In St. Botolph’s Churchyard, in the city of London, there are various tablets set into the wall of the shelter, commemorating noble deeds done by humble people. One inscription is particularly heart-affecting. It reads as follows:
Aged 11
Died of injuries, Sept. 6, 1901,
after saving his little brother from being run over in Commercial Street. “Mother, I saved him, but I could not save myself.”
What heart is not deeply moved by these touching words? What true love was displayed by this little boy in his efforts to save his little brother, in which he succeeded, though it cost him his own life to do so!
It was said of the Lord Jesus, as He hung upon that shameful cross of Calvary: “HE SAVED OTHERS; HIELF HE CANNOT SAVE.” Mark 15:3131Likewise also the chief priests mocking said among themselves with the scribes, He saved others; himself he cannot save. (Mark 15:31). Though uttered deridingly by His murderers, yet what truth these words contain! Not, of course, that He had not the power to save Himself; but, if the Scriptures were to be fulfilled, if there was to be any blessing available for you and me, Jesus must die! Had He not done so, we must all have perished in our sins, and borne the awful consequences of our guilt in banishment from God’s holy presence eternally!
ML 12/31/1961