"I Give Unto Them Eternal Life."

Had’st thou the wealth of all the world,
All thine its countless treasure;
Could’st thou gain all the world’s applause
Command its every pleasure;
Thou still wert far from peace and joy,
Were thy sins unforgiven;
None can be happy, though they try,
Till they are meet for heaven.
And Jesu’s precious blood alone,
Can fit the soul for glory;
A truth which far and wide is known;
An oft-repeated story;
And oh! ‘tis true. God’s grace is free;
Lost sinner, now believe it!
“Eternal life” is offered thee;
Oh! haste thee to receive it.
“Eternal Life!” Oh! ponder well
The meaning of this sentence;
Let it upon thy conscience dwell,
And lead thee to repentance;
No longer think the Blessed God
Is One who cannot love thee;
He waits to ease thee of thy load;
Oh! let His mercy save thee.
A. M.