ONE evening, an elderly lady was talking with a young friend who had called to see her. Presently a sunny-haired little maiden of some ten years old came into the room, saying, “Are you here, grandma?”
“Yes, dear,” was the loving answer. “Do you want anything?”
“No,” replied the child, “I just want you.”
In another moment she was seated by her grandmother’s side, with the dear old lady’s arms put lovingly round her. This little girl loved her grandmother, and she knew her grandmother loved her, and that was why she wanted to be with her. It is always the case that we like to be with those we love.
There is One who loves us more than the most fond parent, and has shown His love by laying down His life for us. You all know, dear children, that I mean the Lord Jesus Christ, who is spoken of in John 10, as the Good Shepherd, where it says,
“The Good Shepherd giveth His life for the sheep.” In Isaiah 53, we read,
“All we like sheep have gone astray.”
That is, we had turned our backs on God, and had no thought of Him. But He so loved us, that He gave His Son to die that we might be brought back to Him.
This is not all. His love is such that He wants those He has saved to be with Him forever, and so the Lord Jesus has promised to come, and take all His people to that bright home where He dwells.
Does this thought fill your hearts with joy? If we know something of His love to us, we cannot help loving Him; and loving Him, surely our greatest joy will be to be with Him forever.
Lord Jesus, Thou hast loved us,
And died our souls to save;
Victorious, Thou art risen—
Triumphant o’er the grave.
Soon wilt Thou come in glory
To call Thy children Home.
Our hearts, with joy responding,
Cry, “Lord and Saviour, Come.”
ML 05/11/1924