I Say Unto Thee, Arise

Duration: 45min
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Gospel—Marc Payette
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May we begin this meeting by singing hymn #3 hymn #3.
We hope that when we think He's in, we can sing them for yourself. You can understand the words and realize really what it means to be on the solid rock, on Christ the rock. So may we ask the Lord for His help during this meeting? I go on the Father. We thank you tonight that we have this opportunity to be together and to open Thy word and to hear again the word that that was done, Lord Jesus on the cross of Calvary and thy words of wisdom.
And also the way that diode is open to be saved for Jesus.
By the sacrifice of the cross of Calvary, by thy shed blood. And Lord Jesus, we pray that if there's anyone in this room tonight that don't know thee, that they may come to know thee as their personal Savior and accept thee until Lord and it's too late. Lord Jesus, we pray that these, uh, these dear ones might turn to thee tonight and understand that thou, uh, ask for us to be saved and to believe in the Lord Jesus and thy precious name. We pray, Amen.
Recently I was reading a little bedtime story to my my son and we're talking about some friends at school that speak different language. And he was mentioning, Hey, there's a, there's somebody that comes from Israel. And he asked me, what language do they speak in Israel? And I said, that's you talk a lot about Israel, that and the story of the Bible in Israel. What language do they speak? And then I was thinking quick, you know, and that's Hebrew.
And then I start thinking of some words that we know ourselves. We actually know a little bit of Hebrew words, Umm, And these are important words. There's words spoken by the Lord Jesus. And one of them that came to mind, I started listening, a few of them. And I start with Eli, Eli Lamasa back tonight, which means my God, my God, why as thou forsaken me. That's what the Lord Jesus said on the cross and these three dark hours.
When he was there hanging on the tree.
And this is really an important, an important word. And I think it's nice that it's not translated and that we can know it in Hebrew. And I was also thinking of another one, and this one is Talita Kumi.
Which means damsel I sent to you until thee arise. And this is the story, an important story. And I think we should take time tonight and look a little bit into this story and see what happened there. And and that's our those are so nice words. Salitakumi. Umm, let's look into it. But before we, let's turn to mark, and it's in this chapter, Mark chapter five. Well, let's turn in verse 36.
Marks 5 and 36.
And it's the latter part of verse 36 that I want to point your attention to tonight.
Let's read the whole verse. As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he said unto the ruler of the synagogue, be not afraid, only believe. So this ruler synagogue, uh, his daughter was uh, really Hill and they came to Jesus and umm, by the time he was, uh, he was going there. Uh, the other one told him, don't, don't bother to master.
The verse of 35 At the end of the verse 35. Why trouble? Is thou, the master any further?
But the last part of the verse is really important. Be not afraid, only believe. So Jesus here is speaking to the the father of this young girl. I was really ill and what he's asking for him from him is to believe. And tonight we're going to talk about that believing, believing not in general, believing not in things, but believe in and somebody.
And this man, I believe.
He trusted in the Lord Jesus, He believed in him. So let's read what happened in this story. What this Talib Takumi means?
So let's keep on reading in verse 37. And he suffered no man to follow him, save Peter and James, and John the brother of James. And he cometh to the House of the ruler of the synagogue, and seeth the tumult, and there them that weep and wail Greekly.
This is because the man came in verse 35 and said thy daughter is dead. So everybody there was a built to mote there, the big tumult. Everybody was in tear. And this I I think my friend, is a reflection of human race is a reflection that the the power of death and the sorrow that it brings and the fact that life is only a vapor. Our life down here is only a vapor and we are fragile.
No matter what people say in this world, no matter what.
Science says, or what you read in the newspaper, we are fragile and our days are numbered. And here we can see in the scene that death brought sorrow. And there was weeping and they were, they were really in great sorrow. Well, Greekly.
And what does Jesus say verse 39 and when he came in he said unto them, why make ye this a zoo? And we the damsel is not dead, but sleepeth. You see the Lord Jesus could say that because he he is in a different position. He is the Son of God. He is God revealed in flesh and he has power over that. And you will read in this portion here what he can do and tonight I want you to realize.
That if you're not with the Lord Jesus, if you didn't believe in the Lord Jesus yet, you are as this little girl, dead. You're dead and your sins and trespasses.
So you have to realize that you have to realize that the Lord Jesus as power over that. Let's let's read keep on reading. And these guys this person they mocked him verse 40 and they LA laughed him to scorn. But when he had put them all out, you take it the father and the mother of the damsel and there them that were with him and enter in where the damsel was lying.
You see here the group is getting smaller, it's getting more personal, and you'll see at the end of this little portion that we're reading that is truly personal. But there was no place for these laughters. There was no place for these people that were mocking. And that's true. When you come to the gospel, you can't be listening to friends that are laughing about it. You can't be hanging out with people that don't respect the Lord Jesus. It doesn't work together.
You have to realize that this is a different calling. It's a calling that represents something spiritual and something serious. So these people that were cast out of the room.
And the answer, the answer there where the damsel was lying.
So the Lord Jesus is coming right there where somebody's lying dead. He's going right there. He's a God of proximity. He's a God that wants to reach, reach to sinners and people that are lost and people that are lying there that they realize that they can't do anything.
So what did the Lord Jesus do?
And he took the damsel by the hand, and said unto him, unto her salisakumi, which is being interpreted, Damsel, I'll say unto you, unto thee, arise.
So in this verse 3141, it's really touching. It's really touching to see the proximity of the Lord Jesus touching this young lady.
And selling her to Arise, it's really nice. It's marvelous action of the Lord Jesus. And that's what the Lord Jesus does to us when we come to him for salvation. He quickens us. He gives us this eternal life, this new life. And my friend, if you grew up in the Christian family and your parents are Christian and you're hanging out of the conference this weekend and you're with Christian friends and you know your gospel verses by heart, this doesn't mean that you're saved.
This doesn't mean that you accepted the Lord Jesus as your Savior.
You have to have done this transaction with him. You have to have come to him to be saved. Lord Jesus tells us that and and when we read an Acts when Paul was there with the UMM in the prison and he says believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. So here you see the parents of this damsel, they couldn't do anything for her. It was beyond their touch, beyond their reach, beyond their ability to do anything for the daughter.
And as Christian parents.
It's the same. We can't save our kids, but we can teach them about the Lord Jesus and we can speak of his love and we can call our kids to accept the Lord Jesus. But it has to be a personal transaction between the person and the Lord Jesus. You have to come to yourself, the Lord Jesus, and realize that you're a Sinner. Realize that that you're guilty of sin by nature and and by deeds and that there's a separation between you and God and that only the Lord Jesus.
Can you redeem you and only Him? Because he says I am the way, the truth and the life?
What's look nice in this portion, dear ones? It's it's really personal and it's one to one transaction, one at a time. And tonight.
The door of heaven is open. The door of salvation is open. The list of believers is not completed. I can tell you because we're here tonight and you want the Lord Jesus to grade your name on His hands like we just saw Him to have your name in the book of life. Do you want this?
Do you want to be on an eternal path to heaven, knowing that your sins are forgiven, being in peace with God? This is what the Lord Jesus offers, and it cost him greatly to offer that. It didn't come free. You have to lay down his life to go at the cross of Calvary and suffer there and die. And you know, verse 36, when you look at it, be not afraid, only believe. It's believing and who says these words? And it's the Lord Jesus.
And believing that he has the power to accomplish, he has the power to to make all this, uh, words come to life. If we read about what Paul said something similar and we had this verse before us today in second Timothy chapter one.
Bruce read this verse during the meeting. Second Timothy, chapter one.
Verse 10.
Let's start with verse 10. But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Lord G Savior Jesus Christ, who had abolished death and had brought life and immortality to light through the gospel. So that's the work of the gospel, bringing life, bringing somebody that was spiritually dead to life. My friend, tonight ask yourself the question, am I alive to God? Did I accept a sacrifice for me?
And it's nice to see that the Lord Jesus abolished death.
Our, our enemies, our, our enemy was vanquished at the cross of Calvary. He has abolished it. What a nice victory. What a joy when you think about this little girl that was risen. We'll go back to that chapter to see what happened at the end, to see that she went from death to life. And tonight, that's the calling, my friend. Did you accept the Lord Jesus? Did you realize that death is abolished?
And that has brought life and immortality, immortality, eternal life.
Ha having been if you read in John 3 and 16, God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life, everlasting life.
So, my friend, let's keep on rating. Here we're on two I am appointed a preacher and an impossible, an apostle and a teacher of the Gentiles. For the which 'cause I also suffered these things. Nevertheless I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed, and I'm persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.
I really like the middle part of this verse that reads that I know whom I have believed. The solid rock, the foundation of our faith. It's in the person, the Lord Jesus Christ. I can't show him to you tonight, but I can tell you that my life changed the moment that I accepted Him as my personal Savior. And one day every knee will bow to him, every eye will see him. And my friend tonight you have the choice to see him as a judge or to see Him as your dear Savior.
And I beg you to accept them and not to think that I think.
Of this, likely not to think of It's a decision for tomorrow, because it's for today.
So this is the message of the gospel, to know who we have believed the Lord Jesus Christ, and being persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed him unto him against that day. So what did we commit to the Lord Jesus? We committed our lives, we committed everything. We were nothing in ourselves. We're sinners lost on the lost eternity, and we came to Him, and he washed us in his blood.
And he gave them, he gave us a part with him and we can call God our Father. What a blessing, what a blessing. And this Savior is going to come again and take us with him. And we're we have to be persuaded that he's able to keep what we what which I have committed unto him.
So my friend tonight, if you haven't accepted him, accept him because the faith of your parents, the faith of your friend, and it won't save you, it won't weigh down. You have to accept them. It's a personal calling. If we can take just a moment and sing a hymn that really says that hymn 38 and the Gospel hymn right there.
I don't know how thus they are.
Raining anything overnight and drinking a lot of them. Really good for the telephone number where you're at the Internet.
And it's not enough, but I know.
Let's keep on reading about, uh, this damsel here in Mark chapter 5.
And what happened after?
So he said to that damsel Talitakumi, which is being interpreted, Damsel, I say unto thee, Arise.
And straightway the damsel arose and walked, for she was of the age of 12 years. And they were astonished with a great astonishment.
And you charge them straightly that no man should know it and command it. That's something should be given her to eat.
It didn't take long. It was instantaneously when the Lord Jesus said arise, she rose, she arose and she she was there and they were astonished. And this is truly astonishing to see a dead person walk and be brought to life again.
And spiritual birth, accepting the Lord Jesus, I was our Savior, being washed in his blood is truly astonishing, is truly astonishing. It's nothing that man could have devised, nothing similar to any plan that man could have come up with to be safe. If you look at religion in this world, people that are ready to do long, miles, long walks, they're ready to do.
Tons of things to try to gain the favor of God. But I can tell you my friend.
This is all in vain. There's only one way. Jesus says I am the way, the truth and the life.
No man cometh to the Father, but by me as the Lord Jesus saying it, it's he's the Lord. He's he's God manifested, God made flesh who came in this world. So my friend, please reject all logic of man. Please come to an end of your human thoughts and let the faith in God take hold of you, of your soul and accept the Lord Jesus as your savior. Don't wait, don't tarry, don't push it to another day.
You're not too young if you're able to understand the words that I'm speaking now, if you're able to read these verses, you're not too young and that they.
Salvation is now.
They the the door is still open.
There's a verse in the Revelation that says I am standing at the door. I knock it. Let's turn to that verse and Revelation.
That's in Revelation chapter 3 and verse 20.
Revelation 3 and 20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him and will Sup with him and he with me. That's the sweet communion that the Lord Jesus wants to have with you. He wants to have this personal relationship. He wants to be your Savior and your Lord.
And tonight you've been the Lord Jesus calling you to be, to be saved, to arise, to realize your lost condition, that you're dead and your sins and trespasses, and that you need a Savior.
And this little damsel, if you read the end of chapter 5, when we read there, they commanded that something be given her to eat. And that's the next step is you're gonna have to eat spiritual things. You're gonna have to grow for the Lord Jesus. You realize more and more of his love. It's a message of love.
It's a message of love, my friend, and it comes from heaven. It's come from the Lord Jesus.
You know, this week I was coming back from work and I found this on the sidewalk.
And it touches me, it touched me. This is a track actually, and it came from somewhere in Alberta, I think, or Manitoba. And it's a picture of the cross. And there's a list there of things or condition of man without God. And it basically says that before the cross, your old life, you're under Satan's power, You have no God, no Christ, no hope, no peace, and no escape.
And that way, Christ on the other side of the cross, you have a new life. You have God as your father, you have Christ as your Savior, you have the Holy Spirit to guide you. You have everlasting life. You have a sure hope and have peace and your bond for heaven, and you're saved. But you know, what's really sad in this story is that this track was on the side of the road, and I guess somebody gave it to somebody else.
Wanting to share is Savior. Wanted to share the most important news that there is in this world. Nothing else matter. Not your bank account, not your age, not your health condition, not the color of your car, not what you're going to do this summer. Nothing else matter. The only thing that matters is are you on the path to heaven? And there was the list here. And I can't understand why somebody would not want these things.
Would not want to have a new life, would not to want have God as their Father, Christ as their Savior, Holy Spirit, everlasting life, assure hope and peace. But this person rejected it.
Detroit by the window, that's what I suppose, but I know it's the case when you give tracks to people that people just read it and they say that they see the word Jesus and they throw it away. It's the most valuable name in this world. It's such a thing what it shows our condition without God we're lost, we're dead in our sin and friend passes this person, I guess referred to continue their life as it was continue in their old habits.
And do the same thing.
They were scared of approaching a God that could judge them. But reality is judgment fell. The judgment fell on the cross of Calvary and the Lord Jesus. We spoke about these words. Eli, Eli Lamassa, back tonight. My God, my God, why as thou forsaken me?
The judgment fell there on this dear one, on the Lord of, of glory, on the Lamb of God. He was there, smitten, stricken and afflicted in my stead and in your in your stead I believe. And in your stead, if you believe in him, I, I pray that you might accept him tonight. These wounds in his hands and in his side were for a reason, My friend, it's not just history, it's real. He's a Savior.
And he mana manifested himself and came in this world and suffered, bled and died to give us this salvation, to give us this free access to God. So please today, don't reject it. Don't reject it. Come to him, accept him, accept his work, accept that it was the weight of your sin that were on him, and it's for you that it you did bleed and die. It has to be personal. It has to be 1 to one.
It can't be general. I remember a friend at work that was, uh, from Columbia actually, and he told me I come back from a long trip and I went to, uh, Spain and I did the Compostel ride. I said, what's the compost ride? I'm not sure I heard the name, but what is it? I said it's a long, long walk that we do there and we trace it on the coast of Spain and it brings us at many different spiritual places.
And it's really good. I said, oh, that's interesting. That means that means you know a bit about the Bible and you know a bit about, uh, Christ.
Yeah, yeah. He said yeah. OK, So, uh, what do you know about him? So we keep on talking and talking, and at some point he says, you know, Christ is the Savior of sinners. I said, that's good, my friend, that's good. You're one step close. You're one step close.
He's your savior. Yeah. It has to be your personal savior. It's not a general savior. It's a personal savior.
And you know, as Christian ones, ones that are raised in the Christian family, often we're one step close. We're one step close to knowing the Lord Jesus as your Savior. We heard about him. We know his name. We know about the story of the Bible. We can tell a lot of verses, but let's not stay one step close. Let's get one step closer. Let's accept him. And my friend, do it tonight. Do it now.
Don't wait. Don't delay this decision. You know why? Because things of this life will take more importance for you now. This message, what you're hearing is fresh. It's right there and it's maybe touching your heart, and that's a great thing. But you have to act upon it. You don't want to let it there and sit a week because there will be more concerns, maybe an exam, maybe things you want to do. And you're going to say, yeah, in the end, this is secondary. I'm still living my life. I'm still alive.
I'm still having fun. You're missing it, my friend. Make it a decision now. Accept them as your savior. Realize that the Lord Jesus is calling you Tally Takumi. He wants you to answer this call. He wants you to say yes. Lord Jesus, I realize that I'm lost. I realize that you suffer for me. I realize that without you, I can't do nothing and I don't need a savior.
And you're that Savior, Lord Jesus, you shed thy blood on the cross of Calvary to save me.
You've been that Lamb of God sent from heaven. The Lord Jesus calls with words of love. He calls gently.
He doesn't call us force us the message because otherwise it wouldn't be faith, it wouldn't be believing. He doesn't impose it on us, but he wants to give us this piece. And when the Lord Jesus came to his disciple, having suffered the cross and being resurrected and on the other side of the cross. What did he say to his disciple? Peace be unto you. We read that today. Peace be unto you. He brings peace in the soul. Peace that there's no judgment and that were shelter in Christ the rock. We're in a dry ground, my friend.
And this is so joyful. This is such a blessed position.
We're so blessed and it's all by by His work, nothing by ourselves. He calls us with a gentle call. Let's read a verse in Jeremiah chapter 31 and verse 3.
Jeremiah 31 and verse 3.
The Lord asked the fear of all unto me, saying, Yeah, I have loved thee with an everlasting love.
Therefore, with loving kindness have I drawn thee.
So it's the Lord that loves us.
With everlasting love.
A love that's above human thoughts, that's above what we can show. We can show it in a measure, but never in the full measure that he has shown it. The Bible says no man had greater love than this one. To give his life for his friends. He gave his life, my friends, He gave his life for you to save you, to be your personal savior, and to give you this.
Life, this hope, this peace that we have been speaking about, this pardon, a pardon. Pardon from your sins, from the guiltiness of your sins. No, a pardon has to be accepted. A pardon is can't just be given. You know, when little kids fight together and you say to one say, say sorry, and then it comes to the other and say, oh, I'm sorry and it's OK. I take it it has to be accepted. But there's the story of this man who had the pardon.
And he has umm.
You had the death penalty on him in the United States, and he was granted the presidential pardon.
And then the man was sitting on this row of the desk and waiting for his penalty and the people were asking.
Why is he still sitting there? He got the pardon from the president, yes, but sadly this man has refused to pardon and the president could not enforce the pardon if the man didn't accept it. So this pardon has to be accepted.
The forgiveness has to be accepted, otherwise the transaction is not completed. So tonight my friend, the Lord Jesus is calling you, making you realize that you lost and your sins and without Him you're bound to an eternity a away from Him and you're a slave of Satan.
You know, some people, it's easy, I would say on the relatively easy to convince them of their guiltiness. If you talk to criminals, if you talk to people that had a really bad life down here and they know that they did really bad things, it's not that easy to convince them that they're they're bad, that they're guilty. But if you grew up in a Christian family and you more, more or less do what your parents ask you to do, then maybe you don't realize that you have that.
Saying of sin on you that only the.
Blood of Christ can wash. You have to realize that you're a Sinner.
And tonight is the time. Today is the day of grace, my friend. It's the time appointed. Let the Lord Jesus do the work in your life. Let Him bring you to life, to this eternal life and make you bond for heaven on your way to heaven. Let's turn to Amos chapter 4 and verse 12.
Verse 12 The end of verse.
Prepare to meet thy God.
Prepare to meet thy God.
So this calling is serious we're gonna meet God and as soon coming they and tonight you have the choice to be sheltered by the blood to be one of those that put their faith in the Lord Jesus.
Accepted them as their personal savior.
And be prepared to meet your God and be happy to meet your God and being confident to meet your God.
And have this marvelous hope to spend eternity with him, and to dwell in his presence, to see his duty and to rejoice and the great work that he has done, the work of salvation.
It's for you, it's for me, it's for everyone that comes to the Lord Jesus and eternity won't suffice to thank Him for this work. If you think that there's something else, that's the foundation of Christianity, accepting the Lord Jesus as your Savior. It's not about learning versus it's not about doing the right things. It's about accepting Him and then we'll follow him. We'll follow His command as we have been thinking about today.
For the motive is love, loving Him back because He loved us. So let us be fed by Him and be comforted by the Lord Jesus and by His work at the cross of Calvary.
Let's close by singing hymn #8.
So my friend, will you gather at his coming? I will do tonight. Don't delay this decision. Make sure your clients in the blood of the Lamb that your skins, your sins that were Saints as scarlet, they'll be white as snow.
Accept them tonight. Let's pray I go on the Father we thank you tonight that we had the privilege to open thy word and to see Lord Jesus the word that thou that spoke and I and the New Testament calling the damsel Saudi Takumi. Lord Jesus, thou are calling tonight lost one sinners. Lord Jesus, we pray that they might answer thy call and accept thee as their personal savior Lord Jesus and wait and beyond their way to heaven.
With a joyful company, Lord, we look forward to that day where we'll be there with thee in heaven. And we thank you, Lord Jesus, for thy great salvation. We thank you for thy love, thy grace, and thy pardon, Lord Jesus. And we couldn't ask for more. So tonight we command ourselves to thee, Lord Jesus, as Christian parents, to teach our kids and bring them to the Lord Jesus that they might accept. In our precious name we pray, Amen.