“I’ll Think It Over”

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 7
I was talking to a young soldier about accepting the Lord Jesus Christ. Like many people, he tried to evade the straight issue with the promise, “I’ll think it over.”
“Harry,” I said, “let me illustrate. You are out with the boys some night too close to the enemy’s lines, and on the way back you get hard hit. Bill Smith stops long enough to pick you up and carry you back to our lines, and for his trouble gets a bullet in his back. You are both taken to the field hospital, and with much difficulty you are won back from the very jaws of death.
“Some time later the doctor comes along helping a poor fellow who limps badly and moves with difficulty. They stop at your bedside and the doctor says, ‘Harry, I want to introduce you to Bill, the man who risked his own life to save you,’ and you fold your arms and say, ‘I’ll think it over. I don’t know whether I want to make his acquaintance today or not.’
“You wouldn’t say that, Harry, would you? You would grip him by the hand and try to tell him something of the gratitude you felt. I want to introduce you tonight to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Man from the glory, who not only risked His life but sacrificed it to save you-and you propose to turn your back on Him and say you’ll think it over!”
“No,” he said, “I’ll accept Him now.” Together we knelt while he told the Lord that he there and then accepted Him as his own personal Savior.
Are you “thinking it over,” or have you faced the issue squarely and decided right like my soldier friend?