A LARGE factory had caught fire, and an immense crowd of people had gathered to witness the exciting scene. A number of work-people had escaped from the burning building, and were standing in the crowd watching the rapid progress of the flames, when it was whispered, with 'bated breath, that in the upper flat there were still many young girls remaining, and that all possible way of escape had been cut off. Suddenly a number of them appeared at the windows, wringing their hands in agony, their faces blackened with smoke. A young woman at that moment dashed through the crowd towards the entrance of the burning building, crying, in piteous tones, "My sister is not saved! I must save my sister; I must save my sister!" Some advised her not to venture near the flames; others tried to hold her back, but it was of no use. She wrenched herself from their grasp, and disappeared amid the smoke and flames, crying, "I must save my sister." She was seen no more. Suddenly there was a fearful crash, and the roof gave way, carrying with it into a raging furnace the whole of those who remained. The noble girl perished in the attempt to save her sister's life.
Has not this sad story a voice for us who have been saved from eternal death? Some of us have brothers, sisters, schoolmates, friends, in danger of everlasting fire. They are unconverted to God, unwashed from their sins. The unquenchable flame is right beneath their feet; dying, they would drop into it. God has saved our souls—we stand upon the sheltering rock; death and hell have no dread for us; can we stand and see our friends and kindred perish? Shall they sink down to the ever-burning flame unwarned? Surely not! Then let the Lord's redeemed ones bestir themselves. "Plead with the unsaved. Set life and death before them; do so earnestly, tenderly, faithfully. Seek to get them alone with God. Beat not about the bush, go straight to the point. Eternity is at the door, therefore begin at once. A. H.