I Do Believe That, and I Am Saved

 •  4 min. read  •  grade level: 8
After man had sinned, when “the Lord God drove out the man” He took care to furnish him with a conscience. And the effect of the word of God even on the natural conscience is, that people are often alarmed at their state before God. And when accompanied by the quickening power of the Spirit of God, they can never be happy and at rest before Him, without knowing (through faith) that God is for them.
It was in this state of mind the writer found a young married woman in the town of B—Many had visited her, and spoken to her of the Saviour’s love, but no comfort could she get.
Fast sinking into eternity under the ravages of consumption—distracted in mind—and her poor body racked and sore with spasmodic coughing—Whatever shall I do? was the all absorbing thought with her. She knew she was not ready to meet God. She had no righteousness fit for Him, she was sure as to this, and all this was to the writer the clear proof that God had indeed begun His blessed work in her soul.
Looking up to Him who alone can meet the soul’s need, the word in Romans 10, was given, and read from verse 5 to 10. The word at the 9th verse in a moment met her case. “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead; thou shalt be saved.” She exclaimed, “I do believe that and I am saved,” She rested in simple, faith upon the word of God, and from that moment she was calm and peaceful, her soul had found rest.
She would say occasionally when visited afterward, the enemy had tried to fill her mind with doubts, but she could repose in the Lord’s love and all was rest.
She was permitted to remain some few weeks, but with all her overwhelming sufferings she could rejoice in Christ Jesus, and often would she exhort her dear husband (a Christian) to cleave to the Lord, and to the word of His grace.
She had apprehended the way of the Lord, to be gathered only in His Name, and remember Him in His death till He come; but she never had the privilege here on earth. Hers the better portion, “With Christ which is far better.”
As her end was approaching, after remaining some time seemingly unconscious of everything around her, she looked up and said (and they were her last words)
“Then shall I know,
But not till then,
How much I owe.”
and passed away to be forever with the Lord.
And now, dear reader, if still unsaved, oh do not put off this momentous question of your soul’s eternal salvation for another moment, but let me persuade you to spend a few moments at least, over this great question. What can equal it? You are exposing yourself to the fearful judgments of God so long as you remain unsaved. Should the hand of death lay hold of you in your sins, it must fix you forever in eternal misery.
Why, oh! why should you die in your sins, and thus choose death rather than life? Oh think I pray you, what a death—the second death— the lake of fire of Rev. 20:1515And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. (Revelation 20:15). Will you then deliberately put down this, and recklessly go on your way as before, and thus neglect the great salvation which God has provided? Oh trifle not with your immortal soul, it is at stake.
Perhaps you are saying “How can I know my sins forgiven”? Or, may be, like many others, “How can I know I have the right faith”? Now just let us see what God says about the object of faith. Satan may be occupying your mind with your works, or your faith, or even your lack of it, in order to hinder you and keep you from looking away from everything to Christ. It is Christ Himself that God offers to you in the gospel. “God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life”