I Love to Hear the Story

 •  1 min. read
I love to hear the story
Which angel voices tell,
How once the King of glory
Came down on earth to dwell;
I am both weak and sinful,
But this I surely know,
The Lord came down to save me,
Because He loved me so.
I'm glad my blessed Saviour
Was once a child like me,
To show how pure and holy
His little ones might be;
And I should try to follow
His footsteps here below;
He never will forget me,
Because He loved me so.
To sing His love and mercy,
My sweetest songs I'll raise,
And though I cannot see Him,
I know He hears my praise;
For He has kindly promised
That I shall surely go
To sing with His redeemed ones,
Because He loved me so.