I HAD been very anxious for a long time, when a servant of the Lord came to me. He asked me many questions, and told me what the Lord had done for me. This made me more anxious to find peace. On Sunday during the service I was melted to tears, and was under conviction of sin.
What a great sinner I felt myself to be! How I longed to find peace for my poor soul! How very miserable I was! I prayed day and night, but nothing gave me comfort, until one night in my bedroom, as I was reading, and praying, and wondering what I could do to obtain peace, I said, “I will just take God at His word, and trust in what Christ Jesus has done, for He said, when hanging on the Cross, IT IS FINISHED! It was for ME!” It was then that I received it all as a gift, and I had such joy as I never knew before. Oh, it was a peace that the world knows nothing of. These words came to me as if the Saviour whispered them: “I HAVE BLOTTED OUT AS A THICK CLOUD THY TRANSGRESSIONS: AS A CLOUD THY SINS. RETURN UNTO ME, FOR I HAVE REDEEMED THEE!”
I always had believed that Christ died for sinners. But now, how different! I knew He died for me—my sins He bare: my debt He paid. I felt I must tell everybody what had been done for me. In the morning, I told my mother and some friends “I knew old things had passed away: all things had become new.” Ever since I have been truly happy, trusting in the precious blood of Christ. Blessed be God, there is nothing to do to obtain salvation. “BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, AND THOU SHALT BE SAVED.”—Acts 16:3131And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. (Acts 16:31)
“He sought me in the valley,
He knew my utmost need,
But He’s a royal Bridegroom,
I shall be rich indeed.
Rich in His pardoning mercy,
Bounties that never cease:
Rich in His loving-kindness,
Rich in His joy and peace.”
J. R.