not one. Now I'm not so interested in the cattle of Egypt and the cattle of Israel tonight, but I am interested in his two solemn facts. We will find a little later on those who regarded the word of the Lord and those who disregarded the word of the Lord.
Solemn result. We will see that soon.
And so it says. And the children, the capital of the children of Israel, died, not one. Why? Because the Lord had severed between the cattle of Israel and the capital of Egypt.
And then it says a little further down verse 14, the same chapter, 9th chapter for I will notice again I will.
At this time, send all my plagues upon thine heart. Yes, friend, the heart must be reached. The heart is desperately wicked. It's the heart that needs to be reached. I will send all my plagues upon my heart, we read in Jeremiah 17 The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked.
Who can know it? I, the Lord, search the heart and try the reins. The Lord knows all about your heart and mine.
But friend, by nature, according to God's precious Word, your heart and mind desperately wicked.
Desperately wicked, desperately wicked. Or you say, pardon me, you've made a mistake. I'm like the Pharisee that went to the temple to pray, he said. God, I thank thee. I'm not as other men are. That man started his prayer by telling a lie. In the end of the 22nd verse of the third of Romans we read. Therefore there is no difference, for all have sinned the Pharisees and he says, God, I thank thee, I am not as other men are.
The poor public. And he stands and he prays in a similar way. Or rather, he begins with the same expression. He begins with God, too, but he does not say God. I'm. I'm not so bad as this Pharisee. I'm not so bad as my neighbor. Now. He smote his hand upon his breast. He would not lift up his eyes to heaven. He was ashamed of himself. The Pharisee was proud of himself. He smote upon his breast. In other words, he traced sin to its sauce. In other words, he says God. The trouble is in here. I have a wicked heart. I'm a Sinner.
God be merciful to me, a Sinner. Have you ever expressed that, friend? Because you are a Sinner by nature? You know God says so. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. There are no exceptions. There is no difference. All have sinned. There is none that doeth good. No, not one. That's the words of the Lord, not mine. That's I'm just repeating what the Lord says. And so here he says, I will at this time send all my plagues upon thine heart and upon thy servants and upon thy people.
That thou mayest know that there is none like me in all the earth. Now notice for now I will. Another I will. For now, now this moment, Lord says, Now I will.
Stretch out my hand. In the 9th chapter of Isaiah. We find this expression three times. His hand is stretched out still three times in one chapter. How precious and dear friends, I am thankful to say that the Lord's hand is stretched out still tonight.
In loving sympathy, in forgiving love for you, poor Sinner, if you'll only come to him.
He says, Come unto me all either weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. And him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. Yes, his hand is stretched out still, but here you'll find his hand was stretched out in judgment, and it will be in the coming day. Verse 15. For now I will stretch out my hand, and I might smite thee not forgive thee, not say thee, smite thee, what a solemn statement that I might smite thee.
And thy people with pestilence the nationally cut off from the earth. For in very deed for this cause have I raised thee upward, is showing thee my power.
And that my name may be declared through all the earth. Verse 18 Behold, tomorrow about this time I will.
Notice the many times we have read that tonight I will tomorrow.
Behold, tomorrow about this time I will cause it to rain a very grievous hail, such as has not been in Egypt since the foundation thereof even until now in connection with the Lord's hand in the first chapter of Proverbs we read there. Because I have called, and ye refused, I've stretched out my hand, and no man regarded. You have set a nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof.
I also will laugh at your calamity and mock when your fear cometh. Oh, how solemn a statement. Oh, dear friend, dear sin of friends, I plead with you in the presence of God tonight not to go out and adorn your sins. I hope you'll never hear those solemn words from the lips of my Redeemer, because I've called and you have refused. Dear young people, have you refused Christ? Have you refused him as your Savior? If you haven't accepted him, you have refused Him.
Yes, you have. You have shot him out of your heart. We've been singing about opening the heart's door, and we plead with you dear, sent a friend to do so. You, dear children of Christian parents brought up in Christian homes under the sound of God's precious word. What have you done about it? Have you believed it? Have you received Christ as your savior? If not, you're verily guilty, and you will come under the judgment of God if you pursue that path of unbelief. Indeed you will, and there'll be no escape. You know what a solemn thing for you if your dear father and mother taken off the glory in a moment.
And you're left behind for God's awful judgment. What a solemn thing. And I'm afraid this will happen in many cases with the young people of Christian parents. Yes, they say. Oh, we'll wait and see. Plenty of time. Oh, that's a lie of the devil, friend. Procrastination is a thief of time. And the recruiting Sergeant for hell. That's what procrastination is. It's putting it off and putting it off and putting it off until it's too late. Oh, dear. Sinner, friend here.
I plead with you not to put this matter of another moment of having to do with God about your sins.
By turning to him and knowing yourself like the poor publican. God be merciful to me, a Sinner.
He didn't even lift up his eyes to look into the face of God. He hung his head in shame and he traced sinned with sauce. And what we read in the very next verse, the Lord says, I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other, yes, rather than the other. Why was he justified? Because he humbled himself in the presence of God. He owned his lost ruined estate. He realized he's a lost guilty Sinner, and he told God so He says God be merciful to me, a Sinner, and God was merciful to him.
And he we read in the very next verse. I tell you, this man went down to his house. Justified. Oh dear friends, what a blessed thing to be justified. Justified by whom? We read in Romans 8. It is God that justifier. Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died. Yeah, rather that is risen again. Who is even at the right hand of God? Who maketh? Who liveth to make intercession for us? What precious statements we get in that glorious verse. 4 Glorious truths. It is Christ that died. For whom did he die?
For you. For you, dear friends. For me, yes. And he didn't die in vain, as far as I'm concerned. I was convicted of my sin and I had to admit it. An owner to him, And by faith I received him as my savior. So he did not die in vain for me. Is he going to die in vain for you, dear friend?
Is he? Are you going to put the matter off again for another week? Another hour, another moment? Why, We are reminded this afternoon the Blessed Lord may come at any moment now. We believe He will. This world cannot go on much longer like this. It'll soon have to come under the judgment of God. But before that falls, the Lord Jesus Christ is coming to take every believer home in a moment out of the scene, ****** them up out of it before the judgment falls. And thank God I'll be one of them. And I can look into the faces of many here tonight and say, and that brother and sister will too.
Oh friends, how we long to hear the shout and to see that blessed face. The man of Calvary, the man who died for my sins on the cross, who bore the judgment due to me on that cruel cross of Calvary. To think that I'm soon going to look into his blessed face and praise him for all eternity for his infinite matchless love. And so we find here the Lord says, behold, tomorrow about this time I will, He said, verse 19. Sin, therefore now.
Why the hurry? Send therefore now, and do what? And gather thy cattle, and all that thou hast in the field. The field is the type of the world for every man, for upon every man and beast which shall be found in the field, and shall not be brought home. Oh, dear friend, will you be brought home when the Lord comes, or will you be still left in the field in the world, a world of sin, corruption, violence, wickedness?
A world which is soon to come under the judgment of God, I say, Will you be brought home?
What does the Lord say here? Send therefore now and gather your cattle.
Together and every man and beast which shall be found in the field, and shall not be brought home, not be brought home, The hail shall come down upon them, and they shall die. What solemn statements these are, but how true. And now it says, he that feared the word of the Lord among the servants of Pharaoh, made his servants, and his cattle flee into the houses. There was a place of safety and shelter for them, for even for the cattle.
And we find here some of them feared the word of the Lord. They believed the message. Have you believed the message of coming judgment? Have you believed the message of salvation? Through simple faith in the person of Christ? Have you received him as your Savior, My friend? If not, I tell you again, you've shut him out. Go. What a solemn thing to shut out the only Savior of sinners, the Lord Jesus Christ. And so it says here he that feared the word of the Lord among the servants of Pharaoh, made his servants and his cattle flee.
Into the houses. Why flee? Why? Because tomorrow the Lord was coming down in judgment upon them.
That's why, and dear friends, we would urge you to come to the Savior now this moment, not to put it off another moment. The Lord himself uses that word so frequently. Now, NOW, behold, now is the accepted time. Behold, now is the day of salvation. Come now, let us reason together, saith the Lord.
And acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace. So God uses that little word so frequently.
And he used it here.
And he that regarded not the word of the Lord. Notice now he that regarded the Word of the Lord.
And he that regarded not the word of the Lord. What a solemn difference here.
Left his servants and his cattle in the field.
They disregard the word of the Lord, didn't get the cattle into the houses, into a place of safety, left them in the field to perish. And isn't that just like Satan? He'll leave you to perish. My dear Sinner friend, if you do not come to Christ, yes, he'll leave you to perish. He cares nothing about you.
No, he doesn't. Indeed, he'd like to drag you down a hill. And so we find says and he that regarded not the word of the Lord left his servants and his cattle in a field.
And those that feared the word of the Lord made his servants and his cattle flee in the houses.
We have a very solemn illustration of one who disregarded the word of the Lord in First Samuel 15. Will you kindly turn to it? It's in connection with King Saul.
First Samuel 15.
And you'll see what his terrible end was.
Recent time to read many of the verses, but I'll read from verse 23.
For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft and stubbornness.
As iniquity and idolatry, because thou hast rejected the word of the Lord.
He also the Lord also hath rejected thee from being king.
Well, he hadn't been king any length of time now, but what happened?
He rejected the word of the Lord, and that reminds me of a solemn verse in John 1248.
The Lord says he that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words hath one that judgeth him?
The word that I have spoken the same shall judge him in the last day.
Friends, that's intensely solemn. The Lord says he that rejecteth me.
We find either King Saul rejected the word of the Lord. In other words, he rejected the Lord himself, because the Lord could say I am the way, the truth, and the life. So he rejected the word of the Lord, and the Lord rejected him from being king. Now in verse 24 And Saul said unto Samuel, I have sinned, I have sinned.
For I have transgressed the commandment of the Lord, and thy words notice.
Because I feared the people.
Is that what you're afraid of, dear young people? Are you afraid of what your chums will say when you go back to school? If you confess Christ as your savior? If you go back clean shaven, looking respectable, Are you afraid of what they'll say to you? Are you afraid of what they'll say in the office to you because you confess Christ?
It says because I feared the people and who obeyed their voice. What a solemn thing to obey the voice of people.
And disregard and reject the word of the Lord, the one who has all authority over us. It's a solemn thing. And the Lord had rejects all from being king, because he rejected the word of the Lord. And that solemn verse in John 1248.
On the street in Cape Town, I was giving out gospels, according to Saint John, to the troops.
The young soldier came by and handed him a Gospel according to Sir John. He said, well, that's very interesting. I used to print these in England. I said, did you? That's interesting to me too. I said, Would you mind if I asked you a question or two about the printing of these Gospels? No, he said. Go ahead, I said. Do you believe what you printed?
Well, he said, I've printed them anyway, I said, Now I'm asking you, do you believe what you printed? You claimed or printed these very gospels. Do you believe what you printed said? Well, I printed them. He couldn't say he did believe it. So I turned him to the very just verse. I've quoted, John 41248 and read it to him. I said, what do you think of that? And the dear young man hung his head. He had printed that word, but he hadn't received it. He'd rejected the Lord. He rejected the very word he'd printed.
Or how responsible God would hold him for of boasting that he printed the word of the Lord.
And yet he had rejected it. And I repeat that verse again for anyone here who has rejected the word of the Lord.
Who have rejected the Lord himself. The Lord says he that rejecteth me.
And receiveth not my words hath one that judgeth him.
The word that I have spoken the same shall judge him in the last day.
Friends, is very worth that you despise is going to judge you. A naval officer once told me to burn all the Bibles in the world. What good are they?
I said, my friend, wait a minute. If you burned all the Bibles in the world, you would not destroy the word of God. It's forever settled in heaven.
And I quote in that verse to him in John 1248, and the poor man didn't know what to think of it.
He wanted me to burn all the Bibles. Friends, if I collected all the Bibles in this hall tonight and took them outside and burned them, would it alter the truth of God's precious, immutable word? No, it would not. It remains true forever. It's forever settled in heaven and shall never pass away. In the most solemn thing to disregard the Word of the Lord we find here there were those who regarded the word of the Lord. In other words, they listened to His voice and they acted upon it. They made the cattle flee into the houses.
Of safety. And they are not overtaken by this judgment. But then there were those who disregarded the word of the Lord, Didn't care about it, didn't take it to heart. Think well, I suppose it'll be all right. And what happened to them? Says every man and beast died. All the cattle and man and beast died. They came under the judgment of God. They disregarded the word of the Lord. How solemn this is.
But now, in connection with Saul, will you kindly turn further on in Samuel the 26th chapter?
And see what we came and saw.
26 Chapter One Samuel and verse 21.
Then said Saul, I have sinned. Return my son, David. Trial no more. Do the harm, because my soul is precious in thine eyes. This day, behold, I have played the fool. Think of it. Saul, the king, rejector of God's word, had to admit that his sin and plead the fool.
Dear sin a friend, are you playing the fool tonight by rejecting the word of God? If so, you are playing a fool.
And we read that God is angry with a wicked every day. And the wicked of those who reject the word of the Lord, who reject Christ, they are the wicked. And we read in Isaiah 57 There is no peace of my God unto the wicked, no peace well we find here. Poor Saul said, I have played the fool. I have erred exceedingly.
Was that the end of? No, Indeed not turned the 31St chapter.
The 31St chapter of First Samuel and verse 4.
Then said so unto his armor bearer, Draw thy sword, and thrust me through therewith, lest these uncircumcised come and thrust me through, and abuse me. But his arm a bear would not, for he was sore afraid. Therefore Saul took a sword, and fell upon it, committed suicide. This all had a beginning, friends. What was the beginning of this solemn end? He rejected the word of the Lord. Be careful, friends, or be careful, I solemnly warn you.
Do not reject the word of the Lord. He had to admit he played the fool. Have you played the fool by rejecting the word of the Lord?
You have friend if you have rejected his word, if you have rejected that precious saving of playing the fool.
And what a Solomon. Saul had committed suicide, and it all had a beginning.
And the beginning was He rejected the word of the Lord. And so we have in this chapter here.
In Exodus, those who rejected the word of the Lord, or disregarded the word of the Lord.
Didn't trouble about it. Didn't take it to heart. Didn't believe it. But the those who did. And I know there are those who do believe in God's word tonight and those who have received Christ as their Savior, But I do believe there are some here tonight who have not.
And you, dear young people, I tell you, we were on our knees downstairs tonight, pleading with God for you, that you might be saved, that you might not pass another opportunity by of receiving the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior. Oh, do not, I plead with you, do not let another opportunity slip by without taking Christ as your savior, without confessing your sins to him. Like the poor publican. God, be merciful to me, a Sinner. And this man was justified.
Rather than the proud Pharisee. Now maybe go back to Exodus, just for a moment.
Exodus Chapter 9 verse 24. So there was hail and fire mingled with a hail. Very grievous.
Such as there was none like it in all the land of Egypt, since it became a nation, and the hail smote throughout all the land of Egypt, all that was in the field. Notice not those that were brought home, not those who were in the houses, those in the field, both man and beast, not only the cattle, both man and beast and the hail smote every herb of the field and break every tree of the field. Now notice only. Notice that little word, Oh, it means so much only.
In the land of Goshen there was number, hail, and dear friends only. Where the children of God is, there is no judgment. Where are they in Christ Jesus? That's where they are. It says only in Goshen, only one place of safety. Where the children of Israel were, there was no hail, no judgment. And I say again, there is no judgment for those who are in Christ Jesus. Dear friends, are you in Christ Jesus tonight or are you in your sins?
On the road to hail, awaiting the judgment of God, Are you a rejecter of Christ?
Or a receiver of Christ only in the land of Goshen only there was number. Hail, no judgment there.
Where the children of Israel were, they were in a safe place. It speaks of a place of safety.
And there is only one place of safety for you, my dear friend, and it's in Christ Jesus, sheltered beneath the precious blood of Christ, the Lamb of God. And if you're not sheltered, you are exposed to God's judgment. And so which is it tonight? Decide for yourself, Are you exposed to the judgment of God, or are you sheltered by the blood of the lamb? It's one thing or the other, friend. You're either sheltered or you're exposed. That's obvious.
And we find here Pharaoh said, or rather in verse 26, the Lord says only the land of Goshen where the children of Israel were. There was no hail.
Verse 27 And Pharaoh sent and called for Moses and Aaron, and said in them I have sinned.
Now he qualifies his statement by saying this time had he not seen before? Yes, it had many times. It rebelled against God. He would not let the children of Israel go out of the land to sacrifice under the Lord three days in the desert. No, he would not. It rebelled against the Lord. Now he says I have sinned this time He sinned many times before. Would you say that tonight before a holy God? I have just seen this once.
This time now, you've seen many times your friends. All of us have without exception.
The speaker to send many times, hundreds of times, thousands of times. But thank God there's a remedy in the precious person of Christ and the blood of Christ. That precious blood of Christ cleanseth us, who believe from all sin and makes us spit for God's holy presence. So Pharaoh said I have sinned this time he says the Lord is righteous. A very good statement. That's true. And what else did he say? And I and my people are wicked.
And treat the Lord for me. Was this a genuine expression or confession of sin, failure?
Indeed not. It was not because if you read further down, it says verse 34. And when Pharaoh saw that the rain and the hail and the thunders were ceased, he sinned yet more.
He was just blocked. That's all it was. It was not so. Conviction that he's a Sinner before a holy God? No. He just said no. I've sinned this time. I'll just admit this.
Is that what you are going to say tonight, friends? Well God, I have sinned once.
Now you send hundreds of times, but the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, will cleanse you from all sin, from everyone. Oh friends, how precious to be cleansed by the blood of Christ. How precious to be sheltered by that precious blood to be found in Goshen. In other words, in the person of Christ, where there is no hail, no judgment, there is no judgment for those in Christ Jesus. In Romans 81 There is therefore now no judgment to them which are in Christ Jesus. No, no judgment.
The children of Israel in Goshen in a place of safety and Judea Sina friend can be in a place of safety tonight.
Beneath the precious blood of Christ by taking the Lord as your Savior. And I plead with you not to go to that door tonight. In your sins, you may never have another opportunity of accepting Christ as your Savior. You may be lost for all eternity, and you'll have to meet the person of whom we've been speaking, the Lord Jesus Christ at the great White Throne. And you'll be speechless and you'll stand in space. And my brother here made remark and I'll never forget it, he said. The last face you will look into.
Before you're cast into hell is the face of Jesus Christ the one you could have received as your Savior?
But you have rejected him. Now you see him as your judge and he's going to cast you into hell forever.
Oh, friends, how solemn these things are. Wake up, you dear sinners. Wake up to a sense of your need of Christ. Come to him right now, this moment, before it's forever too late, and accept him as your savior. To Morrow may be too late. The Lord says to Morrow, I will do this thing. Yes, judgment is bound to fall.
Upon this Christ rejecting world and will fall upon you, dear friend, if you reject Christ as your Savior.
Or if you neglect this great salvation, here we have a universal call.
To all How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?
There's no escape, my dear friend. Well, the time is gone. In the next moment the Lord may come, the coming of the Lord draweth nigh. And he's coming, as we've been reminded, in that precious time this afternoon. He's coming first of all for his own children, every believer redeemed by his precious blood, to take them home to glory. Then later he's coming with his Saints to execute judgment upon all. And that tells us, in Jude's epistle, it's upon the ungodly four times.
The Ungodly. The Ungodly. The Ungodly. The Ungodly. Yes, that blessed One is coming with 10 thousands of his Saints to execute judgment upon all the ungodly. Will you be one of the ungodly? Will you be left behind when Jesus comes? Oh, my dear friends, I I tremble to think of what your portion will be if you go out of that door tonight in your sins. You may never, never never have another chance of accepting a blessed Savior as your own. I plead with you in the name of Christ.
To bow before him tonight and own yourself a lost guilty Sinner and flee into the house. In other words, flee to Christ shelled beneath his precious blood. Receive him as your Savior before it's forever too late, and go on your way. Rejoicing. Rejoicing, Yes, in the knowledge that sins have been forgiven, have been atoned for, they've been blotted out by the blood of Christ, and you're on your way home to glory instead of on the way to that terrible place called hell.
And remember, friends, there are only two places in Scripture, heaven and hell, and we must speak of them both. The Lord says the wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. But there is therefore now no judgment to them which are in Christ Jesus.
To whom do you belong?
You remember what David said to the Egyptian in the field to whom belongest thou? May I ask you the question? Do you send a friend to whom belongest thou? Do you belong to Christ? If not, you're serving Satan. He's your master. He'll drag you down to hell. Yes, he will. There are only two masters, Satan and my precious savior, To whom belongest thou a member of Christian asking a young man that in Singapore.
He said, Young man, to whom belongest thou? Oh, he said, I belong the Church of England, he said. I didn't ask you what the label said on the outside of the bottle. What do you have inside? Do you have Christ? Never mind about the label? He said. Do you have Christ? Do you belong to him? That's the point, friends. Do you belong to Christ?
If not, you're on the road to Hale right now. Oh, I plead with you. God loves you. Christ died for you. He entreats. You come to him right now, this moment and receive him as your own savior before it's forever too late. He that regarded the word of the Lord caused his servants and cattle to flee into the houses. He that disregarded the word of the Lord left his cattle out in the field. What happened? Man and beast perished. Friends, have to leave it with you. Time is gone.
What is your choice?