I Remember, I Remember

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 11
I REMEMBER, I remember,
When I was quite a boy,
And playthings used to constitute
My chief delight and joy;
I often, as I play’d with them,
Would pause and heave a sigh,
Reflecting that the time would come
When I must put them by.
I well remember that this thought
Oft made me very sad;
And I have sat and wish’d that I
Might never be a lad.
I was too young to reason then,
And it escap’d my view,
That, with the toys themselves, would cease
My plaything passion too.
It, was a childish circumstance,
But since I’ve known the Lord,
I’ve often thought the incident
A lesson might afford
To children of another class,
Who shrink from gospel joys,
Because in winning them they must
Relinquish earthly toys.
How often, bidden to be saved,
They sinfully demur,
And say, “But, oh! the sacrifice,
The loss I then incur,”
Forgetting, or discerning not,
The truth at last to be,
That with the toys the tastes depart,
At least, substantially.