"I Have Eternal Life."

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 3min
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ONE afternoon, I was sent for to visit Ellen A—, a young girl of about 15 years of age, who had attended our Sunday-school for several months.
I had often noticed Ellen’s serious manner and earnest attention to the things of God, especially during the address; and now, upon entering her room, her countenance evidenced such sorrow as I cannot easily forget, as, looking at me, she said, “I am such a sinner!”
“Ellen,” said I, “Jesus died for sinners upon the cross, and His blood is able to cleanse away your sins now, even as upon the moment it was shed, and He is as willing to save you now as when He was here upon earth. Do you believe this to be sufficient?”
“I think I can,” said Ellen; then, shortly after, “I cannot now.” Showing that Satan was trying to snatch the good seed of the Word from her young heart. After praying for her, I went away, leaving behind a little book in which were these words of the Lord: “My sheep hear My voice, and I give unto them eternal life; they shall never perish, neither shall any pluck them out of My hand—none is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand.” Ellen read these words, and, by grace, believed what Jesus says. She believed that Jesus gives life, and she rejoiced in the forgiveness of her sins by His blood. She sent for me, and upon entering her room, instead of seeing a sad face, I saw one lit up with joy.
“I am happy, happy,” said Ellen; “I shall soon be with Jesus and see Him. I have eternal life.”
She called her relations and friends together, urging and exhorting any who did not know the blessedness which she did, to believe, and by grace to obtain it. One day, when her mother was arranging the pillow, Ellen said,
“I cannot fall out of Heaven:” meaning that, in Christ, she was there already, safe in Him who is risen from the dead and seated above.
What a change from doubts and fears, to the sense of perfect security in Christ and joy in Him. Perhaps our young reader, like Ellen, is moral, amiable, and religious: but have you Christ? Have you eternal life? Can you rejoice in the Lord? None are too young to learn the Lord’s love. Our dear Ellen speaks to you from this page, biding you believe that the Lord Jesus gives life and forgiveness of sins through His blood to those who believe in Him.
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on Me, hath everlasting life.” Jno. 6:4747Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life. (John 6:47).
ML 04/14/1918